Reading Time: 37+ minutes (yes, it’s that long)
Addendum: This guide has been updated by me (Derek Rake) based on an earlier version with new Fractionation routines (Chrono-Fractionation) and some minor corrections.
You’re here because you want to know more about Fractionation.
You might have heard that if you get Fractionation under your belt, getting women to fall at your feet is piss easy.
I want to manage your expectations, however. As effective as it is, it’s not the magic bullet that many claim it is.
There’s more under the hood than merely a couple of stories bringing a woman through emotional roller coasters. Carefully chosen words and actions can penetrate into the psyche of a woman and emotionally enslave her. Fractionation is merely a vehicle to deliver those words into a woman’s subconscious mind.
In addition, many newbies call this technique Fractionation Seduction, thereby limiting its use in attracting (seducing) women. Of course, Fractionation is not merely a seduction play.
Its roots are in classical hypnosis and NLP, and as such, we can claim a prestigious lineage back to Milton Erickson, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and the like.

Fractionation, is thus, a psychology play, and so Fractionation Psychology is a more accurate term. By learning Fractionation, you are jumping into the study of deep female psychology–how a woman thinks and how what she thinks dictate how she acts.
This Shogun Method guide is a lengthy one, so spare at least half an hour reading this. There are also PDFs later for you to download for further reading. It will all be worth it, believe me.
Table of Contents
- What You Must Know About Female Psychology
- Free Download: Action Checklist + 2 Bonus Fractionation Routines
- Fractionation Psychology
- Fractionation Seduction
- Fractionation Hypnosis
- Chrono-Fractionation
- How to Use Fractionation on an Ex-Girlfriend or Wife
- Fractionation Boosters
- The Dangers of Fractionation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Fractionation?
- Can You Coach Me Personally on Fractionation?
- Fractionation Questions to Ask a Girl: What Are Those?
- Fractionation vs Fractionation Seduction. What’s The Difference?
- What Are The Examples of Fractionation?
- Is Fractionation Mind Control or Hypnosis?
- What Are Some Recommended Books on Fractionation Seduction?
What You Must Know About Female Psychology
Female Subservience
Before we dig deep into Fractionation, there’s an absolutely fundamental principle about female psychology you need to know.
For a Shogun, this is vital to know, so pay attention. And here it is–
To be happy, women are naturally hardwired in their psyche to want to be subservient to a man.
That’s right: surrendering to the dominance and authority of a man is hardwired into female genes. Every woman is born submissive by nature. To be happy, she must find a man she can respect enough to submit to.
The truth is that a woman can only love a man she respects. And out of love comes subservience and obedience. This holds the key to a balanced and long-lasting relationship–
The dominance of the man coupled by the subservience of the woman.
This idea is controversial, of course. I see the pitchforks and torches of the marching feminists out for blood coming over the hill now…
…but really, while I understand their anger and frustration, I don’t give a flying fuck.

I mean, anyone who gets offended by the truth about human nature is delusional.
Those people should just leave us alone and go read a romance novel and continue to believe in that fantasy land bullshit. What are they doing here at Derek Rake’s blog, right?
Free Download: Action Checklist + 2 Bonus Fractionation Routines
In this guide, we’ll go deep in the weeds about the female psyche and how to exploit those addictions and weaknesses.
Earlier I’ve asked you to block some time for you to read everything on this page. The reason is this.
This guide is a centerpiece of my blog. And I want it to give you as much value as possible. And for that reason, it gets heavy in certain sections…
…and this means some guys will find it difficult to remember all they’ve read once they get to the end.
And here’s the thing. Nobody can act on stuff they can’t actually remember!
As a Shogun, you already know this. Taking action means absolutely everything if you’re going to get better dealing with women.
I mean, I don’t care if you have the best knowledge in the world about love and attraction. If you never act on what you learn, the knowledge is about as useful as a pair of 36D tits on a nun.
Because of that, here’s what I did. I have made a simple Action Checklist that shows everything you need to understand about Fractionation.
So, whenever you need to Fractionate a woman, all you need to do is follow each step in the checklist in the document and it will walk you through the whole process. No muss, no fuss.
Here’s how you can get my Action Checklist free. Simply click on the link below:
Download the Fractionation Action Checklist
This is a handy, beautifully designed 12-page PDF, with an easy-to-follow, checklist format. Not only that, I’ve also included two bonus Fractionation routines–
- Locational Fractionation: a non-verbal Fractionation routine that deepens a woman’s rapport with you. You can do this without even saying a word to her.
- Past Experience Invoker: a Fractionation mind hack that makes a woman remember a past experience with you so she relives the moments of happiness shared with you. Useful as a love rekindler on an ex-girlfriend or wife.
These two Fractionation routines are not described anywhere in this guide. And here’s why: they are rather controversial, and you’ll understand why I can’t publish it openly in the blog once you learned them.
To keep this knowledge safe, I’ve snuck the two routines at the end of the Action Checklist PDF for you to download.
There is a catch, though.
Once you’ve downloaded the Fractionation Action Checklist PDF, please don’t share it. It’s for your eyes only. If anyone else wants it, ask them to come here.
Done downloading the PDF?
Great. Let’s start.
Fractionation Psychology
What Is Fractionation?
In simple terms, Fractionation is a female psychology and Mind Control technique which puts a woman under your dominance and authority.
In even simpler terms, Fractionation gives you the ability to dominate women. In totality!
