(Or, How To Make Her Miss You And Want You Back)
There I was, having a late, leisurely coffee with my longtime friend Nick.
Out of the blue, he said to me:
“Derek, there’s this woman.”
With Nick, there’s always a woman.
“Oh yeah?” I asked him. “What about her?”
“She—Janice—she’s amazing. Totally gorgeous, big, bountiful breasts, and an ass you could curl up and sleep on for a week.”
I smiled. “Sounds awesome.”
“It’s not. Well, it is. Was. But, see, I’ve got this problem.”
Table of Contents
- (Or, How To Make Her Miss You And Want You Back)
- “I Got 99 Problems, And Bitches Are All Of Them.”
- When A Woman Loses Interest In Her Man…
- It’s About Keeping A Woman, Not Just “Catching” Her
- How Did Nick Fuck It All Up?
- Warning!
- How To Make A Woman Miss You? Manipulate Her
- The Key To Enslavement: Fractionation
- You, Too, Can Get Your “Janice”
- Frequently Asked Questions
“I Got 99 Problems, And Bitches Are All Of Them.”
Nick? With a problem? Involving a woman?
Frankly, this didn’t really surprise me very much.
You see, Nick wasn’t just my friend. He also used to be my student in Mind Control.
In fact, he was one of the “Dirty Dozen” who formed my first batch of students who first tested out Shogun Method on the field.
Unfortunately for Nick, he dropped out of his training. He decided that he’d learned enough about attracting women. That it was time for him to strike out on his own.
Look where that got him: coming back for help.
And why was that?
“She says she’s just not interested anymore. For a little while, shit was amazing, but now—poof, she just up and bailed.”
I was still smirking.
Nick didn’t really get the irony.
When A Woman Loses Interest In Her Man…
It’s not a secret. When a guy likes a girl, and especially when the sex is good, he wants to stay with her.
In short, guys want girls to want them.
Unfortunately, girls can tell when guys want them desperately.
Also unfortunately, those girls tend to just, well, lose interest.
As you know, that’s what happened to Nick.
But that’s not the whole story.
You see, Nick wasn’t the first guy Janice had lost interest in. He was only the most recent one.
Actually, Nick was fucking Janice on the sly. And that’s because she had a husband.
That’s right. A husband she’d lost interest in.
His name was John. As soon as John left the house for work or night class, Nick and Janice would go at it like teenage rabbits on rabbit prom night.
(As a side note: if you want to know a little secret about how to get it on with married women, click here.)
Predictably, before Nick, there had been a long string of guys. Janice slept with each one until she got bored with him. Then, like a bulging garbage bag, to the curb he went.
Sadly, Nick joined them there, snuggled between last week’s newspapers and greasy pizza boxes.
It’s About Keeping A Woman, Not Just “Catching” Her
“It just came as a shock,” Nick went on, still oblivious. “We were together for a while. Almost a year.”
“So what went wrong?” I asked.
Of course, I already knew the answer.
More importantly, I also already knew that he didn’t know.
“That’s what I can’t figure out!” he confirmed. He shook his head, staring bitterly down at his coffee. “She just said she was bored with me. Said I shouldn’t feel bad, it happens with everyone.”
“But you,” I said, “obviously feel differently.”
“Hell yeah! A month ago, she was talking about leaving John. I asked her and she even said that I was next in line.”
“Dude,” I consoled, sipping my coffee. “That’s rough.”
“Good thing you taught me all that stuff about attracting girls,” Nick said with a sad laugh. “I guess it’ll be coming in handy again real soon.”
“Yeah, I guess it will. And you already know it works like a charm.”
I set my coffee on the table and leaned forward, folding my hands.
“But it’s not going to help you keep women. Is it?”
How Did Nick Fuck It All Up?
Okay, okay, maybe I was milking Nick’s misery a little too much. But he was completely missing the lessons to be learned here.
Yes, lessons. More than one.
- Nick’s first problem: he revealed his intentions to Janice. Then she had no motivation to pursue him anymore.
- His second problem: he didn’t have the foggiest idea of what holds women’s attention.
The result? Nick was doomed.
All because Janice got bored.
