How To Tell If A Girl Is Playing Mind Games With You
I knew this kid in high school.
Let’s call him Todd.
Todd was on the football team and as you’d expect, he had a particularly high opinion of himself.
Besides being a star athlete and honor student, he had a drop dead gorgeous girlfriend called Kate.
Long, brown locks… big, round hazel eyes… pearly white teeth… shapely, 6 ft figure… you know, the works. She was an absolute dream.
But what he didn’t know at the time was that she was blowing the rest of the football team behind his back.

Eventually, it all came out in the high school rumor mill.
And once Todd found out he was never the same again. The world came crashing down, and it completely fucked him up.
Let’s face it. Truth is, nothing hurts like being played by a girl.
Who are we kidding? It’s a massive blow to your ego, and to call it an “embarrassment” would be the understatement of the century. (Plus, that shit can mess you up for a really long time.)
And you know what? It’s because of women like Todd’s girlfriend that I’ve written this article.
Every guy needs to know the warning signs of infidelity because no matter what, you NEVER want to get played.
Speaking for myself, I’ve been lucky enough to avoid being cheated on…
…which is why I’ve enlisted the help of my buddy Kenneth, who had some extraordinary experience dealing with female mind games all his life.
Back in the day, Kenneth had a girlfriend called Mason.
After years of dating, he was getting ready to propose to her, when one day out of the blue she dumped him.
Her explanation?
“I want to date other people.”
Kenneth would later find out she had cheated on him with some guy from work.
After they split he was a broken man and spent his days and nights pounding six packs.
Seeing what this did to him made me realize I never wanted to be in this position.
I asked him why he thinks it happened.
“I ignored the obvious signs she was playing me.”
So what were those obvious signs? How can you tell if a woman is playing mind games with you?
You’re about to find out in this comprehensive guide. Dig in!
Girls Playing Mind Games: Not A Trivial Matter!
OK, so here’s the deal. This guide is pretty comprehensive and long. After all, female mind games are not trivial matters that can be explained in a few hundred words…
And that means it’ll be easy to get lost in all the detailed knowledge you’re about to get. It’s true!
That’s why I prepared a special “Female Mind Games Action Checklist” which summarizes ALL the most important details in this comprehensive guide.
And so here it is:

Think of it as your handy Checklist or “Cheat Sheet” as you learn the ability to spot women’s mind games and protect yourself from them.
I mean, a Cheat Sheet like that would be super useful, right?
What’s more, the “Female Mind Games Action Checklist” also contains a killer “Anti Female Mind Game” technique that will single-handedly STOP a woman’s mind games before they get out of hand.
(It’s called the “You Owe Me” technique.)
The moment you sense a woman is playing you, you immediately use the “You Owe Me” on her – and instantly, the games stop, and she starts behaving the way you want her to.
Sounds good?
Now, if the “You Owe Me” technique sounds a bit manipulative – it’s that’s because IT IS.
In fact, it’s almost as controversial as it is powerful. That’s why I didn’t cover it in this blog article. To be safe, I “locked it away” in the Action Checklist.
The only way you can find out what it is is to see it inside the Action Checklist.
So, do the smart thing and download your copy of the Action Checklist now. It’s 100% free. All you need to do is to click the link below.

Got your Action Checklist downloaded yet?
Good! Then let’s get started.
Table of Contents
How To Know If A Girl Is Playing You (Watch Out For These Signs)
Now, back to the story of my friend Kenneth:
When Kenneth said he had “ignored the obvious signs” that his ex-girlfriend Mason had been showing, I asked him:
“What were those signs?”
He told me that looking back it was clear as daylight.
“For the longest time, there were these unexplained absences.”
“She was always off doing something with someone, and when she came back I’d have to hear some B.S. story about a friend she was with.”
“After a while, I realized that this friend was probably a boyfriend.”
“The other thing was that she was always on her phone, talking and texting random people.”
“She also lost interest in sex completely…”
“…also it just seemed like she was hiding something, you know?”
Eventually, he put two and two together, figured out what was going on… but out of fear and confusion, he decided to just bury his feelings… until she decided to dump him.