I’ll show you how to use Fractionation on any woman in a moment. Before I do that, I just need you to go through a little mental exercise for me. Your understanding of Fractionation will increase 10X if you do this. Trust me on this.
So, here’s what I want you to do.
In your head, I want you to picture a woman you absolutely want. It could be a woman you desired for some time. Or, it could be your girlfriend or wife. It doesn’t matter.
Now imagine she’s right there, sitting in front of you. She smiles at you sweetly.
You got that image in your mind? Good!
Now… see that same woman in front of you, down on her knees.
She is looking up at you, with a look that tells you she is yearning for your approval, for your devotion.
She is utterly and completely in love with you.
She will do absolutely anything (and I mean, anything) to please you, to have you fall in love with her too.
Important. Picture this as vividly as you can. Now tell me. How that makes you feel?
Yeah, I thought so… well, how does it make you feel if I let you know that this could be a real scenario soon?
Look, I know it sounds like it’s just too fabulous to ever be true. It’s not your fault…
…and so, I can’t blame you for being skeptical. Particularly if you’ve digested too many of those ridiculous Pickup Artist (PUA) crap.
Why Fractionation Beats PUA Tricks
PUA tricks are all over the web these days, promising the universe and yet they always fail to come up with the goods. Pickup Artists? Fuckup Artists, more like.
Now, here’s the thing. Fractionation is not some Pickup Artist trick or line.
In fact, it’s about as removed from the usual Pickup Artist nonsense as you can get.
Like everything else inside Shogun Method, it’s a cutting edge technique that’s totally different to anything you’ve ever seen elsewhere.
In short, what you’re about to discover is an industrial-strength Mind Control hypnosis tactic that will enable you to attract any woman…
…and while it’s not a magic bullet, it’s going to be quicker and easier than you can ever imagine.
Before you get deep into Fractionation, you may be interested in the overarching Shogun Method philosophy that underscores everything I teach.
To learn more, click here for my online Masterclass. Once you’ve got the fundamentals down, the rest of the guide is going to be more easily digestible.
So far, you’ve had the opportunities to download the Action Checklist and to attend my free Masterclass. I recommend you get those two essential resources first before you continue.
The Supremacy of Mind Control
Here’s a quick question for you. Why do you think Mind Control works so much better than PUA trickery?
The answer:
Mind Control works on a deeper level of the female psyche than Pickup Artist tricks.
You see, the female brain is programmed to get addicted to certain things. These addictions make them very easily manipulated.
And all you need to do is to trigger those addictions… and she’s under your beck and call. That’s the entire premise of Mind Control.
Now, contrast this with the PUAs. If you’re familiar with how PUAs work, they are all about pickup lines and appearance tricks (“peacocking”) to catch a woman’s eye.
Totally trivial, superficial stuff. Mind Control goes deep into female psychology, and that’s why it works so well. If control and manipulation is what you’re looking for, Mind Control fits the bill.
And here’s the intriguing part. Once you have mastered Mind Control, you’ll be able to completely exploit the weaknesses in a woman’s mind and render her totally subservient, letting you have anything you desire from her.
Pretty amazing, but what’s the catch?
Yes, there is one. Mind Control doesn’t work on every woman.
The reason is obvious. Everyone responds differently to Mind Control. Some react more intensely than others. To hyper responders, a small pinch of Mind Control is enough to make them go fucking nuts like a cat in heat.
On the other end of the spectrum, you have non-responders who are as dead as dead fish no matter what you do. Most women lie between the two extremes.
So, how do you know if Mind Control works on your woman?
Easy–by calculating her Vulnerability Score.
- If she scores above 30, congratulations, you’re clear.
- If she’s between 15 and 30, then you still have a fighting chance for this stuff to work on her.
- If she’s below 15, you’ve got a mountain to climb.
- If she scores a big fat zero, then you’d better GTFO because she’s likely a sociopath.
How do you get her Vulnerability Score?
Take this short quiz. You’ll get the answer in five minutes.
The Morality of Fractionation
Understand this. No matter how she scores in the quiz, remember–
Just because she responds well to Mind Control, it doesn’t mean you should use it on her.
In fact, I get this question all the time.
“Derek, with all this talk about control and manipulation… is Fractionation immoral?”

Here’s my official answer.
Fractionation, like the rest of Shogun Method, is pure knowledge.
By nature, knowledge is amoral; it’s neither good nor bad. It’s up to you to use it in any way you want.
Here’s an example. A surgeon uses a knife to save people in the operating theater. The same surgeon could turn into a mugger at night and use the same knife to rob others.
Still, people email me to tell me things like,
“Fractionation is evil.”
“Fractionation hurts women.”
“Shogun Method is the tool of the devil. Stop teaching it.”
I don’t blame them at all.
Well, it’s because Fractionation (and Shogun Method) is widely misunderstood today.
In fact, most online information about Fractionation is often inaccurate or worse, false.
The reason is simple.
The only legit source of Fractionation is, but, here’s the thing. Non-Shoguns are blocked from accessing it and seeing it for real. So, I don’t blame them for their ignorance.
Outside of, Fractionation has gotten shrouded in myth and secrecy. But here’s what I want to tell you.
Fractionation is, first and foremost, a hypnosis technique. Nothing more, nothing less.
It’s just a tool, and like any tool, you can use it for good… or to harm.
But, here is where it gets interesting.
In reality, Fractionation is a natural phenomenon. People experience Fractionation all the time, everywhere.
