Reading Time: 23 Minutes
How to Hypnotize a Woman to Fall in Love with You
When David came banging on my office door last week, the look on his face already told me everything I needed to know.
David hastily scrambled on to my couch. His swollen red eyes and his crumpled clothes told me he was a man in agony.
“She’s left you, hasn’t she?” I asked.
I’d seen it a thousand times before. Guys like David came running into my office every week, all of them with a similar story.
David nodded his head. When he regained his breath he told me:
“She went away with her work last week. The day she came back, she broke it off with me.”
This kind of situation was way more common than people realized. Business trips are one of the most common places women are tempted to cheat.
“I asked her not to go on the business trip, but she did anyway,” said David. “Now look what’s happened.”
“Does she do things without telling you? Is she losing interest in you? Does she prioritize herself over you? Does she play mind games?” I asked him.
Sure enough, David nodded his head.
“You’ve fallen into a trap a lot of guys fall into,’ I told him. “You’ve let her become the dominant one in your relationship.”
Table of Contents
- How to Hypnotize a Woman to Fall in Love with You
- You Must Dominate Your Woman (Here’s Why)
- Warning: Shogun Method is Not for the Faint-Hearted
- How to Hypnotize a Woman to Love You
- How to Manipulate Her Emotional Flaws
- How to Hypnotize a Woman Without Her Knowing
- How to Beat a Woman’s Rejection Mechanism–Use Hypnotic Suggestions
- How to Hack Into a Woman’s Subconscious Mind
- How to Enslave a Woman Emotionally in Three Steps
- How to Use Fractionation to Hypnotize Women
- So, What Happened To David?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How To Secretly Hypnotize Someone? How Do I Avoid Getting Found Out?
- What Is The Best Way To Hypnotize A Woman?
- Is It Possible To Hypnotize A Woman Against Her Will?
- Is It Legal To Hypnotize A Woman?
- Can Hypnosis Go Wrong?
- How To Hypnotize A Woman To Kiss You?
- Is Shogun Method A Type Of “Hypnotic Seduction”?
- What Is A Trigger Word Or Phrase In Hypnosis?
- What Is The Black Rose Sequence?
- How To Hypnotize A Woman Using Eye Contact Alone?
- How To Hypnotize A Woman By Texting Her?
- What’s The Quickest Way To Hypnotize A Woman?
- How To Hypnotize Your Ex-Girlfriend or Wife To Get Her Back?
- What Specific Words Do You Say To Hypnotize A Woman?
You Must Dominate Your Woman (Here’s Why)
I needed David to understand that to keep a woman by her side, she must be dominated.
Sexist? Maybe. Misogynistic? Perhaps… it’s not for me to say…
All I know is that it’s the truth, and every single guy in this world must know this.
“David, when the woman becomes the driving force in the relationship, it’s over. I don’t care if you’ve just started dating or you’ve been married for years. You must be in control at all times.”
“How do I do that? Derek, I’ll do anything!” said David.
“Anything?” I asked.
“Yes. I just want her back,” he replied.
“Good. Follow my instructions to the letter and she’ll be worshiping the ground you walk on.”
Warning: Shogun Method is Not for the Faint-Hearted
In this Shogun Method guide, I’m going to teach you exactly what I taught David. But, before we go there, there are a few things I need to clarify.
To make this method work for you, you will need to have balls of steel. You need a real brass ring-piece to pull it off.
Don’t get me wrong now. The techniques I’m going to teach you aren’t that difficult by any means…
…but a lot of men worry about the moral repercussions on their conscience.
Frankly, your morals or ethics are none of my concern. I mean, I’ve received lots of backlash from Shogun Method but I can’t care that much.
Also, understand that this isn’t some worthless “if you love her, let her go” bullshit you see on every Dating Guru site out there.
Make no mistake… what I am going to share with you is pretty manipulative by any standard.
In fact, these are the same techniques used by some of the world’s most notorious bastards to achieve their dastardly goals.
- Psychopaths use these methods to get ahead in life.
- Cult leaders use them to enslave followers.
- Con-men use them to make millions of dollars.
