Reading Time: 21 Minutes
How To Attract a Girl With Daddy Issues: Exploit the Flaw in Female Psychology!
Terry, dude, you look like crap,” was how that conversation started.
Terry blinked. “Huh? Oh, sorry, Derek. Yeah, it was a late night last night.”
I raised my eyebrow. “One late night doesn’t do that to a man.”
He shrugged and grinned sheepishly.
“And definitely not the good kind of late night, either.”
“Sorry, man,” he said again. “It’s just Cherlize. She went on another one of her rampages again.”
“What happened this time?” I asked him.
“I went out for a drink or two with the guys after work,” he said. “Forgot to text her and let her know. When I got home an hour late, she flipped the fuck out.”
I winced. “Ouch.”
“Tell me about it.” He rubbed his back.
“You know how foldouts are. Spent the night with a metal bar practically up my ass.”
My turn to shrug and grin. “Some people are into that.”
“Yeah, well, not me.”
“This sort of thing,” I broached cautiously, “seems to happen a lot with you guys.”
“Yeah. She can be a real terror sometimes.”
“But you obviously want to stay with her.”
“Well, yeah. I still love her, even though she’s cray cray. And the sex is incredible. Just ridiculous. When it’s on, it’s on.”
“Buuuut…” I prompted.
“But the rest of the time…” He trailed off.
“Yeah. The rest of the time.” I cracked my knuckles. “Terry, tell me something. Does she ever talk about her father?”
Table of Contents
- How To Attract a Girl With Daddy Issues: Exploit the Flaw in Female Psychology!
- The Psychology of Daddy Issues: One Man, a Lifetime of Damage
- Free Download: Action Checklist + Advanced Hypnotic Routine
- Where a Woman’s Daddy Issues Come From
- Signs of Daddy Issues In a Woman
- Warning
- How to Get a Girl with Daddy Issues
- How to Manipulate a Girl with Daddy Issues (Exploit Her Weakness)
- The Aftermath
- Fractionation: Your Enslavement Ace in the Hole
The Psychology of Daddy Issues: One Man, a Lifetime of Damage
What Do “Daddy Issues” Mean?
They go by many different names.
- Daddy issues.
- An Electra Complex.
- Fucked in the head.
You can call it whatever you’d like. The fact is, a rose by any other name will still stab you with its freakin’ thorns.
As many guys know, daddy issues can produce a range of erratic, emotionally charged behaviors. These can seriously strain or end even the most promising relationship.
That’s why it’s important to be able to spot those prickly paternal neuroses from the get-go.
And that’s also why it’s important to be able to prune them off. You’ll be left with a beautiful, harmless flower.
We’ll get to that in a minute. For now, here’s something else which is pretty important, so pay attention.
We’ll do a deep dive into the complexities of dealing with a girl with daddy issues, but here’s what you must know beforehand.
As you’ll see, the answer to the question of dealing with women with daddy issues can be rather tricky. Because of that, I’ve made it as easy as possible by anyone who is dating or married to a woman with daddy issues…
…however, given the amount of details in this guide you’re going to read today, remembering everything is not trivial.
So, here’s what I’ve done for you.
Free Download: Action Checklist + Advanced Hypnotic Routine
I’ve created an Action Checklist which you can download for you to refer to whenever you’re ready to use these tactics on your woman.
Go through this Action Checklist (it’s in PDF format) and you won’t have to worry about missing a crucial step or two when dealing with her. free resource
Sound good?
Click this link below–
Download Link
And that’s not all. I’ve also included a bonus technique (not found in this article) which you can use to annihilate and neutralize her problems with her father–once and for all.
This technique is the Bright Future hypnotic routine which hacks into her subconscious mind, planting ideas without her knowing.
The Bright Future routine makes her project an optimistic future with you while erasing her daddy issues. It’s tremendously effective especially on women with damaged psyche due to their past.
But, here’s the catch, though.
Because of the nature of the Bright Future hypnotic routine, I can’t publish it out in the open. And that’s why I decided to snuck it into the Action Checklist PDF to avoid public scrutiny. (Read it and you’ll understand why.)
So, go ahead and download the Action Checklist above. Learn the Bright Future routine before I’m forced to remove it completely one day.
Where a Woman’s Daddy Issues Come From
Before you can deal with the dreaded daddy issues, though, it’s important to understand where they originate.
Let’s start with the four types of relationships a girl can have with her father.
One is a normal, healthy, caring relationship. This spawns normal, well-balanced young women.
