How To Deal With A Female Psychopath (That You’re Dating… Or Married To!)
Are you dating a female psychopath? Or maybe you’re married to one?
Before anything, let me be clear:
There’s a difference between a female psychopath and a female sociopath. There are many similarities, but here’s how to tell them apart:
A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience at all. A sociopath, on the other hand, has a conscious, but it’s weak. In both cases, this spells bad news for you (if you’re dating or married to one.)
And guess what?
When a female psychopath dates a guy with alpha male characteristics, the consequences are usually severe. In those cases, fist fights are not unheard of!
In this guide, you’ll learn about these two things:
- How to look out for warning signs of the female psychopath
- If you’re involved with a female psychopath, then learn how to deal with her
Dig in!
Table of Contents
- How To Deal With A Female Psychopath (That You’re Dating… Or Married To!)
- Female Psychopath Test: Warning Signs To Look Out For
- Why Dating (Or Married To A) Female Psychopath Is So Problematic
- The Female Psychopath “Kryptonite”
- Enslavement, NOT Seduction
- How To Enslave A Female Psychopath
- Here’s Why The Psychopath In Her Rears Its Ugly Head…
- How To Beat Her Female Psychopathy With A Mind Control Enslavement Tactic
Female Psychopath Test: Warning Signs To Look Out For
So, how would you know if she’s a psychopath?
Well, it’s quite simple, actually. Just look out for these warning signs…
Warning Signs Of A Female Psychopath (List Of Traits)
- She doesn’t seem to have a conscience. (This is also what differentiates a psychopath from a sociopath.)
- She thinks that she’s the one who is dominating the relationship. She makes it explicitly clear to you that she’s in control.
- To her, you’re always at fault. Her feelings are your responsibility. If she’s not happy, it’s because of you. She’s always the victim.
- She has a long laundry list of past relationships. Female psychopaths get bored easily. They are so fickle that they’d break up with guys at a whim when they meet someone who’s just a little more… exciting.
- She’s a habitual liar. Female psychopaths are manipulative and deceptive to boot.
- She’s incapable of having deep relationships with anyone. Psychopaths are typically shallow and superficial. If you feel that you cannot “connect” with her, then it’s not your fault… female psychopaths simply cannot relate to people authentically.
- She doesn’t respect your boundaries. To her, you’re lower to her in rank (see Point #2 above). This means that she could always cross the line whenever she feels like it. She’s in control, and she wants you to know it.
- She’s aggressive. Both emotionally and physically. Sometimes, she would get into a fit of rage over trivial things. However, she sometimes completely turn emotionally unavailable with any reason at all.
- She enjoys belittling others. Extremely narcissistic, everyone else is below her.
- In her world, it’s not important that she wins… others must lose. This “I win, you lose” mentality governs how she behaves with you (and the others).
So, what’s your score?
Remember… even if she displays only ONE or TWO of these signs, it could well mean that she’s a psychopath. After all, a psychopath is known to be manipulative. She might just be masking her characteristics when she’s with you, right?
Why Dating (Or Married To A) Female Psychopath Is So Problematic
Look back at the list of female psychopath traits above – and pay close attention to Point #4.
That’s the single most important danger of getting involved with a female psychopath.
In fact, I can say this with 100% surety:
Relationships with female psychopaths never last.
Here’s another way to put it:
A breakup will happen, sooner or later.
And when that happens, it’s going to be a shit show.
She’s probably going to meet someone she thinks who’s “better” and “stronger” than you.
(And she’s going to threaten you that she might just leave you for this better, stronger dude.)
Your knee-jerk reaction? You’ll try your best to be a “better man” for her… so that she doesn’t dump you.
And here’s what’s gonna happen next:
- She knows she has got the trump card… and so her behavior is going to become worse… times ten
- She’ll beat you into compliance even more because she knows you can’t (and won’t) fight back
- Even so, she’ll grow bored and still dump you for the “better, stronger guy”
Fucked up, right?
Enough doom and gloom for now. How’s some good news for a change? 🙂
The truth is that it’s still not too late. If you’re looking for a surefire method on how to save a relationship with a female psychopath, you’re at the right place.
Continue reading!
The Female Psychopath “Kryptonite”
Here’s how to deal with a female psychopath:
Be the kind of guy female psychopaths would fear.
Yes, fear.
Let’s park “political correctness” at the door.
To put a female psychopath under control, you’ve got to make her afraid of you.
In other words, you’ve got to be her Kryptonite.
You’ll want to be someone who:
- Is strong and authoritative… someone that she could trust to lead her
- She would do anything and everything to keep… even to the extent of keeping her psychopathic behavior in check
How do you be that guy?
Before you get any funny ideas, know this:
You should never get physically abusive with a woman.
That’s not what we will condone, ever. Laying your hands on a woman will only make you a wimp.
Don’t do it.
Heck, if you’ve even thought of hitting a woman you should exit this site immediately.
Never attempt to be emotionally abusive with her, either. That won’t work because of this simple reason:
You can never “out-psychopath” a psychopath!
After all, emotional manipulation is what she does best, right?
Instead, you should do something which is even more effective… something completely extraordinary that’s entirely out of her expectations.
Here’s what –
You’ve got to enslave her emotionally.
Enslavement, NOT Seduction
“Enslavement? Wut?”
Here’s what it really means…
When a woman is enslaved to you emotionally:
- She becomes emotionally addicted to you, and
- Because she cannot survive without you, she’ll do anything for you to be with her
Even better:
You’ll “erase” traces of psychopathy in her personality completely.