For example, when you read a book or watch a movie, you get Fractionated…
…or, when someone persuades you, you get Fractionated.
When you doom-scroll on social media, guess what? You get Fractionated.
The funny thing is even you sometimes may Fractionate yourself. For instance, when your mind starts to stray while you’re on the treadmill.
Now here’s what may surprise you.
Your woman may be Fractionating you unconsciously.
Here’s the thing. Women naturally excel at Fractionation. It’s a woman thing. They are born with that ability. And so they know how to do this instinctively. It’s second nature to them…
…but, guess what? We men struggle mightily with this. Unlike women, we men don’t know this from birth. And that’s why we need something like Shogun Method to learn this crucial skill.
Now, look. The truth is I don’t give two shits about the philosophical questions of what’s right or wrong. What matters to me is my intention.
I’ve never, and will never use Fractionation or Shogun Method to hurt women. My conscience is clear.
So, should you use Fractionation? It’s your decision entirely. Your moral standards are none of my concern. What I am concerned about is what works.
And that’s all I want to teach you–a workable method that gets you what you want in the shortest time possible.
Everything else is secondary.
Fractionation Seduction
The Art of Emotional Roller Coasters
Next, let’s zoom into what people call as Fractionation Seduction: or, the art of using Fractionation specifically to seduce women.
(As you’ll see later, seduction is not what we Shoguns do; enslavement is a more appropriate term.)
Since Fractionation is a Mind Control technique, it’s designed to exploit the flawed female psyche.
There are numerous female psychological flaws. Shogun Method covers all these in detail. As a singular Shogun Method technique, Fractionation targets a single, specific weakness–
A woman’s addiction to the emotional roller coaster.
We can summarize the daily habits of a woman in three words–
Media crap consumption.
It’s a fact that women are mega consumers of media crapola. (And some men to a certain degree.)
What media crapola are we talking about here? Soap operas on Netflix. Click flicks. Romance novels. Cheesy love songs.
Ever wondered why women find media crap so irresistible?
Let me tell you the secret sauce.
All of those things–Netflix shows, movies, junky books, shitty songs–are carefully crafted to do just one thing:
To take a viewer on an emotional ride.
Specifically, they take her through a full cycle of happiness and sadness within their plot, story line or lyrics. In short, an emotional roller coaster.
And here’s what happens when women ride that emotional roller coaster. In their mind they automatically assume they have a real, emotional connection not only to the story, but also to the storyteller.
This means that if you can bring a woman along on an emotional roller coaster ride with you, you’ll trick her mind into making that same, strong connection with you emotionally.
And this is the flaw in the female psyche that we’ve been talking about all this while.
That’s not all.
The easiest method (by far) to take any woman on an emotional coaster ride is–yeah, you guessed it– by using Fractionation.
Fractionation Seduction Examples
Here’s the first step to Fractionate any woman.
Get her to recall and describe an incident from her past that made her feel happy.
To get you started, try the following. Use this word-for-word–
“Remember that time you felt real happiness, totally blissed out? What happened there? Why did it make you so happy?“
This is important. You must get her to describe that happy incident in as much detail and as vivid as you can.
The aim is to have her actually relive the experience. You want her to start feeling those happy emotions right now.
(That’s the ride to the top of your emotional roller coaster.)

Now when you’ve done this, ask her next.
“Do you remember any time that you felt particularly sad, or even depressed? What happened there? Can you describe to me exactly what you were feeling then?“
Once again we want to get her describing events in as vivid as she can possibly get. Now you’ve ridden down to that bottom of the emotional roller coaster.
Once that’s done you need to bring the girl back up once again. How? You tell her a happy story that she can directly relate to.
You’ll be able to see her lighten up, and that’s when you hit home with your sad story, bringing her down again. (Listen, don’t sweat it. You can just making something up if that’s what you need to do!)
Now all you need to do is rinse and repeat.
See how that works?
Easy, right?
When you’ve done this, this is what to expect.
Some women will react immediately when you give them these emotional roller coaster rides…
…while for others, it may take repeated Fractionation exposures before they cave in.
The key here is keep plowing. Keep going. Continue to Fractionate her. The barriers will soon tumble down like dominoes…
…and within a short time, she’ll develop a complete emotional addiction to you, the same way she can’t resist those junky Netflix soap operas, Hollywood movies and Mills & Boon books.
She can’t help it because nature has programmed her that way. Don’t expect her to fight nature. She can’t.
Fractionation Hypnosis
The Art of Hypnotic Storytelling
Fractionation, at its core, is a hypnosis technique. And as any hypnotist will tell you, you can hypnotize anyone simply by telling her a story.
In fact, most of Shogun Method is hypnotic storytelling. It’s the surefire way to covertly access a woman’s subconscious mind–you’ll embed ideas into the stories you tell her and she won’t even know it.
The female mind can’t consciously filter messages embedded inside stories.
This is yet another flaw in the female psyche that a Shogun can exploit. And with Fractionation, you can combine emotional roller coasters with hypnotic storytelling for a powerful two-punch effect.
The Ancient Parable of the Chinese Farmer
Once upon a time, there was an old farmer who lived in ancient China.

The farmer had a horse which pulled his plow across his wheat fields. His neighbor would say, “You’re so lucky to have such a fine horse.” To which the farmer would smile and reply, “Maybe.”
One night, his horse ran away. His neighbor came over and said, “Bad luck.” The farmer smiled and replied, “Maybe.”
