Controlling Girlfriend? Here’s How To Know If You Have One (And How To Fight Back)
There are lots of awful things in the world.
Things like sharks. Or volcanoes. Or Mondays.
But at the top of the list sits the most terrible thing of all.
Yup, you guessed it.
It’s the Controlling Girlfriend.
If you’re lucky, you will never have to deal with this dreaded beast.
If you’re lucky, you enjoy a life filled with things like:
- Picking out your own clothes.
- Watching whatever you want on television, whenever you want to.
- Going out to shoot pool with your buddies.
- Drinking however many beers you choose.
- Spending time alone in your man cave.
- Playing video games without interruptions.
- Freedom from constant nagging.
- Not having to text her every five minutes.
- Bacon-wrapped buffalo wings. (Okay, pretty much anyone can enjoy these. But they taste way better when you’re master of your own domain.)
If you’re lucky, you are the dominant member of the relationship—as you should be.
And if you’re unlucky—well, I truly feel bad for you.
But there’s still hope.
Listen up, because you need to pay very careful attention. What I’m going to tell you here will change your life.
Table of Contents
- Controlling Girlfriend? Here’s How To Know If You Have One (And How To Fight Back)
- The Controlling Girlfriend: A Lesson in Female Tyranny
- What Happens When You Let a Woman Take Charge? Nothing Good
- 27 Signs of a Controlling Girlfriend
- Submissive Men are Unhappy—and so are Their Women
- How To Deal With A Controlling Girlfriend
- Watch Fractionation Masterclass Online (Free)
The Controlling Girlfriend: A Lesson in Female Tyranny
Bear with me, because first I want to talk about Herman Melville’s novel Billy Budd.
Billy is a civilian sailor on the ship Rights-of-Man. One day, his boat is stopped and boarded by the British navy. Billy is forced into military service.
As he’s taken away, Billy looks back sorrowfully. “Good-bye to you too, old Rights-of-Man,” he calls.
One tedious and very depressing novel later, Billy is falsely accused of conspiracy. He is executed by hanging.
The end.
Whoa. WTF does that have to do with anything?
Well, the plot of Billy Budd is an analogy for the controlling girlfriend.
Today’s navy is a kind and gentle one. The British navy of Melville’s day was straight-up authoritarian.
Sailors had very few personal rights. So few, in fact, that many had no choice about joining the military. They were basically slaves.
Beyond that, the royal navy demanded total obedience. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you didn’t like it, you were punished severely.
Maybe you were even declared a mutineer.
And then you died.
Okay, maybe it’s not a perfect metaphor. But it’s still pretty damned accurate.
What Happens When You Let a Woman Take Charge? Nothing Good
In case you missed it, the controlling girlfriend is like the eighteenth-century British navy.
And you—you are Billy Budd. You poor bastard.
Unlike Billy, you probably entered willingly into a relationship with her. A female sociopath at that.
Unlike Billy, you probably had no idea what you were getting into.
Regardless, she’s got her claws in you now. For example:
- You wear what she wants you to wear.
- You do what she tells you, when she tells you to.
- You’re constantly being told how to act.
- You are never not under her scrutiny.
- If you ever challenge her authority—even if you’re in the right—you quickly find yourself in a world of shit.
- If she ever suspects you’ve challenged her authority—even when you haven’t—you quickly find yourself in a world of shit.
Just like Billy, you have kissed the rights of man goodbye.
But not necessarily forever.
Because, unlike Billy, there’s actually something you can do about it.
27 Signs of a Controlling Girlfriend
The first step in escaping the clutches of the controlling girlfriend is being able to spot her in person.
Stop for a moment. Take a deep breath.
Now, carefully read this extensive list of symptoms or controlling behavior patterns:-
Controlling Relationship Red Flags
- She criticizes you constantly, for any reason. Maybe it’s your choice of shoes or the ways you spend your free time. Whatever you do or like, she’s got a complaint about it.
- She tries to come between you and your family and friends. She keeps you from seeing them. She harasses you about how often you talk to or text them.
