How Dark Triad Personality Traits (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy) Will Help You Seduce, Control and Dominate Women
OK, since you’re here, I’m going to assume that you’re already somewhat familiar with the concept of the “Dark Triad”. In this article, I’m going to share with you how being narcissistic, Machiavellian and psychopathic will give you a leg up when it comes to dominating and controlling women.
And if you’re not realized it already, we are as “chauvinistic” and un-politically correct as it gets. If cold, hard truth about women offends you, then you might want to exit this page immediately.
But if you’re still here, then let me ask you:
- Are you in a relationship that’s steadily becoming worse and worse over time?
- Is your girlfriend or wife becoming controlling, nasty, and ungrateful?
- Do you often feel helpless?
- Do you want your girl to start treating you like the leader you’re meant to be?
- Do you want her to start treating you with love, respect, and gratitude for all the hard work you do?
If you answered “yes” to any (or all) of the questions above, then guess what: salvation is at hand.
You’ll discover how embracing the principles of the Dark Triad will give you the power, dominance and authority over women that you’ve always desired.
Sounds good?
Even better – it’s probably something that you’ve never seen elsewhere (at least not in those lame, cookie cutter “Pickup Artist” blogs). The truth is that not many want to touch the subject on using the Dark Triad in seducing women for the very real fear of getting attacked by the feminist lynch mob…
… but frankly, I don’t give a shit.
If you’re willing to learn, I’m willing to teach.
So, are you ready? 🙂
Table of Contents
- How Dark Triad Personality Traits (Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy) Will Help You Seduce, Control and Dominate Women
- Are You Getting… Pussywhipped?
- How To Fuck A Relationship Up
- Understanding The Dark Triad (Or, How To Make Feminists Scream)
- Dark Triad Personality Traits
- Dark Triad Seduction Techniques
- c*nt
- How To Be Dark Triad (Or, How To Boil A Frog To Death)
- How to Turn Harpies Into Kittens
- Frequently Asked Questions
Are You Getting… Pussywhipped?
Pop quiz! See how many of the following apply to your relationship right now:
- You can’t make decisions – even personal ones – without getting your girl’s permission first
- She doesn’t ask you to do something – she TELLS you, and expects you to obey without question
- She makes crazy requests that make no sense… but you feel trapped into complying with them
- You believe it’s your “job” to obey her because it’s your “job” to make her happy at all costs
- You think her happiness is more important than your own
- She uses “the silent treatment” and other sneaky tricks to get you to do what she wants
- She makes ALL the decisions
- She plays mind games on you all the time
If any (or all) of the above items apply to your relationship, then the problem is clear.
Your woman has emasculated you.
You’ve cut your balls off and handed them to her on a silver platter.
She’s the one who’s controlling and dominating you.
And you know what? If this crap continues, your relationship WILL crash and burn, no matter what you try.
Except, of course, if you use the techniques you’re about to learn in this article.
If you want to keep your woman, fix your relationship, and gain her respect and gratitude along the way, then embracing the principles of the Dark Triad may well be your only bet.
How To Fuck A Relationship Up
These days, most guys walk into their relationships with, ahem, the “best intentions”:
“I will always make her happy.”
“We will make decisions together.”
“I will never offend or disappoint her.”
“We will have equal standing in the relationship.”
It’s a far cry from 50-70 years ago, where most relationships had simpler rules:
- The man was the “head of the household”…
- … and his wife followed his lead.
Today’s relationships may seem “kinder” or “less sexist” than yesteryear’s relationships…
… and yet here’s a sobering fact: in the last 50-70 years, divorce rates have risen from 10% to a whopping 50%. No joke.
These days, breakups, divorces, and unhappy relationships are everywhere. And you know what? Most of them started with the “best intentions” in mind.
Here’s the kicker…
Your relationship is probably one of those.
So what the fuck happened?
Well, as the saying goes:
“Hell is full of good intentions. Heaven is full of good results.”
Your relationship is in “hell” right now because of a hard fact of human relationships:
“Traditional” gender roles work.
The man leads… his woman follows.
The man dominates… his woman submits.
The man brings home the bacon… his wife cooks it.
The man protects his household… his wife keeps it in running order.
The man is the head of his house… his wife respects that.
The result, most times, is a relationship that’s in “Heaven.” The couple is in accord, and everything is effortless and happy.
And it’s all because the man took the lead, and the woman followed.
Simple, right?
Understanding The Dark Triad (Or, How To Make Feminists Scream)
Now, at this point some people (feminists mostly) will get triggered and scream –
But the fact remains –
If it’s so “bad,” riddle me this: why does it work so well?