And in its place, you’ll install a new persona which is respectful (and importantly, subservient) to you.
Sounds great, right?
And guess what? You can do this – because thousands of men have done it with the technique that I’m going to show you next.
And when she’s enslaved to you emotionally, these three things will happen:
- You’ll become the only man that can make her behave
- She’ll see you as a dominant leader whom she can depend her life on
- She’ll do whatever she can to make the relationship last forever
Imagine how your life would be when this happens. It’s going to be pretty awesome, that’s for sure.
And if you do what I’m going to ask you to do next, this will become reality to you. Believe me.
How To Enslave A Female Psychopath
Like everything else, love happens in stages.
Know this:
The process of making a woman fall in love (and finally enslaving her to you) happens step-by-step.
- Step 1 is to Intrigue her. This is where you’ll “earn” a woman’s attention and keep it.
- Once you’ve captured her attention, then it’s time to build Rapport with her (Step 2).
- With sufficient Rapport, you’ll then start to Attract her sexually (Step 3).
- And with enough Intrigue, Rapport and Attraction in the mix, you’ll be ready to Enslave her (Step 4). Once she is emotionally Enslaved to you, the effect is for a lifetime.
(Inside Shogun Method, this step-by-step methodology is known as the IRAE Model. IRAE stands for Intrigue-Rapport-Attract-Enslave.)
This is where Shogun Method differs from “Pickup Artist” or “Dating Guru” stuff.
You see, most conventional dating advice centers around “Rapport” and “Attract” stages. You know, “how to talk to women” or “how to make a girl fall in love with you“ advice.
Pickup Artists would usually talk about “how to pick up chicks” or “how to approach girls at the bar” stuff. These are focused on the “Intrigue” stage.
Notice that they never, ever talk about the Enslave stage. There could be only two reasons for this:
- Because Enslavement is so controversial and un-politically correct, it can be toxic to whoever who talks about it.
- They don’t have a fucking clue about what Enslavement is.
This is the reason Shogun Method is 10X more effective than “Dating Gurus” and “Pickup Artists”:
- I don’t give a shit about political correctness because the mass media (cough, Huffington Post, cough) hates me already 🙂
- We have the most complete knowledge base of Enslavement techniques known to mankind, period.
Here’s Why The Psychopath In Her Rears Its Ugly Head…
Here’s the deal…
If you’re currently seeing (or married to) a female psychopath, it could only mean one thing:
You’ve successfully Intrigued and built Rapport with her. Further, you’ve Attracted her enough to commit to you.
(In short, you’ve completed the three out of the four stages in the IRAE Model.)
Here lies the problem…
Since you didn’t bring her right up till the final stage (Enslavement), all you’ve done have gone to the dogs…
… and now you’re stuck with a female psychopath in your hand.
You know what? It’s not your fault – nobody has told you about Enslavement before.
You didn’t know. But now that you do know, it’s now your responsibility to fix the relationship.
Here’s the good news:
It’s not too late. And if you know exactly what to do, enslaving her is easy and straightforward.
How To Beat Her Female Psychopathy With A Mind Control Enslavement Tactic
Here’s what we’ve covered so far:
To beat her female psychopathy, Enslave her.
To Enslave her, get her to Fractionate.
(Don’t get alarmed by that little piece of jargon. It simply means that the best way to Enslave a woman is to use this Mind Control technique known as Fractionation.)
What’s Fractionation?
It’s a sequence of Mind Control routines which “remove” your woman’s psychopathic tendencies.
Fractionation has helped thousands of my students take control of (and dominate) their women. Make no mistake… like you, many of them are dating or married to female psychopaths.
Once reaching Enslavement stage, the changeover in these women’s personalities was mind-blowingly drastic:
- They started displaying empathy for their boyfriends or husbands
- They got along better with their partners, and their partners’ friends and family
- They stopped the lies and dishonesty that had plagued their relationships
- Instead of being combative, they started being supportive of their boyfriends or husbands
- They stopped playing mind games and indulging themselves in emotional drama
Do you want the same thing for yourself? Yes?
There’s no question about it. If you want to transform a female psychopath into a docile little chihuahua, do this:
Use Fractionation on her.
This is doubly true if you’re dealing with a psychopath. You need to act FAST.
Don’t get trapped in a relationship which gives you nothing but pain, anguish and frustration.
Remember: she is RELYING on you to fix this for her. Guess what? She’s not happy getting overrun by psychopathic emotions either.
Do this –
Take my Online Masterclass on Fractionation right now. In this Masterclass, I’ll teach you what you need to quickly use Fractionation on her, today.
Request Invite For The Online Masterclass
On the page that comes up, follow the instructions. You’ll then be emailed a link to the Masterclass.
Do it now.
PS: Questions? Comments? Leave them below!
Isaac says
Hi Derek,i’m in a great problem.Since a year i’ve been trying to seduce a girl and i later came to know that she was a psychopath. 1st of all she had rejected me,and from then I came to know that she frequently gets hooked up with boys(2-3 at a time). Will fractionation work on her???? Please Derek reply me….I can do anything to get her…..Please tell me what to do…I’m in a great trouble.
Nikola says
Psychopath do not have feelings. You can’t make them fall in love with you because they simply don’t have “Love” chemicals inside their brain. The only thing you can do is to be continuous source of dopamine (which you can’t).
Everything you say is spot on, though.