“My Wife Is Always Angry And Negative. How Do I Deal With Her?”
Are you married to a woman you love… but she’s being negative, bitter, or unhappy?
She might be doing any of the following…
Signs You’re Married To A Negative Wife
- She makes everything about her
- She often drags the mood down
- She’s pessimistic about everything
- She discourages you from chasing your goals and dreams
- She can be an asshole at times
- She never supports you in anything you do
- She seems to be angry about everything, all the time
- She keeps ranting about her exes
- She never becomes intimate first – it’s always you
- She’s insecure just about everything
- She has lots of emotional damage from her previous relationships
- She always needs saving
- She doesn’t trust you much
- She wants both of you to be the “perfect couple,” but hates that you’re not the “perfect husband” in her mind
- She almost never apologizes for her mistakes even when it’s obvious that it’s her fault
- She blames you for bad things that happen to her
But the worst part is this…
You’re not even sure why she’s so negative all the time.
What you do know is this…
Life is getting unbearable with her.
If any of the above hits home, then you’re in good company. Wanting to know “how to deal with a negative spouse” is more common than you think! I’ll tell you why in a short while…
Table of Contents
- “My Wife Is Always Angry And Negative. How Do I Deal With Her?”
- Stuck With A Negative Wife? You’re Not The Only One
- Why Is Your Wife So Negative And Critical?
- Drama Queen Psychology: How The Female Mind Works
- How To Deal With A Negative Wife
- How Fractionation Saves Your Marriage
- A Happy Ending For James (And For You)
- Frequently Asked Questions
Stuck With A Negative Wife? You’re Not The Only One
“My Wife Is Always Unhappy And Angry! How Do I Deal With Her?”
Many of my Shogun Method clients come to me not because they want to meet “The One.”
Instead, they’ve found “The One”… but she’s driving them crazy with negativity.
One of my private Shogun Method clients was James, an entrepreneur from Kentucky. He was at his emotional limit with Lauren, his extremely doomy-and-gloomy wife.
“I’m going insane,” James confessed.
“My wife is the most negative person I know.”
“Derek, it’s becoming so bad that I actually dread coming home to her. I’m even considering divorce. But I don’t want to hurt her, or be the bad guy, or be responsible if something bad happened to her. Why is my wife always so miserable? What should I do?”
I’ve probably heard things like that about a thousand times since I started taking private clients…
…and because of that, we’ve got a battle-tested solution to the problem.
So, if your own wife is likewise driving you insane, then here’s some good news: There’s a way out.
You CAN turn your negative wife positive – not just temporarily, but PERMANENTLY. There’s a method with which you can train your wife into a subservient woman, and you’ll learn what that is shortly.
In short, you can turn a toxic relationship around and make it into a happy, and long-lasting one. Believe me because this is 100% possible.
To start, I want you to picture this for a second:
- You’ll come home to a happy household every single time…
- You’ll never have to worry about her emotional swings anymore…
- She can take care of herself and not rely on you that much…
- She stops being so high maintenance and becomes rather easy to deal with…
- She supports you and the household wholeheartedly…
- …and when she has her dramatic moments, she’s more than manageable
Sounds good, right?
Then let’s get to the battle-tested solution that I’ve been telling you above.
Before we jump into it, however, here’s a friendly suggestion.
Do take a moment to download the “Negative Wife Action Checklist” below.
Click Here To Download
Think of it as a cheat sheet you can easily refer to as you turn your negative wife positive. It summarizes all the information in this long, comprehensive guide in a handy, checklist-type PDF.
With the “Negative Wife Action Checklist,” you’ll be sure you’re following the right steps and avoiding all the dangerous mistakes along the way.
But that’s not all…
Your copy of the “Negative Wife Action Checklist” will also teach you a bonus secret technique that can INSTANTLY turn your negative wife into a positive one.
It’s a powerful technique – yet also controversial. As in, you don’t even want to mention its name in public.
And yet it may very well be the technique that will save your marriage and your sanity. It’s THAT powerful and life-changing, and you can’t afford to miss out on it.
That’s why it’s hidden away in the “Negative Wife Action Checklist.” So if you haven’t downloaded your copy yet, go ahead and get it now.
Downloaded it?
Great. So let’s continue.
Right now, try to answer this question for me…
Why Is Your Wife So Negative And Critical?
Ever wondered why?
