Signs Of The Friend Zone – Is She Interested, Or Just Being “Friendly”?
When you’re Derek Rake, your reputation tends to precede you. Trust me, I would know.
As a result, people come to me asking advice on things like:
- How to keep a woman interested in you…
- How to keep wives and girlfriends faithful…
- How to get back into an ex-girlfriend’s life and panties….
And, of course, they ask about how to navigate that Charybdis of dating: the dreaded Friend Zone. (cue: horror music)
We’ve all heard the tales and truisms. The friend zone is an epic dead end. It’s the dark abyss where romance goes to die. It is an inescapable vortex of fail.
But does it really have to be?
Table of Contents
- Signs Of The Friend Zone – Is She Interested, Or Just Being “Friendly”?
- Brent’s Becky Blues
- Dear Mr. Rake: HELP!
- Friend Zone Signs: How To Know If You’re Friend-Zoned
- Finding the Friend Zone Exit Ramp
- Rapport is Not Enough to Get You Laid
- Brent’s Big Score
- How To Escape From The Friend Zone
- Fractionation: The Key To Her Total Submission To You
Brent’s Becky Blues
Take, as an example, Brent.
Brent had known Becky since the first day of college. And the entire time he’d known her, Brent had a crush on Becky.
Mind you, this wasn’t just an “I’d lay her if I got the chance” kind of crush. It was full-on “I can’t die happy unless I can get inside this girl.”
Maybe it was her country gal flair. Maybe it was her easygoing, tomboyish attitude. Maybe it was her enormous 38F boobs.
Whatever the reason, Brent had it bad for the busty Becky.
Here’s the problem: no matter what Brent did, he could never get any kind of response from her. Well, not the kind he wanted, anyway.
Sure, they’d hang out. They’d watch movies together. They’d go to parties together. They’d get drunk together.
Nope. Nothin’.
Worst of all was camping at the springs. Becky always, always wore the teeniest bikini on the market. Brent’s dream was so very, very close at hand—and yet so very far away.
Don’t get me wrong. Brent wasn’t a shy guy, but he also wasn’t very good at being assertive.
He was afraid of making a false move and ruining everything. He was convinced that it was constantly the wrong time.
In short, he thought that anything he did would get him nowhere. Worse, it would foreclose on any chances he might get in the future.
And so they would spend inebriated nights in the same camping tent. And still Brent couldn’t get any action.
To summarize, Brent was more or less dead in the water. He was stuck in the Becky doldrums, population three: Brent and his blue balls.
Luckily, Brent finally made the right choice. He came to me for guidance.
Dear Mr. Rake: HELP!
“I’m worried,” Brent told me in an online consultation, “that she’s never going to see me as more than a friend.”
“And that’s a reasonable fear to have,” I assured him.
“Derek, you developed the Shogun Method,” he went on. “You’re an expert at this kind of stuff.”
I could have denied it. But that would have been a damned lie.
“So,” he asked, “what should I do?”
“Well,” I said to him, “if you’re afraid that you’re stuck in the friend zone, the first thing you need to do is verify that.”
“Alright. How do I do that?”
“Well,” I continued, “there are certain signs that we can look for. I’m going to run down this list real quick. Tell me if you feel like any of these describe your relationship with Becky…”
Friend Zone Signs: How To Know If You’re Friend-Zoned
As I told Brent, there are definite signals that you’ve been placed in the friend zone.
If one or more of the following apply, then you have some work ahead of you.
Friend Zone Signs
- She doesn’t laugh at your jokes. Even if they really are funny, she still barely cracks a smile.
- She refers to you as “a friend.” Even worse, she refers to you as a best friend, “bff,” “bestie,” or some other childish and asinine nickname.
- Worst of all, she says you’re like a brother to her. No one wants to fuck their own brother. Well, mostly no one. No one you’d want to date, anyway.
- She avoids date situations at key times—like the mall in the evening or brunch on Sundays. She doesn’t want to risk someone she likes more thinking she’s dating you.
- She tells you about the guys she’s hooking up with, or asks your advice about dating. She isn’t trying to entice you or make you jealous. Your feelings just aren’t even on her radar.
- She asks about you and other women. She even encourages you to date them. That means she’s not even remotely considering dating you herself.
- She brings tag-alongs on what would otherwise be a date. Nothing ruins dinner and a movie like that four-eyed third wheel. Especially if she’s trying to hook you up with that third wheel.
- Even after a few drinks, she’s still not making any passes or showing any signs.
- She avoids physical contact. No, hugging doesn’t count. Girls will hug just about anyone/-thing.
- She dresses casually and doesn’t put effort into her hair and makeup when she sees you. She’s obviously not trying to impress you.
- Nothing happens while you’re watching a movie alone together.
- Nothing happens after you watch a movie alone together.
