Mind Manipulation Techniques – How To Use Mind Control Tactics On Women
Is your love life driving you crazy? If so, then I have a little story to tell you about…
Miles The Engineer
“I don’t get it,” complained Miles, a 26-year-old engineer from Florida. “I’m an honest guy. I don’t take advantage of women. Why do they treat me so badly? Why am I so unlucky?”
Miles is one of the many great guys out there – honest, successful, and loyal. He has nothing but the best intentions for the women he meets and dates.
But for some reason, he’s been very unsuccessful in love and dating:
- His first relationship started out extremely well, but his girlfriend soon became domineering, demanding, and unreasonable. He broke up with her to stop the abuse
- His second relationship also started out well. But the girl soon started wanting more than he could give. When he couldn’t give it fast enough, she broke up with him
- His third relationship didn’t last long either. His girlfriend cheated on him with her jerk of an ex-boyfriend
- Most of the women he likes treat him coldly, put him in the friend-zone, or reject him outright
- He had been single for years, and getting depressed
So when Miles came to me for advice, I dropped the bomb on him…
I said to Miles:
“What if I told you that being honest with women is exactly the WRONG thing to do?”
And like the thousands of other great guys I dropped the bomb on over the years, he looked at me in disbelief.
But his disbelief slowly vanished as I explained to him what I’m about to explain to you in this article. Keep reading!
Table of Contents
- Mind Manipulation Techniques – How To Use Mind Control Tactics On Women
- Flaws Inside The Female Mind
- Mind Control Techniques In Relationships (And Love)
- Fractionation: The Grand Daddy Of Mind Manipulation Tricks
- How To “Do” Mind Control On Women: Use Fractionation!
- How To Become A Master At Mind Control Techniques In Relationships
Flaws Inside The Female Mind
Let me start with this somewhat controversial statement:
“The Female Mind is flawed.”
No matter how highly you think of women or how deeply you respect them… the female mind is flawed.
The first flaw is this: The female mind is hard-wired to say “NO” to any direct, straightforward, logical expression of affection from men.
Because that’s precisely how the female logical mind works.
It’s motivated by FEAR.
And when a guy confesses his feelings to them, fearful thoughts spring to their minds:
- “What if he’s just playing with me?”
- “What’s he REALLY up to?”
- “What if he turns out to be a deadbeat who can’t support a family?”
- “What will my friends think?”
- “What will my family think?”
That’s why Miles was so unlucky with women. Whenever he expressed affection, it made women feel FEAR.
And as a result, they were much more likely to say “No” to him.
Put simply:
Being direct doesn’t work.
Being logical doesn’t work.
Being honest doesn’t work.
Mind Control Techniques In Relationships (And Love)
So what DOES work?
Simple – it’s the exact opposite of being direct and logical. It’s being indirect and emotional.
Instead of telling a girl you like her, you talk to her in a way that makes HER like YOU. (This, my friend, is exactly how to make a girl like you – by appealing to her emotions indirectly.)
Make no mistake –
I’m not talking about any of the usual Pickup Artist (or “PUA”) drivel on the Internet. It’s not about “opinion openers,” “crazy ex-girlfriend stories,” or any of that crap.
Instead, I’m talking about something scientifically and socially PROVEN…
The technique you’re about to learn is used by the world’s best:
- Psychiatrists
- Mentalists
- Hypnotists
- Salespeople
- Storytellers
- Politicians
- … and the list goes on…
It’s a Mind Control technique that will let you MESMERIZE and MENTALLY ENSLAVE any woman you talk to.
What is this technique called?
It’s called Fractionation, and here’s how it works…
Fractionation: The Grand Daddy Of Mind Manipulation Tricks
Fractionation is basically the act of putting a woman in a “trance,” then taking her out of it. You do it again and again until she becomes emotionally addicted to you.
Fractionation is what makes TV shows like Game of Thrones so popular…
- The show comes on and viewers are in a trance.
- Then the show ends, and they snap out of the trance…
- …only to fall back into it when the next episode comes on.
The result? Millions of fans who are hopelessly, emotionally addicted to the show.
And that’s how Fractionation works. And you know what… that’s also how you’ll make a woman hopelessly, emotionally addicted to YOU. This is exactly how you can hypnotize someone into falling in love with you.
Now, when some guys hear this, they’re shocked:
“Isn’t that manipulative?”
To that, I say: YES.
As human beings, we’re master manipulators.
We manipulate our environments to suit our needs.
We always have. Read history.
The ones who DON’T manipulate? They DON’T thrive.
The dating game is an environment that’s no different. It’s the ones who DON’T play the manipulating game – the “honest, straightforward” guys – who never win it.
Other guys complain…
“But isn’t Fractionation immoral?”
The answer? No.
Fractionation is AMORAL – it’s morally neutral.
