A Tale of Two Chets: Part 1
Let me tell you the story of Chet.
This isn’t just a story about Chet.
This is the story of every time Chet went out with a girl.
Don’t get me wrong—it could be a date or just getting coffee. Either way, Chet, like all guys, had his mind on what T.S. Eliot once called the “overwhelming question.”
(The question, by the way, is “am I going to get with this girl?”)
As you and I know, there’s only ever one answer worth getting. And so Chet pursued it in the way that seemed most natural and straightforward…
- Chet complimented her on the things that girls love being complimented on.
- He told her he admired her hair, her eyes, her dress, even her earrings.
- He asked her questions to learn more about her.
But before Chet knew it, she was messing around on her phone. Even worse, she was checking out that guy on the other side of the café or at the far end of the bar.
Clearly, her interest in Chet had dropped off like a repleted leech.
Then she would make an excuse about having to go to a friend’s birthday party. Or else she had to go and visit her second cousin who was recovering from pinky-toe surgery.
Poof, there she went, out the door. And out of Chet’s life.
The budding relationship had died off. Chet would never hear from her again.
Then, the following Saturday night, he would see the same girl out with that dude she was eyeing at the bar.
What went wrong, you think?
Table of Contents
- A Tale of Two Chets: Part 1
- Seduction 101 (Or, How Not To Suck With Women)
- Emotional vs Rational Thinking
- How To Keep A Woman Interested In A Relationship: Appeal To Her Emotions, Not Rationale
- How To Keep A Woman Interested In A Conversation: Utilizing The Barnum Effect
- Stoke Her Fire With The Barnum Effect
- Dominating Her Using Mind Control Techniques
- A Tale of Two Chets: Part 2
- You, Too, Can Have Awesome Results With Women (If You Do This One Thing Today)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to Keep a Woman Interested in a Conversation
- How to Keep Her Wanting More
- How to Keep Your Girlfriend Attracted to You
- How to Keep a Woman Interested Online or Over Text
- What if She’s Married?
- How to Keep a Woman Interested After the First Date
- How to Keep a Woman Interested in a Long Distance Relationship
- How to Keep a Woman Interested in You Forever
Seduction 101 (Or, How Not To Suck With Women)
So, what went wrong? Well, in this situation, it was something Chet had said.
It isn’t that he said the wrong thing. Chet just didn’t say the right thing.
You’re surely wondering what the hell he was supposed to do.
Well, there is a secret key that opens the lock to a girl’s bedroom. Simply put, it is the art of generating Intrigue and developing Rapport.
(Inside the Shogun Method, these are the first two stages of the IRAE Model – I for Intrigue and R for Rapport respectively. A and E stand for Attract and Enslave.)
Now don’t get me wrong… that’s what Chet was trying to do.
But I’m going to be honest with you: he completely sucked at it.
So where did he mess up? Well, two distinct places:
- He asked his the girl questions about herself.
- He straight-up praised her (physical) attributes.
(A word of caution: there are a lot of people out there who will tell you that Chet did the right thing. Those people are sleazy, low-life Pickup Artists looking for a quick score. And they are totally full of shit. Just thought I’d warn you against these sleazeballs.)
Emotional vs Rational Thinking
Here’s the real reason why Chet failed.
Chet was approaching his situation rationally, doing what he thought he should logically do.
Alas, none of his girls were analyzing his actions logically.
Not a single one was ever in danger of thinking:
“This guy is asking lots of questions about me.”
“Therefore, he must be interested in learning more about me.”
“And that’s great!”
The fact of the matter is that women almost never try to decipher what men say to them rationally.
Instead, she will rely on her emotions as a checkpoint to evaluate whether to stick with you or move on.
In Chet’s case, here’s what went through the girl’s mind instead:
- “I really don’t feel this guy.”
- “Why is he asking me all these questions?”
- “I don’t feel he’s understanding me at all.”
How To Keep A Woman Interested In A Relationship: Appeal To Her Emotions, Not Rationale
Here’s one of the huge differences between women and men:
- Women operate largely on emotion and intuition.
- Men tend to make more use of intellect and reason.
What this means is that you should use her emotional bias against her.