Don’t get me wrong. She also got bored with John, her husband. And she got bored with all her other lovers.
Now, of course, she was moving on to some other poor sucker. No, a whole bunch of poor suckers.
One at a time. Like horny lambs to the relationship slaughterhouse.
Unless—unlike Nick, John, and all the rest—one of those guys knew the real trick. The trick of making a woman want him.
I don’t mean just wanting to have sex with him. That’s the domain of bottom-feeding “Pickup Artists”.
Sure, maybe that’s good enough for someone looking for a quick hookup or a one-night stand.
But I’m talking about deeply, absolutely, excruciatingly needing him on a powerful, emotional level.
Here’s the secret to keeping a girl: she needs to miss you. Not just sometimes, but whenever you’re not beside her.
In fact, you’ll need to create circumstances to force her to miss you.
Obviously, that’s what Nick needed.
And that’s the domain of my expertise: Mind Control.
Before anything, understand this…
What I’m going to share with you is not for a random hookup or a one-night stand.
It’s the solution to Nick’s problem. And if you’re afraid that your lady is going astray, it’s your solution too.
And it works under all circumstances, like:
- You just had a fight, or broke up, or separated.
- You’re out of town on a long business trip.
- You’re worried she’s stepping out behind your back.
- You think that she’s playing you.
- Any other instance when you’re not with her.
You want to stick into her mind like a leech so that she misses you when you’re not with her.
The key to holding her attention in these situations, and all others, is amazingly simple.
It’s called Fractionation, which we’ll get to in a minute. For the moment, just know that it’s guaranteed to capture a woman’s attention.
I don’t mean just holding her attention.
No, I mean putting it on maximum LOCKDOWN.
And, if you choose, never letting it go again… so that she’s fixated on you (for a lifetime if you so desire). It’s that powerful!
How To Make A Woman Miss You? Manipulate Her
So, how do you “force” a woman to miss you?
Easy answer: you manipulate her.
And if you’re going to manipulate her successfully and put her under your thumb, then here’s the number one rule to obey:
Never reveal your intentions to her.
Importantly, you should NEVER, NEVER, EVER confess your feelings for her.
Well, here’s the reason…
Once you do that, it’s all over. She knows what you want. There’s no mystery or allure for her anymore.
What should you do, then?
Manipulation Tactic #1: Ambiguity
Get this: creating ambiguity in a woman’s mind is a surefire way to keep her fixated on you.
Well, if you speak ambiguously, her mind will fill in the gaps. This will engage her sense of romance and desire for the thrill of the unknown.
For example, instead saying “I love you” outright, you can say –
“Things seem to be going well, and you’re kind of fun to hang out with. But let’s see.”
When you say that, she’ll wonder…
- “Things only seem to to be doing well? What does he mean?”
- “I’m only kind of fun…?”
- “Let’s see… what!?”
See how that works?
Manipulation Tactic #2: Covert Thought Insertion
Here’s another advantage of being ambiguous…
You see, the female mind can’t hold an ambiguous thought for long. (It’s uncomfortable for them.)
When the ambiguous thoughts overwhelm her mind, she will attempt to “plug the holes” with her imagination.
And guess what?
If you do this correctly (and for long enough), she will start to project her own desires and fantasies onto your relationship.
With Mind Control, you can further exploit this weakness and covertly insert a thought into her mind. (Inside Shogun Method, this is known as Covert Thought Insertion.)
Tell me this…
Why is it beneficial (for you) that she projects her own desires onto the relationship?
She already knows what’s appealing to her. Let her do the heavy lifting.
Of course, you shouldn’t leave it all up to her. She will need some guidance.
This means that you have to be subtle. Remember:
- You can’t directly say what you want.
- But you can hide it inside another thought.
It’s basically like giving a cat a pill by hiding it in tuna. You sneak her something that’s good for her by hiding it in something she really wants.
Makes sense?
Techniques like Ambiguity and Covert Thought Insertion are major Mind Control tools. They’re based on documented female psychology. They work.
Yes, Nick had learned them when he was part of the Shogun Method group. And yet, he failed because he didn’t use the tools properly.
And because he left the group early, his toolbox was incomplete.