Instead, it’s the purpose for which you use Fractionation that makes it good or bad.
If you use it to trick a girl into having sex with you… then it’s a bad thing. (That’s known as rape, by the way.)
But let’s say you use it to make a girl fall madly in love with you. Then you reward her with the best relationship and best life she could ever wish for. That’s a VERY good thing!
Makes absolute sense, right?
Besides, think about it…
Being direct and honest with women has blown up in your face so many times in the past.
If you keep doing it, it’s only going to keep getting you rejected and embarrassed.
Why? Simply because the female mind is flawed – it responds to HONESTY with FEAR.
On the other hand, when you use Fractionation on a woman, she responds not with FEAR… but with DESIRE.
And when she’s motivated by desire, she’s much more likely to say “Yes” to you. It won’t matter what you tell her to do.
In a moment, I’ll give you two simple examples of how to use Fractionation in your interactions with women…
For now, sign up for my free Mind Control Masterclass while it’s still up.
Now let’s move on…
How To “Do” Mind Control On Women: Use Fractionation!
The first way to use Fractionation is by using Implanted Commands.
Put simply, an Implanted Command is a statement that contains a phrase that, if spoken by itself, would sound like a command.
For example, a command would be:
“Come with me.”
Spoken on its own, it sounds direct and straightforward – and more likely to get a “no” than a “yes.”
But if you IMPLANT the command, such as by saying:
“You might want to come with me…”
…then it’s more indirect and covert. And guess what… it’s much more likely to get a “yes.”
Here are a few examples to help you along, with the Implanted Command in italics:
- “I wonder if you’d step outside with me for a bit.”
- “You might want to crash at my pad after work.”
- “Most importantly, you can relax.”
The second way to use Fractionation is by Devalidation.
The concept behind Devalidation is this…
You shouldn’t just entice a girl. Rather, you should entice AND repel her in one smooth stroke. As a result, she feels much more mesmerized, and much more receptive to your advances.
Here are some examples of Devalidation in action:
- You hug her, then you playfully push her away
- You face her when you like where she’s taking the conversation, and look away when she’s boring
- You tell her: “I like you… but I think it’s because you remind me of my bratty little sister.”
The next time you chat with women, try using Implanted Commands and Devalidation in your conversations. You’ll be surprised at how well they work!
For extra credit, also find out how to induce the “Barnum Effect” on women using Barnum Statements. It’s another Mind Control technique which you can use to keep a woman interested in you for the long term.
How To Become A Master At Mind Control Techniques In Relationships
Make no mistake: Fractionation is the fastest, easiest, most powerful way to get women emotionally addicted to you.
If you’re an honest, straightforward guy… then you might want to stop doing what’s NOT working, and start using Fractionation in your interactions with women.
Is Fractionation controversial? Sure. The truth is Mind Control techniques always seem to be controversial to the layman. Even Miles the engineer argued with me the first time I explained it to him.
But after he tried it out himself, he was utterly amazed at how well it worked!
Today, Miles the engineer is engaged to his girlfriend – a hot, stunning lady who’s head-over-heels in love with him.
You can win the girl of your dreams, too, if you mastered Fractionation. And today, you can.
To learn everything about Fractionation (and a slew of other Mind Control techniques), join my FREE Masterclass today. Just click on the link below to jump right in:
Mind Control Masterclass (click here)
If you’re still leery about making women emotionally addicted to you, that’s fine. You can continue being direct and logical with women, and hope you get lucky once in a while.
On the other hand, if you’re tired of getting rejected and being single for years… then it’s about time for a change.
Make that change TODAY by clicking on this link right now.
See you at the Masterclass,
P.S.: Got questions about how to use mind control techniques on women? Post them below and I will answer personally.
“Why? Simply because the female mind is flawed ”
Here is the moment your ignorant man pig self shows best. You think you know something that you don’t fully understand. Within two sentences say its wrong to rape a girl but right to trick a girl. You are a predator, teaching others how to be predators, exploiting and damaging men and women for life. If you don’t stop now, you will never have a sincere and loving relationship as long as you live. That’s a sad waste of a precious gift. Don’t be a sad waste. Don’t be that person who teaches depravity to others.
Relax, Sue. Don’t get triggered so easily – especially when you’re confronted with the truth which you’re not comfortable with.
I love this reply from Derek! Cool!
Derek says a lot of truth I know. Females turn you down for reasons you can’t fathom. It’s confusing.
Well, the female mind is easy to understand once you know Shogun Method.
no it’s not dude, wtf. females have minds just like males too, they ALL work differently, your ‘facts’ or rather i would put it false information, it’s so misleading, if a male actually tries this with a female they’re obviously going to be hated (unless you try it with a thot), you’re fucking ignorant and honestly just dumb, lmao people like you who think you know this, no you don’t. fucking god, you’re honestly just blindfolded, get your head out of your ass and actually think for once, not all females WANT sex or to be dominated, some females are actually doms and some are fucking lesbian, so get your head out of your ugly arse.