- She actively comes between you and other people. She starts fights with your family. She tries to poison you against your friends.
- She coerces you to get her own way. Maybe she threatens to withhold sex. Maybe she becomes emotionally unavailable. Maybe she threatens to harm you, a loved one, or even herself. Self-destruction is hard to argue with.
- She sets goals that you must achieve. Only after she’s satisfied do you unlock her affection.
- She keeps a relationship tally. She’s done such-and-such for you; thus, you must do such-and-such for her. She does nice things for you—but only so she can call in the debt later.
- She maintains constant vigilance. She wants to know where you are at all times. She secretly follows you around. She breaks into your phone or email accounts. She does not trust you at all.
- She is more possessive than affectionate. She is suspicious of everyone. She feels threatened by your interactions with others—especially other women.
- She refuses to grant you any alone time. She demands that you be with her constantly. She makes you feel like a villain for wanting a break from her craziness.
- She requires constant contact. You need to text her every five minutes. You need to check in with her when you go anywhere.
- She invites herself along on outings. For you, there’s no such thing as a guys’ night out.
- She “coincidentally” shows up in random places. She’s not stalking you—she was just “passing by.”
- She demands that you do everything with her. And she decides what you do together.
- She presumes you are guilty until proven innocent. Did you grab a drink with your colleagues after work? Nope—clearly you went out to ogle and flirt with other women.
- She belittles your beliefs and ideas. Your faith, your politics, your philosophy of life—they’re all worthless. They’re not what she believes. Thus, they’re clearly wrong.
- She compares you to herself or even her exes. The comparison is never favorable toward you. She needs to emphasize how unworthy you are of her.
- She disguises ridicule as humor. She says it’s just a joke. She says you’re taking it too seriously. She says you need to man up and quit being a pussy.
- She interrupts you all the time—if she even allows you to talk, that is.
- She is the center of the conversation. You are treated as a negligible element in her universe. Nothing besides her is important.
- She disregards your feedback about her behavior. You should know by now that your opinion doesn’t count.
- She discourages you from pursuing your goals. You’re not smart enough to go back to school. You’re not likeable enough to get a better job. You’re not clever enough to get your small business off the ground.
- She encourages you toward destructive behaviors. Stopping smoking is for quitters. Come on, let’s do tequila shots on a work night. A little crystal meth never hurt anybody.
- She schedules your time for you. It might be your weekends. It might be the next thirty years.
- She becomes jealous and angry if there’s another woman within five hundred feet. Whether or not you looked at that other woman is irrelevant. You’re still in deep trouble—through no fault of your own.
- She tells you how to behave in all situations. You have to comb your hair a certain way when seeing her family. You have to wear specific shoes when working in the yard. She uses psychological manipulation techniques on you.
- She punishes you by stranding you places. Maybe you have a fight at dinner and she leaves you at the restaurant. Maybe you have a fight on vacation and she leaves in Nebraska.
- She punishes you for things that have no basis in reality. She had a dream you broke up with her. She decides you could be having an affair with a coworker. Now you sleep on the couch.
Be honest with yourself. Do any of these “controlling relationship early warning signs” describe your girlfriend?
No? Are you sure?
Because denial is very common among men dominated by their women. Very common.
Go back and read that list again.
Don’t try to rationalize her behavior. Just ask yourself: does she do this?
Are you starting to see it now?
Good. Admitting that you have a problem is the first step on the road to healing.
Submissive Men are Unhappy—and so are Their Women
You may be wondering: how do girls like this even have boyfriends? Why don’t the poor suckers just dump these chicks already?
Well, there’s a simple answer.
They love their girlfriends.
It’s not entirely a bad thing. Everyone deserves love, despite their flaws.
Sometimes we can look past these flaws. Sometimes they’re harmless.
Other times, the flaws are too big to let slide.
And you know what? Being a control freak is, in a woman, one of those big ones.
You see, there’s a reason that female-dominated relationships are pure anger and misery.
Women, by nature, are not meant to dominate. They are not biologically, physiologically capable of being in charge.
Think about intelligent animals like deer or wolves or lions.
