Back in the day, my buddy Mark dated this girl named Jane.
She was 23, hotter than a firecracker and an honest to god “Perfect 10.”
Jane had made her living as a pharmacist at Walgreens.
Mark was a physical therapist and Jane came to him with a sprained ankle.
(She had hurt herself while trying to fetch a bottle of Rogaine for a customer.)
They flirted, started dating, fought all the time and broke up seven months later.
The reason?
According to Mark, the sex was “out of this world” but Jane was an “emotionally unavailable woman.”
He told me:
“Every time I tried talking about my feelings or our relationship, she changed the subject or got angry.”
She wouldn’t be intimate with him or open herself up emotionally.
As you can imagine, this made dating her extremely frustrating. And that was why they broke up after only a couple of months.
Table of Contents
- How To Win Over An Emotionally Unavailable Girl
- Why Women Become Emotionally Unavailable
- Loving An Unemotional Woman – Is It Worth The Trouble?
- Is She Trying To Manipulate You?
- Transforming An Emotionally Unavailable Ex-Girlfriend To A Passionate Vixen
- Why Women Become Emotionally Unavailable
- Using Mind Control To Deal With An Emotionally Unavailable Relationship
If, like Mark, you’re dating an emotionally unavailable woman, then listen up.
You’ll need to pay close attention to what I’m about to say here:
Dating emotionally unavailable women can be dangerous and you need to be careful.
Why do women become emotionally unavailable?
You see, women get this way because of past events.
Maybe she had a really fucked up childhood…
More likely, she is a girl with daddy issues…
…or her first love cheated and she doesn’t trust men anymore.
Or, she got dumped by the love of her life and is bitter about it.
Or, maybe she’s just so focused on her career she doesn’t have time for a relationship.
(Or hates men for some reason.)
The point I’m trying to make is that she’s got issues.
And if you become involved with her, you’re going to have to deal with these issues.
You won’t have a choice.
Heck, you could even become a victim of her dysfunction.
So the first thing you have to ask yourself is if she’s really worth it.
Loving An Unemotional Woman – Is It Worth The Trouble?
Make no mistake…
Maintaining an emotionally unavailable relationship is hard work.
You need to decide if you’re willing to put in the time and effort.
Also realize that if you do get her to open up, what comes out could be disturbing.
Most importantly:
If she does share her feelings with you, there’s a good chance she’s going to fall deeply in love with you.
She might just completely transform into someone who’s clingy and insecure.
So be careful, especially if you decide to make her emotionally addicted to you.
Here’s the other option…
You can keep it casual.
You see, here’s the thing –
A lot of the time emotionally guarded women aren’t interested in any type of permanent “relationship”.
They just want to “hang out” and have casual hook-ups.
These types of women will sleep with a LOT of guys and they are usually pretty good in bed.
(Think about those dead eyed porn stars who seem to be able to turn their off their emotions at will.)
In that case, my advice is to enjoy yourself and don’t worry too much about her. If she wants to sleep with you, then great. Just don’t develop feelings or expect anything more.
Makes sense?
Also, realize that it’s entirely up to her if things are going to go further, and there’s very little that you can do.
Just be sure that she doesn’t overstep her boundaries and become controlling. To check if she is turning into the control freak in the relationship, look for these 27 signs of a controlling girlfriend or wife.
Is She Trying To Manipulate You?
Finally, watch out for emotionally unavailable women who fake their feelings.
There are women out there who will express deep feelings for you.
Meanwhile, they couldn’t care less and are only out to use and abuse.
These are the types of girls who will empty your bank account while cheating on you with multiple guys.
Or, she might just want to play mind games on you. You know, put you on a leash and make you do tricks.
Or, she’s a narcissistic person, and she’s just using you to feel good about herself. (If you’re attached to a narcissist,then read this for further guidance.)
So be careful, and try not to become too emotionally involved.
Avoid falling head over heels in love (and try to hold back on your feelings until you’re 110% sure.)
That way, if things don’t work out the damage to your life won’t be that severe.
This is also why Mind Control techniques (like Fractionation) is so powerful.
With Fractionation, it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to “pick her up.”
(Unlike “Pickup Artist” tricks where it becomes too obvious that you’re hitting on her.)
Plus, there’s no need to commit yourself to a relationship.
You can do it under the radar and it feels like a normal conversation.
She will never know what’s going on.
Using Fractionation, she will open up and become emotionally involved with you, little by little…
And she will eventually surrender herself to you… mind, body and soul.
(It has happened thousands of times for me, and my Shogun Method students.)
More on Fractionation later – let’s now continue the story. What then happened with Jane?
One night I was out at a bar watching a band with Mark and guess who’s there’s?
It was Jane looking like a million dollars.
Now with Shogun Method under his belt, Mark was itching to put his knowledge to work.
So he went over to say hi and after a few minutes of small talk he asked if she was seeing anyone.
According to her she, “wasn’t interested in a relationship right now” and was “taking a break from guys.”
Yeah, right.
He smiled and told her not to worry, “After what happened, there’s no way we gonna hook up!”
She laughed. From afar, I could see her interest in Mark grow.
(That line is plucked straight from the ENTICE/REPEL sequence out of Shogun Method, by the way.)
They carried on the conversation and Mark slowly built her attraction with Fractionation.
She was getting more and more turned on and soon her leg was rubbing against Mark’s.
By the end of the night they left together, arm-in-arm in an Uber, back at her place.
(Mark then texted to me: “It worked.”)
After a few weeks, I caught up with Mark again.
“This time, Derek,” he said, “I really understood why she behaved that way.”
Before this, Jane refused to talk about her feelings or the exact nature of their relationship.
And on top of that, she was moody as hell and often spent hours sulking and giving Mark the silent treatment.
This time, Mark reacted rather differently.
“To be honest with you, Derek, I tried not to give a fuck about it at all.”
“It wasn’t like I wasn’t serious about her or anything like that… I was just having fun.”
“Anyhow, I could see how this would be a problem if I had feelings for Jane, so I decided I was going to help her.”
So what did Mark do to her?
Here’s what…
By applying his Shogun Method knowledge on Jane, Mark got her to open up to him on a deep level…
…and soon he knew everything about her.
Abuse, child delinquency, daddy issues… you name it.
Being emotionally unavailable was the way she dealt with a shitty life.
And you know what?
If your ex girlfriend or wife is showing the traits of being an emotionally unavailable woman, then you’ll need to dig deep.
I’ll show you how to do this next.
Mark’s story had a happy ending.
It doesn’t always work out this way though.
The truth is that going after emotionally unavailable women can be hard work.
You’ll be in a world of hurt if you don’t know what you’re doing.
This is how a Mind Control technique like Fractionation can be so powerful when dealing with an emotionally guarded female.
It gives you the ability to effortlessly avoid a women’s defenses… and penetrate deep into her soul.
If done correctly, she will fall helplessly in love with you and surrender her mind, body and soul. And the best part is that she will have no idea why…
She just thinks that you’re her soul mate for understanding her deeply… unlike the other guys who are just trying to get into her floral panties.
To discover how you can use Fractionation to persuade (and if you want, manipulate) an emotionally unavailable woman, click on this bright blue link below:
Watch The Fractionation Masterclass
Do it.
Justin says
While I’m freezing my crush, I wanted to ask my friend from PA that used to come to NYC often but she’s always busy with work and hanging out with friends. I completed the I and R stages with texting on steroids. What is the right way to send her a text of a place and to set up a date while I’m on the A stage?
Derek Rake says
Justin: submit your question in the Shogun Method client’s portal. You’re already a Shogun. 🙂