Any of those sound familiar?
Finding the Friend Zone Exit Ramp
You keen readers can probably identify which of these applied to Brent. He certainly was able to pick them out. He also noted a few more that we hadn’t previously discussed.
“Brent, my boy,” I commiserated sympathetically, “you are definitely stuck in the friend zone.”
He sighed. “Well, fuck. I guess that’s the end of that, huh?”
I shrugged. “It could be. And with that attitude, it probably is.”
Needless to say, Brent was intrigued. “What do you mean?”
“Well, if you want to just give up on her, you can. But the friend zone isn’t a death sentence, you know.”
“Really? I thought that you said I was ‘stuck.’ Once you’re a ‘friend,’ isn’t it pretty much a life sentence?”
I laughed. “For most people, that’s true. But that’s only because they don’t know how to escape. I can teach you, if it’s something you’re interested in.”
Obviously, Brent was interested.
Rapport is Not Enough to Get You Laid
Let me pause right here to say something.
Keep in mind that getting out of the friend zone isn’t, on its own, enough. It definitely is a step in the right direction, though.
You see, evoking romantic interest is only step one. It doesn’t guarantee you’ll be able to make that big score.
What does guarantee it, though, is a special technique called Fractionation. It is one of the core tactics inside the Shogun Method.
And it works.
Every. Freakin’. Time.
Yup, even for Brent.
But before he could fractionate Becky’s pants off—literally—he had a little setup to take care of.
Brent’s Big Score
Not very long afterward—less than two weeks, actually—my phone pinged. It was a picture message from Brent.
“Just to show my gratitude,” the text said. The picture was of Becky in skimpy lingerie, sprawled on Brent’s bed, legs—and more—spread and waiting.
It’s good to be the Shogun.
“Good job, man ;),” I wrote back. “But why are you wasting time with me? Get in there and put the spurs to her!”
I set my phone aside. Later, I got another message from Brent. A video message.
Let me tell you something—Becky is a fucking freak. In practically no time at all, Brent had her begging him for things that most pickup artists can only dream of.
(That, of course, is because they’re lowlife, no-talent con men with no real skill and no clue about hypnosis—but I digress.)
As Becky groped for a towel, Brent flipped the phone around, gave the camera a wink and a thumbs up. And that was the video’s end.
Finally, that boy had gotten everything he’d wanted—and then some.
And, yeah, her tits are just as amazing as Brent described them. 😉
How To Escape From The Friend Zone
Yes, Brent got out of the friend zone and under Becky’s skirt in less time than it takes to earn a paycheck.
Wondering how he did it?
The first thing Brent had to do was to cut off contact with Becky. He stopped chatting with her on Facebook. He stopped sending her texts. He’d answer her messages, of course, but sporadically and briefly.
That’s step one.
Next, step two was getting friendly with other girls. Lots of other girls. Really friendly.
And Brent wasn’t shy about it. He posted pictures of himself with these beautiful ladies every chance he got. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram—anywhere, any time.
Because he knew that Becky would see all of them. He didn’t go out of his way to show her. And he didn’t have to, either.
Needless to say, those tactics got the desired result.
Naturally, Becky wasn’t sure what was up at first. But once she saw Brent at the beach and the club with other girls, she started getting the idea.
And then her messages got a little more urgent. She was getting jealous. Those skanks were stealing away her Brent.
Hey, maybe he did get lucky with some of them. It’s not my place to say.
Okay, fine. He totally hooked up with most, if not all, of them.
And Becky totally knew it.
As a result, she started posting more aggressively on Brent’s Facebook timeline.
A lot more aggressively.
The first one was a picture of her and her new swimsuit. It was kind of a stretch to say that she was “wearing” it—but you get the idea.
From there, things escalated rapidly.
Pretty soon, her pictures—and then videos—couldn’t be posted publicly. She tried one time, and her account almost got suspended.
Needless to say, Brent was one happy guy.
Fractionation: The Key To Her Total Submission To You
So how did Brent do it? How did Becky go from calling him a friend to sending him naked pics and provocative videos?
Well, after that first bikini picture is when Brent went to work using Fractionation.
Quite simply, Fractionation is an uber powerful mind control technique.
It involves putting a woman into a trance and then bringing her back out of it again. The quicker and more frequently you do this, the better the result.
That result, by the way, is a gorgeous girl who’s dying for you to fuck her—not just the other way around.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, let me assure, it is not.
But it’s probably really hard to master and pull off, isn’t it?
Nope. Not at all. In fact, it’s simplicity itself.
And that’s why I’m now running an Online Masterclass on Fractionation. In no time at all, you too can break the panty barrier on that “friend” of yours.
Let’s face it: you’ve been “friends” for way too long. Now you can finally do something about it.
Don’t you think it’s time?