Why does it create happy, strong, lifelong relationships for 9 out of 10 couples?
And if “equal-standing” relationships are so “good”… why are they so horrible for most couples?
Crazy, I know. But facts are facts.
So, here’s the deal – you must choose between these two approaches:
When leading your relationship with your girl:
- Will you follow what’s popular, “fair,” and politically-correct?
- Or will you follow what WORKS?
The answer’s obvious. If you want a happier, stronger relationship, then you must start following what works.
Makes sense, right?
Dark Triad Personality Traits
Here’s a quick, layman’s definition of the Dark Triad of personality traits –
- Narcissism, or an inflated love for self;
- Machiavellian-ism, or the tendency to use others to get whatever one wants; and
- Psychopathy, or the lack of empathy and consideration for others.
They sound pretty “dark,” don’t they?
But here’s the thing…
Many of the most effective, attractive, and charismatic men in the world have these traits.
For example:
- The most popular celebrities are narcissistic. And their droves of female fans would do anything to sleep with them in secret.
- The most successful, influential world leaders are Machiavellian. It’s what lets them lead large groups of people to achieve great things in politics and governance.
- The best entrepreneurs in the world are “psychopathic”. Heck, the founder of Uber (Travis Kalanick) was accused of being a sociopath, and he built Uber to be the most valuable private company in the world, worth $70,000,000,000 (no, that’s not a typo).
How is all that relevant to you?
You see, acquiring Dark Triad personality traits will give you the ability to put women under your control almost instantly.
Very simply, men who cultivate the Dark Triad of personality traits tend to have better relationships than men who don’t.
Next, let’s look at some of the Dark Triad strategies that you can adopt in order to exert your dominance over women and make her obey you like a little Chihuahua in heat…
Dark Triad Seduction Techniques
Dark Triad Technique #1: Gaslighting
Use this technique to make a woman question her own sanity.
For example, tell your wife (if you’re not married, imagine that you are!) that she left a dent in your car.
She may be sure that she didn’t dent the car. However, since there was no reason why you’d lie to her about something like that, she wondered if she actually did it.
You’ll then tell her: “You know what? You should stop driving my car.”
What you’ve done is that you’ve made sure that she couldn’t go anywhere without you.
Next, tell her that she had spent money that she was not supposed to spend. Of course, that was another lie.
“I don’t remember,” she might protest.
“You did. You don’t remember, but you really did.”
She might just start questioning her sanity as you take away her credit cards.
Now, she has got nowhere to go, and no money.
Fucked up, right?
Like it or not, “gaslighting” happens more frequently than you’d imagine.
Dark Triad Technique #2: Pigeonholing
Here’s one thing that women hate, and that’s being pigeonholed as “weird” or “unnatural”.
Use this technique to make a woman do what you want her to do (or correspondingly, not do something you want her not to do).
Say: “Don’t do that. It’s weird.”
Or, “Only weird people avoid doing that.”
Or, “That’s such an unnatural thing to do.”
Or, “That’s not normal.”
Pause and follow up with an accusatory question: “Are you weird?”
Then, stay silent. This will make her feel uncomfortable enough to then do whatever you desire.
Dark Triad Technique #3: Extreme Verbal Abuse
Warning: this technique is absolutely not for the fainthearted.
And you’ll need some brass balls to make it work for you, too.
Let’s say you’ve been seeing a girl, and then one day she goes completely cold…
You call her, and she doesn’t pick up.
You text her, and she doesn’t reply.
So, what gives?
Here’s the Dark Triad way of solving the problem. Send her a text message with only one word:
That’s it.
(This works extra well if you’ve been nothing but nice to her.)
She will probably get mad at you. But you will get a reaction from her.
Remember: any reaction is better than no reaction at all.
When she replies to you, then continue as if nothing happened. Revert back to your old frame.
Chances are that you’ll recover, and her interest in you will be renewed.
There’s a good reason why this works, and it has got to do with how the female mind deals with Intrigue (see Module 4 of Shogun Method), and the concept of “Pattern Interrupt”.
Look: it’s entirely fine to play “rough” with her once in a while. Some women absolutely adore this shit. Grow some balls and do it!
How To Be Dark Triad (Or, How To Boil A Frog To Death)
When used correctly, these Dark Triad techniques will turbocharge your skills to women to a whole new level. But of course, you’ll need to be CAREFUL…
You can’t just “flip a switch” and embrace the Dark Triad philosophy just like that. It just doesn’t work that way, unfortunately.