Now let’s do a quick mental experiment now, alright?
Suppose you’re shopping for a new armchair, and you told the salesman you needed features like insulated cup holders and controller caddy.
“I can tell that you’re looking for the ultimate chair for movies and gaming,” he says.
He’s right—both of those things are naturally high on your list of priorities.
“Thought so. Trust me, this chair is perfect for putting your feet up and unwinding after a long workday.
“Of course, you’ll have to wait until after you read the kids their bedtime story. This chair has plenty of room for everyone to pile in.”
That sounds great, but you don’t actually have kids yet.
“Not a problem, my man, because all that room also makes it great for snuggling up with that special someone. Am I right?”
Oh yeah, he’s right again. That, of course, is also high on your list of priorities.
Later, you’re still contemplating that chair. You remember how well that salesman understood what you needed out of your new furniture. And, man, that chair just sounds absolutely perfect, doesn’t it?
How To Keep A Woman Interested In A Conversation: Utilizing The Barnum Effect
Here’s what happened: your friendly salesman sold you on that chair by using broad statements that appeal to your values:
- You want to relax after your workday.
- You enjoy watching TV and playing video games.
- You want to get laid.
Quite simply, those statements are true of just about a virile guy who’s out shopping for a chair with cup holders and controller caddies. (Think about it.)
On the other hand, you probably don’t even remember his flub about reading to those kids you don’t have—do you?
That’s another characteristic shared by many people who are shopping for furniture. But it’s irrelevant to you. And so Mr. Salesman diverted your thoughts toward gettin’ busy.
He seems to know what you really want without really probing you. That created a much stronger and emotionally charged memory of the chair for you.
And so, without even realizing it, you instantly attached that positive feeling to the awesome, just-gotta-have-it chair.
So, what happened?
Here’s the secret: what you just witnessed is known in psychology circles as the Barnum Effect.
This refers to a person’s ability to justify vague statements made about himself—or herself. (These are known as Barnum Statements.)
Just as how the furniture salesman had built quick rapport with you and made you desire that chair with Barnum Statements, you can also use the same technique to build quick rapport with a woman and make her desire you.
Makes sense, right?
Stoke Her Fire With The Barnum Effect
To put it simply, Barnum Statements can help you build rapport and an intense emotional connection with a woman quickly.
When you develop Barnum Statements, you’ll need to do so by mapping out any girl’s personality along three dimensions. These are her age, her physical appearance, and her demeanor.
- Working within the confines of age is important. Different types of women have different values and goals at different points in their lives.
- Her physical appearance can give you clues about her personality. It is also a clue to which types of statements are most likely to work on her.
- Whether or not she’s outgoing or shy is another crucial factor. Knowing her demeanor is absolutely necessary for effectively fostering a sense of intimacy and rapport.
Mastering the art and science of Barnum statements is a fundamental part of capturing attention and generating Intrigue. And it works on damn near any woman.
Any woman.
Thinking of backing off just because she’s wearing a gigantic freakin’ diamond ring?
Think again.
She’s totally within the realm of your power to ensnare. You just have to know the right way of going after her… which you will know once you have mastered the art of creating Barnum Statements.
Different Types Of Barnum Statements For Different Kinds Of Women
Part of the trick is learning the different categories of women. Each is most susceptible to different types of Barnum statements.
And here’s the best part: armed with this knowledge, you can establish an almost instant sense of emotional connection and investment.
That’s only half the battle, however.
More importantly, you’ll also further enhance your understanding of the psychological inner workings of the female mind. This is a must-know when you’re dropping those Barnum bombs in conversation.
In sum: to keep a woman’s interest, you must understand her, inside and out. This will let you anticipate how she’s interpreting your comments and plan your next move.
And with Barnum Statements, you’ll be able to focus her attention on you… and it will stay there until you decide otherwise.
(Of course, this may sound narcissistic to some, and to others it’s completely Machiavellian, but that’s the whole point.)
Dominating Her Using Mind Control Techniques
Barnum Statements are just a small subset of a larger “universe” of seduction techniques based on Mind Control.