The next day, the horse came back. And it brought with it seven wild horses from the jungle. The neighbor said, “Wow, what a surprise. Now you’ve got eight horses. You’re so lucky!”
The farmer smiled and replied, “Maybe.”
The next day, the farmer’s son mounted one of the wild horses. The horse went berserk and threw him down, breaking his leg. The neighbor said, “Well, that sucks.” The farmer replied, “Maybe.”
The next day, the emperor sent officers to the village to recruit new soldiers. They rejected the farmer’s son because of his broken leg. The sons of the other villagers joined the imperial army, went to war and got killed.
One day, the neighbor came over and lamented over his dead son. He said, “Lucky you. Your son is alive.”
The farmer smiled and replied, “Maybe.”
The lesson of the story?
Well, whatever happens to us, we’ll never know it’s good, or bad. Nature is too complex for any of us to understand.
All we can do is to enjoy the good when it comes. And when something bad happens, remember it could turn into something good later.
The Fractionation Combo
The name of the story was The Ancient Parable of the Chinese Farmer. I often tell it to explain Fractionation in my lectures inside the Shogun Method community.
So, many Shoguns think I wrote it, but I didn’t. The author was philosopher Alan Watts, whose work has spilled into Shogun Method.
How does this story explain Fractionation? Well, it clearly demonstrates the Fractionation Combo consisting of two tactics in one–emotional roller coasters and storytelling.

The Ancient Chinese Farmer Parable is an example of a Fractionation story. You can use the story to get a woman to experience intense emotional ups and downs.
The good thing is you need only five minutes to tell that story. It’s a five minute rollercoaster filled with unexpected twists and turns. She’ll never know what’s coming up next. It’s captivating, intriguing and addictive.
Emotional Payoff
That’s not all. Like every Shogun Method story, there’s an emotional payoff in the end of the parable.
What’s the payoff?
Well, it’s to enjoy the good fortune that comes, and be optimistic when bad fortune hits. And guess what? Women love this kind of spiritual shit. We Shoguns call it Chick Crack–women simply can’t resist this stuff.
Now, if you remember, here was how I ended the story.
“All we can do is to enjoy the good when it comes. And when something bad happens, remember it could turn into something good later.”
Now, if you already know Shogun Method, you can already see how you can use the Anchoring technique on her. Anchoring is a hypnosis tactic that you can add on Fractionation to make it even more effective.
This is how you do it.
When you say “enjoy the GOOD when it comes”, subtly point to yourself. Also, do the same thing when you say, “turn into something GOOD later.”
What you’re doing is to anchor her GOOD feelings with you. So when she remembers this story, she will remember you fondly.
The Shogun Method Stack
The above example shows how you can add Anchoring to the twin Fractionation combo of emotional roller coasters and storytelling.
In Shogun Method, we call it the Mind Control Stack. I have designed each Shogun Method technique to work hand-in-glove with each other. Again, unlike piecemeal PUA tricks, you can structure and combine Mind Control tactics in new and interesting ways.
Inside the Shogun Method knowledge universe, you’ll learn these Mind Control techniques–
- Intrigue Pings
- Shogun Sequences
- Fractionation
- Advanced Fractionation
- Implanted Commands
- Anchoring
- Classical Conditioning
- Fake Memory Invoker (it’s also available inside the Action Checklist PDF)
- Double Binding
- Fake Memories
- Boyfriend Destroyers
- Thought Implanters
- Dark Levers (by Akira Anzai)
- Black Rose Sequence
Think about all the possibilities when you stack them together. You are only limited by your own creativity!
The Stacking approach also allows you to fix the appropriate amount of Mind Control to use on your woman according to her Vulnerability Score. If you haven’t found that yet, use this tool.
The Easiest Fractionation Routine, Ever
Fractionation lies in the core of Shogun Method. And it’s probably the most powerful Mind Control technique in existence.
That also makes Fractionation one of the most challenging tactics to master. As I’ve always told my brother Shoguns, it’s like trying to get a black belt in karate in a month.
Luckily for us, there is a lite version of Fractionation that’s easier to get into.

In Shogun Method, there are four stages to master–Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Enslavement. We call this the IRAE Model.
This lite version of Fractionation is useful in the Rapport and Attraction stages. These are places where new Shoguns usually struggle.
So, what’s this version of Fractionation?
Some tell me it’s the easiest Fractionation routine that springboards them into the world of Shogun Method, and I agree.
Three Modes of Time-based Fractionation
It’s best to explain Chrono-Fractionation by comparing it to its parent technique.
With Fractionation, you “rollercoaster” a woman between emotional highs and lows. As you have already learned, this emotional rollercoaster is what pulls the addiction triggers in her brain.
Meanwhile, with Chrono-Fractionation, it’s somewhat different. You rollercoaster her between Chrono Modes. You Fractionate her through time.

Let me explain what that means.
There are three kinds of Chrono Modes–
- Past,
- Present, and
- Future.
Each person—you, me, and all the women you meet—has a preferred Chrono Mode. And this preference is subconscious. She isn’t even aware about it.
And here’s how it’s useful.
When you communicate with a woman in her preferred Chrono Mode, she’ll experience a stronger bond with you.
The amazing thing is she won’t even notice it. There’s just something mysterious about you that she likes… something she can’t even explain.
And suddenly, the road to becoming more than friends with her gets so much easier.