If you’re like most guys, then you’ve probably tried to make your gloomy wife feel better by:
- Doing nice things for her
- Giving her treats that make her life easier
- Surprising her with nice gifts
- Following her preferences
- Making the household as stress-free for her as possible
- Attempting everything you can to make her happy
But like most guys, you’ve probably noticed that everything you do just seems to make things WORSE…
I mean, you might make her smile for a while, but sooner or later she snaps back to her negative self. And this time, she’s even MORE negative than before.
So, just what the hell is going on?
The Root Of All Negativity
Well, here’s what’s going on. You, like most guys, are probably unaware of this rule in marriage:
“It’s not about what you DO. It’s about how she FEELS about what you do.”
Logically, doing all those nice things for her SHOULD make her feel better.
And on the surface, it might even look that way for a while…
…but deep inside, she’s going to feel something different.
Deep inside, she’ll feel that she’s the stronger, more dominant one in the relationship.
After all,
- You’re the one doing all the work, and
- She’s the one you’re doing all that work for, and
- She feels like a queen; and you’re a servant!
And instead of making her happy, this drives her absolutely MAD inside.
Why? Because no woman would ever feel happy if she’s married to a man who’s “below” her. No woman wants to be tied to a WEAK man.
And yet, that’s how you’re making her feel. That makes her frustrated, and that frustration manifests in her negative behavior.
And that frustration, my friend, is the root to all the negativity that’s building up inside her.
QUICK NOTE: Mind-blowing, huh? Guess what — it goes even deeper than this. So again, if you haven’t received your “Negative Wife Action Checklist” yet,
download it here.It’s a handy way to make sure you don’t forget all the eye-opening lessons you’ve learned so far in this guide — as well as the lessons you’re STILL about to learn.
Let me illustrate this “root of all negativity” with another story — this one of another one of my clients.
Story Of Josh And His “Drama Queen” Wife
The other day my Shogun Method client Josh needed help with his “drama queen” wife, Becky.
Those are his words, not mine. Here are some of the things he told me during our meeting:
“Derek, this girl is crazy! She was a cheerleader in college, she has a rich daddy, she rides horses…”
Whoops, I thought. Daddy issues.
He continued:
“There’s ALWAYS some kind of drama in her life. If it’s not this, it’s that… if it’s not that, it’s the next thing… And it’s never her fault! It’s starting to stress the heck out of me… Every time she calls my stomach doubles up in knots…”
Josh went on to say that most of the time it would turn out to be NOTHING. It turned out Becky had this annoying habit of blowing things WAY out of proportion.
Worse than that, her so-called drama was almost always self-inflicted.
Eventually this issue started to affect their relationship in a bad way.
The emotional strain was killing Josh.
He loved her, but couldn’t handle the drama anymore. And so he wanted to know what he could do about it.
After hearing Josh’s story, here’s what I told him…
Why Women Become “Drama Queens”?
Why do some women turn into drama queens at the slightest provocation?
The reason is simple…
…it’s because they have to!
Drama is part of women’s natural psychology. It’s true.
They need, crave and yearn for emotional turmoil.
(Like vampires need blood, women have to have this emotional “juice”.)
Every Woman Is A Drama Queen
So, here’s what you really need to understand about women…
ALL women are drama queens. Every single one of them.
There’s no escaping this fact.
Drama creates the emotional juice which keeps women alive.
They also use it to get rid of negative emotions.
Anytime she’s feeling bad, insecure or in need of attention, what is she going to do?
That’s right. She’s going to create DRAMA.
Which is why it’s SUPER IMPORTANT for you to learn how to defuse and deal with it.
QUICK NOTE: Want to learn one of the best ways to defuse and deal with the issues of a negative wife or “drama queen?” It’s the secret bonus technique I have locked away in my
“Negative Wife Action Checklist.”Again, this technique is as controversial as it is powerful, so I won’t name it here.
To give you a hint, though, the technique’s name starts with “G.” Can you guess what it is?
Download your free copy of the Negative Wife Action Checklist to learn what it is.
Click here now.Now let’s talk about the solution. How do you deal with a “drama queen” of a wife?
Let’s start with what NOT to do…
Two Mistakes Guys Make When Dealing With A Negative Wife
The bad news is this…
If you keep trying to appease her, she WILL come to the conclusion that you ARE weak.
And she’ll do one of two things…
- Either she’ll leave you in search of a stronger man…
- Or she’ll keep raising drama in your relationship until you “man up.” (And she’ll never tell you directly — she’s hoping it’ll dawn on you somehow, like some damned miracle.)
I know. It’s fucked up and yet it’s true.