And you know what?
You can learn a lot from his experience.
Most importantly that you need to be aware of what your woman is up to.
(Take your eyes off the ball for even a little while and something bad could happen.)
Todd and Kenneth’s stories remind me of another friend of mine — and another victim of female mind games.
You might have heard of him – he’s Fredo Hill. He’s also a “graduate” of Shogun Method, and he shares his deep knowledge on his YouTube channel.
Anyway, Fredo wasn’t always good with women.
In fact, he made an embarrassing confession to me just recently…
He told me that his girlfriend Amanda used to really push him to his limits.
Fredo said that she would purposely do things that would drive him crazy.
For example: she’d pull her phone out and text other guys while they were talking. She would make decisions without consulting Fredo first. She would make plans with him, then cancel at the last minute for “something better”.
It took Fredo a while to realize it, but he eventually discovered that he was being played. Over time, Amanda ramped up her mind games with him to the point it was unbearable.

“Derek, I’ll kid you not,” Fredo told me, laughing sheepishly. “She made my life really shitty. I needed help, and that’s why I came to you.”
In this guide, I’ll share with you what Fredo, Kenneth, and Todd did to overturn their situations completely. (And more importantly, how you can do the same to get the same results that they had gotten.)
First, let’s tackle the biggest question of all:
Why Do Women Play Mind Games In The First Place?
When he came to see me, Fredo was pretty desperate for a solution.
Amanda was driving him insane, and he had to put a stop to her nonsense once and for all. And so this was what he did…
Fredo flew out to San Diego on a Monday morning to my office. During our meeting, I told him:
“Mind games are a woman’s way of trying to take control in a relationship. You’ve let her become the dominant personality.”
Fredo’s mouth hung open. It was so obvious! He realized he was entirely powerless in his relationship.
Sounds familiar, huh?
If you, too, feel powerless in your relationship… then this guide will change your life forever.
You’ll never feel “weak and submissive” in your relationship again. And instead, you’ll feel strong, dominant, and in total control.
And best of all – your girl will love you for it, too.
Anyway, back to my meeting with Fredo…
Let me reveal to you three tell-tale signs that Fredo saw in his girlfriend Amanda. These signs made him feel powerless and impotent.
And as for you, it won’t matter if your woman is your wife, your girlfriend or just a girl you’re trying to hook up with. They all display these THREE SAME signs if they are playing you.

“Is She Playing Me?” Looks Out For These Three Signs (“I-F-B”)
The “I” Sign: She purposely IGNORES your text messages.
If a girl ignores your messages, she’s trying to tell you you’re not worth her time. It’s a bitchy move, but one which is very common, unfortunately.
The “F” Sign: She openly FLIRTS with other guys in front of you.
This is the most offensive thing a woman can do in front of a guy she knows is into her. When a girl does this, she’s trying to incite jealousy in you. It makes her feel good knowing she can toy with your emotions however she pleases.
Fucked up, right?
IMPORTANT! When your woman flirts with other men in front of you, it’s a HUGE TRAP if you don’t know what to do. If you ignore it, you’ll look like a submissive boyfriend… and if you get mad or emotional, you’ll look weak.
Either way, you lose!
So what should you do?
This is where the “You Owe Me” technique comes in VERY handy. You use it on her and she IMMEDIATELY stops flirting around and starts behaving herself. It’s an extremely useful tool, and you can learn it in the Action Checklist.
If you haven’t downloaded the Female Mind Games Action Checklist yet, you can download it for free here
The “B” Sign: She constantly BAILS on you
So you planned to meet up for a coffee, and you get a last minute text to tell you she’s too busy? This is a surefire sign you’re getting played.
If any of these sound familiar, then she’s stringing you along like a puppet. Take it from me: I know how it feels.
And so does Todd, Kenneth, Fredo, and millions of other Shogun Method students before you.
I’ve been there myself, many, many times. Believe me because this is true.
So, if you’re being played, stay calm. There’s an easy way to fight back, and you’ll learn about that next.
How To Fight Female Mind Games: The Groundwork
Let me tell you how the rest of my meeting with Fredo went. He had just realized that he had lost his power in his relationship with his girlfriend Amanda. It was the root cause of his misery and frustration.
“So what should I do?” Fredo asked me.
To which I replied:
“You need to fight fire with fire. You need to manipulate her back!”
I then gave him a detailed plan on what to do and say in a step-by-step game plan, similar to the Female Mind Games Action Checklist.
Long story short? Fredo followed every word in the plan I gave him that day.
And fast forward to today, his girlfriend is now like a docile little chihuahua who’d roll over on his command. Mind games are a thing of the past for him.
And you know what? It’s the same happy ending with Kenneth, whose toxic girlfriend dumped him just as he was about to propose.
Laying the Groundwork to catch her mind games means performing these two action steps:
Step #1: Observe Her Eyes And Body Language
Today, old Kenneth keeps a tight leash on the girls he’s seeing.
You can say that like Fredo, he had also learned his lesson (albeit the harsh way).