You’re going to learn how to use the same psychological manipulation techniques, but to get a woman to submit to you, heart and soul.
Sounds good?
Before we jump into things, I strongly suggest you get a copy of this article’s companion guide.
We call it the How To Hypnotize Someone Into Falling In Love With You Action Checklist. It summarizes all the information in this article–and there’s a LOT–into handy, doable checklists just for you.

Click here to download
Also, here’s the thing…
“Hypnotizing a woman into falling in love with you” is most commonly done by Shoguns who want their exes back. And that may or may not be your situation right now.
So, if you want to hypnotize women who are not in a relationship with you–friends, acquaintances, co-workers–then you absolutely must download the Action Checklist.
That’s because inside it, I cover a routine called the Chance Meeting Sequence. It’s a three-step process that makes a woman–any woman–feel like her interaction with you is her “chance meeting with the one.”
It’s a super-fast track to making women fall in love with you. And you’ll ONLY find it in my Action Checklist, so download your copy now. Click here.
Okay, now let’s continue…
How to Hypnotize a Woman to Love You
Enslavement, Not Seduction
What Dating Gurus and Pickup Artists teach is “seduction”.
Don’t get me wrong now… seduction has its time and place.
For example, if you want to impress a girl you just met, or if you want to get the phone number of that chick you met at the bar… then seduction tricks can be useful.
To the large majority of Shogun Method clients, their needs are different.
For one, they are already WAY past the “pickup” stage.
David, for instance, would need way more than Pickup Artist trickery to put his woman under control.
Makes sense?
As far as Shogun Method is concerned, seduction is only the beginning…
The REAL end game is Enslavement.
Yes, Enslavement… with a capital E.
As soon as I mention this word to my clients, their eyes widen like I’ve just told them they have to commit mass murder.
Let’s not kid ourselves here…
The word Enslavement conjures up pretty grim visuals, I’ll admit to that.
Let me clarify something here. What I’m talking about is emotional, not physical Enslavement.
What’s emotional Enslavement then?
It’s a relatively simple concept, really. Emotional Enslavement the state of a woman being addicted to you emotionally.
Once enslaved, she needs to be around you or in a relationship with you to achieve her emotional high.
Most guys make this mistake when they are with a woman… once they run out of Pickup tricks, she quickly loses interest…
Not surprising, right?
Make no mistake… Enslavement is absolutely crucial in the dating process.
Without it, you run the risk of your wife or girlfriend leaving you for a guy she’s on a business trip with. And my friend David can vouch that this isn’t something you want to experience.

How to Manipulate Her Emotional Flaws
Let’s quickly recap what we have so far…
When it comes to making a woman emotionally dependent on you, Enslavement is the end game.
I’ll explain how to do this in detail shortly, but first let me tell you some basic female psychology that you must know.
Firstly, women don’t think like you or me. The female thought process is entirely different to a man’s.
And as you will discover, a woman’s mind is terribly flawed which makes it vulnerable to be exploited.
It’s true. Most intelligent people know it, but most people are too scared to say it for fear of being labelled sexist.
Anyone who tells you otherwise is talking shit.
Now here’s the biggest flaw inside a woman’s mind:
Her need for emotional drama.
A woman’s life is ruled entirely by emotions, and never by reason.
It makes complete sense if you think about it…
I mean, how many times have you seen a woman act completely irrationally for no real reason?
A lot, I bet.
Now think: how many times have you seen a man throw a tantrum over something irrelevant?
Exactly. A hell of a lot less, if ever.
So ask yourself–why is there such a divide in rational behavior between men and women? Well, the answer is quite simple:
The female brain is wired to act based on emotion, rather than rationale.
This is a flaw in the female psyche.
(On the other hand, men think with their brains, women think with their hearts.)
The reason women are prone to emotional outburst is because they can’t control them.
Their subconscious brain is telling them to act that way, despite what their conscious brain says.
And the best part?
We can exploit this flaw for our benefit, of course!
This is how: if we can gain access to the subconscious part of a woman’s brain, we can insert whatever information we want in there.
Makes sense?
There’s a lot of ideas running through your head now, right?
