Stages Of Falling In Love: The Psychology Behind Phases Of Romance
At some point in your life, you’ve probably met that guy. Sometimes, that guy is Rick. Rick’s the one who gets Cheeto dust and pizza grease all over the Xbox controllers.
And everyone’s like, “Oh man, don’t invite Rick to play video games. I hate that guy.”
Sometimes, that guy is Walter. Walter always has the newest, best TV and sound system. And he wants you to know it.
And everyone’s like, “Ugh, I don’t want to hang out at Walter’s. I’m sick of that guy.”
Most other guys hate that guy.
But, at the same time, every guy occasionally wishes he was that guy.
Because sometimes that guy is Eric. Eric is always dating some gorgeous, clever, extremely desirable woman.
And everyone’s like, “Holy shit, have you seen Eric’s girlfriend? Man, I am so freakin’ jealous of that guy.”
Yes—sometimes, it is good to be that guy.
Table of Contents
The Problem with Dating a Beautiful Woman
For most men, dating a beautiful woman isn’t as great as they expect.
Sure, there’s the sex. And the social prestige. And the personal gratification.
Oh, and the sex.
In my experience, all of that eventually ends.
Because here’s the thing: most men can’t keep a beautiful woman.
And, once it’s over, it’s all downhill for them.
Sure, there are plenty of fish in the sea. Or so they say.
Here’s the real truth: it’s unlikely that most guys will be able to get another trophy looker on the hook again.
So, for them, it’s back to ugly and desperate.
And so they’ll spend the rest of their lives telling their friends the story of that one time when they dated a super-hot girl.
They’ll also spend their lives wishing they could do it again.
Except, of course, for those who actually do manage to attract and date another beautiful woman.
And another. And another.
Or those who find the right one and marry her.
So, which guy would you rather be?
- Option A: The sad little man who settles.
- Option B: The serial monogamist who gets dates with whichever woman he chooses.
- Option C: The devoted partner who’s found the love of his life.
Okay, it’s a trick question.
Obviously, you can’t get to option C without going through option B.
The trick is getting to B in the first place.
And to do that, you have to get past option A.
Are you ready to learn how Eric did it?
The Fallacy Of “Pickup Artist” (PUA) Tricks
You might be thinking that Eric is some kind of virtuoso “Pickup Artist” (“PUA”).
But stop and think about that for a second.
Eric dates beautiful, desirable women. He doesn’t just sleep with them. Women actually want him.
Think you can go the Eric route using Pickup Artists’ tomfoolery? You’re in for a nasty surprise…
A surprise that you should have seen coming.
It’s in the name, actually: Pickup Artist.
Sure, cheap PUA tricks may help you take that bar hottie home with you. Sometimes… when the stars align for you, perhaps once in a blue moon.
But at their best, PUAs are only good for short-term “seduction”.
PUA gimmicks are terrible for retention.
The result? She’ll be gone the next morning.
And, if you’re reading this, you’re obviously in the market for something more than a one-night stand. Right?
You want to get the girl of your dreams. But you also want to get her to stick around.
And you know what? That can definitely be a challenge for even the most attractive, confident men.
I mean, wouldn’t it be great if there was a scientifically tested and proven method for attracting a woman?
And wouldn’t it be great if it could actually get a woman to fall in love with you for real?
Also, wouldn’t it be great if there was some kind of step-by-step guide that could teach you how to do it?
If you’ve been wondering about the same thing, then listen up. You’re going to learn about something totally different today. And it’s likely that you’ve never seen this anywhere else before.
You’re about to discover the legendary IRAE Model.
But before we proceed, let me provide a word of caution.
Don’t skip this. Hear me out.
The honest truth is that what you’ll read next isn’t for everyone.
The IRAE Model is the foundation of the notorious Shogun Method. Yes, that Shogun Method.
Now, the Shogun Method has three prerequisites. One of those is accepting your true nature as a manipulator.
You are a manipulator. Yes, YOU.
Don’t deny it. Instead, embrace it.
And the fact is this:
All successful men are manipulators.
History has proven this to be true.
Of course, you can say that manipulation is wrong…
Sure, you can talk about misogyny, chauvinism, and exploitation… and how unfair the world is… or how dark triad men rule the world…
Yes, you can say that honesty is the best policy….
But, in the end, we all know that nice guys finish in last place.
And trying to morally justify an ineffective approach just perpetuates delusion.
So you can take all that self-deception back to your women’s studies classes.