The other three are–
- Abusive relationship. This abuse can be physical, emotional, mental, verbal, or any combination thereof.
- Neglectful relationship. Maybe he never wanted a child. Maybe he never wanted a daughter. Either way, she never got the affection she needed from her old man.
- No relationship. For whatever reason, daddy wasn’t around when she was growing up. Maybe he died, which is tragic. Maybe he’s a deadbeat and just took off… in which case, good riddance.
Whatever the cause, issues from the past can make your present relationship with her a living hell. And you know what? Women with daddy issues often turn inevitably into female sociopaths.
Signs of Daddy Issues In a Woman
If you suspect you’re dating a girl with daddy issues, here are the ten warning signs you should look out for.
Ten Signs of a Girl with Daddy Issues
- Age difference. Is she substantially younger than you? Being younger doesn’t necessarily mean she has daddy issues… but she could have emotional fixation on father figures.
- Excessive clinginess. Does she demand excessive or constant attention? Does she become anxious or enraged when she doesn’t get it? She’s probably making up for the attention she didn’t get as a little girl.
- Excessive flirting. This is another attempt to gain male attention. It almost definitely stems from not having received enough earlier in life.
- Sexual aggressiveness. Yet another way of commanding attention from the men in her family. Or, men that she just happens to meet on the street. Or, in a bar. Or, pretty much wherever.
- Rough sex. Almost all women like it rough sometimes. But childhood abuse may cause a girl to associate validation with pain. Afterward, she’ll make you a sandwich wearing nothing but an apron and a smile. She probably learned that from mommy. (And they say family values are dead in this country. Pfft.)
- Body modification. Like age difference, this doesn’t necessarily entail daddy issues. But tattoos, piercings, and nontraditional haircuts (or color) may signal rebellion against male expectations. Maybe she’s angry at daddy for not giving her enough love and appreciation. Or, maybe she’s angry at herself for never earning them from him.
- Self-mutilation. This is an extremely unhealthy extension of body modification. Proceed with caution.
- Eating disorders. This is another form of body modification. Eating disorders arise from a desire to meet certain standards of beauty and desirability. Daddy never told her she was pretty. Thus, the only way to get guys’ attention is to lose another 20 pounds. (She almost got up to triple digits last year. Gross.)
- Instagram feminism. This type resents daddy. As a result, she feels intimidated and threatened by natural masculinity and male sexuality. She picks any fight she can with any guy she can. That is, when she’s not taking high contrast, black-and-white photos of her pizza slice to post on Instagram. Which was made by a man.
- Entitled Princess Syndrome (EPS). An over-indulgent father convinced her that she’s the center of the universe. Now, she can do no wrong. (But you still can.) She never needs to apologize. (You do, though.) She’s proud of not having to work for anything. (She’s got you for that.)
Just to clarify–
Actually calling you “daddy” doesn’t necessarily mean she has daddy issues.
As we know from Shogun Method (and Charles Darwin): women are biologically submissive. Most of the time, calling you “daddy” is a knee-jerk reaction. It’s a signal that she accepts your authority and dominance.
In fact, it’s often a good thing. It’s not something you necessarily need to worry about…
…but if anything on the list above sounds familiar, you’ll need industrial-grade knowledge on how to deal with that precious little princess.
You need Mind Control.
To deal with a woman with daddy issues, you need to use Mind Control on her. You’ve got to fight fire with fire.
Here’s the thing, though. Mind Control doesn’t work equally on all women.
Some are more receptive than others. It all depends how severe your woman’s daddy issues are.
In Shogun Method, we assign to a woman her Vulnerability Score and the corresponding female psyche archetype. This way, we can optimize the dosage of Mind Control to make sure we get the results we want.
Because, let’s face it. Your woman’s daddy issues are already screwing up her psyche, prim and proper. The last thing you want to do is to fuck her up completely with unrestraint Mind Control.
So, before you use the Mind Control tactics you’re learning next on her, calculate her Vulnerability Score first. With the score, you’ll also find out about her Shogun Method archetype (Thalia, Gaia, Athena or Persephone.)
You can do that by taking this short resource
Do that first, and then continue.
How to Get a Girl with Daddy Issues
The first thing I did for Terry was to calculate Charlize’s Vulnerability Score. It was 39, which made her a Persephone–the archetype most reactive to Mind Control.
“Alright, Terry,” I said. “We’ve established she’s a Persephone. She’s highly vulnerable to Mind Control, and so that’s good news.”
Terry flashed a smile of relief.