That’s the power of Chrono-Fractionation, and it’s precisely why it’s great in the early stages of attraction (leading to emotional enslavement).
So, how exactly does it work?
In the usual Shogun Method style, there are sequential steps to take. Inside the Chrono-Fractionation tactic, there are only two.
Step #1: Find Out Her Preferred Chrono Mode
The first step is to detect what a woman’s preferred Chrono Mode is.
And to do that, you must listen carefully to the words she uses when she talks about herself.
- If she says things like: “I’ve been there,” or “Those were the days,” then she’s using the Past Mode.
- If she says: “I live in the moment,” or “You only live once,” then she likes the Present Mode.
- If she says: “We’ll see,” or “I wonder what happens if,” then she uses the Future Mode.
When you know her preferred Chrono-Mode, then rollercoastering is the next step. You bounce her between her preferred Mode and the other two.
Here’s how you do that.
Step #2: Rollercoaster Her Between Chrono Modes
Let’s say she tells you something about her life.
She says,
“My family always had time and money to volunteer. Now, everything I do is about work and paying off my student loans. I miss the good old days.”
First, you’ll notice quite easily she prefers the Past Mode. So, you’ll know that you’ll need to bounce her between that and the Present Mode, the Future Mode, or both.
Now, let’s say she’s someone you see as a potential lifelong partner. As in, she’s so awesome that you wouldn’t mind spending the rest of your life with her.
What do you talk to her about then? You’ll certainly want to stick to themes like security, peace of mind, and lifelong joy.
So, here’s an example of how you could Chrono-Fractionate her. You start with the Past Mode, which she prefers, and say,
“I see. You want to go back to simpler, happier times. I can relate… you know, I feel the same way sometimes.”
Then, you rollercoaster to the Present Mode. Say,
“But you know what I’ve realized? Life’s pretty short. And to me, I realized that when I want things to go back the way they were, I miss out on life as it happens. So, I know it’s none of my business. But if you’re feeling miserable, maybe it’s because you’re wishing for something you can’t have anymore?”
Then, you go back to her preferred Past Mode by saying something like this,
“I mean, yes, looking back means you know you’re missing. And that’s important, too.”
Then, you rollercoaster to the Present Mode again.
“So, if I were asked, I’d start finding ways to bring that past into the present, you know? I’d start making changes and pursuing goals to bring back those good feelings again.”
That’s it. Do you now see how Chrono-Fractionation works?
It’s simple. You bounce her frame of mind from her preferred Chrono Mode into the others, over and over.
It may seem harmless, but you’ll know it’s working when she becomes warmer and more open with you…
…and you know you hit the jackpot when she starts flirting or dropping hints.
Easy peasy.
How to Use Fractionation on an Ex-Girlfriend or Wife
Not long after I posted the original Fractionation guide here (in 2015!), I got a few messages from readers saying:
“Can I use Fractionation to get my ex back?”
Well, the simple answer to that question is a resounding Yes!
In fact, with to ex-girlfriends or wives, the Fractionation technique works even better than it does on some women you just met.
Do you know why?
Well, it’s because you already have a bunch of experiences and memories created with her (good and bad)…
… and you can use these when putting together the Fractionation questions you’ll need.
And that’s not all. Since these are experiences you’ve shared together, the emotional recall she’ll have of them will be much more intense and powerful.
On top of that, you’ll actually be a character within the stories. That makes it much simpler to rebuild your rapport with her and attract her again.
Remember the IRAE Model? When using Fractionation on an ex-girlfriend or wife, you’re starting in the second (“R” or Rapport) or third stage (“A” or Attraction). The final stage is emotional enslavement, or the “E” stage. See this PDF.
Let’s not sugarcoat things here.
Winning back an ex can be pretty tricky… especially when you’ve had a big fight with her before the breakup.
However, by using Fractionation you will tremendously improve the chances of success. If anything, by invoking her past experience with you, you will get her to miss you badly and she’ll want you back.
And yes, it will work even though she has somewhat become emotionally unavailable.
There are three steps you must take to Fractionate your ex back into your arms.
Take note: You must follow these steps to the letter.
Like Shogun Method, if you deviate or improvise, you’ll dilute the power of Fractionation and get messy results.
So, pay close attention to the three steps. Follow them closely.
Stage #1: Acceptance Pretension
The first step is to pretend to accept the breakup.
Yup—you put yourself in her friend zone voluntarily. It’s even better to do this before she breaks up with you.
By doing so, you’ll catch her by surprise. It’ll be the last thing she’ll expect.
Then, for two weeks, act like she’s your best buddy. The breakup doesn’t bother you at all, and you find it fun to just be friends with her again.
It’s like putting yourself in the friend zone deliberately. Dating Gurus and Pickup Artists tell you it’s bad to get friend-zoned, but remember–you’re doing things differently now that you’re a Shogun.
After you do that for two weeks, it’s time for the second step.
Stage #2: Radio Silence
Go radio silent on her.
For two weeks, don’t contact her. If she messages you, don’t reply. Not only that, stop posting anything on social media.
Why do this? To create intrigue, that’s why. You’ll want her to wonder what you’re up to. You want to make her think:
“Where is he? Why isn’t he calling? Was it something I said?”
The more she thinks about you, the better. So whatever you do, do not contact her for two weeks at least. If you can drag this to three weeks, it’s even better.
And if you successfully pull it off, you can then move on to the last step of the three-step strategy.
Stage #3: Reengagement
Get in touch with her.