As you’ve seen, this knowledge is miles away from the usual “Pickup Artist” stuff that you find littering every corner of the Internet.
(And if you’ve actually tried using any of the “Pickup Artist” trickery from reading those crappy blogs, forums and ebooks, then you already know from firsthand experience just how awfully lousy they are.)
Here’s the deal: in order to keep a woman interested for the long run, you’ll need to enslave her emotionally.
That’s not exactly a very politically correct thing to say, but it’s true.
The only way you can enslave a woman (and keep her yours forever) is to use Mind Control on her, period.
To get started on using Mind Control on women, attend my Masterclass by clicking here.
In the Masterclass, I will share with you a set of Mind Control techniques (including the legendary Fractionation) which you can use to quickly put a woman under your control and dominance. Go for it.
And in case you’re wondering, yes, this also works on emotionally unavailable women.
A Tale of Two Chets: Part 2
So what happened when I finally let Chet in on the secrets of using Barnum Effect (and Mind Control) on women?
Well, let me put it this way.
Instead of asking questions like:
- “Why didn’t things work out between you and [her last boyfriend]?”
- “Are you close with your family?”
Chet started making statements like:
- “I sense that you have a tendency to attract the wrong types of guys.”
- “I can tell that you’re sensitive to the needs of your loved ones, but you put yourself first when you need to.”
Instead of making compliments like:
- “That necklace goes really nicely with those earrings.”
- “The color of that dress works really well with your natural skin tone.”
He started telling girls things like:
- “You have a really strong personality and you know how to get all eyes on you.”
- “You’re good at blending into a crowd so that you don’t attract the wrong type of person.”
Trust me: when Chet spoke, women were captivated by his words like he was the Messiah.
In fact, Chet got so good at using Barnum statements that he quit his crappy job at the call center. Now he makes six figures selling luxury cars.
Making a sale, by the way, is the only time Chet ever uses Barnum statements on women anymore.
That’s because he finally met the girl of his dreams.
Most importantly, he convinced her that he was the man of her dreams.
He and Kayla are happily married now. They have two adorable children that Chet reads to sleep every night in his favorite chair.
You, Too, Can Have Awesome Results With Women (If You Do This One Thing Today)
Understand this: Mind Control is not a game.
As you’ve already seen, a technique like Barnum Effect can pretty much help you develop quick rapport with a woman by creating the “illusion” in her mind that she has got a deep emotional connection with you.
It’s also the same technique that con artists use to fleece their marks (after building strong emotional rapport with them).
So, as you’ll understand, Mind Control can be used for good or for bad.
And for this reason, it’s important for me to properly screen out those who want to use my techniques to hurt women.
Therefore, before you click on the link below, promise me that you’ll only use Mind Control for good, not for bad. If you can’t make this promise, do not click on this link.
Click Here For The Mind Control Masterclass (free)
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Keep a Woman Interested in a Conversation
There are two steps to this:
First, deliver some Barnum Statements in order to create initial rapport. Remember to craft them based on the three dimensions that you’ve learned above.
Once that’s done, then move on to Fractionate her. Go through a few rounds of Fractionation cycles with her and she’ll be under your thumb in no time at all.
Of course, you can also use Shogun Method techniques such as Rollercoastering and ENTICE/REPEL cycles if you’re familiar with them. However, stick to the Barnum-Fractionation two-step combo for starters and you’ll be able to make a woman interested in you (even when the initial “spark” has died off).
How to Keep Her Wanting More
Here’s the problem with conventional dating or “Pickup Artist” advice – there’s too much focus on the “pickup” part where everything else gets neglected.
After the initial excitement has subsided, then how do you maintain her interest in you and keep her wanting more?
Here’s the answer: you’ll need to enslave her to you emotionally.
Of course, “Enslavement” (of women) is not exactly very politically correct, and for this reason it doesn’t get discussed very widely anywhere.
On the other hand, Enslavement is the backbone of Shogun Method – indeed, in it, you’ll learn to emotionally enslave a woman instead of just “seducing” her.
To make a woman interested in you in the long run and keep her wanting more, you’ve got to get her to be enslaved to you – psychologically and emotionally. And Shogun Method will teach you how to do exactly that.