“To confirm, you want to stay with her, don’t you?”
“Yeah, of course,” was his reply.
“Does she know that?”
“Well, she’s probably figured it out by now. Judging by how she acts.”
“I’m not so sure. I think she acts out because she’s afraid of losing you.”
“Oh. Wow. That actually makes a lot of sense.”
“So are you going to try to put her at ease? Tell her that you want to stay with her?”
“Fuck no! Here’s the cardinal rule of Mind Control–never reveal your intentions.”
“Damned straight. And since you obviously paid attention to your Shogun Method training, you tell me… what should you do?”
Terry laughed. “Rule number one… be manipulative. Duh.”
Emotional Investment 101
First things first. Mind Control manipulation here isn’t necessarily bad or evil.
There’s a spectrum when it comes to manipulation. You already know the softest kind of manipulation… people call it persuasion. The other end lies indoctrination–the mainstay of sociopaths.
(As a side note, you’ll notice how sexual love is also a spectrum. In Shogun Method, we call it the IRAE Model–the four stages of love from intrigue or infatuation to addiction or enslavement. I wrote it all in this free book you can download here.)
Here’s the thing, though.
In my elite coaching service, I deal with cases like this all the time. Women with daddy issues are dime a dozen these days.
When you’re encountering a woman who fits the diagnosis, like Cherlize, you need to go for the jugular. You need to go pretty hardcore on the Mind Control manipulation scale to help her kill her daddy issues.
And if she has high Vulnerability Scores like Charlize (defined as 30 and above), then she’s the prime candidate for weapons-grade Mind Control.
The first step you need to take to control her mind is to emotionally isolate her from others.
This means she needs to be completely emotionally invested in you because there’s no one else she can turn to.
Emotional investment is the solution.
How do you get a woman emotionally invested in you?
A simple way–engineer some sort of date disaster.
Yes, disaster.
Maybe the car breaks down…
…and it breaks down in a heavy downpour…
…and you’re outside cell phone service range…
…and the closest landline is three miles up the road.
Whatever you choose, it should be a situation where she’s entirely dependent on you for salvation.
It may seem counter-intuitive. But a negative experience will appeal to her innate desire for drama.
And more importantly, it will create a lasting, emotional bond.
The more she’s invested in you, the less invested she is in everything else.
Once she’s fully emotionally invested in you, she’ll have nowhere else to turn. And you’ll be the one in the position of power.
The Prophesy Tactic
Of course, there are things you can do also. (Especially if she’s low on the scale of Vulnerability Scores… say, 20 or lower.)
Let’s say that you straight-up don’t want to deal with her shit anymore.
And you tell her so.
Then she says she’s not getting what she needs from you. She threatens to leave.
(And that’s a sign of a controlling girlfriend. Check out the other signs here… there are 27 of them in total.)
When that happens. That’s when you bust out with the Prophesy Tactic.
“Fine,” you should say.
“Leave. I know you think there are plenty of guys out there who’ll tolerate you. But, in the end, they are all going to leave you. None of them will put up with you for long.
“Go ahead and find out. There’s the door.”
I guarantee you, she will think twice before turning the knob.
How to Manipulate a Girl with Daddy Issues (Exploit Her Weakness)
Those two techniques–Emotional Investment and the Prophesy Tactic–should get you started to regain control over her.
Guess what? There’s a third way to deal with a girl with daddy issues, and it’s probably the most effective of the lot.
You’ll really like what I am going to share with you next, believe me.
A Thought Experiment
This third tactic works the best, but it’s also more elaborate. So, before we get into the nitty gritty of the technique, let’s do a quick thought experiment.
I want you to think about her right now.
Picture her clearly in your mind. Imagine her sitting quietly in front of you.
Got that? Great.
Remember that I’ve asked you about the type of relationship that she had with her dad?
Good. Now, let’s dive into the specifics of that relationship:
- If she was abused by her dad–whether physically, verbally, mentally, or emotionally–how severe was it?
- If her dad acted like she was a mistake, how did she cope with that rejection?
- If her dad was simply not around while she was growing up, who else did she look up to as her father figure?
If your woman’s relationship with her dad resembles any of the three examples above… then I feel for you.
They’re not lying when they say a woman’s relationship with her dad determines how well (or how badly) she will handle men in the future.
To be more specific…
She’s going to look for the love and security she didn’t get from her dad… in you.
