Reading Time: 20 Minutes
How To Manipulate Women
Okay, Derek, so here’s the problem. I used to be balls deep every night. But now she’s not giving me anything.”
I’ve coached so many men now that I’ve heard that line so many times I’ve lost count. “Yes, tell me more.”
“When girls I dated did this, I used one of my pickup tricks. I chased other women or told her we’d just be friends. They’d go totally crazy… and finally they’d submit to me.”
“Go on.”
“But now we’re living together, those pickup tricks don’t work anymore.”
“You see, Derek, she seems to always know what I’m up to. Bottom line… I need something more powerful. Something that digs deep into her psyche and make her surrender to me, heart and soul. I’d do anything to get the upper hand over her. Teach me how.”
I leaned back in my chair and got ready to tell him what he didn’t expect to hear.

He’s about to learn emotional and psychological manipulation methods, knowledge that will turbocharge his ability to control and dominate any woman he wants.
Yes, any woman.
Table of Contents
Pickup Artistry vs Real Game
Mike was a new Shogun.
(In case you’re new to the game like Mike–Shoguns are practitioners of Shogun Method.)
Mike came to me because he had evolved past the pickup stage of the game.

In fact, up until a couple of months back, he told me he was pretty good at picking girls up.
He had approached a ton of girls. He knew how to make girls think he had “high value” (a garden variety Pickup Artist concept). He had his game grooved to the point where he got the lay, say, 70% of the time. That means he could get to sleep with seven out of the ten girls he picked up. That’s an awesome hit rate, he thought…
…but here’s the kicker. Soon, he couldn’t get the rush from banging new girls that he used to.
He said,
“Derek, it was like sleeping with the same body every night but changing the head.”
So Mike found a great girl, settled down, and started building a future with her. He thought he had left the game for good, but get this…
…he didn’t realize the real game was just starting.
Because here’s the thing.
As I like to say to my brother Shoguns: The problem with pickup is that soon after you pick something up, you’ll have to put it down again.
You talk to a girl at the club and play the monkey. You get her number. But then she won’t text you back and flakes on you.
So you chase other girls, pick them up, and repeat the cycle. It’s like the proverbial Ferris Wheel.
Sometimes you score, sometimes you don’t. You get on the high, and then you come down. You always do.
But like most merry-go-rounds, after a while, you want to get off and pursue something less artificial. Something deeper, more permanent, with more meaning.
That’s when guys like Mike come to me for help…
…and since you’re reading this far, chances are that you’re like Mike.
So, welcome. You’re at the right place.
Free Download: Action Checklist + False Memories Tactic
Before we continue, I’ve got to warn you.
You’re about to read through a comprehensive guide to using psychological and emotional manipulation on women.
I’ll teach you everything you need to know to lead a happy, lifelong relationship with a woman who’s forever thrilled to be with you.
And I mean everything. So, be warned that it might get overwhelming at some parts.
That’s why I prepared a Psychological Manipulation Action Checklist for you. It’s a handy cheat sheet that summarizes everything you’re about to learn in this guide today. And it’s free.

Click Here
Download the PDF because it’ll make your journey to a stronger, happier love life that much easier… and so much more rewarding, too.
Plus, the Action Checklist also contains a special bonus technique at the very end–
False Memories
I won’t give away too much about this technique right now (it’s a bit controversial), but here’s a preview.
With False Memories, you will create fake memories in your woman’s mind. Yes, FAKE. And your woman will unquestioningly believe absolutely everything you say… even if it’s not true.
Yup, it’s that controversial. And that’s why I am hiding it inside a PDF–putting it on the blog will invite unnecessary attention to us Shoguns that we’d rather do without.