And this is how you do it. By telling her you need help as a friend.
When she asks, tell her you’ve met someone new. You don’t want to mess it up with her, so you need advice.
Would this be true? It doesn’t have to be. You can make something up. Anything goes, as long as it involves you “moving on with someone new.”
Now, this is going to drive her nuts. She might give you some advice like you asked. And yet after a while, she’ll start trying to dissuade you from seeing this new girl.
She might say things like:
“Are you sure about her?” Or,
“You sure moved on real fast” Or, even–
“How is she better than me!?”
If she does that, then you know Fractionation worked on her. Now, you can tell her,
“You know what? I thought of getting back with you, but in the end I decided something. If we gave ourselves another shot, there will be some changes.”

See what happened? Now the ball’s in your court. You’re dictating the terms, not her.
And once you have successfully Fractionated her, she’ll gladly agree to your terms. She’ll do anything to get you back.
That, my brother Shogun, is how to use Fractionation to get your ex-girlfriend or wife back. Piece of cake.
Finally, remember you can stack other Mind Control routines so give your chances a tremendous boost. In this case, the Past Memory Invoker works like gangbusters to rekindle lost love. Find that (infamous!) Fractionation routine at the back of the Action Checklist PDF.
Fractionation Boosters
Now that you have the core Fractionation knowledge under your belt, we are going to talk about Fractionation Boosters.
These are tactics that multiply Fractionation’s power by 3X or more.
Let’s dive in.
The Second Precondition
The first Fractionation Booster has to do with what we call The Second Precondition.
In Shogun Method, we have a super important rule, and it’s this–
Never reveal your intentions with a woman.
This is what Shoguns call the Second Precondition. Shogun Method works because it’s covert and undetectable. You should never tell a woman you’re going to hypnotize her with Shogun Method. That’s stupid, right?
So, the same rule applies here. If you’re going to use Fractionation on a woman, never tell her.
I mean, this sounds silly, but many newbies do this. They say things like,
“Alright, so I’m going to try this new HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUE on you…”

“I’m going to put you under TRANCE! Close your eyes…”
“Girl, get ready, you’re TOTALLY gonna be my emotional SLAVE today!”
Only idiots do that, so don’t.
Few understand this, but hypnosis requires cooperation. It doesn’t work if a woman doesn’t want to be hypnotized. You can’t force it. It’s a myth you can force Shogun Method on someone.
So, instead of preempting your woman, prepare her for hypnosis. In Shogun Method, we call this Pre-Fractionation. This is an important step to prepare a woman’s mental state to Fractionate.
What’s Pre-Fractionation?
Well, remember the IRAE Model? It’s the four stages of love, where one must come before another in strict sequence.
To be specific, intrigue must come before Rapport. And Rapport must come before Attract and Enslave.
Fractionation is in the Attract and Enslave stage. This means you must first build Intrigue and Rapport before you Fractionate a girl.
As an aside, understand this crucial concept–women fall in love in a strict sequence. The IRAE Model maps this sequence.
The first two stages of the IRAE Model are Intrigue and Rapport. To prepare her for Fractionation, you must first intrigue her. Keep her engaged so when you Fractionate her, she won’t get distracted.
Once you intrigued her, build rapport so she believes your Fractionation story. This is crucial so she doesn’t suspect you’re running hypnosis on her.
In short, you don’t immediately unload your Fractionation story onto her. You must first prepare her by intriguing and building rapport with her.
Got that?
Good. So far, we’ve covered two Fractionation Boosters. Let’s do the third.
What’s the third and final Fractionation Booster? It’s Post-Fractionation.
It’s a Shogun Sequence you use AFTER completing the Fractionation story to strengthen its hypnotic impact on her mind.
Here’s the Shogun Sequence word-for-word:
“You understand why you are with me, why you should be with me, and why you are happy with me. You understand why you’re at your best when you’re with me, and why you’re at your worst when you’re not with me. You will remember this feeling of joy and ecstasy when you’re with me even when you’re not with me.”
Now if you look at the routine again, you’ll notice a lot of times when I repeat this one phrase–
“You are with me”
Do you know why?
Well, it’s because as any hypnotists will tell you: repetition is hypnotic. Repeat an idea enough times, and it will stick in her subconscious.
But here’s the kicker. You must do it with her realizing it. Again, this ties with the Second Precondition–never let her know your intentions.
Alright, so you have it–the three Fractionation Boosters.
- The first Fractionation Booster is to obey the Second Precondition. You must never reveal to a woman your intentions outright. Never tell a woman you’re going to use Shogun Method on her.
- The second Fractionation Booster is the Pre-Fractionation. Remember that a woman falls in love in stages. The IRAE Model maps those four stages–Intrigue, Rapport, Attract, Enslave. Create intrigue and build rapport before you tell your Fractionation story.
- The third Fractionation Booster is the Post-Fractionation routine. End your Fractionation story with a repetitive hypnotic line as I’ve shared with you.
Got all that?
Excellent. Now, here’s something I need to caution you about, and it’s this…
The Fractionation Boosters will only work if you have a good Fractionation story to tell.
Well, that makes sense, right? I mean, what you get out of boosting crap will still be crap. Start with a good Fractionation story. Then, use the Fractionation Boosters to supercharge the effect. Easy.
The Dangers of Fractionation
Now that we’ve come to the end of this super comprehensive guide, I have to warn you.
Before heading off to use this knowledge on a woman, I want you to know this.
