How To Get Your Wife Back When She Wants A Divorce
Is your wife about to divorce you?
Want to stop the divorce from happening, but you don’t know how?
So did Rick, a 45-year-old husband who recently came to me for help.
His wife, Lisa, had been demanding a divorce. Rick had been trying everything he could to change her mind, to no avail.
“Okay, so I haven’t been the perfect husband,” Rick admitted to me.
“But heaven knows I worked my ass off for this marriage. My wife doesn’t love me anymore. But… I don’t want to give up… I don’t want people to see me as a failure. What should I do, Derek?”
Table of Contents
You’re Not Alone
Guess what?
If you feel the same way as Rick does, then you’ve come to the right place.
Society would have you think that whenever a divorce happens, it’s always the man’s fault.
But here, we know better.
Here’s the truth…
IT DOESN’T MATTER what’s causing the divorce to happen.
What DOES matter is how you STOP the divorce from happening.
And here’s the great thing about stopping a divorce from happening: It does NOT take two…
…it only takes YOU.
And this Shogun Method guide will show you how you, on your own, can make your wife change her mind about leaving you. And beyond that, you’ll find out how to rekindle your marriage, and more.
Also, you’ll find here will be DIFFERENT from the typical “how to get your wife back” advice out there, so remember to take lots of notes.
Let’s start!
How To Stop A Divorce – In Two Simple Steps
First of all, understand this:
The earlier you follow the advice in this guide, the better it will be for you.
Once the divorce papers are signed, things get DRASTICALLY more difficult.
So, it’s super important that you learn this method and act on it quickly.
To stop your divorce from happening, you’ll only need to take two steps:
- Walk away, and then
- Get her to Fractionate.
Let me explain both steps in detail next. However, first, let me be clear – you won’t be doing any of these:
- Begging for her to stay
- Promising to be a “better husband” and make amends
- Getting a “third party” like a marriage counselor to solve your problems
Instead, you’ll be using hardcore female psychology tactics to compel her to come back to you.
Next, let’s talk about the first step: “walking away”.
Walking Away: The Source Of All Your Power
Here’s the ultimate key in understanding relationships –
The one who can walk away is the one who has the power in the relationship.
In romantic relationships, this fact of human nature is best illustrated in “the chase.”
Look at any relationship.
Then, try to see who’s chasing who.
And you can bet that the one being chased is the one in control of the relationship. They decide where the relationship goes.
Who Has Control?
In your situation, it’s your wife who has the control.
She holds the cards.
She’s demanding the divorce…
…and you’re “chasing” her by trying to change her mind.
Unfortunately, this is what happens:
The more you try to appease her, the more power she gains.
So here’s the bad news:
While she has the power in your relationship, you CAN’T stop the divorce.
This means, you’ll need to change that… and here’s how you do it:
You’ll need to demonstrate your power and impose your will on the relationship.
How To Regain Dominance Over Your Wife
How to do that?
You demonstrate your power by walking away.
You disappear and cut off all contact with her.
(How long you’ll be away will vary – you might only need a day, or four days, or you might need a couple of weeks. This depends on how bad the situation already is.)
The point is this:
By walking away first, you’re wresting control over the relationship from her.
And here’s what’s going to happen:
- At first, she’ll HATE you for disappearing. She’ll try to call you and send all these nasty texts. She’s subconsciously manifesting her resistance to you wresting power from her. Let her.
- The longer you cut off contact, the more power you’ll “steal” from her. Wait long enough, and she’ll feel powerless enough to calm down and beg you to reply to her.
- Given enough dosage, she’ll even turn into the submissive wife you never imagine her to be… 100% obedient and loyal only to you.
Real Life Example
In Rick’s case, he disappeared from Lisa’s life for four days. He went away without telling anyone where he was going.
And guess what happened next?
The first three days was an absolute firestorm on Rick’s phone.
Dozens, maybe hundreds, of missed calls and insulting text messages from Lisa…
It seemed like it would never end.
What was going on there?
In those three days, Lisa’s imagination was running wild.
All sorts of scenarios were playing out in her mind:
Is Rick having an affair?
Did he leave me for good?
Is he dead?
What the hell is going on?
But by the end of the fourth day, Rick received a calmer text message from Lisa. She asked what was REALLY going on, and begging him to come back if he wanted to talk.
That was the sign Rick was waiting for. That same day, he went back into town to put Step #2 in action.