The False Memories technique can be somewhat evil (yes, evil), and yet if you want to build a strong, happy (and possibly lifelong) relationship, guess what? You’ll need every bit of help you can get. And I’m here today to help you reach that noble goal.
So go ahead–download the Psychological Manipulation Action Checklist now and we’ll continue right after. free resource
What Men Really Want
Let’s not kid ourselves here. The white picket fence and a happy, loving family is what we all men eventually want.
Sooner or later, guys will grow out of the Pickup Artist phase and want to settle down with that one special woman.
Just like Mike.
Here’s the kicker though.

The one “special” woman in that idealized picture is loving, obedient, and feminine.
She’s not the nasty, domineering, disrespectful, game-playing and narcissistic woman most guys put up with these days.
And guess what?
The pickup tricks you used to date and bed the girls you meet at bars? It won’t work in a long-term relationship, sorry.
Because here’s the thing–
The dynamics are different.
You live together. You’re around each other more. You’ve lost the sense of mystery and intrigue that you used to have.
You can’t punish her by dating other women. Unless you want to fuck your relationship up… you can’t go on a pussy hunt anymore.
So that high-value facade that you created for the club sluts won’t work any longer.
Not only that, it’s exhausting to keep up. And she’s around you enough to know the real you.
After all, as a wise man once said,
Familiarity breeds contempt.
Sometimes, it’s not just contempt. In the worst case scenario, she might downright hate you.
So if pickup tricks fail to keep the embers of love burning in the long term, what should you do?
Turn to mainstream relationship guru (Oprah-style) advice?
Because what do they tell you to do?
“Communicate better and express your feelings to each other!”
“Marry your best friend!”
“Just sit down and talk!”
“Schedule a date night once a week!”
“Do nice things for each other!”
If you’re reading stuff like that in Cosmopolitan magazine or on Yahoo’s home page… c’mon man. Stop it already.
So what’s the secret to keeping her desire high in a long term relationship?
“Negging”? “Demonstrate high value”? “Peacocking”? “Cocky funny”?
No. Pickup Artist tricks are so laughably juvenile. Come on now.
Back rubs and warm baths?
Nope. Never worked, and never will.
The answer?
To be precise–emotional and psychological manipulation.
The Truth About Manipulation
Make no mistake: The word manipulation triggers a lot of people. In a bad way.
However, it’s important to rethink what manipulation really means in real life.
Consider this.
Everybody manipulates.
And I do mean everybody.
Women put on makeup and high heels. Men put on their best shirt and tie while showing only their good side to win a job interview.
How about children?
Well, guess what? Children are the biggest manipulators of all.
Think about it. They throw a tantrum and kick up a real fuss… just to get your attention. Or, to buy them the latest toy.
The truth is that manipulation is in our genes.
It has to be. The two strongest drives in human beings are survival and replication. And to survive and replicate, we humans must manipulate as much as is necessary.

Makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
Love Manipulation Tactics: Good or Evil?
Of course, there’s that age-old belief that manipulation is, by nature, evil.
Let me offer you a different way to look at it.
What makes something evil has got everything to do with a man’s intentions.
Take manipulation, for instance.
The only difference is that some people manipulate with bad intentions while others only have good ones.
Children manipulate their parents all the time. You know, for toys, chocolate, attention, and love. Surely they can’t be evil, right?
The same principle applies to you and me today, right here.
I assume you want to build a loving, healthy, long term relationship with a good natured woman. Yes?
If that’s the case, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Love manipulation tactics are neither good nor evil. It all depends on your intentions. If you mean well, then that’s step number one.
You Must Manipulate Your Way To Love
What’s step number two?
It’s this–you must realize that love isn’t a spontaneous chemical reaction that happens whenever the Gods decide.
Truth be told–
You must manipulate your way to love.
Does that make you uncomfortable?
If it does, then you shouldn’t.
Because think about this. You’re using manipulation to make her feel loved, so you can build a great life together with her
The ends justify the means, 100%.
Once you’ve accepted that these methods of manipulation are amoral–neither good nor bad–you have the right mindset.

