(Or, How To Be Physically Attractive To The Ladies)
Answer this honestly: do you want to know how to be attractive to women?
Of course you do. All sane (and straight!) guys do.
This makes sense because:
- The more attractive you are to women, the more women will like you.
- The more women will like you, the more successful you’ll be in the dating game.
Actually… and this might shock you… the answer is a resounding NO.
That’s a HUGE mistake in reasoning. And it’s a mistake I personally learned the hard way – I’ll reveal my painful story later in this article. (Keep reading.)
Here’s the truth:
If you try to be more attractive so women will like you more, you might actually end up LOSING them.
And here’s another fact you might not want to hear…
There may have been women in your past who might have been “The One” for you…
…and yet because you were trying so hard to make them like you, you ended up losing them for good.
And here’s the kicker:
If you keep trying to make women like you, you’ll KEEP LOSING the women you like.
Let me ask you this: are you making that big mistake right now?
This article will help you find out, so pay close attention to what you’re about to read…
Table of Contents
How To Be Attractive To Women – What NOT To Do!
First of all, every guy wants to be attractive to women. No exceptions.
It’s all because we want to be liked. It’s our primal instinct to need to belong to the tribe.
Now, normally, it’s okay to want to be attractive to women.
What’s NOT okay is when you become OBSESSED with making women like you!
Case in point? Me.
When I was much younger, I desperately wanted girls to like me.
So whenever I met a pretty girl who was attracted to me, I pulled out all the stops to make her like me more and more:
- I texted her all the time
- I listened to her rant on the phone for hours
- I gave her gifts
- I did her favors
- And on and on I went… and she remained emotionally unavailable to me
The problem? I was OBSESSED with making her like me more. And there was always something I could do to make her like me more than before. I wanted to know how to seduce her and make her like me.
So I basically did EVERYTHING to make her fall in love with me.
Except the MOST IMPORTANT thing:
I Never Pulled the Trigger!
The more a girl liked me, the more afraid I became of doing anything risky.
Basically, I was enjoying being liked so much that I didn’t want to lose it.
So I never did the most important things of all:
- I never asked for compliance, because I was afraid she’d say “no”
- I never flirted with her, because I was afraid she’d friend-zone me
- I never tried to kiss her, because I was afraid she’d think I was a player
- I never refused anything she asked, because I was afraid she’d think I was unreliable
- I never touched her, because I was afraid I might turn her off
- I never teased her, because I was afraid I might offend her
What always happened was this:
After a few months, she’d lose interest in me and start seeing other guys. In a panic, I would then finally confess my feelings to her.
Only then, it was too late – she already saw me as “just a friend”.
This happened to me with so many girls I liked in my youth. And it broke my heart each time.
Sucks, right?
I Now Know What Makes A Man Attractive To A Woman
Now, fast forward to the present…
Today, I’m pretty much well off… at least in the “love and relationships” department.
As a certified Shogun Method coach, I now help men get the results they want with women. And my clients come from all over the country, some from abroad.
I go places – it’s the nature of my business.
Once in a while, I bump into one of the pretty girls who friend-zoned me in my youth. After some catching-up, we’d always talk about the past.
And they would all make the same revelation to me:
“You know, Jimmy, I was secretly in love with you several days/weeks/months BEFORE you confessed. But since you took so long, I thought you just saw me as a friend… so I lost interest and moved on. If you had confessed MUCH earlier, I would have gladly become your girlfriend!”
Today, I don’t suffer from any shortage of female attention and affection.
But still, when I look back at all the opportunities I missed in my youth, I feel a dagger straight to my heart.
I think: “Man, I wish I wasn’t so stupid.”
Now here’s my CRUCIAL message to you…
If you’re a guy who wants to be attractive FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE of making girls like you… be careful. You might be trapping yourself.
Fortunately, you know my story. And in a little while, you’ll know how to NOT make the same mistakes I made.
What Makes An Attractive Man (Do You Have To Be Successful?)
What’s more important to you?
- Being ATTRACTIVE to women and making them like you more? Or,
- Being SUCCESSFUL with women?
Hands down, it should be #2. Your results with women will ALWAYS be more important than the reactions you get from them.