What Nick needed now was the true key to locking and unlocking a woman’s desire…
Manipulation Tactic #3: Enslavement
Let’s be honest here. “Seducing” women is not easy.
The truth is that these days, “Pickup Artists” and their cheap gimmicks are a dime a dozen. They’re everywhere.
More importantly, women everywhere are wise to their tricks.
Why? Because they can see their bullshit coming from a mile away. (Why aren’t we surprised?)
But here’s the thing… women are powerless against what they can’t see coming.
You know, things like:
- Techniques for slipping in under her radar.
- Strategies for using her own psychology against her.
No, my friends, we’re talking about covert Enslavement.
You’re not just “seducing” her. (Leave that to lame-o “Pickup Artists”.)
You’re putting her under your thumb and keeping her there.
No—you’re letting her stay there. You’re doing her a favor, because that’s where she wants to be.
More accurately, it’s where she feels she needs to be.
Best of all, she’ll never even realize it.
So here’s the bottom line:
To make a woman want you, force her to think about you all the time and make her miss you while you’re away, there’s only one way to do it:
Enslave her.
The Key To Enslavement: Fractionation
We’ve already talked briefly about Fractionation.
Now, let’s go a bit deeper and see how you can use this technique to do what you really want to do… to enslave a woman emotionally to you.
Before anything, understand this – Fractionation is a super powerful tool.
As a Mind Control technique, it’s designed to be covert.
It’s completely under-the-radar. No one around you will know your secret.
Most importantly, neither will the girl you’re using it on. 🙂
That’s because Fractionation puts a woman into a waking, hypnotic trance. You’ll work on her subconscious so that she’s completely unaware of your actions (and intentions).
Here’s how Fractionation works:
You’ll hypnotize a woman by altering her emotional state. Specifically, you’ll swing her back and forth from happy to sad, over and over.
Ultimately, you condition her to associate the good feelings with you. You also teach her to push those bad feelings onto the outside world.
And the only thing that can help her escape the drab, melancholy rest of the world?
Why, you, of course.
Remember, this is not a short term method to approach, pick up, and lay random girls.
It’s the key to long-term relationships with women. They can be single or married or anywhere in between. It doesn’t matter.
Nick didn’t have that key.
Nick may have made the mistake of trying to figure things out on his own. But he was still my friend.
And so I had no choice but to help Nick—my friend and pupil and fellow traveler.
Over the course of three weeks, I put him through a “Shogun Method bootcamp” of sorts.
And with the entire Shogun Method arsenal under his belt, success was somewhat inevitable…
It shouldn’t surprise you then that he’s back together with Janice now. 🙂
In fact, she even finally ditched John.
Yup, she moved her stuff out in the middle of the night while he was at work. And she moved it right into Nick’s place.
Now, Nick spends more money each week on condoms than he does on cigarettes.
Nick’s a lucky guy.
And you can be too.
You, Too, Can Get Your “Janice”
In fact, the Shogun Method team had benefited a lot from working with Nick on his Janice problem.
It helped us fine tune the Fractionation technique to make it even more user friendly for the regular Joe.
(Trust me – Nick’s as “regular” as you can get. If he can do it, anyone can.)
In the end, I decided to record an Online Masterclass on the topic.
There are plenty of other men out there like Nick. And that’s why I’ve decided to offer (free) access to this groundbreaking Masterclass.
This is where you’ll learn proven tips and techniques (not gimmicky “Pickup Artist” tricks) based in real, scientifically proven female psychology tactics.
Remember, this isn’t verbal sleight of hand and cheap showmanship.
This is the key to making her never want to leave you again.
Before you attend the Masterclass, know this –
There is no “undo” button on this knowledge.
So, if you’re not 100% sure you want to capture your girl’s heart and mind (to enslave her to you emotionally forever), don’t click the link below.
This is for men who are ready to finally take control of their relationships…
If that’s you, I’m waiting to share the same knowledge and wisdom that helped Nick catch and keep Janice. It’s just a click away:
Sign Up For The Fractionation Masterclass
Do it now.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Make A Woman Miss You After A Break Up?
So you’ve broken up with her. Well, big deal.