She’ll try to get that love and security in many different ways–
- By being too needy or clingy. Or,
- By being too sexually aggressive. Or,
- By getting excessive tattoos and piercings. Or,
- By cutting herself. Or,
- By being a feminist. Or,
- By being a precious little princess with EPS.
All of that is unfair to you… because you’re not her dad.
And, heck. Even if you tried to meet her unreasonable needs, you’ll end up chasing a ghost. And you’ll be chasing a ghost for the rest of your life…
….or until you give up on the relationship, or she does.
I hope you see the problem you have right now.
I won’t mask my words here because this is serious. If your woman has daddy issues, your relationship is in deep, deep trouble.
But guess what? There’s some good news.
There is a surefire way to cure a woman’s daddy issues… apart from the two techniques that you have learned above.
It’s called the ERP Sequence, and that’s what you’re learning from me next.
The ERP Sequence
A fair warning.
The ERP Sequence isn’t like anything you’ve heard before. In fact, it’s a bit controversial in today’s politically-correct culture. That’s why no one talks about it in media.
(In fact, you’ll be hard-pressed to find Shogun Method being mentioned in the mainstream. They’re hell bent on suppressing us from reaching men like you.)
But, here’s the thing. Emotional Investment and the Prophesy Tactic will give you some short-term relief for you woman’s emotional problems…
…but the definite cure for women’s daddy issues is the ERP Sequence.
Psychologists have used it. I recommend it to my coaching clients all day long.
And countless women have gotten over their daddy issues because of it.
Your woman will, too. And you’re about to see why using this Sequence on girls with daddy issues will work wonders for you.
To deal with a woman’s daddy issues, conventional dating advice would suggest two things.
- Tip-toe around her, and don’t trigger her. And,
- Show her you’re always there for her.
Unfortunately, conventional dating advice only sounds good. But it works less well because it nurtures her daddy issues, not eliminates them.
Conventional dating advice causes what’s called, in psychology circles, a feedback loop.
Subconsciously, she learns that her daddy issues will get her some sort of affection from you. And so her issues persist because you actively encourage them.
So, what’s the solution that works?
It is, in fact, to do the opposite.
You are not to nurture her daddy issues… but to remove them completely.
And that’s where the ERP Sequence comes in.
Entice-Repel + Prophesy
The ERP Sequence is a combination of two Mind Control techniques.
- The first technique is called Entice-Repel, and
- The second technique is called Prophesy. (You have had a glimpse of this technique earlier.)
First, let me explain Entice-Repel.
If you’ve ever tried a martial art like Judo or Aikido, then you’ll be familiar with the Entice-Repel concept.
You never use your own force to subdue your opponent. Instead, you use your opponent’s own weight or momentum against him.
That’s why you see practitioners beat their opponents with parries and counter-throws.
Now, this concept is important… because your woman’s daddy issues are deeply ingrained in her mind.
And because of this, you can’t “brute-force” her issues out of her. Makes sense, right?
Instead, here’s what you must do–
First, you’ll need to Entice her issues – that is, pull it slightly off-balance… and then Repel her issues by pushing them out of her mind, using the force of its own massive weight.
(You know, like a slick Steven Seagal move.)
I’ll explain more about this with an example later. For now, let’s talk about the second part of the ERP Sequence:
Have you ever had a salesman tell you something like: “If you don’t buy this now, you’ll regret it later on”?
That’s the Prophesy tactic in action. Consider these two scenarios–
- If you buy his product, then he gets what he wanted from you: a sale.
- Meanwhile, if you don’t buy his product, and then, later on, you regret it… you’ll think, “Yup, that salesman was right,” and you’d go out and buy it in the end.
But what if you didn’t buy his product, but didn’t regret it later on either?
Well, the salesman might have been wrong. But he’s no worse off than before he met you.
See how it works? Pretty nifty, right?
By using the Prophesy technique, the salesman put himself in a win-win situation.
And so will you, when you use the Prophesy technique to help your woman.
Step-By-Step Example
The first step is Entice-Repel.
Let’s say your woman manifests her daddy issues via body modifications. She keeps getting new piercings, new tattoos, etc… and it’s turning you off.
So you address the problem by avoiding the topic… which will only reinforce her need to “express herself.”
(Every woman likes to express herself and that’s why they can’t shut the fuck up.)
Instead, you Repel her by expressing your displeasure.
For example, if she proudly shows you her newest tattoo, you give a mild look of disgust and say “oookay…”
This will set her off for sure. But you hold your ground, doubling down and telling her something like,
“It’s not personal. Those tattoos. I just not like them”
Then if she flies off the handle, freaks out and threatens to leave, you Prophesize into her future.