So, if you want a happy marriage, here’s the first thing you should do:
Stop making the mistake of trying to make her happy.
This sounds somewhat like a paradox, I know…
…and yet when you know how female psychology works, then it makes PERFECT sense. (More on female psychology in just a moment.)
Right now, let’s talk about the SECOND thing you should do.
Stop avoiding drama in your marriage… and instead, you must start CREATING drama in your marriage before SHE does.
Sounds crazy, right? But let me explain.
Think about this for a moment.
Ever wondered why boring guys NEVER have beautiful girlfriends?
Here’s the reason…
Because nice guys are terrified of creating drama.
They agree with 100% of what comes out her mouth.
Never challenge her in any way.
And wouldn’t dream of being in charge.
This means there’s no friction and no passion or emotion.
How can she fall in love with a guy like that?
Easy answer: She CAN’T.
And in this case what do you think she’s going to do?
She’s going to create that DRAMA herself.
Remember she HAS to have it.
Women are addicted to the emotional rollercoaster like a dependent crack head.
And whether you like it or not she’s going to get her “Fix.”
Which is why YOU have to be the one who gives it to her.
Makes sense, right?
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed by all this new information, don’t worry — I got you. Everything will make total sense in the next section.
Let me introduce you to…
Drama Queen Psychology: How The Female Mind Works
You’re about to receive a crash course in female psychology.
In particular, you’ll find out about the one flaw of the female mind that you can exploit and manipulate for your benefit.
Here’s the flaw:
She doesn’t consciously know what she wants.
Seriously, she doesn’t.
Ever watched those dating reality shows on TV?
The woman would say she wants to “settle down with a stable, successful man”…
…or, someone she could “trust and rely on”…
…or, someone who is “mature, stable and responsible”…
…and then, what happens in the end? She chooses the fucking surfer dude.
Guess what? Every woman is exactly like that.
They may SAY they know what they want…
They may SAY they know what their ideal man is like…
They may SAY they know the kind of relationship they want…
…and yet 99% of the time, it’s all just a front. It’s all a mask she wears so that society will judge her as “normal.”
That’s why it’s absolutely pointless to ask her what she wants.
And it’s pointless to hope she’ll “come around on her own.”
If you want to turn your negative wife into a positive one, then you’ll need to do it yourself.
And if you don’t want her to leave you, you’ll need to do it FAST. Like, NOW.
Here’s how…
How To Deal With A Negative Wife
“My Wife Is Always Unhappy!”
This is worth repeating a thousand times because it’s true:
Women don’t know what they want.
Likewise, they don’t KNOW the kind of man they’re attracted to. They just go with the guy who makes them feel the most intense emotions they’ve ever felt.
That’s why women love bad boys more than nice guys. (But, if you ask them, they’ll say that they’ll pick a nice guy over a bad boy.)
Here’s why…
With bad boys, it’s not just pleasure they feel. They also feel pain – drama, pressure, uncertainty, hurt feelings, etc.
Meanwhile, with a nice guy, it’s all pleasure and nice feelings. And for the ladies, it’s nice at first…
…but soon, they’ll get bored. And later, their boredom will turn into irritation.
They’ll look at their nice guy husband and ask themselves: “Is this all there is?”
I mean, it makes perfect sense, right? Imagine what your life would be like if you had everything you wanted:
- Your dream mansion
- A fleet of fast cars
- An army of housekeepers
- A pool
- A Jacuzzi in your home office overlooking the mountains
- Et cetera…
It would probably be sweet at first. I mean, after all, you’ll be living the life of a rock star, right?
But after a while, you’ll get bored of it all. And you’ll be asking yourself: “Is this all there is?”
That’s life. Failure is not the worst thing, my friend. The worst thing is succeeding… and then realizing you’re STILL unhappy.
That’s what your wife is going through right now. She thought she’d “won” at life by getting married. But now, she realizes she’s STILL unhappy.
That would drive ANYONE mad!
So you’ll need to change that, and FAST.
And NO, I’m NOT telling you to hurt your wife or make her life a living hell. Don’t be silly.
Instead, I’m telling you to make your marriage less of a predictable, feel-good, BORING routine…
…and more of an emotional rollercoaster she can never get tired of.
How do you do that?
With a Shogun Method technique I call “Fractionation”.
Here’s how James used it on his wife Lauren and changed everything…
How Fractionation Saves Your Marriage
The beauty of Fractionation is its simplicity.
Fractionation will hypnotize her and put her on a trance… so that you can remove her negativity, once and for all.