What Is The Black Rose Sequence?
The endpoint of the Shogun Method is Enslavement.
(Befittingly, it’s also the fourth and the final IRAE stage.)
The Enslavement stage is divided into two steps:
Black Rose SequenceFirst, you’ll segregate her by isolating her from the outside world.
(This is done by using a combo of techniques which are similar to what cult leaders use to build a following which is completely fanatical to their cause.)
Then, when she is sufficiently isolated, you’ll then perform an Enslavement routine on her called the Black Rose Sequence.
um excuse me, what the FUCK.. you’re fucking DISGUSTING, enslaving someone and ISOLATING??? This is EXTREMELY damaging to women… although I must admit that it’s effective.
Shogun Method shouldn’t exist at all… because it’ll give POWER to anyone… including the EVIL.
Relax, woman. Whether you like it or not, Shogun Method exists. Once the genie out of the bottle, there’s no turning back.
Yea Derek, Once the genie out of the bottle, there’s no turning back.
It seems I have broken a girl down, am not sure. She suddenly stopped initiating contact. Started delaying replies after I had used Shogun method. I suspected and I resorted to no contact. I am not yet sure if she is really broken at the moment, although she was eager to see me for the first time!
There’s always a risk of overdoing mind control techniques.
Hey Derek. I’m a songwriter lyricist and fractionation is perfect for me, cuz I’m great at it…..I can tell this is gonna be perfect for me when I get it completely understood. I get the whole negative positive aspects….but I’m not quite fully getting all – & + things you can say or use…. I’ve actually had to deal with this so many times, and lost so many people, and I HAVE honestly been dead twice myself, honestly. But there’s just something that I’m not quite getting , that makes it all just click and you have that “Ah Ha!” Moment that it registers , and you’ll be able to use fractionation, as easy as linking your eyes….. the only negative aspect I really seem to use is somebody dying, cause that’s honestly happened to me , (losing a girlfriend) a few different times. I was just wondering if there is something I can think of that would make it just “click” like “I got it” and it will always be there, or does it just come with repetitive practicing?
Many thanks,
Derek and staff
Derek do people just NOT , understand, when they went on a job interview, or when somebody could you help them get something or they wanted somebody ELSE, to do something, they didn’t want to do in sales……..o r what do ALL men and women try to do if they meet? Half the time, or probably about 95% of the time they’re ti afraid to say anything……….grant it, I’m a Christian and maybe I don’t agree with everything……..but NOBODY, not even YOU, are telling everyone who joins,….that they must agree with EVERYTHING, in the shogun method, or it doesn’t work…….of course you’re not gonna say that…,,,but you said it perfectly , PEOPLE MANIPULATE OTHERS ALL THE TIME……and you helped me, because now I understand why I see girls with certain guys and I’d say “WTF , or HowTF is he with HER?!?” , but now I know……,,,most guys , even if they become a Shogun, like myself…. Will have a hard time, because some guys see so stupid…. They won’t get the correlation , of how a guy thinks and how a girl thinks ….. and, that it’s completely different. I don’t wanna write to much…. Because I am a singer, writer, songwriter lyricist and an actor I’m pretty good at producing….. but this whole covid19 thing has mad everything SO hard to get bsck into…… but extremely soon there will be stuff on YouTube on Instagram and on Facebook…… where I sing and play piano to some of my own music, because a long time ago I was actually almost one of the backstreet boys before they were even called the Backstreet Boys LOL no joke……I basically took the long way of saying, thank you, and I get it.,,,,, just haven’t been able to buy as much or very many of the things you need to buy because, since 98, easy is the last thing my life is been…….because I truly have been dead like twice, and now if you look at me I will look normal and let’s be honest I’m a good looking guy LOL(see now I know I CAN say things like that , or tell a girl she’s just gorgeous..,,,..but the prettier they are, that means they’re probably more annoying sometimes, and then I add the
LOL!!!, or just LOL , and that constantly works…..if it doesn’t, it’s just because they didn’t see it,LOL) but I really don’t care, LOL….but thanks Derek…. And if you wanna read something pretty uplifting, and will make you smile, go to google, and look this up……..