If anything, any abrupt change in your usual demeanor will probably set off alarms inside her head.
You don’t want her to call the police, and you don’t want to end up on the evening news. That’s what happens when you do it the WRONG way… and that’s NOT what you want! Trust me 🙂
Instead, you want to do it the RIGHT way – by using a technique which works covertly and completely under the radar.
Remember the “Boiling Frog” story?
If you don’t, then here’s how the tale goes –
If you put a frog inside a pan of boiling water, it will jump out immediately, right?
So, what must you do if you want to kill it?
Easy. Submerge it in cold water. Then, heat the water very, very slowly…
And what happens?
The frog will then allow itself to be cooked to death.
And guess what?
The same works for women.
You can’t just simply turn into a dominant male at the flick of a switch. It won’t work.
Instead, you should take the first step and “warm” her up with this one technique which I am going to show you next.
Once this is done, you can then escalate and use the Dark Triad Strategies that I’ve shared with you above to seal the deal.
That way, by the time she realized that you’ve changed, it’ll be too late.
Even better… she’ll turn into a happy, satisfied, respectful little girl who’s only too happy to follow your lead.
How to Turn Harpies Into Kittens
So here’s the technique that will work on a woman’s subconscious and influence her to “accept” you as a dominant male –“Fractionation”
If you’re familiar with Mind Control style of seduction (as opposed to “Pickup Artist” or PUA trickery), then you should already be aware of Fractionation’s reputation.
Simply, Fractionation is a Mind Control technique that does two things for you:
- It neutralizes your girl’s bad personality. (I call this bad personality the “harpy.”)
- Then it replaces it with a milder, more respectful personality. (I call this good personality the “kitten.”)
Once you’ve made a woman Fractionate, what happens? Nothing short of magic:
- You start making the decisions in your relationship
- She starts to look to you for leadership and direction
- You have the power to “delegate” smaller decisions to her… because you love her
- When she wants something, she asks for it with respect
- She stops making crazy requests to “test” you
- She stops playing sneaky mind games with you
- She becomes much less critical of you
- She becomes more obedient, respectful, and – just as important – happy
Listen: do you want all of that to happen to YOUR relationship?
Of course you do, right?
Below is a link to a free online Masterclass on how to use Fractionation to “slow boil” a woman’s resistance to you (and make her accept your dominance).
Click Here
(You’ll need to enter your name and email address on that page. Why? It’s because the invite will be sent to you via email.)
Before you take this Masterclass, however, I need you to do the following three things for me:
- Promise you won’t tell anyone about this Masterclass (at least for the moment). In particular, don’t share it on Facebook
- Promise you’re 100% okay with using “dark” psychology to fix your relationship with your woman
- Promise NEVER to take advantage of her (or any other woman) using this technique
If you can’t make these three promises, then close this browser tab… pray hard and hope your relationship will still work out in the end. (Good luck with that.)
On the other hand, if you agree to make the three promises above…
…if you want your girl to stop bossing you around…
…and if you want to become the strong, decisive leader your relationship needs you to be…
…then watch this Masterclass now.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dark Triad Test – How Do I Know If I Already Possess Dark Triad Personality Traits?
We are currently developing an in-house Dark Triad personality test which is geared towards one thing – predicting success with women! This test will only be made to those who have joined the Masterclass. Therefore, be sure to sign up and watch the Masterclass (link above) to get access to this tool when it’s launched.
How Is The Dark Triad Consistent With The IRAE Model?
If you’re asking this question, it could only mean one thing: you are already familiar with the Shogun Method.
Quick answer: pretty much anyone who displays Dark Triad personality traits will do well with the Shogun Method.
If you’re not familiar with the IRAE Model, read this.
Not sure if your respond to these but whilst reading about your technique, I agree, as a woman these would work if performed well. 🙂
As a naturally submissive woman, a child sexual abuse survivor, domestic abuse survivor, this technique and others would frighten me to my core. These techniques would make me feel unsafe, unloved, and unprotected. They would make me feel as if even if I obeyed every word I would be nothing but a joke my man. Is there something wrong with wanting a man who leads with no manipulation? Is there something wrong with wanting a man who is dependable and trustworthy? Is there something wrong with wanting a man who is fair? I believe it’s natural for one person in the relationship to be dominant and the other submissive, however I can’t fathom why it’s better to manipulate a female into submission. Manipulation, lies, etc… can never stand in for honesty and integrity and without honesty all is a facade. With time all facades fall.
Laura, that’s how Dark Triad techniques work. There’s no question about how effective they are, as you have already found.