How to Keep Your Girlfriend Attracted to You
Same answer as above.
Remember: getting a woman to be your “girlfriend” is not the endgame. Getting her enslaved to you is.
How to Keep a Woman Interested Online or Over Text
Admittedly, it’s hard to generate interest with a woman online or over text – if that’s your primary (or worse, only) mode of communicating with her.
However, if you already see her regularly, and have dated her a few times, then communicating with her online or through text is perfect to “stoke her fire” and keep her interested in you.
Again, use Barnum Statements (see the above) in order to build on the initial attraction (if she keeps answering your emails or texts, you can safely assume that she’s interested in you).
And to escalate to the next level, subtly use the Fractionation technique on her (it works great over text, too). If you’re not familiar with the use of Fractionation in order to “shape” the perception of a woman (and create the “illusion” that she shares a deep emotional connection with you) – attend my Masterclass.
What if She’s Married?
These Mind Control techniques work whether she is single or married.
In fact, many of my students report that it’s in fact easier to seduce a married woman than a single lady for a host of reasons.
To make a married woman interested in you, check out this guide.
How to Keep a Woman Interested After the First Date
So you’ve just had your first date with her and things seem to be pretty encouraging. What next?
Let me first tell you what NOT to do: gush over her and quickly try to arrange for a second date.
Big mistake. Why?
You’re over-projecting your interest. It’s something that you should never do… unless you want her attraction to you to die out quickly.
Here’s what you should do instead: chill. After the customary “I had a good time. See you again sometime soon” text, go completely incommunicado.
She’ll wonder why you’ve turned cold towards her. After all, the date went great, right?
Guess what? Her curiosity and confusion will work to your advantage.
How so? Simple, really. It will open up an emotional vulnerability that makes her completely susceptible to your next move.
At the height of her insecurity and confusion, send her a text: “Second date?”
And then, watch her scramble to reply to you with an enthusiastic “YES“.
Seriously, try it and you’ll thank me later!
(If you’ve already attended the Mind Control Masterclass, you’d immediately recognize what I shared with you as a form of Fractionation – that’s why it works so well.)
How to Keep a Woman Interested in a Long Distance Relationship
This one’s particularly tricky, because of two different reasons:
- You’re not physically present with her, and as such, your face time with her is minimal
- You’re in danger of some jerk trying to snatch her away by using the Boyfriend Destroyer technique on her (and you)
To keep a woman interested when you’re doing the “long distance” thing with her, use the following liberally when you’re calling or texting her:
- Barnum Statements in order to keep the Barnum Effect in her mind fresh (read the above article in entirety to know how to do this, or better still, use the Shogun Method).
- Fractionation in order to keep her under your authority and control even when she is away from you (be sure to watch the Mind Control Masterclass to find out how to do this).
And to fight the danger of some guy making a move on your gal, you just need to “inoculate” her from anyone trying to attempt using the Boyfriend Destroyer on her.
The good news is that this can be easily done if you know exactly what to do. If you have access to the Shogun Method program, look at the “Shared Sequences” routine as well as the “Perfect Guy” sequence which you can use to do this.
Also, read this article for more techniques on how to make a long distance relationship work.
How to Keep a Woman Interested in You Forever
One word: Enslavement.
There’s only one way you can keep a woman yours forever – and that’s to enslave her to you emotionally.
It’s really not as sinister as it sounds. In fact, the truth is that many (most!) women will want to enslave themselves to the men they love – because that’s how they are naturally hard-wired to behave.
To learn how to enslave a woman and make her yours forever, click here.
Hey, you point on “How to Keep a Woman Interested After the First Date” is so true man. If you understand that she’s interested in your during the first date, just move on as if nothing happened between the two of you. And then, send her a text about a second date after a radio black-out. You’ll get the most enthusiastic YES you’ve ever had in your life. I used to worry “what if she doesn’t want a second date? what if and what if…” but resisting the desire to text her often and the worry will take some time but it works wonders on the female psychology. It looks like they are really acting purely based on their primal emotional instincts.
What if?
See this –
This is interesting stuff. My girl has lost interest in me… this will come in handy!