And if you find anything that I’ve said above to be objectionable, then stop reading here.
Instead, maybe you should go watch Care Bears or My Little Pony.
Because what I’m going to share with you isn’t politically correct at all. It doesn’t make polite dinner table conversation. It’s not going to win any social justice awards.
This shit is for real.
Four Stages Of Love: The IRAE Model
Love, as they say, comes in stages.
The IRAE Model gives you the ability to blast through these stages with ease. It works to increase your desirability in a woman’s eyes.
And guess what? It works on any woman.
That’s right, it’s universally effective. I can say that with certainty because:
- I spent countless hours researching loopholes in female psychology.
- I spent many more hours scientifically testing what I’d learned.
- I proved my hypothesis right every time.
The IRAE method’s real workhorse is a Mind Control technique called Fractionation.
Fractionation works to manipulate a woman’s subconscious mind. And because of this, she is completely defenceless against it.
Quite simply, Fractionation seals the deal. End of story.
I’ll tell you all about Fractionation in a minute. First, let’s take a look at the IRAE Model, alright?
IRAE (pronounced eye-ray) is an acronym. It stands for:
- Intrigue (I)
- Rapport (R)
- Attract (A)
- Enslave (E)
It’s not the EARI Model. It’s not the REIA Model.
It’s “IRAE” for a reason.
And that reason is simple. The IRAE Model is a “straight line” process, not a playbook.
Intrigue must come before Rapport. Rapport before Attraction. Attraction before Enslavement.
In that step. In that order.
Think about a ladder. You go up a ladder one step at a time.
You do not put your foot on the fourth step first.
That is not how a ladder works.
If you try using a ladder that way, you’re going to fall on your ass. HARD.
And if you play fast and loose with the IRAE Model, you will likewise reduce its effectiveness.
But, if you use it right, you’ll be on top in no time.
Makes sense?
Stages Of Love: The Psychology Of “Desirability”
Imagine that your desirability can be ranked on a scale from 1 to 10.
Undesirable people are at 1. The most desirable people are at 10.
Your score depends on who you are and the woman’s preferences. You could immediately land anywhere on that scale.
The IRAE Model’s purpose is to move you up the Desirability Scale.
Because the higher you are on the scale, the more likely a woman is to do things like:
- Give you her phone number.
- Go on a date with you.
- Have sex with you.
- Do anything you ask her to.
- Surrender to your authority and dominance.
- Agree to marry you.
Sounds great, right?
Here’s the catch though…
You have to follow the steps inside the IRAE Model in strict order.
- Don’t try to build Rapport without creating Intrigue. She won’t be interested.
- Don’t try to Attract her without first building Rapport. She’ll dismiss you as creepy.
- Don’t try to Enslave her without Rapport and Attraction. She’ll run as fast and as far as she can.
See how it works?
Ready to learn more? Great. Let’s look at each of the IRAE stages with greater detail, OK?
IRAE Stage 1: Intrigue
The intrigue step is exactly what it sounds like.
You have to capture her attention.
And you have to do it immediately.
You see, women make decisions about men based on their immediate gut reactions.
And you do not want her reaction to you to be, “That dude’s boring.”
Rest assured, she will make a snap decision before she knows anything about you.
So you better make a good first impression.
The best way to do this is to tell a personal, captivating story. It should be full of things like:
- Cliffhangers to hold her attention.
- Loose ends that keep her interest.
- Conflict that gets her invested in the outcome.
(Module 4 inside Shogun Method is all about generating intrigue using “Intrigue Pings”, and more.)
Once you’ve intrigued her with these, you’re ready to move on to the next stage.
IRAE Stage 2: Rapport
After you’ve caught her attention, you need to build deep emotional rapport with her.
Rapport is the bridge between initial intrigue and lasting attraction. To build this bridge, you must elicit her values.
You’ll need to understand two things –
- What are her emotional needs?
- What causes her psychological distress?
These are things you must know.
Why? Because you’re going to exploit them in the steps to come.
Once you’ve learned those things, you’re poised to move into the next IRAE stage…
IRAE Stage 3: Attract
Most “Pickup Artists” (PUAs) jump straight to this step (skipping Intrigue and Rapport.)
And that’s why they fall flat on their face.
Sure, you’ve established attraction. But there’s no rapport to sustain it. And the “attraction” is sure as hell ain’t gonna last very long. Or worse, they get stuck in the friend zone.
Basically, the PUA entices, but in the interest of a quick score.
That’s the field goal of romance.