The leader of the pack will always display dominant, alpha male characteristics.
The female is always, always the submissive party. The males fight over her, and the winner claims her. Even in the physical act of mating, the female is in a submissive position.
In short, if a woman is truly in control, she’s out of her element. She can’t thrive. She certainly can’t be happy.
The same is true of you. If you’re not in control, you can’t prosper and be happy either.
(This is even more so with a specific type of female – girls with daddy issues.)
Imagine a typical house cat.
Cats like to climb on things. They like to sleep in the sun.
Cats do not like swimming.
A cat in a swimming pool is not happy. It’s certainly not getting the most out of life by being there.
When your girlfriend is in charge, both of you are cats in a pool. You’re angry. You’re frustrated.
You’re both out of your natural element.
The truth is simple. No matter how much you love her, this sort of misery will lead to a breakup.
No romance can survive this sort of role reversal. End of story.
Want to reclaim happiness? Want to save your relationship?
Then get yourselves out of the pool!
How To Deal With A Controlling Girlfriend
Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that women can’t have their own lives and careers and aspirations.
They’re human. They need personal fulfillment.
But they’re not going to get it from controlling their relationships.
That is, quite simply, the man’s role.
Unfortunately, the global female supremacist movement has convinced many women otherwise.
Men are unhappy because they can’t lead. Women are unhappy because they want to be dominated.
But they’ve been brainwashed into believing that they shouldn’t be.
Hence, divorce rates have risen and marriage rates have fallen since the middle of the last century.
That kind of cultural trend is tough to fight against.
So what’s a boyfriend to do when his girlfriend won’t cut him any slack?
The answer is Fractionation.
No, it’s not a math problem. In fact, it’s the foundation of the infamous Shogun Method. (We’ll talk more about what this is later, but if you’re inclined, here’s an impartial Shogun Method review.)
In short, Fractionation is an extremely effective method of hypnosis.
And it is pretty much guaranteed to work. Every. Single. Time.
Fractionation takes advantage of women’s inherent affinity for drama. It exploits their emotional natures by taking them on a roller coaster ride of excitement and despair.
It doesn’t just make a woman like you. Fractionation makes a woman addicted to you.
By definition, an addict is enslaved by her addiction. She’ll do anything get her fix.
And, in this case, her drug of choice is the emotional high that only you can provide.
You see where I’m going with this, right?
Yes—Fractionation can revolutionize your relationship. This simple trick can put you back where you’re meant to be—in charge of your woman.
Not the other way around.
If you’ve read this far, you’re obviously committed to saving your relationship. You want to help your woman regain her lost happiness.
And, of course, regain your own.
Now, I’m going to help you do it.
I’ve put together an Online Masterclass on Fractionation. Its purpose is to help men like you save their relationships from domineering women.
So what do you have to do to learn the secrets of Fractionation? Easy… simply click the link below:
Watch Fractionation Masterclass Online (Free)
Once you’re on that page, follow the instructions and you’re all set.
See you there!
P.S: Stuck with a controlling girlfriend? Want to break free? Post your question below and I will answer you personally.
Ann Silvers says
You have a good list of controlling behaviors here. It’s great to see someone talking about the subject of the harm done by a controlling woman. Controlling wives and girlfriends are far more common than it would seem because we are ignoring the subject as a culture and pretending it isn’t happening.
Sandaga says
I just found this material helpful, I’m stuck in a similar situation where I and my spouse are not together just in distance relationship but she is dominating the relationship no matter what I try to do it’s very hard get her on phone calls, late reply to my text messages and at times with disrespect.
Frank says
Dear Mr Rake,
I’m curious, outside of how relationships work in the wild, why do women need to be submissive?
I read every so often about female led relationships. Supposedly, the men like it.
I’m personally of the opinion — and this really is just an opinion based on my observations — that the different sexes each have a better grasp of different problems. So, for example, men don’t speak much as women, so if you needed to do social networking (say to broaden your contacts for personal or business purposes,) then the wife would be better suited. Whereas, men tend to be more emotionally stable, so they are more reliable if you need a rational judgement.