After going through Shogun Method, he realized his entire approach to women was dead wrong.
For example, he tells me if you think your girl is playing you, the worst thing you can do is keep quiet about it.
Don’t be afraid to confront her and demand to know exactly what’s going on.
And when you do, pay close attention to the psychological signals she’s giving off.
(If you’re familiar with the entire Shogun Method portfolio, then using the Truth Extractor makes it piss easy to expose the truth behind the lies.)
For example, make sure to watch her eyes closely:
If they dart around or she can’t make eye contact it’s a good sign something is wrong.
Also, does she touch her face when speaking to you, or cross her arms and look nervous or defensive?
Also, make sure to listen closely to the way she speaks. Sounding nervous, stumbling over her words or stuttering could all mean trouble.
Step #2: Confront Her
According to Kenneth, he sometimes goes further than just asking:
He’s not afraid to, as he says, “interrogate” his women.
There’s nothing ugly or nasty about the way he does it.
In fact, his methods are pure genius. (You’re going to learn all his techniques below.)
The girls don’t know what he’s doing so they give up their secrets easily, and in that way, it’s almost like a sneaky form of Mind Control.
“It’s necessary,” Kenneth tells me, “Learning how to know if a girl is playing you is absolutely essential to your well-being as a man!”
(Even if you’re already married to her, it’s important to know if she’s playing mind games on you. Detecting the early signs that your marriage is failing is how you can stop a divorce from happening.)
How To Tell If A Woman Is Playing You
Now that you have laid the necessary groundwork required, use these two techniques to find out if your woman is playing mind games on you.
Technique #1: Sow Confusion
To find out if your woman is playing mind games on you, get your woman confused.
Did you know that confusion is a mild form of a hypnotic trance?
You go into a trance when confused because it breaks you out of your habitual, limiting thought patterns. In addition to this, it makes you more compliant and willing to answer questions.
If that sounds manipulative, it’s because it is. Sowing Confusion is a standard psychological manipulation technique which is familiar to all devotees of the Shogun Method.
So how do you use this tactic on a woman?
Here’s how:
Use words which sound similar but have different meanings.
For example, words like leave and leaf.
Another way is with words that are opposite to each other. You know, like left and right or up and down.
Use these together in a sentence and pay close attention to how women respond.
You can also confuse people by talking about many different subjects all at once.
When you’re talking change the subject every so often, and don’t let her focus on one thing.
Doing this will confuse her and also creates a type of tension which makes her more compliant with your commands.
Confusion is a really useful way to trick people into telling you the truth.
It works because it makes you open up and go off balance. And when you can’t think straight, that’s when you slip up and reveal secrets.
Makes sense?
Technique #2: The “Yes Set”
Next, Kenneth moves onto something called a “Yes Set”. (This technique is also known as a “Yes Ladder” in psychology circles.)
This is a technique Kenneth learned from his time selling insurance. And yes, it’s quite insidious knowing how sneaky insurance salesmen could be.
It works like this:
You ask your girlfriend a bunch of questions which all have simple “yes” answers.
“Did you go to work today, did you drive there, did you drink coffee?”

As someone replies yes, yes, yes to these questions they start to lose concentration.
Then you casually ask her what you really want to know about.
For example, you could say, “Are you cheating on me?”
Most of the time she won’t be paying attention and will reveal what’s actually on her mind.
I once saw Kenneth use this method on a cute bartender.
He asked her a bunch of questions like, “Do you work at a bar, do you own a smart phone, do you live at home…and…do you like butt sex?”, to which she replied YES without thinking.
We both cracked up laughing and the girl went scarlet red.
So, here’s the deal…
The “Sowing Confusion” technique and the “Yes Set” are just two of the many Mind Control and hypnosis-based techniques that can be used to put any woman under your control and dominance in no time at all.
And of course, you have the “You Owe Me” technique to pull you out of the stickiest situations. Again, it’s pretty controversial, so I “protected” it in the Action Checklist. Check it out here.
If you want unlimited power over your woman and stop her from playing mind games on you, then there’s only ONE thing to do:
Master the art of Mind Control.
Do that and you’ll never get played by a girl again, period.
Trust me on this!
How To Play A Girl Who Is Playing You (Fighting Back)
With what you’ve learned today (the Three Signs that she’s playing you, laying the Groundwork, the “Sowing Confusion” technique and the “Yes Set”) you can figure out exactly what’s going on in her mind.
And when she thinks you have eyes in the back of your head…
…she will be too scared to mess around behind your back.
At this point, you will have total dominance and power over the women you desire, and they will love, fear and respect you completely. Believe me because this is true.
All it takes is the nerve to step up and demand what you want from women.
This, my friend, is how to be dominant with women.
To paraphrase Jesus of Nazareth: ask and ye will damn well receive.
Use Mind Control and your results will be off the chart.
And to be honest with you, this is what women really want.
They prefer a man who demands total loyalty and doesn’t fucking tip toe around them.
Accept the truth that she wants to be controlled and dominated by you.
And the best way to do this is to tool up on Mind Control techniques and start using them on your woman right away.
To kick start your journey into the world of Mind Control, extreme persuasion and manipulation, sign up for my free Masterclass:

Click Here For Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
Once you’ve seen the Truth, there won’t be any turning back – I promise you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Compiled by Derek Rake and Fredo Hill
What Are The Mind Games That Women Play On Men?
Pretty easy. Here’s a list of the top NINE mind games that women often play on men:
- Making you jump through hoops by asking you to do unnecessary or unimportant things.
- Pretend to be weak so that you do everything for her… like carrying her bags and fetching her coffee.
- Playing the victim, acting as if she gets bullied (by you).
- Crying in public and pretend as if she gets bullied (by you).
- Openly flirting with other men in your presence.
- Dressing up like a tart and go date other men.
- Making intimacy “conditional”… she punishes you by withholding sex.
- Praising other guys just to make you feel insecure and inadequate.
- Ignores your calls or texts… only to reply much later on purpose to show her “power”.
Yes, entirely fucked up, I know… but that’s the nature of the beast that we need to deal with.
Does any of the above ring a bell?
If they do, then your woman is playing you, plain and simple.
Fret not, however; the antidote is here: you’ll need to get an edge by using Mind Control on her so that she yields to your dominance and authority. Get started quickly by attending this free Masterclass.
How To Tell If A Girl Is A Player
See the above. Additionally, here are the four big signs she is a player by nature:-
Signs She Is A Player
- She introduces you as a “friend” or (worse) a “companion” – never a “boyfriend”.
- She has a lot more guy friends (who will do things for her) than girl friends. She’s just playing all of them… and you.
- She is somewhat emotionally detached from you. This is a huge warning sign – ignore at your own peril.
- She tells you that she needs “alone time”. Absolute hogwash.
Again, you’ll need to fight fire with fire: Mind Control is the only way you can get an upper hand and regain your leadership position in the relationship.
How to Make Her Stop Playing Games?
Well, first, realize that you can turn the tables and play the same mind games on her.
Understand this, though…
Instead of merely “playing mind games”, however, considering taking things to the next level by embracing the Dark Triad philosophy of getting women. Despite what you may have led to believe, narcissism, Machiavellian-ism and psychopathy will bring you success (with women, and in life) more than anything else.
As a side note, Barnum Statements (a core Shogun Method technique) is unmatchable if you want to turn the tables and play mind games on your woman instead.
How To Tell If A Girl Is Playing With My Emotions?
The truth is that every woman will be attempting to play with your emotions (yes, every single one of them) – even if she has genuine feelings for you. What you need to be aware of are women who are not romantically interested in you, but want to use you as an “emotional tampon”, or to get attention of the other guys.
Learn how to identify such women by noticing these signs:
Signs She Is Using You Emotionally
- She calls you up to bitch about her problems… in her other relationships.
- She is evasive whenever you ask her about her relationship status, or about the other guys that she seem to be constantly seeing or contacting.
- She only asks you out whenever she has got “free” time… she doesn’t MAKE time for you. Huge warning sign!
- There’s zero affection for you. She may not resist you when you try to be close to her, but she doesn’t initiate anything intimate.
- Frequent flakes… often at the last minute. This may be the biggest tell-tale sign that she is using you emotionally.
What Are The Mistakes That I Should Avoid If She Is Playing Me?
Here’s the absolute three worst things that you can ever do when a woman is playing you:
- Play along, and hope that she will change for the better in the future: “Once she falls in love with me for real, she will stop all this nonsense.”
- Get angry, and confront her. This will expose your weakness further and open yourself up for more manipulation and exploitation. Remember: only the weak wear their emotions on their sleeves.
- Use “Pickup Artist” (“PUA”) tricks on her. Sure, these trickery may work in lightweight situations like the bar pickup scene, but when it comes to dealing heavy duty women stuff, Pickup Artist techniques are as useful as pair of wrinkly tits on a 96-year old nun.
Stop the madness!
Instead, it’s time to pull up your big boy pants and use what the pro’s use to put women under their dominance: Mind Control.
Remember: you gotta be cruel sometimes to be kind (both to you, and to her). Trust me: she wants you to dominate her.
Here’s another valuable lesson that I taught Fredo Hill during our first meeting – the meeting that would change Fredo’s life forever…
“You know, Fredo, the reason you are being played is that you had become the “chaser” in your relationship with Amanda. You need to take back control.”
Startled, Fredo asked me: “So what’s the solution then? How do I take back control?”
My one-word answer:
If you’ve never heard of it – don’t worry. It’s very easy to learn, and once you’ve learned it, you’ll have the ultimate advantage over women, and here’s how…
With Fractionation, you’ll have the ability to put any woman under your control and authority. It’s really that powerful!
Make no mistake though… this technique can be really manipulative by nature. For this reason, most people who know it would rather shut up about it. After all, the fewer people know about this technique, the better it would be for them. Makes sense, right?
And because Fractionation appeals to the subconscious brain, every woman is susceptible to it. Your girlfriend, your colleague, the hot stranger at the bar. Everyone, no exceptions.
So how do you use Fractionation on women?
Well, here’s how Fractionation works its magic… you’ll induce alternating sensations of pleasure and pain in a woman to make them fall into a trance.
The result is a hypnotic state which places the woman entirely within your control. The mind games she’ll be playing will be long gone because she’ll be too scared of pushing you away.