“Derek, can I make her instantly come back to my place?“
“Derek, can I make her fall in love with me?“
The short answers to both of these questions: yes. Both of these are entirely possible at the click of your fingers.
Excited yet?
Good. If you understand the female brain, you can understand the methods to exploit it. Let’s dig deeper!
How to Hypnotize a Woman Without Her Knowing
Let’s switch gears a bit and and talk about a very important concept…
The bypassing of the conscious brain
Some background…
It’s a top secret technique used by the most manipulative people in the world.
Psychopaths, millionaires, master seducers… basically, the successful, dominant people in the world.
Simply, it’s a way for dominant guys to bypass a woman’s conscious brain to put her under control and dominance.
And how do you bypass a woman’s conscious brain?
One word: hypnosis.
Now, even today, hypnosis is still a scientific and psychological mystery.
We don’t know everything about it. But, it’s proven time and time again to be one of the most effective persuasive methods in the world.
Here’s how it works…
Hypnosis is used to remove urges from the subconscious brain and replace them with more favorable elements.
For example, hypnosis is the number one method in the world of stopping people smoking.
Additionally, clinical hypnosis is used to treat mental health issues. It works on people to change their perceptions about the world around them.
And that’s exactly the same as what we’re using it for–on women.
In short, you’ll learn how to hypnotize someone into falling in love with you.
How to Beat a Woman’s Rejection Mechanism–Use Hypnotic Suggestions
You already know that appealing to a woman’s conscious mind is pointless.
The female brain is hard-wired to reject direct advances from a male. Ever seen a guy walk up to a girl in a bar and tell her directly that she’s going home with him?
No, because we all know it wouldn’t work. And if you have seen a guy try that, you can guarantee he went home alone. When a guy tries to be openly dominant, he usually comes across as a try-hard asshole.
Instead, dominance needs to be implied at a subconscious level. This is where hypnotism comes into play.
Conscious vs Subconscious Thinking
Let’s investigate a little further about the two modes in a person’s grain:
Conscious vs subconscious thinking
The conscious mind is the sort of day-to-day “you”.
I’m writing these words using my conscious mind, just as you are reading them in the same way. We are both aware of what we’re doing. The conscious mind is your critical side.
The unconscious mind, on the other hand, is responsible for everything else…
Your likes and dislikes…
Your taste in movies…
Your fashion sense…
Your personal biases…
Your sexual preferences…
It’s the part of the brain that influences a large majority of decisions you make.
And here’s the important part, so pay attention.
Information which is received by a person’s subconscious is immediately accepted by their rational brains without question.
That person will feel as though “they” have welcomed the information… when in actual fact it was forced there.
Before we go any further, I must warn you about dealing with an exposed subconscious:
Experts believe that the subconscious mind isn’t supposed to be altered in any way.
Well, the subconscious is a very sensitive, unique part of a person…
…and as such, tampering with it can cause extreme, irreparable problems.
(That’s why hypnotism is conventionally carried out only by licensed professionals. And they do it in a controlled environment–like a clinic.)
Accessing the deepest, darkest recesses of a person’s brain can have a rather drastic effect.
It can change a person’s tastes, desires and personality entirely.
Do this with your eyes wide open,
How to Hack Into a Woman’s Subconscious Mind
Women make their decisions based on their emotions, not their rationale. This makes accessing her subconscious a little easier.
Professional hypnotherapists access the subconscious by overloading it.
Sometimes, this can take the form of sensory overload. Think about a time when so much information has been coming at you that you’ve simply zoned out.
That zoning out is a mild hypnotic trance.
Another method is known as the Confusion Technique.
This involves keeping the conscious part of the brain busy to open up the subconscious.
It’s by far is the most common method used by hypnotists, magicians, and manipulators… and you’re going to learn all about it next.
How to Enslave a Woman Emotionally in Three Steps
Let’s go through a real world example now.
Say that you want to get your ex-girlfriend back. She’s left you for another guy and you want to guarantee it doesn’t happen again.
Here’s what we’re going to do to get her back… in three steps.
- Step 1. You’re going to add an element of Intrigue to your relationship. This is important in capturing her attention.