You tell her this,
“Go ahead. A lot of other men will probably want to get into your panties. But they’ll leave you in the end. You’ll see. Only then will you realize what you wanted was here all along.”
The Aftermath
What can possibly happen after that?
Three things.
The first possible result is that she leaves you.
Which is a good thing, by the way. You’ve just spared yourselves from might have been decades of frustration (no exaggeration). Congratulations.
The second possible result is that she leaves you, but she realizes later you were right… and so she comes back to you with tails between her legs.
And when she does, that’s when you Entice her by giving her the kind of affection she needs the most.
And the third possible result? She doesn’t leave you, and she strives to change her ways just so she won’t lose such a great guy as you.
So, let’s summarize everything we have so far.
First, you show her that you’re a great guy she can’t afford to lose.
Second, you put yourself and her in a win-win situation.
That’s how you cure a woman’s daddy issues for good.
No force. No coercion. No sneaky pickup tricks.
Just good, old-fashioned, scientific Mind Control that works.
Fractionation: Your Enslavement Ace in the Hole
Now don’t get me wrong–I understand that Emotional Investment, Prophesy and the ERP Sequence (especially!) can be intimidating courses of action.
“Will I fuck it all up?”
“What if I miss a step and screw up?”
“What if she really gets pissed and dumps me?”
If you’re not ready to call in the big guns, there is a special tactic you can start using right away.
Even better, it’s easy to learn, and it’s as effective as the ERP.
So what’s this special tactic?
Inside Shogun Method, we call it Fractionation.
A better name for it would be “the skeleton key to manipulating any woman.” But that takes way too long to say.
In short, Fractionation is about putting a woman into a waking hypnotic trance. You do it by swinging her rapidly from positive to negative emotions.
Here’s how it works.
You anchor the positive emotions to yourself. And you convince her to project the negative emotions elsewhere.
To put it another way, you become the one stable, bright anchor in a bleak and dreary world…
…thereby replacing her asshole father, curing her daddy issues forever.
After that, she’ll be putty in your hands, under your control, command and authority.
Ready to learn how to put this relationship magic to work?
All you need to do is to join us and be a Shogun. Enroll into the Shogun Method course. Then, go straight to the Fractionation module. That’s probably the world’s most comprehensive resource on Fractionation, bar none.
And you know what? The ERP Sequence is also based on Fractionation. And that’s why it’s completely unbeatable.
And when you took the time to master Fractionation, you’ll end up mastering the ERP Sequence at the same time… as well as hundreds of other Mind Control techniques… all of which will help you achieve all your desires in love and life.
You got this, my brother Shogun.
Come onboard. We’re ready for you.
P/S: Questions? Comments? Leave me a message below, and I will reply personally.
Jeffrey says
It’s actually true about not letting a girl know your intentions or she will take your feelings for granted. I once started off with a new course mate through text messaging. I was sexually attracted to her and not the love fairy tale kinda guy. I was my self, the normal me very playful and speaks freely no emotions attached just fun. So on the first and second night i got her to chat with me intimately about sex from 4pm to 2am all night. On the third day onwards she acted upset with me online and at school and we started having fights from there onwards till i called her immature and she blocked me. Later i called and apologised and we got back to texting and she told me she got upset because she has never had such a conversation with anyone before(she looks reserved) and particularly in such a short period of time; first day, and she got scared and also thought i only saw her as a sex object. So i tried lying to her that i was genuinely inlove with her(my mistake) and i kept saying it till she believed it and unluckily for me i believed it too and things about her started affecting me emotionally(unbelieveable, since when!,I was only saying it so she would felt respected.) I felt lucky when she told me after 2months she also felt something for me *but she wasn’t certain about it*. So i once met her on a date, i was caring and i touched her sexually a lot(tighs, butt, etc.) and i thought i had fun. The following day she messaged me saying she realised i loved her very much and because she is afraid she might not be able to love me up to my expectations, we should end it(never heard of such a lame excuse, before we got here she had suggested it severally and i was always begging till she accepted me back on her likely to date list, but this time i was tired of begging.). And i was like fine,if she thinks it’s a great decision i support it and i stopped chatting with her. About an hour later she came back to retract it and i made her beg all day before pardoning her in the evening and on that very night after a long push and pull through 3months of texting she accepted to be my Gf. We dated for *four days* and she was being disrespectful, i confronted her face to face, she said i was rushing everything and giving her pressure and when i went home i got a break up message. Ok again i accepted it and said a lot of nasty things to her. The following morning(she never texts me first) she sent me “Gm, hope you are good”. Ummm i ignored her and took time to get over her. It hasn’t been long just last week thursday(Feb,2018). And i still say shit to her. I just want to stop now. Play cool again, with no love , turn her into my fucking object as i wanted from the day one. That could be a good revenge.