If that sounds a little complicated, don’t worry. There’s a shortcut which you can use to learn the technique quickly and easily. To learn how to use Fractionation and other Mind Control tactics on women, click here.
I don’t want anyone to dominate me. I am sick of men playing games with my motherfucking mind. If I catch you trying to gain upper hand with me or trying to manipulate me in some kind of perverted power struggle, you can go suck dick with the rest of them.
Relax, snowflake.
Meanwhile, she does everything to attract Chad and Tyrone. Hah!
Been there more than once. I was taught by old fashioned way folks especially from some folks in AA meetings. I felt the pain of being dumped. I also served Penitentiary time with killers who killed their girlfriends and wives. One common theme is, they got played but they never heard of the Shogan Method nor did I. I was a serial arsonist. I had my share of being on the dark side but I somehow avoided being in gangs or being harmed. I served a good decade in and out behind the walls from 91-04. I had many short term relationships in that time. I was engaged three times but they fell through. I never did time for crimes of a sexual nature nor did I do time for assault to a woman. I hated those kinds of cons. I never heard of your material until October 2017 when I lived in Calgary Alberta Canada. I live in the country now in Manitoba. I am studying for the particular lady I know from Winnipeg. I have been regarded by friends and family who k ow me that I am an empath. I am clean and sober for over 18 years. Because I don’t have a psychopathic bone in my body, it is safe to say I treat this information as I would a bomb. Very cautious. I used to in karate and ended as a blue belt. Three levels away from obtaining a Black Belt. So I understand the importance of the dangerous quality of this product. Besides I love the single life for now. I did mess with a married woman some three years ago without the Shogan Method. What a trip that was. Never again will I get there. So you can rest assured that I will not be using this stuff to make a married woman to fall for me. Been there. Don’t care to repeat. Still recovering from that. Have emotional scares from it. This chick I know is filthy rich. She won Lotto Max years ago. $30 mil. She is mean to people but I can’t stand her mean attitude. My gut is telling me that she needs to be stopped. I don’t expect her to be with someone soon. Right now I am buying my time and studying this material so I can secure her as my wife. Not for her riches but to make sure she can be that chick I knew years ago before she won. Yes, money changes people.
Good luck, Gordon! Shogun Method will deliver the goods for you.
Yes, I see all the three I.F.B signs! Eye-opening article… I never knew that I’ve been played, and now I know!
The black rose sequence works quite well on women. It worked on me, now my boyfriend and I are extremely happy and I love to submit to him in every way!
You’re a rarity, Julie. And the proof that Shogun Method is not good only for men, but also for women!
If your girl is playing mind games on you, there’s only one way to fight back. This.