Ever seen a hypnotist click their fingers and get someone under their spell? They’re using the Confusion Technique. We’re going to do something similar.
- Step 2. You’re going to begin the hypnotic trance with a Mind Control technique known as Future Projections.
This will set the framework for what’s to come. The reason we don’t go balls-out yet is because you need to prime her. You need to begin softly and then gradually turn the heat up.
- Step 3. You’re going to use Fractionation to achieve your end result–total emotional Enslavement.
When you reach this point, there’s no turning back. She’ll be yours forever and there will be nothing you can do to change that.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
Step 1–Create Intrigue
Women don’t want needy guys. They come across as pathetic.
Constantly hounding a girl via phone or text is a surefire to get you:
- Ignored,
- Blocked, or
- Friend-zoned.
And all of these are the kiss of death if you want to get your ex back.
Instead, don’t text her at all for at least two weeks. Let her thoughts run wild.
And you know what? The less you say, the more her imagination fills in the gaps.
Let me tell you this: imagination is a lot more effective than the truth.
QUICK NOTE: Again, if the woman you’re after DIDN’T break up with you, then this Enslavement Sequence probably won’t work for you.
Instead, I suggest you use the Chance Meeting Sequence, which is specially designed to work on women who are not in a relationship with you.
So if she’s a friend, or acquaintance, or a hot co-worker you want to date–use the Chance Meeting Sequence instead. Read all about it in my How To Hypnotize Someone Into Falling In Love With You Action Checklist, which you can download here.
Once you have intrigued her sufficiently, then move on to the next step…
Step 2–Secretly Put Her Under Hypnotic Trance
Using a sequence known as Future Projections, you can gradually begin the hypnotic spell without it being too direct.
(Side Note: Future Projections is a core Shogun Method technique. Find it inside Module 5.)
Send her a text message with the following script:
“You know what I’d love to do with you one day? I’d pick you up one morning… and take you to my vacation home… well, my castle… on the edge of a mountain… with an amazing view of the sea… and I’d give you your own room… you could decorate it however you liked… wall to wall pink, marble worktops… you name it…”
You’ll immediately have her attention.
This script serves two purposes:
- Firstly, it’s a minor confusion technique. It will be completely unexpected, so her conscious mind will be kept busy.
- Secondly, you’re describing an ideal fantasy to her, and you’re making yourself part of it. Your ex will begin to equate you with her idea of perfection which no other man can live up to. (This, incidentally, is also how you can seduce a woman from another guy.)
And guess what? Because her conscious brain has been overloaded thanks to your previous mind games, her subconscious is the part of her which is taking this in.
Sneaky, right?
Step 3–Fractionate Her
Caution: This is the part from which there’s no return.
Indeed, this is where we cross the threshold…
Before you learn about Fractionation, understand this–
I usually keep the technique out of bounds from people I barely know.
Why? Well, I don’t want the whole world to fucking know this shit, that’s why.
Only once they reach the level of my client David do I share this type of knowledge.
Keep this mind –
Fractionation is absolutely not a joke.
With it, you are altering a woman’s subconscious brain directly.
I completely understand if you are hesitant to use it for fear of irreversible damage to a woman’s psyche.
At this point, I gotta ask you to agree with me.
As you proceed, you must promise you won’t use this technique to hurt women.
Here’s something else you need to understand.
It’s impossible to undo the effect that Fractionation hypnosis has on your target.
Go ahead, make that promise.
How to Use Fractionation to Hypnotize Women
Here’s what you need to know about Fractionation.
It’s a a process which forces a woman to recall both positive and negative experiences from her past.
In short, you’re taking her on an emotional roller coaster with you.
This is where you really start changing her subconscious beliefs. Once the hypnotic trance takes hold, you can use this to go anywhere you want.

What’s more…
The emotional bond she will create you with as a result of her trance will be unbreakable. It’s a win-win situation!
Sample Fractionation Script
Some bad news.
You see, I can’t just put the secret behind Fractionation out there for anyone to see.
Those who are “in the know” have promised to keep it to themselves.
(These are people inside the community.)
For that reason, I’m only willing to put a teaser sample line here. I’m sure you understand.