Laura, thanks for having the strength to share your story and side. These methods may work on some and I am sure they can be very effective. However, aren’t relationships about the enjoyment of give an take and about enjoying and empowering the person you want to be with? That doesn’t mean we don’t have self respect and healthy boundaries. I don’t want to be dominated either, but to think I have to therefore dominate or be dominated is simply not true. I have told my wife many times, “I need some space” or “Yeah, that doesn’t work for me…” or I do my part around the house and communicate in meaningful and relevant ways that help her feel love and less anxious and more valued and respected and they sex is out of the world amazing! Romantic connection that is based on dominance and fear (conquer or be conquered) can’t tap into and enjoy the pure joy of love which we all seek. Actual LOVE lasts …. and transcends the fleeting pleasure and emptiness that flows in after acts of raw lust. What we want, the greatest high is genuine love. And readers, please don’t sell yourself short. There are many out there who want and need you as you are now. Wish you the best. Joel
Sometimes you cannot get what you want by being careful and polite. Maybe you have seen women use these techniques too and we call these mind games. You can’t be nice all the time because that will make you a joke. Sometimes you will need to show how bad you can be and that will make any man or woman crave to see your good sides.
The point is not to make you feel loved Laura, the point here is to manipulate you into submission. And it does exactly that
Omg I’m so turned on just reading this. Can I buy myself a new pair of panties?
I vouch for everything Derek had said. I married a narcissistic woman with whom I have lived with for twenty-six years. Absolute nightmare!
Lol just make sure she’s not a dark triad woman first or you will have an explosion on your hand! Aka a struggle for control in the relationship. This might work on a dependent personality woman. Really have to assess the personality before proceeding.
True to a certain extent.
Here fractionation comes in
Real men want a woman who respects them and love them and feel good with them, not a woman who respect them based on fear or embarrasment or guilty or any feeling like those.
I’m not saying that a perfect relationship exists or something like that, but some techniques are evil and would work on women who are not self confident and use that to be less self confident and, thus, enslaved in a relation that is like a cancer for them.
In other words, a man needs to be very egoistic and kind of a loser to use those. I mean, who would want to live a relationship in which you are doing bad to the other side, like a cancer, and getting your ego inflated?
The best way to get a quality woman is investing in yourself and knowing you are the most important person in your life. Invest on your physical appearance, on your general knowledge and intelligence, on you financial situation, on your social life, on new hobbies, like learning how to dance, to play an instrument, to speak a language etc, and invest on losing your shyness, because being shy is a bad trait of personality (really, it’s not beautiful and don’t believe people who say you can use your shyness in your favor).
In other words, invest in yourself. This way you will become a more attractive man for women.
Some techniques are for man who are not really man, because instead of becoming better man to gain the respect of women, they try to exploit flaws in a woman to to throw them deeper into the well.
There are better methods to get a real healthy relationship with one or more women. And yours, Derek, are one of them. Kudos to you, and thank you for creating Shogun Method!
Shogun Method covers all types of women, bro. Women are manipulative by nature and Derek teaches us to beat them at their own game.
All the points you put up above are mainstream stuff which doesn’t work – PICKUP ARTIST TRICKS SUCK.
Well said!
Everyone is manipulative men or women. And to be successful you must manipulate a woman and must be free from any manipulations by that woman.
(1) Narcissism is loving oneself. In the New Testament Greek language –
self is “autos”. “autos” is perfect. It runs perfectly by itself. Narcissism
is positive energy.
(2) Machiavelli influenced people to obey him – and they liked it – as in
hypnotism. The Greek god is Hypnos – the god of hypnotic sleep.
Hypnos puts you into hypnotic sleep – and it relaxes you. You enjoy it.
Females were wild about Sinatra – Elvis – and the Beatles – not because
they wanted sexual intercourse – but because they loved being
hypnotized. The joy of Hypnotism comes first. The joy of Sexual
Intercourse comes second. People obeyed Machiavelli because
of the pleasure of relaxation in being hypnotized.
(3) To be a psychopath is not good – in the English language and culture.
In the Greek language – “psycho” means “soul” – and – “path” means:
“to feel the sorrow of another person’s soul”. It is the same as Empathy –
which is good. I love being a psychopath – because it helps me understand
how women think and feel. In the Greek language – a psychopath is not
the patient. The psychopath is the therapist who is inside the patient –
thinking and feeling as she does.
Hello Derek I’m tired of being the so- called nice, cause despite what everyone might say in reality nice guys finish last, so without further due show me the way to enlightenment my friend.
You’re already on the correct path since you’re here.