Fractionation: How To Get A Woman To Be Addicted To You Emotionally
The second (and final step) is to make her Fractionate.
What does “fractionate” mean, anyway?
Don’t let that word scare you. Fractionation can be quite simple to use… as long as you know how to use it.
It has got its roots in hypnosis and female psychology.
And like any knowledge, it could be used for good… or for evil. Indeed, bad men have used it throughout the ages to advance their own (manipulative) means…
…but Fractionation can also be used for good – like, stopping an impending divorce.
You’ll learn how to do exactly that next…
How Fractionation Works
With Fractionation, you give her intense cycles of alternating positive and negative feelings.
In short, an emotional rollercoaster.
The desired results of Fractionation are simple: To make your woman vulnerable.
We’ll talk about how Fractionation works in a while, but here’s what to expect when it’s working for you:
When a woman fractionates…
- She’ll snap out of her domineering behavior
- She’ll lose all control of her thoughts and feelings
- She’ll depend on you for stability, direction, and clarity
- She’ll become addicted to your power and dominance
And when’s all that, “divorce” would be the last thing that she wants to happen…
…simply because by then, she will be emotionally vulnerable – and she can only get her emotional fix from you.
Sounds great, right?
Real Life Example Of Fractionation
Here’s how Rick made it happen…
When he showed up late at night on the fourth day, it gave Lisa an emotional spike.
She was flooded with relief and gladness – she was just happy he was home.
But that wasn’t the end. No!
He then proceeded to put Lisa on an emotional rollercoaster.
When she asked what happened, he simply said:
“I think we should start living apart.”
He offered no other explanation.
This gave Lisa a MASSIVE emotional drop.
She got riled up again, demanding an explanation from Rick.
But Rick declined to give any explanation… instead, he just started packing his things.
But at that point, Lisa was already vulnerable. She loved the flood of pleasure she got by seeing him on the doorstep, but now he took those good feelings away from her.
She wanted those good feelings back. BAD.
And so, despite wanting a divorce, she broke down and begged him to give her those good feelings again.
She did it by meekly asking:
“What do you want me to do? Just tell me.”
That was it. Rick was clearly back in the power position. And he wasn’t about to let go of it again.
He then laid out his terms for the marriage, which included:
- Calling the divorce off
- No more disrespecting him
- She follows his authority, or he walks
To his surprise and pleasure, it worked. Lisa agreed to all his terms and more.
Best Way To Stop A Divorce: Fractionate Her
Today, the divorce has been called off.
Rick reports that Lisa did a 180-degree transformation…
She’s happier, more respectful, and more supportive.
And she has been putting in more than her fair share of effort in making the relationship work. That’s something she’s never done in their 20 years of marriage.
All because Rick walked away first.
All because he demonstrated his power.
And now, it’s your turn.
In case you didn’t catch it, here’s the moral of the story:
To stop a divorce, you should NOT try to appease your wife.
It won’t work.
What DOES work?
Mind Control.
(The Walk Away + Fractionation combo is an example of Mind Control in action.)
This is why Mind Control-based strategies like Shogun Method works so well.
Here’s the deal…
If you want to go beyond just the two techniques you’ve learned in this guide, and REALLY master Mind Control…
…then I invite you to join my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
Click the link below –

Request Invitation Ticket To Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
(Use your best e-mail address to sign up. That’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you pass our screening test. Not everyone qualifies – thank you for understanding.)
Remember this:
The only way to stop a divorce is by demonstrating your power and imposing your will.
In fact, if you dominated your marriage from the start, it would be divorce-proof. Your wife would love you so much she’d be CRAZY to leave you.
Now, in case you don’t agree with the idea of dominating your wife…
…or if you don’t agree with using Mind Control to stop a divorce…
…that’s fine. It’s likely that Mind Control is not right for you.
All I can say is, well, good luck.
On the other hand, if you don’t want to rely on “luck” to save your marriage…
…and if you’re willing to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to stop the divorce…
…then you know what to do. Join my Masterclass here.
Now, go get her back!

P.S: Are you going through a divorce? Or, have you already gone through one? Tell us your story in the comments section below.
My name is wesley, i’ve been married for 8 years now with my wife mona. Earlier this month she told me she wants a divorce n that she doesn’t love me but has only stayed becoz of our 7yr old son. She wants it asap. Plis derek i need your help and expert advice to stop this divorce.
Wesley: go to and contact me there.