So here’s how Fractionation works:
Your Fractionation lines to your ex-girlfriend will begin with one of these:
“Have you ever met a person who you feel that he is meant to be with you?
Even if you’ve only known him for five minutes, you knew deep down inside you…
…that he will be an important part of your life, whether as a partner or only a friend.”
And when you’ve taken these three steps properly, she’ll be begging for her second chance with you.
Amazing, right?
So, What Happened To David?
Long story short: David took my advice.
Here was what he did:
- He froze out his ex-girlfriend for two weeks to build Intrigue with her (Step 1)
- He then sent a Future Projections script to get the ball rolling (Step 2)
And when David took the final step (3), the deal was sealed. Here was how it all went down…
The next day, he managed to bump into her around town. As soon as he began his Fractionation script, she was glued to his side.
David’s days of being a beta-male are long over now. He’s learned how to be a dominant, successful manipulator… and he’s reaping the rewards of his new knowledge.
Amazing, right?
Look here…
Are you in a similar situation to my friend David?
If yes, then here’s what you need to do:
Realize that you’ll need to move away from the lame Dating Guru or Pickup Artist tricks that you may be using.
Break the rules. Give yourself an advantage. Hypnosis works, being a nice guy doesn’t.
Immerse yourself in Mind Control and learn how to hypnotize women for your benefit.
Click on this link below to get a head start on using Mind Control to enslave a woman emotionally:

Watch The Online Mind Control Masterclass
Once you clicked on that link, follow the instructions on that page.
Do it now. You know it makes sense.

P.S.: Got any questions about hypnotizing a woman into falling in love with you? Post them below in the Comments section and I will answer personally.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Secretly Hypnotize Someone? How Do I Avoid Getting Found Out?
Keep in mind that hypnosis is meant to be secretive to begin with. If it’s easily spotted or found out, it’s bad hypnosis.
That’s why we focus on bypassing her conscious mind and influencing her subconscious mind. Shogun Method has hundreds of different techniques, principles, and verbal routines (called “Sequences”) that do precisely that.
The key is to find what works for you and get you the results you want. Different Shoguns will have different strategies, but they all focus on the same end goal: Enslavement.
This article has introduced you to a few techniques: The Freeze Out (not contacting her for two weeks), Future Projections, and Fractionation. To learn more, read the other articles in our database – or, for the best bang for your buck, learn about Fractionation first.
What Is The Best Way To Hypnotize A Woman?
By telling her stories.
Do you know that when you watch a movie, you fall into a light trance? In the hours you’re immersed in the movie, you are in a fabricated world, your emotions dictated by the narrative.
In the movie, you experience the story through the eyes of the characters. You emote through its heroes and villains as you embark on the journey or adventure in the story. In a word, you are hypnotized.
So, to hypnotize a girl, all you need is a good story.
In Shogun Method, we call these stories Shogun Sequences. The most well-known Shogun Sequence is the Black Rose Sequence, but we won’t get into that here.
Is It Possible To Hypnotize A Woman Against Her Will?
To clarify, I will use the movie metaphor once more. You know it’s just a movie when you’re watching it. If you’re not comfortable watching it, you can quit. You can stop anytime. You can walk out of the cinema.
Likewise, if she doesn’t feel like talking to you, she can stop. She can walk away. You’re not forcing her to listen to your stories, right?
The bottom line is this. Hypnosis doesn’t take away someone’s free will. She is free to disengage any time.
Is It Legal To Hypnotize A Woman?
I’m not a lawyer, but let me ask you this–is telling stories to anyone ever “illegal”?
Still, I want you to use Shogun Method only with the best intentions. Legal or not, it can be abused to cause a woman to hurt and suffer. Like most Shoguns, choose to do it because you want her to be happy.
Can Hypnosis Go Wrong?
Yes, for sure. And that’s why Shogun Method comes with a warning sticker!
The truth is some guys go crazy after they learn the Black Rose Sequence. They go off on a rampant, using it on every female they meet… leaving behind a trail of broken hearts and broken women.
Trust me, you don’t want to cast the Black Rose on everyone… unless you want crazy bitches turning up at your door at 3am.