And if you are already a Shogun Method devotee, then you’ll know that emotional enslavement is the key, not seduction. So, the right mindset to have is this–
Think enslavement, not seduction.
Now you’ve got the mindset, the next step is to learn the “how-to” part of these manipulation tactics gets so much easier.
Methods of Manipulation
Consider this. Shogun Method is the probably the only relationship advice program in the world that is based on psychological and emotional manipulation.
It’s the definitive answer to the question of “how to manipulate a woman”, and it teaches men the true nature of manipulation–amoral, real and legitimate.
Not only that, it works on females of all kinds–from the sweet and pure to the narcissistic and downright sociopathic. And yes, it works even on girls with daddy issues.
In the heart of Shogun Method is the IRAE Model–the four steps protocol that escalates a woman from slight interested to total attraction and slavish devotion. If you haven’t done it yet, download this free 34-page digital book.
We’ll talk more about Shogun Method later, but for now, let’s dive into the meat of this guide–the three methods of manipulation culled from Shogun Method.
Emotional Manipulation Tactic # 1: Prophesy
A master salesman, after making an offer, often use this line,
“…but you are free to decide, of course”
Make no mistake–this is 100% manipulation.
Well, this line manipulates the buyer to think that he’s in full control of the choice that he’ll be making.
In short, the buyer thinks he came to the decision himself… and not through strong-arming by the salesman.
Ever heard of the term illusion of control? That’s what this is exactly.
So, this is how you use the Prophesy tactic to manipulate her.
Tell your woman she is free to pursue other romantic options… but with a twist. Throw in a prediction that she’ll fuck it all up.
And here’s how to do that. The idea is to convince her that if she pursues other options, she will be worse off. And the trick is to make her think she comes to the conclusion by herself.
In negotiation, there is a powerful concept called BATNA. It’s short for the Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement.
AKA, other options.
You want to convince her that her BATNA is worse than staying with you.
Do this by pointing out what she will lose if she leaves you. Tell her that other guys will pump and dump her. Exaggerate the worst case scenario and make it vivid.
To summarize, here are the two steps in the Prophesy tactic–
- Say “you are free to decide” after presenting her an offer, and
- Predict a negative future for her if she refuses it
Here is an example of what you can say:
“We are so much better together, but here’s the thing. I want you to decide for yourself that this is good for you. You should also consider the other guy, and maybe he’s better for you although you already see for yourself how all his past girlfriends suffer from his shitty behavior. I don’t know. You are free to decide.”
Easy, right?
Fact: Human beings bond through shared experiences.
We Shoguns know this: Suffering hardships on the road to a common goal strengthen human bonds tremendously.
Examples? Well, look at these things: Sports. Team games. Races. Wars.
These shared experiences unite people more effectively than work retreats and trust falls.
With the same idea, here’s how to manipulate a girl into falling for you–
Orchestrate shared experiences for you and her.
Mix up positive and negative experiences. Take her on a roller coaster of emotions. Give her heaven… and give her hell.
Keep boredom away by making life exciting for you as a couple.

And here’s the kicker.
Negative experiences work better than positive experiences.
It’s fucking insane, but true. Man and woman bond better when they’ve gone through hell together.
And here are some ideas how you can orchestrate a negative shared experience (we call it NSE in Shogun Method):
- Take her to a new part of town and then get lost on purpose. Or,
- Go camping together and purposefully forget the tent. Or,
- (Advanced Shoguns only) Fake a breakup. Leave her, and then come back.
Guess what?
In each of the case, she might freak out. (Especially the third example above.)
Once you’ve dealt with her emotional outbursts, resolve the situation.
You’ll be her hero. And you will have bonded her to you like a newborn to its mother.
Sounds crazy? Yes.
Is this effective? Sure as hell it is.

