Reading Time: 6 Minutes
When meeting women, first impressions are crucial. What you say in the first few seconds of meeting her will dictate how the entire relationship plays out. It’s true!
I mean, it sounds crazy, but it’s real. If you can make a good impression in the first seven seconds of meeting a girl, then guess what? According to research, your chances of bagging her go up by an incredible 86 percent.
Believe me because I’ve screwed up enough first impressions to last a lifetime. Rewind to the time of my life pre-Shogun Method. That time, whenever I met a new girl, I would fumble my words or say something idiotic. I’d panic, sweat and get super nervous, and before I knew it, my chances of hooking up were in the dirt.
And things got worse. After my time in the murky world of the Dark Net, I stumbled across something that changed my life forever. I found a trick that captured women’s attention every single time I used it. And it wasn’t any plain old pickup artist line. What made it special was that it exploited a flaw in the female mind that made it so irresistible to women.
What’s this trick?
Intrigue Pings.
Table of Contents
Intrigue Pings: The Secret Sauce of Killer Approaches
Now before we continue, I gotta clarify this. Intrigue Pings are a technique inside Shogun Method, a system of Mind Control tactics used to emotionally enslave women. (Yes, enslave. If you’re interested, read this Shogun Method review. It’s not for everyone.)
Now if you’ve never heard of Intrigue Pings before, here’s the Cliffs Notes version. Intrigue Pings are short, snappy sentences that capture a woman’s attention. They work well because they tap directly into a woman’s subconscious mind.
As any Shogun will tell you, capturing a woman’s attention is crucial. We call this the Intrigue stage inside Shogun Method. If there’s no Intrigue, there’s no Attraction. It’s as simple as that.

(There are four stages of love with Intrigue being the first stage. The other three are Rapport, Attraction and the final “E Stage” respectively. Shoguns call this the IRAE Model.)
The Anatomy of an Intrigue Ping
Intrigue Pings may look simple on the surface, but they are devastatingly effective. After all, they are backed up by hard psychological research and scientific evidence.
Right, so you’re probably wondering exactly what an Intrigue Ping looks like. So, let’s look at some examples.
Try this on someone you want to approach:
“I might regret asking you this, but there’s something I need to know…”
At this point, you stay silent and wait for her response. Don’t say a word. Simply wait for her to reply.
When she does, you complete the Intrigue Ping with:
“Okay, since you’re so persistent! What’s your name?”
Then she will, every single time. It might sound deceptively simple, but there’s many things going on under the hood. I’ll explain more about this in a second.
When she tells you her name, follow up with:
“Congratulations, you’ve just passed the test. I can confirm that you’re an interesting person. As a reward, I’ll let you chat with me!”
See how much better this is than a standard “hi” or “hey”?
The Four Stages of Love
Here’s the thing about Intrigue Pings:
They are not merely conversation starters. Done right, they’ll kick the interaction off with a ton of momentum. If your Intrigue Ping lands, it’s pretty much smooth sailing from then onwards.

So what happens after an Intrigue Ping? Remember the IRAE Model? The next stage in the Model is the “Rapport” stage. Here, you’ll use similar techniques like the Intrigue Ping to build rapport with a woman. From there, you’ll escalate to “Attract” stage where sexual attraction happens, and finally to the (controversial) “E” stage.
What’s the “E” stage? Well… I’m somewhat reluctant to say the word as it’s quite politically incorrect to say it these days. Do you know what the “E” word is?
So, let’s do a quick recap.
- One: To capture a girl’s attention, use an Intrigue Ping.
- Two: Once you have intrigued her, escalate her to the Rapport stage. This is part of Shogun Method’s IRAE Model.
So far, so good.
The Intrigue-Rapport Bridge
Now here’s something that Shoguns will not tell you…
Intrigue Pings have one BIG weakness.
Don’t get me wrong. Intrigue Pings are a fantastic way to get the ball rolling when you meet a girl for the first time…
…but guess what? To a woman, intrigue fizzles out as quickly as they start. To sustain her interest, you’ll need more than Intrigue Pings.
Remember that in Shogun Method, what comes next after Intrigue (or, the “I” stage) is Rapport (or, the “R” stage). So, what Shoguns do after Intrigue Pings?
This: the I-R Bridge. It’s a technique that bridges between the “I” and the “R” stages.
Now, here’s the thing… my brother Shoguns have asked me not to talk about the I-R Bridge and I respect their wishes. So all I can say is this: it involves ignoring her. For more details, you’ve got to ask a Shogun yourself… or you can find the answer by looking inside Shogun Method.
So, if you look at the Intrigue Ping plus I-R Bridge as a combo, you see the contrast between the two. Intrigue Pings give pleasure, while the I-R Bridge gives pain.
Joy and Suffering: The Art of Fractionation
This brings us to what makes Shogun Method so special. It’s about giving women both pleasure and pain. And that’s what makes a woman addicted to a man emotionally–through both joy and suffering.
There’s a special name for the Shogun Method technique that gives a woman both joy and pain, and it’s this:
You might have heard of this before, I know. After all, I make it a point to talk about it in almost every video I make… but I’ve got good reason for that!

I mean, let’s face it… the dating world is a real battlefield these days, and guys are getting killed out there. And I truly believe that Fractionation is what every guy needs under his belt to win in the game of love. Seriously, I really do.
You really want to be good with women, and you’ll do whatever it takes to succeed.
Well, here’s the thing. When I first started, I read an awful lot of online blogs and forums about pickup and seduction. It was such a waste of time. If I could travel back in time, I would slap me in head and tell myself:
“Learn Fractionation, you fucker!”
Seriously, that’s what I think you should do. Like NOW.
Go find where the Shogun Method Online Masterclass is, and join it.
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