Now, here’s the golden rule for Shogun Method: Reserve it only on women you want to be with for the long term. Shogun Method is not for guys who want to bang the skanks they pick up at the bar.
Not only that, there’s another problem. Many guys learn Shogun Method tactics like Fractionation through blogs and forums, and guess what? They either learn the watered-down version, or something that’s completely wrong.
The place to learn Fractionation is inside Shogun Method. Anywhere else claiming to teach it is either weak or downright fake.
How To Hypnotize A Woman To Kiss You?
Put simply, you can’t. At least, not in the way you see in cartoons and comedies. (E.g., you can’t wave a pocket watch in front of her eyes, snap your fingers, and make her kiss you. So don’t even try.)
What you CAN do is hypnotize a woman the Shogun Method way. That is, you make a woman so emotionally addicted to you (read: Enslaved) that, eventually, she won’t be able to herself back from kissing you.
The great thing about Shogun-style hypnosis is that it can work immediately. As in, you can make a woman fall in love with you even if she’s meeting you for the first time.
For a couple of Shogun Method techniques you can start using today, check out the Chance Meeting Sequence in the How To Hypnotize Someone Into Falling In Love With You Action Checklist. Click here to download.
Is Shogun Method A Type Of “Hypnotic Seduction”?
The answer is yes and no, and here’s why…
Firstly, yes, it’s hypnotic in the sense that it uses hypnotic techniques to influence women’s decisions in the realm of love, dating, sex, and relationships. Shogun Method is all about influencing a woman’s subconscious beliefs in order to influence her conscious decisions.

And secondly, no, it’s not seduction where the mere goal is to seduce a woman using the least time and energy possible. If you think about it, the idea of seduction is shortsighted, selfish, and unfulfilling in the end.
Shogun Method begins where seduction ends. Its ultimate goal is Enslavement, where you make a woman so emotionally addicted to you that she commits to you for life. It’s a great power, but also a great responsibility – and if you can’t commit to that responsibility, I suggest not using Shogun Method at all.
What Is A Trigger Word Or Phrase In Hypnosis?
In The Manchurian Candidate, US soldier Raymond Shaw is a sleeper agent for the Soviet Union. But here’s the twist… he doesn’t know he’s one.
When Shaw hears a trigger phrase, his brainwashed persona gets activated. When this happens, he is forced to follow any orders without question. In the movie, Shaw’s trigger phrase was:
“Why don’t you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?”
In Shogun Method, you get to set a trigger word at the end of the Black Rose Sequence. This will unleash the persona that you have crafted together with her.
What Is The Black Rose Sequence?
The Black Rose Sequence is a hypnotic routine within the final stage of the IRAE Model. The IRAE Model maps the four stages of a woman in love–Intrigue, Rapport, Attract and Enslave.
Learn more in Module 3 inside Shogun Method.
How To Hypnotize A Woman Using Eye Contact Alone?
You can’t hypnotize a girl only by gazing into her eyes. Hypnosis is an experience that engages her emotions and imagination. The best way to incite a girl’s emotions and fire her imagination is through words.
Eye contact helps, but it doesn’t work on its own. You need words. You need stories.
How To Hypnotize A Woman By Texting Her?
Some time ago, someone asked the Shogun Method community if he could hypnotize a woman simply by texting her the Black Rose Sequence. He got laughed out of the door.
In essence, you can’t hypnotize anyone through text or email. Whoever claiming he has magical texts to hypnotize women is a stupid Pickup Artist or someone trying to prank you.
What’s The Quickest Way To Hypnotize A Woman?
If I had to pick just ONE way to hypnotize a woman – one that was the quickest and surest way – it would have to be Fractionation.
Think of it this way: Most, if not all, Shogun Method techniques and principles are based on, or are related to, Fractionation. It’s probably the most powerful Mind Control techniques known to man.
Want to make her fall in love with you–but be quick about it? Then Fractionation is your answer. Click here to learn how to use it today.
How To Hypnotize Your Ex-Girlfriend or Wife To Get Her Back?