Makes sense, right?
So how do you become more successful with women?
Two things:
- Be Attractive. That means dress well, groom well, stay in shape, practice confident body language, and learn how to talk to women anytime, anywhere.
- But more importantly… Take the Risk to Be Disliked By Women!
I’m not kidding at all.
Once upon a time, I had zero alpha male characteristics that I could ever think of.
Here are all the things I didn’t do with women. I never teased, I never flirted, I never kissed, etc. (As a result, I never got a girlfriend!).
Those, my dear amigo, are the things you MUST do.
- You must tease women!
- You must touch women!
- You must make women comply with you!
- You must refuse women who ask you to go well out of your way for them!
- You must flirt with women!
- You must be “physical” with women (within reason)!
I won’t kid you – some women will not like it. And you’ll end up losing those women…
And yet, guess what? Some women WILL like it. And you’ll end up WINNING those women!
And the few women you win will make all those other rejections and failures ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT.
Want to be more successful with women?
Then take the risks!
How To Be Attractive To A Woman Who Has Rejected You
Now, here’s a special situation:
What if You’ve ALREADY Lost Her?
What if there’s ONE PARTICULAR GIRL in your life you’re in love with… but because you didn’t take risks, you’ve already lost her?
She might have already drifted away from you.
She might have already friend-zoned you. (If you don’t know how to know this for sure, look out for these signs.)
She might already be seeing another guy.
Think of her right now. Picture her in your mind.
What should you do now to get her back?
For sure, taking the risks NOW wouldn’t work. Sorry.
Like in my case, she may have had feelings for you several weeks or months ago… and guess what? She doesn’t have those feelings anymore. Confessing now would be pointless.
So here’s what you should do instead: Use a technique I call…
What is Fractionation?
Fractionation is the cornerstone skill of the Shogun Method. It’s a combination of hypnosis and storytelling that does two things to your woman:
- It erases her current feelings of “being just friends” towards you, and…
- It replaces those feelings with whatever you want – in this case, with feelings of LOVE towards you
Is it controversial? Sure as heck!
Is it ethical?
Well, we’re operating in the grey area here. I’ll kid you not…
The truth is that I don’t really care if Fractionation is as morally upright as Mother Teresa. The truth is that Fractionation is all around us.
You see, fractionation is at play when:
- You used to hate a person, but you started liking them after you heard their story
- A savvy salesperson convinces you to buy something you don’t need, but later decided you WANT
- You get hooked on TV shows like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead
Likewise, Fractionation is at play in the dating game when:
- A guy convinces a girl he just met to have consensual sex with him on the very same day
- A guy escapes a girl’s friend-zone, and she falls madly in love with him
- A guy “steals” an unhappy girlfriend from her jerk of a boyfriend
Want to win back a girl you’ve always wanted?
Then Fractionation is the answer. Hands down!
How To Be Attractive Immediately
Most people new to Mind Control tend to overwhelm themselves by trying to learn EVERYTHING at one…
… don’t make that mistake. To get great results TODAY, you just need to learn one: Fractionation.
And you can learn it NOW, for FREE.
Sign up for Derek Rake’s next Fractionation Masterclass by clicking the link below:
Watch Online Masterclass On Mind Control (Click Here)
Take a free peek now – you’ll be amazed at how much Fractionation is going to transform your love life completely!
Remember: being attractive to women is good. But being successful with women is even better.
With Fractionation, you can be both. Learn how to do that by clicking here now. (Follow the instructions on that page.)
Jimmy Barnes, Certified Shogun Method Coach (CSMC)
PS: Questions? Comments? Leave me a message below. 🙂
Ohh a really great stuff thanks Jimmy. may I ask you a question Jimmy how can I conceal my intention to seduce a girl I mean the first moment I approach her she already knows that I am trying to seduce her.
With that thought on your mind, she will fall for you. You must trust your own ability to give it a chance to work for you, though.
If you don’t believe in yourself, our eyes will communicate this – “I don’t believe I stand a chance”. You must be confident enough to pull this off! Remember what Derek Rake says… you got to CONCEAL YOUR INTENTIONS.
Just take it easy, be a man (of good deed), and go for it. 🙂