Fractionation has one huge downside.
Used indiscriminately and carelessly, Fractionation could harm a woman’s psyche.
Once you have seen the Fractionation method in action, you’ll be tempted to go too far since it obviously works so well.
Repeated exposure to Fractionation would almost certainly damage a woman’s psychological makeup in a serious way.
Over the years, I have met guys who used Fractionation (or other Shogun Method techniques) to get back at women who had rejected them previously. I’ve excommunicated them from the Shogun Method community and banned them from rejoining.
It goes without saying that I am totally against using Shogun Method to harm anyone.
So, here’s the deal.
If you have less than honorable intentions with women, then stop reading. Shogun Method is not for you. Go get help. See a shrink or something.
However, if you can promise me that your reasons for wanting to learn Shogun Method are good and noble…
(For example, you’ve genuinely fallen in love with a girl and you wish her to be truly happy with you)
…then you should devote time to diving deep into the wonderful, life-changing knowledge of the Shogun Method universe.
Kickstart your journey as a Shogun and join our brotherhood by enrolling into the Shogun Method online course.
Not everyone is accepted, and I reserve the right not to give access to the course to everyone. The danger for the abuse of these Mind Control techniques is simply too high. Thank you for understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is Fractionation?
If Fractionation is new to you, here’s what you need to know about the technique in a five bullet points.
- Originally a hypnosis technique, it is now used as a seduction tactic. And it involves bringing the target through an emotional roller coaster.
- Each cycle of Fractionation involves two steps. The first step is to induce emotional turmoil, often by inflicting mental pain. The second step is to resolve the conflict and introduce pleasure. You then repeat the cycle.
- With enough Fractionation cycles, the target develops emotional addiction to the inflicter.
- The most extreme level of addiction is emotional Enslavement. Inside Shogun Method’s IRAE Model, this is the endgame.
- If done recklessly, Fractionation may cause irreparable damage to a woman’s psyche. She will have to carry heavy emotional baggage for life.
The final point is especially important. And that’s why I don’t recommend it to everyone… only to men who promise to use it responsibly.
Can You Coach Me Personally on Fractionation?
Technically yes, but unlikely. The queue for my Elite Coaching service now stretches to a year. And it’s expensive and so it’s out of range for most guys.
Still, you can get hold of me at the community. I answer questions posted there personally. If you want to email me and get a personal reply, apply here.
Fractionation Questions to Ask a Girl: What Are Those?
How Fractionation works is to take a girl through an emotional rollercoaster. Remember–there are two stages within each Fractionation cycle: pain and pleasure. What questions to ask depends on what stage you are at.
Here is the standard pain cycle Fractionation question:
“Recall the time when you are unhappy, or something happened that made you sad. What happened? How did you feel?”
And here is the pleasure cycle Fractionation question:
“Close your eyes. Imagine you’re at your happy place. You are relaxed, contented, carefree. What do you see? Describe to me how joyful you are now. What are you feeling?”
Now, here’s what’s important about these questions…
As you’ll learn inside Shogun Method, contextualization is crucial. Your Fractionation questions must relate to your situation or context. If you randomly ask her those pain and pleasure questions out of nowhere, they will sound weird as hell.

Also, remember this. Build enough intrigue and rapport for you to kick-start the Fractionation cycle. Obey the sequence inside the IRAE Model. (Again, download the free book at to see what I’m talking about.)
Fractionation vs Fractionation Seduction. What’s The Difference?
Fractionation started as a hypnosis tactic back in the 1930s. Hypnotherapists found that by putting their patients in and out of trance, each trance gets deeper each time.
The pain-and-pleasure Fractionation questions, if you look closely, are trance inductions. When you ask those questions, you put a woman under a hypnotic trance.
So, what’s Fractionation Seduction then?
We figured out that we can use this same tactic to deepen a woman’s attraction to a man. The term Fractionation Seduction is simply Fractionation used in seduction.
(Here at ShogunMethodHQ we don’t fancy the seduction term that much… because it gives the false impression that all a man needs to do is to seduce a woman. Enslavement is the end game, not seduction.)
And that’s not all. You can, of course, use Fractionation in other areas of your life. Indeed, many Shoguns use Fractionation to be more persuasive in their daily lives. I mean, if you can Fractionate your girlfriend or wife, why not do the same with your co-workers or clients, right?
If you are already a Shogun, I will teach you how to do this inside Shogun Method X.
What Are The Examples of Fractionation?
The simplest Fractionation instance is the pain and pleasure cycle questions I’ve described previously. Some other intermediate examples–
- Chrono-Fractionation is about taking a woman back to her past and then forward to the future.
- Spatial Fractionation is physical, and involves bring a woman to multiple locations to craft an illusion of familiarity and rapport.
- One Line Fractionation combines pain and pleasure elements within a single sentence.
The Black Rose Sequence is an advanced form of Fractionation. If you are a Shogun, look for it inside Module Seven of Shogun Method.
Is Fractionation Mind Control or Hypnosis?
It’s strictly hypnosis, but some call it Mind Control. Most Shoguns know it as Mind Control, although some are shying away from calling it that.
My take is this. It doesn’t matter what we call it, Mind Control, hypnosis, NLP, mentalism, etc. What matters is Fractionation works, and works well.
Here’s one important thing to understand… Mind Control and hypnosis don’t work equally well on every woman. To find out if it works on yours, take the Vulnerability Score quiz.