You do it the same way as with every other woman. The difference is you use stories that trigger her happy memories of you.
This way, you’ll put her under trance where she’ll remember fond times with you so she wants to come back to you.
Now, here’s the controversial thing about this strategy… those memories can faked. Memory Implanting can be a dangerous thing. Only an experienced and upright Shogun should do it.
What Specific Words Do You Say To Hypnotize A Woman?
There are no specific words to say. You only need a hypnotic storyline.
One example of a hypnotic storyline is Fractionation. With this strategy, you induce her trance by putting her on an emotional roller coaster.
Without going into the details, here’s Fractionation in summary– an interplay of opposites. Pain vs pleasure. Happiness vs sadness. Conscious vs unconscious. Thinking vs feeling. Anger vs peace. In short, a roller coaster of emotions.
So, how do you use Fractionation to hypnotize a girl? Well, it’s easy if you know how. All you need to do is to be a Shogun today, and this knowledge is yours.
Before you join us, remember this–
What Shogun Method ultimately gives you is optionality.
With options come power. Most men are weak because they have limited options. They never get to choose, and so they are stuck with women who mistreat them. Shogun Method gives you options. And with options, you get power. It’s up to you how you want to use this power.
Please I relly need help on fractionation…….
Hi Derek I’ve already completed step 1 and was just wondering if I have to word part 2 like you have or if I could word it my own way? Also are you sure my ex won’t react weirdly to me sending this message?
Word it your way in order to preserve continuity / congruence. It WILL work, so don’t worry and go do it! Fortune favours the bold. 🙂
I am married and I want my wife to be in love with me again. Step 1 really is not really good for me to do because she is with me all of the time. What can I do ?
You can still do it – be creative!
Hi Derek, I was just wondering would step one and two work over text, or do I need to be face to face with the woman I plan to manipulate.
Ideally you should do this face-to-face.
Hi Derek, I’m a lady. My ex and I have been dating some time but then suddenly he left me to work in Vietnam and from Sunday onwards I didn’t receive any call or message. I miss him so much and want him back. Anyway that you can help me please? Thanks in advance.
I’m on the other side of the fence, my lady.
Hi Derek, how do I get a hypnotic man fall in love with me? I am a woman.
Strangely, Shogun Method works even better on men.
How do I approach her again after doing step 1?
My ex and I still live together and have kids together, so this is tricky. Any tips?
Full disclosure, she thinks I cheated on her, so now she’s flirting with the idea of dating other people.
We’re in the middle of the pandemic, but we both still go to work during the day, and come home at night. And we’re both around on the weekends.
I tried Step 1 by spending less time at home. We still have to talk and see each other though (I’d be looked at as a scumbag if I left her with the kids and with no contact for even a day, let alone 2 weeks).
Step 2, I sent her a voicenote with words similar to those. Her response was:
“It’s cool, I would love to have all of those things but I am scared to have that with you. It’s always something and right now I just can’t live with that fear”
We have had some regular conversations since then, then for Step 3, I also sent her a voicenote with words similar to those. Her response was, “yeah, that’s why I want us to be friends ”
Any tips on how to proceed from here?
I wa looking for him to respond to you because I’m definitely in a similar situation I wanted to see how it would work without getting we should be friends and co- parent jargen. I guess it’s good to know I’m not alone in this type of situation. Keep fighting bro
Hi, my ex boyfriend broke up w me a couple months ago and I WANT HIM BACK ASAP. Can I use these hypnosis techniques on a male? To add I actually found out I was pregnant w his twins (the pregnancy a huge shock to both of us, very minimal chance of pregnancy after a procedure I had 5 yrs ago). He’s mad, angry w me and situation. Nasty to me through all his texts.
You can, but if he’s nasty to you, why bother?
Reverse Friend Zone. Agree to being friends.
i feel someone using this technique, i am completely trapped, i hated him 1st ,gradually. i start to love him …he control me as he want. please help me to get of this situtaion
Email me. I’ll help you.
Hey, Derek, could you please tell me how to complete this in person? This is assuming that texting is out of the question for whatever reason.
Yes, you can’t text your way to attraction. Use Shogun Sequences face to face.