Trust me, she definitely will.
To enroll into the Online Masterclass, click on the link below and follow the instructions.
Click Here
Do it.
Derek, I will be in contact with you real soon. Please shoot me an email back please so I dont forget.
Is it advisable to launch fractionation in your intrigue story? Will it have the same effect?
Fractionation works across all IRAE stages. Are you seeing the friend zone signs?
Dear Derek
Hello Sensei Derek! Conechwa! This is the one and only Roxic Damien Bach the Dark Shogun Warrior from the West. After reading this online master class story from Brent Becky Blues story. His story is truly Inspiring to me and perhaps to many others who have read this article. Sigh…….Unfortunately I wish I were lucky enough to be just like Brent and being able to reach that climax in getting out of THE DREDED FRIEND ZONE for good and being happy just as Brent with his girl! Being in the FRIEND ZONE feels like being STABBED BY A KATANDA JAPANESE SWORD INTO MY HEART. Yeah I kid you not! Its like a punch in the balls! Unfortunately I have it WORSE than Brent does right now, because not only has this girl NOT giving me her number twice in roll, but SHE LOOKS AT ME LIKE A COMPLETE MONSTER! A Creep or whatever you want to call it when I gave her a huge…A huge! Not A kiss… I even sat down wrote a list of what I saw during my interaction with her last Wednesday. Trust me its NOT pretty at all! During my interaction with her at my college library this is what I saw…1. The Bored One, 2. A Lying Sociopath, 3. Looked Nervous, sounded nervous, 4. Eyes Rolling Right Side, 5. Uncomfortable with my presence for the first time in 5 years that we’ve known each other. 6. A Player, 7. Rejected Implanted Command, 8. Likes Playing With Emotions, 9. Zero Affection for me, 10. TRUST problems with me, 11. No Emotional Investment, 12. Does not see me Dominant enough, 13. Mentions only once her SO CALLED Military EXBF, 14. Turns Hot and Cold for the first time. Funny how I was able to confuse the fuck out of her conscious mind and get the truth out of that lying bitch for good! Hell this hot little nurse girl choose me in the beginning in the first place when she saw me back 6 years ago in a recycling center as a cashier, and now I feel like I’ve ruined my chances with her when the door was opened to me along time ago. We even spoke for 1 hour and 30 minutes one time. She was all interested me as you can imagine, but Poof its gone. The main problem is this…I never took balls to the wall initiative to ask her out, because in my gut. I felt like something was not right with her. Its funny how twice she told me she didn’t want to be in a relationship in the first place, and six months later it happens. WOW! Like Im so impress. Fast forward until now. She was taking an online test in her laptop when I decided to go up to her and deploy the IRAE Model on her even If was interrupting her test. I didn’t give a shit and decided to go in for the kill. All I did was to go get a book from the book shelves and accidently landed in the SEX Department book section, so I quickly got another book of romance instead. Conceal your excitement as well! Boy you should have seen her face when she told me that she DIDNT like reading Romance novels. Such a little liar and yet she’s to occupied because she ONLY reads medical books. I’m also glad I didn’t react when she said she had an ex boyfriend, and manage to lower her bitch defensive mechanism towards me by using Rake Routine Number #1 ”The Death Of a Friend”, basically fractionating her. I changed topics with her every second, and would appeal to my desire, but still she had totally lost that interest me. Looks like I’ll never be able to make her see me as the man was in her eyes like once, but of course I used another BF sequence on her to. The main problem is she DOESNT trust me at all. Not only that but my Implanted Command went down flat when I said “Id ask you for your number, but I rather not”. She said NO! That’s all I have to say for now. Just do yourself a favor and don’t make that mistake I did of NOT taking that opportunity when you see it front of you, because you’ll end up in the FZ or worse as enemies. One more thing Ive decided to stay away from my target, because I want to keep things cool for a few weeks, and I don’t want her putting a restraining order on me. Yeah its that bad. Worse…SHE DOESNT EVEN TREAT ME LIKE OR SEE ME AS A FRIEND AT ALL! I hope that by making her feel uncomfortable like I did last time…she will think about me, which I read from Sexual Attention book that you wrote, come to think of it doesn’t even matter anymore. I’ll go for one last around if it cost me my life. Fight fire with fire! Thanks for reading my message. Dark Shogun of the West takes off Poof!
Loved that story since the first moment I read it, early 2018, on this blog. It kinda has a nice ring to it too – ‘Brent’s Becky Blues’… 🙂 Anyhow here’s a cool pattern I’ve come to notice within all this information-verse: about whether fixing a relationship, or re-attraction – does it all seem like we’re reversing the woman’s negative state/feeling. For instance, like from despair to frustration to guilt and then to worry and finally to neutrality? (#observed mostly from ‘wicca’)