What Are Some Recommended Books on Fractionation Seduction?
There are very few published books on Fractionation. But we can understand that, can’t we? No publisher wants to get canceled for publishing a book that gives men “power to enslave women emotionally”, right?
In fact, one mainstream editor told me, “Sorry, Derek. If I let this through, I’d get fired immediately!”

So, I can’t recommend you a book on Fractionation. But, if you want to learn it, here’s how. The authoritative resource on Fractionation remains protected inside the Shogun Method community. And I’m keeping it protected for good reason. This knowledge is precious and we are not short of enemies who want it erased for good.
Remember I said that Shogun Method is not for everyone? You’ll know why once you’ve seen the inside the course. Some men simply cannot stomach this knowledge. I don’t blame them.
Finally, here’s what I want to tell you. We spent five years learning Fractionation from classical hypnotists and clinical hypnotherapists. But you can now learn it in a day.
Be a Shogun. Join us now.
in my fractionation story I refer to a woman who went into paralysis , like from a happy story to a sad one and then I tell the woman that you remind me of her , is it a good move? Should I just mention it as a third person?
Works either way.
You talk about the emotional roller-coaster. Is it of significance that we should end it on a happy note, or sad note – or is that not very important?
Nope, not significant.
How to smoothly transection from an intrigue ping to a fractionation story ? Especially when you just met her in a mall for example.
Ricky: use an I-R Bridge.
Can one use fractionation to enslave multiple women and date them at the same time,without them leaving you for being polygamous?
Building a harem? Sure. But Fractionation won’t make it any “easier”, though.
What is the best time to deliver your fractionation story “The Death of a friend” for example in a conversation without sounding weird ? Because when I try to deliver it it doesn’t sound “situational” to the current environment I’m in for example in a library ?
The question is not the “best time”, but the “best context”.
I’m almost sure this was used on me by another female. This works!!! But very dangerous because even though I can’t get her out of my head I don’t act that way and she has pulled away leaving me hanging.. this messed with your brain and leaves you feeling useless.
Thanks girl!
Hey, so I read that you can make fractionation jokes somewhere, would I be able to do a fractionation song? Does it necessarily have to be a certain genre or do you think I could get away with the type of music I like to make most? And like how many different ways do you think I could use my music for it? And where would I go to brush up on storytelling? Cause either way if I’m gonna write music I need to know how to do that. Or could I dou this with just making a beat that has like a good emotion, and then one with a lesser emotion, or should I do it all in one song?
See my reply to your other question.
Would I be able to do fractionation with music? Like how many different ways do you think I could use it in my music? Can I just make a beat and try to use the feelings and vibes these beats give off as an emotional rollercoaster? Or will I have to use my own words and use storytelling and write a song? And should the emotional roller coaster all be the same song? Or break it up into different songs?
Pretty interesting, but she will need to relate to the song for Fractionation to take effect.
Can I use Fractionation on a girl at the gym? Will I be able to seduce a girl at LA fitness with those seduction lines in the program?
David, you can use Fractionation on any woman anywhere.
Shogun Method is about Enslavement, not “seduction”!
If someone has been using Fractionation on your target, will using Fractionation cancel out the first instance? Or is a deprogramming technique required to overcome the first instance of Fractionation?
Good question!
You cannot “deprogram” Fractionation. All you need to do is to pile it up – you will win out in the end due to the recency effect. See Shogun Method.
Will it be better if I use rounds of fractionation in my intrigue story?
Amos: Fractionation works across all IRAE stages.
Est ce que je peux me servir du fractionnement pour l étape rapport et attractions si oui combien de fois il faut que je la fractionne?
I tried to use it and she called me bipolar I made her memorise sad and happy experiences, and I still experienced negativity and insults
Other guy use Fractionation to my girlfriend. She felt addicted to it. How can I remove her from that addiction?
Do you have audio books for the shogun method book?
Yes, in both audio and video formats.
How often should i use fractionation on a woman without damaging her psyche, or how can i prevent damaging her psyche ?
Tricky. If you’re worried, don’t do it at all. It’s hard to hold yourself back once you know this.
Je veux utiliser que le fractionnement tout seul là dernière fois je l ai utilisée genre je lui ai dit je vais te raconter une histoire et ça n’a eu aucun effet sur elle
que dois je faire pour qu elle soit réceptive à mes montagne russe à cause de cette connerie j ai peut être perdu la femmes de ma vie
Quelle est la meilleur formation sur le fractionnement vous avez plusieurs type
Chrono fractionnement et fractionnement et tout
La meilleure formation est à l’intérieur de la méthode shogun
Salut derek j aimerait me marier avec 4femmes et ce n’est pas une blague
Si je les fractionne suffisamment de fois elle vont l accepter que ya d autre femmes.
Elle peuvent bien devenir dépendante non?
In conversational splitting, does it work if I only do the present?
And I do it several times
What is “Conversational Splitting”?
Je voulait ditfe fractionation conversational
Ou ont alterne le présent et le futur
C’est possible de faire que le présent ?
Derek in my story I can use the split in 1 sentence I say: we are a couple and you introduce me to your neighbor who disrespects me and I him (you are very cruel but I love it)
I want to buy the dark rake method but can I use it alone?
No, you need Shogun Method.
Derek, you said that splitting could be applied
in the 4 steps of the IRAE model.
If I use misdirection, such as
Asking a question with splitting
will it work?
Even if she doesn’t trust me and I’ve only just met her?