We’re going for the touchdown with a two-point conversion.
Do you really want that big score?
Then you can’t just “entice” a girl or pull her to you. You have to strategically REPEL her as well.
Here’s what I mean…
A woman will instinctively chase something she wants and can’t have.
It’s in her genes. And she can’t fight it.
So, you have to make her want you… by making her fear she can’t have you.
Make sense?
Here’s what you need to do to entice her:
You need to covertly command her interest.
You see, a woman will actively rebel against explicit commands. (Again, it’s a female psychology flaw.)
This means that you need to disguise your commands. This will allow them to infiltrate her subconscious.
Inside Shogun Method, these are “Implanted Commands”.
There’s a list of 44 Implanted Commands (inside Module 6), but here are some examples…
- “Sure, I could tell you that this will be a life-changing experience for you, but I’d rather let you see for yourself.”
- “I’m wondering if you’ll take advantage of a great opportunity like this one.”
- “You don’t have to commit right away.”
You see, hidden in each of those sentences is a command to her subconscious mind. Her conscious mind is helpless to resist.
And then to REPEL her, you need to consciously devalidate her. You can do this by:
- Sending mixed verbal signals.
- Using negative body language.
- Signal waning interest.
The most important thing is to strike a balance between enticement and repellence.
Once she’s caught in the middle, you’re ready to move on to the final stage…
IRAE Stage 4: Enslavement
Enslavement is the mirror image of Intrigue.
The first step in the IRAE Model is a momentary, incidental interest.
This last step creates a durable, compulsory bond.
The key to Enslavement is emotionally segregating her from the outside world.
You can do this easily by conditioning her to:
- Attach positive emotions to you.
- Project negative emotions onto the world around you.
And what’s her only haven from that scary, negative-emotion-inducing reality?
You, of course!
Here’s the thing about Enslavement:
It is irreversible.
Enslavement cannot be undone.
So make damned sure you’re ready to take this last step before you do so.
Because once she is emotionally Enslaved to you, she’ll stick with you forever.
You’ll dominate her life like never before… and she’ll yield to your authority in every aspect of her life.
Be careful what you wish for… because it may just come true.
Fractionation: The Relationship Swiss Army Knife
Understand this…
This may all sound kind of overwhelming and somewhat complicated. I have one word for you.
It’s actually all very simple once you get the hang of the basics.
In fact, there’s a technique that can help you RIGHT NOW, and give you INSTANT RESULTS.
This technique can be used throughout each IRAE stage. And you know what? It’s also a great way to get started quickly.
And, most importantly, it’s guaranteed to work in any situation you’re in.
This technique is called Fractionation.
And because it works on a woman’s subconscious, it’s pretty much covert.
She won’t know you’re doing it.
Neither will anyone else.
How does it work? By alternating between positive and negative emotions. The quick transitions between these states put a woman into a hypnotic trance.
Over time, she’ll become addicted to this emotional rush.
And it’s a sensation that only you can provide.
This means that she’ll become emotionally addicted to you. And when this happens, quitting you is nay impossible…
You’re going to learn how to use Fractionation on women next.
All you need to do is click the link below to go to my Fractionation Online Masterclass:

Click Here
A new page will come up. Follow the instructions and you’re all set.
See you at the Masterclass!

Do you have to follow the irae during every encounter or can you just pick up from where they left off the last time you saw her… is enslavement used after ljbf technique
No, use IRAE Model as the “Grand Strategy” or roadmap. Pick up from where you left off.
Enslavement comes after Attract stage.
How would I use Intrigue Pings or Intrigue a woman if she already knows me, but thinks I’m weird?
Definitely not as long as your Intrigue Pings are contextualized. See Module 4.
I’m a newbie. Can you give me an action plan to practice the “IRAE” model and Fractionation ?
Get Shogun Method and learn it.
I realy need to know the Enslavement strategy… As i’ve already used the IREA method on her for 3 weeks.
IREA Model, you mean? Enslavement is the final stage of the four.
Derek, what if there’s this cutie I want to be my girlfriend, she sort of has a liking on me. I haven’t built real rapport with her so I’m basically in ‘I’ stage. I’ve learn the IRAE roadmap but haven’t put it in practice before and so I feel the surest way to get her by my side is to tell her how I feel but am afraid that’s violating Precondition #2. Can I go ahead and tell her then after, back it up with Intrigue somewat (e.g Freeze her out)?
Any video of this blogs
Find Fredo Hill on YouTube. He’s one of us.