And it does that by putting her on an emotional rollercoaster.
Many seem to think that Fractionation is psychologically manipulative. Well, I don’t disagree. 🙂
Now, remember my client James I told you earlier?
Here’s how he used Fractionation to put Lauren on an emotional rollercoaster that changed everything…
Step #1: Freeze Out
First, James stopped trying to make Lauren feel better. Instead, he busied himself with work, home repairs, his hobbies – anything but Lauren.
This added just enough emotional pain on Lauren to make her snap out of her negative attitude. She asked him if everything was okay.
Step #2: (Temporary) Relief
James then relieved the pressure by telling her everything’s okay.
Step #3: Introduce Pressure
Then James put the marriage under pressure again by continuing to be aloof and distant. This made Lauren feel something was wrong, and she confronted him again.
Step #4: Increased Pressure
This time, James intensified the pressure by answering her: “I just need some alone time.” It was enough to make Lauren ask for a compromise.
Step #5: (Temporary) Relief
James relieved the pressure again by laying out his terms:
- No more negativity in the household
- Save her ranting for her girlfriends
- Respect his authority as the leader of the marriage
- Help him by turning the home into an oasis of peace and belonging
- And a few more reasonable requests
These five steps immediately restored Lauren’s emotional balance. She stopped being so negative, and she seemed VERY happy that James was more dominant now.
A Happy Ending For James (And For You)
In the months that followed, James continued to use Fractionation on Lauren. He used it to discourage negative behavior and reward positive behavior.
And through it all, he used nothing but the right words at the right time.
Today, Lauren is a completely changed woman:
- She’s more thoughtful
- She’s a ray of sunshine
- She’s the #1 fan of James and his businesses
- She became a strong, independent woman
- She completely respects and defers to James’s authority
- And so much more!
Awesome, right?
Answer this question for me right now: do you want your own wife to make the same transformation?
Do you want her to stop being so negative all the time?
Yes? Then understand that Fractionation is the key.
With this technique under your belt, you won’t have to live with an unhappy spouse. Believe me.
And here’s the best news of all: You can master Fractionation TODAY.
Click the link below to join my Online Masterclass:
Request Invite For Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
On that page, enter your best email address so that I can email you the Invite to the Masterclass (if you qualify).
One last thing…
Remember why your wife is so negative –
She can’t stand the thought of being stronger or more dominant than you.
So spare her the torture. Re-establish your dominance over her and your marriage. It’s what she desperately, desperately needs you to do. Seriously.
Again, she doesn’t know what she really wants. But now, YOU do. Give it to her.
And if you want to do it the best way possible, Fractionation is the key. Learn it now.
I’ll see you in the Masterclass,
PS: Questions or comments? Let me help you. Leave me a message below.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Spot A Drama Queen (Before Dating Her)?
Some women would never dream of raising drama.
(Like really, really ugly women.)
While others (typically good looking women) are full-blown drama queens.
How do you tell them apart?
As I said, drama queens thrive on emotional conflict.
They feed on negative emotion like vampires.
And like vampires hey have some tell-tale signs. 🙂
Characteristics Of A Drama Queen
For example, women who do the following ten characteristics are usually drama queens:
- She’s high maintenance and needs a lot of attention.
- She’s demanding and always wants something from you.
- She’s stuck up, snooty and walks round with her nose in the air.
- She’s arrogant and thinks she’s better than everyone else.
- She has the tendency to be an asshole to other people.
- She’s always right (About everything.)
- She refuses to take responsibility for her mistakes.
- She has an extroverted, “Look at me” personality.
- She has a special contempt for “submissive women“.
- She’s better looking than most women.
This last one’s important.
Beautiful women are far more likely to be drama queens.
Quite frankly, it’s because they feel entitled to it.
And if you’re planning on being good with women you need to be able to deal with this.
(Or you’ll end up with grey hair and stomach ulcers.)
And here’s another big sign that she’s a drama queen.
She has possible mental health problems…
Or if she behaves like a female sociopath…
This is a giant red flag.
A lot of the time drama queens are just Narcissists and Borderlines.
These women have a pathological need for attention and get it through creating drama.
It’s simply a part of their insanity.
And if you think she has one of these conditions, don’t look back. RUN.
Be careful though.
Just because your girlfriend or wife enjoys creating drama, doesn’t mean she’s a psychopath.
That leads us to the next question:
How To Deal With A Drama Queen?
How do you deal with the drama queen in your life?
