What I am about to say may surprise you, or even anger you. It may even make me a “target” of hatred by other dating coaches, and creating ill-will is not what I enjoy doing, but since this is a private area which can’t be accessed freely by outsiders (only the best of my paid clients get access to this blog – you are one of them if you’re reading this now :)) I’m going to say what I am going to say anyway.
You may already be suspecting this but I am going to confirm this anyhow. You’ve been lied to for a long, long time about how to succeed with women.
If you have been looking on the Internet for dating advice, then you may have stumbled upon what’s commonly known as the “Pickup Artist” (PUA) or “Seduction” community. You may even have grown to be familiar with some of the characters central to the community. Some of the more famous players in the PUA community are Mystery, a magician showman who would advocate dressing up outlandishly to attract women (“peacocking” in PUA lingo) and Neil “Style” Strauss, the New York Times journalist who wrote a bestseller chronicling his time as a PUA (and Mystery’s best friend).
Listen: I am not saying that Mystery and Neil Strauss are charlatans – far from it. But for one legitimate dating guru that emerges from this community there are probably ten others who are rehashing content and republishing the same techniques to make money with their crappy rehashed ebooks.
I want you to be aware that something more sinister is at play here. Because dating coaching services have become big, multi-million businesses since the days of Mystery and Neil Strauss, it has attracted its fair share of the kind of hustlers who would use bait-and-switch tactics and questionable sales practices.
The dodgiest of these dodgy sales practices (which I find truly despicable) is undoubtedly what’s called the “Forced Continuity”. When you buy a PUA ebook, you may have unwittingly enrolled into a “subscription” service through the fine print on the checkout page. If you have been billed multiple times on your credit card for some “subscription” service you don’t remember signed up for, then you’ve been a victim of a Forced Continuity scam.
And that’s not all. Because selling dating ebooks is so profitable, these Fake Gurus want you to continue spending money with them as long as possible, and as such, it’s not in their interest for you to solve your relationship problems. You see, if you don’t stop sucking with women, you’ll keep buying their products, and they’ll make more money off you.
In short, dating ebooks are designed to make you fail. I know that sounds really awful, but it’s the truth. 🙁
And not only that… these Fake Gurus spread what I call the Deadly Dating Lies, and these insidious lies have been systematically fed into your minds over the years, sabotaging your chances to be successful with women. And if you have ever believed these lies, I want you to know that it’s not your fault… not even the smartest guy on earth would have “survived” the relentless and unending barrage of misinformation coming in all directions, online and offline.
What you are going to read next is where your redemption is. I’m going to expose each of these lies so that you can de-program yourself completely and also get your defenses up whenever you get lied to again by these Fake Gurus to peddle their B.S. ebooks.
Deadly Dating Lie #1: “To Attract Women, You Should Use Complicated Routines, Openers, Stories, Lines And Tricks That Demonstrate High Value”
This lie really pisses me off not only because it’s blatantly false but also because it was completely cooked up to mislead and confuse. And like most guys, I was completely duped into believing this lie after seeing it in a couple of “seduction” products when I was just starting out.
Remember the earlier story I told you about Brandy? Back then, I had tried every single “seduction” trick I learned from pickup artist blogs and ebooks, and yet my failure with her was nothing short but spectacularly humiliating.
So this is what I want you to do: forget every single “Seduction / Pickup Artist” tricks you have learned: from ebooks, blogs, wherever. In particular, stop using “Canned Routines” and “Openers” that “Demonstrate High Value” which will do you more harm than good.
Trust me on this: nothing turns a woman off more than hearing the same old, tired pickup lines used by countless of other guys of “Pickup Artist” wannabes out there.
Instead of relying on these doubtful techniques, you, as a Derek Rake client should already know better to use mind control and hypnosis-based conversational patterns. You should also know that you shouldn’t be doing most of the talking (like most “Pickup Artists” would), and instead, you should get her to talk about the right themes and topics… so that you can then guide her to generate intense emotions… and finally, link those wonderful romantic emotions to you.
(That was the basic underlying structure of the Dark Rake Method in case you’re wondering.)
In short, I want you to remember this: you don’t need to use pickup lines or perform tricks like a dancing monkey to make a woman like you, period.
Deadly Dating Lie #2: “You Need To Sleep With A Lot Of Women To Be Happy”
The society pushes sex on everyone, and that’s a fact. We have been conditioned to think that a guy who has had sex with more women is the “Alpha Male”.
Now I bet that you’ve maybe even believed this at one point in your life… and yet this is not even close to the truth.
The fact is that higher number of sex partners doesn’t necessarily indicate higher level of happiness. You know it’s true.
And you know what about the “Alpha Male” that we mentioned about? He could be someone with a huge intimacy void that he hopes to fill by sleeping with lots of women.
For many guys, what makes them happy is surprisingly simple. They just want to stop feeling powerless with women, and they want more control in their relationships. I know this, because I am one of those guys.
Don’t get me wrong now. My programs will give you all that power and control that you want, and if you’re looking to use that power to sleep with as many women as you can, I want you to know that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
There is one thing I want you to promise me however. Because of how potent this knowledge is, the possibility of it getting misused to harm women is very real, and so I want you to agree to use my programs ethically and responsibly. Use my material to pursue your own happiness, but not at the expense of the women that you are going to use my material on. Deal?
Deadly Dating Lie #3: “There’s Something Wrong With You”
The problem with generic dating (or “seduction”) advice is that it seems that there is always more to do.
You can always be more confident!
You can always dress better!
You can always learn to communicate with women more effectively!
Of course, if you’re someone who is already somewhat decent with women, then all these are fine because it’s natural and feels good to continually improve yourself.
However, for a guy who constantly gets rejected by women, telling him that being “more confident” will solve all his problems with women is a horrible lie.
Now I’m sure you understand why generic dating advice like “build your confidence” or “make her laugh” or pickup artist stuff like “be cocky but funny” or “use pickup lines” are junky at best, and can be downright cruel at worst.
And the truth is that these pseudo-advice is what the fake Gurus use to mislead you, and the longer stay in the dark, the more money these crooks are going to make from selling more of their worthless “Pickup Artist” products to you.
If you are one of the millions that have fell victim to these lies, then you need to decide now to accept the truth because if you don’t, you’ll probably never end up with any woman at all. I know that sounds rather harsh, but hear me out…
I understand this completely because before I stumbled upon the solution, I thought I was “unlovable”… and would end up being lonely forever.
Listen: I don’t want you to be lonely for the rest of your life. You are now my client, and it is my duty to steer you back to the right path.
Even though your struggles are directly due to misinformation and lies that have been fed into your brain all these years, I want you to recognize that it’s now your responsibility to resolve all your relationship problems. Not my responsibility, but yours.
And the first step you need to take is to shun “Pickup Artist” advice completely, and instead embrace the “dark side” of Mind Control Seduction like the rest of us.