Let me show you how to make her miss you and want you back, alright?
The first thing you need to do is to drop an Intrigue Ping on her. What you want to do is to provoke an immediate reaction from her.
(If you have access to the Shogun Method, go to Module 4 for some Intrigue Pings you can use off-the-shelf.)
Once you have captured her attention, then do this:
- Use the Ambiguity tactic (scroll up) and say something like: “You know, I’ve been thinking, and guess what? You’re probably right.”
- At this point, you’ll get her intrigued even more. Arrange for a meeting, and then use Fractionation on her.
This is how Fractionation works…
You’ll get her to remember the good (and the bad) times you spent together, bringing back memories and eliciting the same feelings that brought both of you together.
This way, you’ll get her to miss you, and when done frequently, she will long for the “good old times” to return.
Give it a shot!
How To Make Her Miss You After A Fight
First of all, don’t sweat it. It’s not the end of the world.
Again, the Ambiguity + Thought Planting + Fractionation combo works wonders. (Scroll up to learn about all these three Mind Control techniques.)
If you’re just after a huge fight, it’s good to have a “timeout” and freeze her out for at least 3-5 days.
(This will give her the opportunity to miss you… by default. You may just find her contacting you just to see if you’re missing her.)
And when she contacts you, unleash Fractionation on her. Watch this Masterclass, take notes and then use the technique on her. And then… thank me later. 🙂
How To Make A Girl Miss You When She Is Away
I’m going to assume that she’s away not because you fought with her. (Otherwise, see the answers to the preceding questions above.)
This is how to make a woman miss you more –
Send her a text:
“Remember the time when…<insert incident here>”
You’re making her recall certain shared experiences which will make her think about you.
Once triggered, she will re-experience the incident (with you in mind), triggering the same emotions that she had felt during that time. And if it was a positive experience, then it will get her to miss you.
(This is a common Mind Control phenomena called Anchoring and Triggering).
The best time to send her this text is just right before she sleep.
Well, it’s because you want her to go to sleep thinking about you. This will work even better on her subconscious as she dozes off to sleep.
And even better: when she wakes up, you’ll be the first thing on her mind.
Is this manipulative? It sure is. But, don’t knock it until you try it!
How Do You Know If She Misses You?
Easy. Does she initiate a call or text you?
If she doesn’t, it just means that you’re really not on her mind that much.
How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You?
That would warrant an entire blog post. Short answer: IRAE Model. Read this guide.
How To Make Your Wife Miss You?
The truth is that things are much simpler when she’s married to you.
Well, here’s the reason:
You’ve got a wealth of shared experiences with her that you can tap into in order to make her miss you.
Use the same technique which I have shared here. In particular, use past shared experiences which are particularly intense for best results.
What To Say To Make A Girl Miss You?
In a nutshell: you need to get her to Fractionate.
The easiest way to stick into a girl’s mind and make her think about you (especially when you’re not with her) is to use Fractionation on her, period.
For an introductory class on how to use Fractionation (and other Mind Control techniques) on a woman (to make her miss you), click here.
Meech masters says
I expressed my feelings and intentions to a woman I’m desperately in love with now she is showing less interest in me and is hanging with another man is there anyway I can use your methods to fix this?
Derek Rake says
You’ve violated what we call “Precondition #2” in Shogun Method. To recover, see Module 3.
Anton poly says
Make all your programs available on all smartphones at no extra cost
Derek Rake says
They are all smartphone ready, Anton.
Brian says
I split with my wife six months ago and she has started to see someone else I have been begging for her back can I recover from this ?
Derek Rake says
For sure. Use the IRAE Model.
jonl says
What´s your take if a married woman in her late 30s accepts any kind of compliments you throw at her (i actually told her that if i was in her husbands place, i wouldnt let her out of bed… to which she laughed and gave a shoulder slap) and even lets you give her a foot massage? I also tease her a lot How can i make the final move? we have been flirting for some 5 months now.
Greg MMA says
Is it possible to make the elicitation of values alone and then I ignore by SMS to enslave it would it work?
Heseinberg says
I want to buy the dark rake method but can I use it alone?
Derek Rake says
No, you need Shogun Method.