QUICK NOTE: I have a confession. When I was writing this guide, I intentionally had four, not three, manipulation techniques to teach you.
But one of them–the False Memories tactic–was simply way too controversial to put out here in public.
That’s why I hid it in the Psychological Manipulation Action Checklist. If you want the full disclosure on this touchy technique, learn all about it–and how to use it–there at the very end.
If you haven’t downloaded your Action Checklist yet, download this valuable PDF now... before they force me to take it off.
Emotional Manipulation Technique #3: Fractionation
Many years ago, hypnotherapists noticed a strange phenomenon happening to their clients.
They found a quick shortcut to getting someone into hypnotic state quickly, and it’s this–
Keep taking her in and out of trance repeatedly and quickly.
Whenever she falls back into trance, it will be deeper than before.
We now know this strange phenomenon by its modern name–
And guess what? This technique works as well on women to make her fall deeper in love.
When used correctly, Fractionation will do this for you.
While the majority of relationships usually wane over time, her attachment to you will increase as the years go on.
As other couples drift apart, her love for you will deepen the longer you are together.
You know, just like a person under hypnosis.
Bad News
I have got some bad news to break to you…
Fractionation is a huge subject that I can’t fully explain here because of space constraints. (This guide is already pretty long as it is.)
It isn’t some routine or pickup line you can learn in two minutes. You already know how different Shogun Method is from Pickup Artists and the likes…
…instead, it’s rooted deeply in hypnosis and extreme persuasion, bordering on indoctrination. Heavy, heavy stuff. You can’t possibly learn it inside a blog post.
Here’s some good news, however.
I teach a comprehensive class on Fractionation (and other Shogun Method tactics) for those who want to learn more. This class is based on the legendary Shogun Method training that has helped more than 17,000+ men get what they want out of love and women.
If you are already a Shogun, you can watch the online class inside the Fractionation module here.
If you’re not, join the Shogun Method brotherhood first. All you need to start is to click here.
(Yes, there is an application process because we filter out those who join to sabotage us. Yes, we get lots of hate… especially from feminists, social justice types, and also–no surprises–Pickup Artists! They want nothing more but for Shogun Method to go away. Sad people.)
I hope to see you inside the Shogun Method community.

P.S: Got any questions about using psychologically manipulative techniques on your woman? Post them below and I’ll answer them personally.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Mind Control a Type of Psychological Manipulation?
Manipulation comes in many forms, and Mind Control is one of them.
I have avoided mentioning about Mind Control because it carries some preconceptions that are completely nonsensical. But, yes, if you’re into the most hardcore psychological manipulation tactics that ever existed, then Mind Control will fit the bill.
Here’s the catch, though. Despite its purported prowess, Mind Control doesn’t work on everyone. To know if it works on your woman, take this quiz.
Signs of a Psychological Manipulator: What Are Those?
Everyone’s a manipulator–some more than others.
The worst psychological manipulators all show three tell-tale signs, and so it’s important to know what they are. Here are the three signs.
- Sign #1: They make you feel guilty. Either they play the victim all the time, or they offer to do you a favor and then later tell you: “You owe me.” Classic manipulation technique – be sure to keep an eye out for this.
- Sign #2: They’re hypocritical. They claim they believe certain things, and yet their actions tell a completely different story. At best, they may just be weak-willed, but at worst, it’s another classic sign they are a manipulator.
- Sign #3: They’re only there when you pose some sort of value to them. Once they get what they want from you, they disappear. And they never return the favor without making you feel like dirt.
If the woman you’re dating is showing even just one of these signs, be careful. Either be ready to end the relationship to find a more level-headed woman, or out-manipulate her with Shogun Method.
Remember–think enslavement, not seduction.
How To Manipulate a Manipulator?
“I think she is a manipulator herself.”
The first step is to not get caught in her manipulative traps.
Remember, she manipulates your feelings to get what she wants. The moment you feel a woman is manipulating you, out-manipulate her by turning the tables on her.
For instance, if she asks you for a free ride, a free dinner, or some other favor, tell her,
“Nah, that’s boyfriend duty.”
If she criticizes or insults you, respond,
“If I were your boyfriend, I’d be really hurt by that.”
Get the picture? Make her see that she can’t control your feelings.
From there, she either gives up and leaves you alone, or she submits to your frame and starts behaving herself. Either way, you win.
Now, what if you’re already her boyfriend or husband?
Then I suggest you use the controversial top-secret technique I protected in my Psychological Manipulation Action Checklist.
False Memories.
You know… the one that makes her believe everything you say, even if it’s not true? That one!
And it’s inside the Action Checklist.
Can You Coach Me To Manipulate My Woman?
Possible, but unlikely.
While I run a coaching service, I’m usually booked well in advance, sometimes one year ahead. You can still try applying, though. The application form is here.
I charge one of the highest rates in the industry, and for good reason. It’s not for everyone, just as Shogun Method is not for everyone.
Advanced Psychological Manipulation Techniques: What Are Those?
In this guide, you’ve been introduced to three manipulation techniques: Prophesy, Negative Shared Experiences (NSE), and Fractionation. These are pretty advanced in their own right, but there are others as well.
For instance, there’s False Memories. Here, you make your target believe a past event happened when it really didn’t.
Now you can make her keep a promise she made to you long ago, even if she made no such promise. Pretty sneaky and effective. Find it inside the Action Checklist PDF download above.
Another advanced technique is Gaslighting. With it, you make your target doubt her perception of reality and question her own decisions.
This ultimately makes her challenge you less and follow your lead more, which leads to a stronger and happier relationship overall.
There’s even more inside the Shogun Method knowledge universe. We are barely scratching the surface here, and so this should excite you.
Now, here’s the thing.
Our entire knowledge base is enormous. If you only had the time and energy to learn just one psychological manipulation technique, it must be Fractionation.