You know what? Dealing with drama queens can be EASY.
Surprising, right?
Believe me. It can be pretty simple to handle if you know exactly what to do.
Here’s the first thing you need to realize:
Women HAVE to have drama in their life.
This is non-negotiable.
And guess what? It goes DOUBLE for beautiful women.
Why do you think the hottest women date bad boy movie stars?
Billionaire business tycoons?
Scumbag drug dealers?
Think about it. Makes a lot of sense, right?
This means that the way to deal with a drama queen is to create the drama YOURSELF.
If YOU give her drama she will NEVER create it herself.
And here’s what’s great about this.
You can use it to manipulate her.
Good drama puts her into a highly emotional state.
And it’s possible to hijack this state and use it to radically alter her reality…
…and gain total dictatorial control of the relationship.
Now, don’t feel bad.
Women LOVE men who do this.
(Especially the most beautiful women.)
They WANT it.
And remember… if you can’t give this to her, she’ll leave you to find someone who can.
How Do I Create Drama In My Own Relationship?
Good news.
Creating drama in your relationship is very, very easy.
You can do this using something called FRACTIONATION.
Fractionation works in a rather covert way.
It’s completely undetectable and 100% under the radar.
And if you do it right you’ll never have to put up with drama queen bullshit again.
You’ll gain total control over her body, mind and soul.
She will become completely compliant…
…an obedient puppy dog who NEVER causes problems.
And eventually a mind controlled slave…
…more than willing to follow ANY order you give her.
Hooked on the emotional rollercoaster only you are capable of providing…
…and willing to come back for more, no matter how crazy things get.
While this sounds diabolical women LOVE Fractionation.
Remember: most of them are hopelessly addicted to emotion.
They need it like vampires need blood…
…and love a man who can get their juice flowing.
Even better:
Every time you use Fractionation she will fall deeper and deeper in love with you.
Her drama will become a thing of the past…
…and your relationship will go from strength to strength.
And guess what?
Fractionation is simple enough for anyone to learn.
I’ve done an Online Masterclass which teaches the basics of using Mind Control on women here:
Give that a go. You’ll like it, I promise you.
You know, guys joke about making women addicted to them.
Funny thing is that it’s EASY.
But let’s be clear about this:
It’s not YOU that the women are addicted to…
…it’s the emotions they get from you.
This is worth repeating a thousand times because it’s true:
Women are hopelessly addicted to emotional turmoil.
They need, crave and yearn for it…
…and LOVE the man who gives it to them.
Guess what? Any man can do this.
And Fractionation makes it easy as pie.
To learn it, click on this link for my Online Masterclass:
Request Invite For Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
A new page will come up after you click that link. There, enter your email address and I’ll email you the Invite to my Masterclass.
Sam says
My wife told me that being my wife is like a job to her. It’s really hurtful. How do I deal with a negative wife? She’s emotionally taxing, and I get tired just dealing with her. Why is my wife always so angry and negative?
Derek Rake says
It’s the nature of the beast, Sam. The best thing to do is to focus on what you can control. Your wife is negative because of all the emotional baggage that she is carrying. You can help her relieve some (or all) of that baggage! Use Fractionation on her (watch my Masterclass – it’s free) and hypnotize her back to positivity!
Ardie says
Hello, what if her transformation happened during a pregnancy and it never went back. Could your techniques work on someone with possible hormone issues?
Derek Rake says
Sure. Shogun Method works on the psyche level, which does deeper than hormonal issues.
Helen says
Will these tips work for me with my negative husband?
Derek Rake says
Strangely, it does.
Dave says
I’m not a psychiatrist, and it shouldn’t take a litany of techniques to get my wife to treat me with respect. I couldn’t remember them all anyway. I’m a good man who works hard in and out of the house, pays the bills, and loved her. That used to be enough for our grandmothers and prior generations Now women have been conditioned to want absolute perfection and nothing less will suffice. Sometimes a bitch is a bitch and no Jedi mind trick will fix it.
Jim says
I couldn’t remember all these Jedi mind tricks if I tried. If you need to play a bunch of games to keep your wife’s respect than you married the wrong woman. Many women simply are not marriage material. The crux of the problem is that so many Western women have been conditioned to believe that men do not deserve respect or support.
My grandmothers did not behave like the women-children rampant today. I’m sure if they were here they would be appalled by what they see.
Derek Rake says
Well, we got to move on with the times. This is the problem we are stuck with, and so we’ve got to deal with it! Shogun Method will tilt things in our favor.