Randy Lovins – Back From Brink:
Dream Lives On
See, I had a pretty bad head injury, and that’s when I died the first time..,,,,but I could always talk to women, was shy at all….,,, I just wish I knew then what I have learned from you now……… and I can’t tell you how much it’s helped me and meant to me because after that head injury…… The part of my brain that was damaged, wasn’t letting me understand and know, what you’ve told me….. and even since 98 I’ve only been in a couple of relationships they only lasted about five or six months…….. and it was always just ripping me apart……but now, I’m not really worried about it, being an artist and a singer songwriter, trying to mske thing happen, is so tough in itself…… but what that article doesn’t tell you for about 16 or 17 years I’ve been through, what would probably equal out to at least one accident a year and may be a little more…..and I kid you not D. but honestly, you need to go check that article out. If you ever wanna talk or text…,.you’re more than welcome to shoot me a text or guve me a call….,,,, what I have only said here doesn’t even touch our grade and how horrible my life has been…..,,,I guess in many ways my life has been a big fractionation over the last 23 years or so LOL.,,,
With great respect, and wish you nothing but the best Derek. Thanks my friend
Randy Lovins
P.S. I like Freddie Hills stuff on you tube, because for ME, with my whole head thing….. it’s a lot easier to listen and configure a thing s easier than reading them…..but your info. Is something I read too,
But man, he needs to let me do all of the speeding parts, because he honestly could say the things in a way, …… I mean, mostly the exact same things, but know WHERE to emphasize something, and literally put a slight giggle in places, and where you need to be sarcastic….., and it would help people understand, and truly, want and be excited to hear and learn more.
If it is not wrong for women to.manipulate men, then it is also not wrong for men to use the same tactics.
I am glad you agreed it works.
You are right about there being lesbians.
Turns out the neighbor gals, who everyone thought were lesbians, were just Bi.
That was a night I won’t soon forget, and, I am pretty sure they wont either.
If you knew anything about Shogun Method, you would know that in the module on Enslavement, Derek strongly recommends NOT using the methodology.
Having used Shogun Method for awhile now, I can honestly say, no woman I have met is immune to it. No, I don’t use the enslavement process, I just like the women who now inhabit my life. ALL of them.
Oh no! Here I am in Playa Del Carmen and headed out with two beautiful women who both want me.
Derek, You have RUINED my life!
I got women coming out of the woodwork locally and even one in Thailand, who is coming to visit on her own dime.
I think my wife is emotionally damaged. How should I use fractionation to her? She abuses me. And you know, she cheats me always. I am fed up. But I feel trauma bonding to her. I am feared. In the this state fractionation will work. I think I am in danger.
Yes, you gotta fight fire with fire!
Derek my girlfriend of almost 4 years cheated on me and left to be with him. Stupid I know but I love her and want her back. Will fractionation work to pull her back? Could you please help? Perhaps an example?
You’re so enlightening.. I was captivated by this man.. I believe I’m in enslavement level for him.. But he didn’t want a relationship.. So yes, this is rape category (sigh).. It will beautiful if he did the Shogun with good purpose like love.. When I read your articles, me as women who bite it.. Totally agree.. It is work.. I didn’t know does my man knows from you or who.. But how do will I know this is love or not? You say confess it’s bad idea.. He use a wrong way, now how he had a moment to say his feeling? Guess I will give up on him.. After tremendous roller coaster we had..
I’m sorry that someone has used Shogun Method in bad faith on you, Zhr. I hope you find happiness.
Hi Derek I need some help. My girlfriend recently broke up with me, the reason for that she says is because she doesn’t love me. She said she agreed to date me because I am a very good guy and I’ve treated her better than any man ever and by agreeing to date me she thought she would get to love me but it didn’t happen. The most confusing thing is that she says she’s too sexually attracted to me and every time she thinks of me, only sex comes to her mind and she doesn’t want that. How can I use your method to get her back?
Derek i’ve had some problems in the past months or so and i purchased a lot of material out pain just trying to feel better and i ended up confused to the point of returning all of my material i tried my best to get Mrs Kim to cancel the refund for shogun method,and the cheat sheet and now because of the refund they are refusing to sell how can i get back into the portal i drive semi trucks and it brings me calm listening to the modules. thanks
Timothy: contact me inside the ShogunMethod.net portal.
Someone used the Black Rose Sequence on me as a punishment when I tried breaking up with him, and I have been dissociating and have severe ptsd. Do you have any recommendations? I’m seeing several therapists and a reiki practitioner, but this shit it not funny and I think you should be careful about selling the Enslavement portion if at all. No one needs that garbage. Be a man of character and integrity and women will respect you, period.
I’m not a therapist myself, and I don’t pretend to speak for anyone affiliated with the Shogun Method, but I have taken courses in hypnosis, specifically in Ericksonian hypnotherapy. There is a technique that is known by different names. I know it as the rewind technique. The original method is, as far as I know, a NLP (neuro linguistic programming) technique. I was taught a different version, which I believe is more thorough. It will help to separate the emotions from the memory of the event in question, and can help with people with PTSD. I suggest looking for a hypnotherapist who’s trained in Ericksonian therapy and asking if they can take you through the rewind technique for your suffering. I hope for the best for you, whatever path you choose to take.