Fractionation is probably the most powerful psychological and emotional manipulation technique out there, especially relating to long-term relationships and marriages.
Its main goal is simple–
To make your woman feel completely addicted to you.
After all, when she has emotional addiction to you, she’ll never leave you. And she’ll never try anything that might drive you away.
Instead, she’ll do whatever it takes to make you stay.
If that’s what you want–and if you want it fast–then I suggest you learn Fractionation today.
Join us in the Shogun Method community. I’ll show you how it’s done, easy.
Hey Derek,
To use fractionation to get ex wife back(she dumped me).Can I use reminder of some great times we had (happy) then follow with sad event etc.Example Hey imagine how excited and happy we were snorkeling together we had so much fun.Just a pity your ex at times came to stalk us stressing you out at home(negative)
Yes, definitely. However, be sure that you end of a positive note, and possibly a cliffhanger. See Module 5 of Shogun Method.
Derek Rake is the best human being to have ever existed. His methods are flawless.
Well, did I just manage to manipulate you psychologically to say that, Jim? Very kind of you nevertheless.
Learn more about psychological manipulation by watching my free online masterclass – you might protect yourself from the dangers of getting manipulated.
This is horrible advice. What about being good and not mistreating another human being to meet your selfish needs?
Since you’re here, how’s “treat everyone nice” is working out for you?
We are in a casual relationship and sex is great but she doesn’t want to be my GF and wants to keep casual sex going. She is single, and tells me we are different even though she likes the sex and hanging out with me but doesn’t want a serious relationship. Any advice as I want her to make my GF?
Disqualify her. Say you don’t want her as your girlfriend, implying she’s not good enough.
Thank you.
Yesterday I saw your advice on fake fights which we did and I went radio silent and decided to stay silent for 3 days, for the first 24 hours she texted me several times including apologizing but at the same time blaming me too. I did send a short after 1 day stating I accepted her apology but needed time to clear my head. Now she also went radio silent. Maybe I made a mistake of sending a short text after 1 day? any advice should I initiate contact in 2-3 days or wait until I hear again from her?
The best thing to do now is to think strategy, not tactics. Learn Shogun Method.