I think i maybe about to achieve it from the couple of articles i have read so far if i can get her to first forget all the cruel things i have said lol. Anyway thanks Sir/Mr Derek Rake.
Caprice Novelli says
How would you feel if I manipulated you into my boy toy? Not so nice, right?
Angry Man says
Derek is the real deal. Follow everything he says.
rita says
Are women objects or things to be manipulated?
Doug says
Jackes Mainshaw says
Yes. It’s exactly what most of you do with us men
Dreco says
This article seems to be really objectifying women… but it’s not. Here’s why…
It would do a lot of men who are actually trying to have a relationship with a woman to actually get to know them and try not to associate every interaction with a woman as a power struggle. This type of thinking only makes it harder for men to see women as the HUMANS they are.
Derek’s mind control approach is different: it wins the “power struggle” by default.
Derek Rake says
Yes, you win the game by refusing to play it.
Madi says
I am only writing this in the hopes that someone reads it will realise this:
Derek Rake’s philosophy on dating or women is NOT amoral. It does not teach you to become obsessed with hurting and exploiting vulnerable women. You can use Shogun Method and still be good and kind to people, be open and honest. Respect girls and women. Some people will hurt you and leave but that’s happened to everyone in the world. You are not special, whatever happens to you does not give you permission to hurt anyone else.
Women are human beings just as you and come as varied as men. Don’t generalize women, or take advantage of women. Not only women but men will also have a much better existence if they weren’t so concerned about how to be man, and how to dominate women.
Derek Rake rocks!
Derek Rake says
Thank you, Madi. Well said!
Leena says
I mean no offense but i do agree that some girls have daddy issues and could exhibit such behaviour but there is a less manipulative or regular way to win over her trust and not to control her and treat her like your own puppet. Her issues make her easy to manipulate and lean on you that doesn’t mean you misuse it bud. I mean i would say this is more stereotypical thinking more or less about such girls which isn’t exactly true.
Derek Rake says
Look, everyone. Another girl with daddy issues here. Hello there, babe!
Caprice Novelli says
Don’t assume that every person who doesn’t agree with your opinion is a girl with daddy issues. You’re generalizing now. Also, this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and you’re treating it like every girl who has daddy issues is a bad person.
Derek Rake says
No, never said that. In fact, here’s why I wrote this article – to help take the emotional baggage off from girls with daddy issues.
Read the article again.
Tatiana says
What the actual fuck
Derek Rake says
Hello, girl with daddy issue!
Carrie says
Fractionalization in this context sounds like a fancy way to describe abuse and gaslighting. Most healthy woman would be able to recognize this but what you are suggesting here us to take a woman who you know has issues and trauma in her past, exploit that and manipulate and traumatize her further. Yay.
Derek Rake says
Abby says
Yeah don’t traumatize someone further and then leave when you can’t handle it. You could explain that further-how to end the relationship.
Is this the same thing guys do in Dom sub relationships? Do men have mommy issues?
Derek Rake says
It’s obvious, Abby, that you are a girl with severe daddy issues.
Sam says
Hey man,
After reading your blog here because of my own girl who has daddy issues, I was really feeling like there might be a way to employ a way to spot being disrespected by her and both of us on equal footing…. but reading all these responses you are giving to these woman shows me that you are quite immature in your approach. There are healthier ways to behave.
Wish you the best.
Jess says
Hello Derek,
You haven’t covered what to do once you get into a girls brain using their Daddy issues. Also, how to break up with them once you are bored? I guess that using this method to get a girl with daddy issues into bed makes breaking up much harder! Any tips?
Derek Rake says
It’s true: you can’t just dump a “girl with daddy issues” just like that. So, do it with your eyes wide open… you cannot possibly “undo” Shogun Method.
Helen says
I see this as a double edge sword. In the hands of a guy who has serious intentions, it helps an emotionally stunted woman stop firing on sight. As a female with daddy issues I’m actually flattered a guy would go out of his way to disable shit I can’t control because I’ve never been given a real chance to play it out, the courtship, I mean.
However, if the guy just wants a wild fuck and pump, this weapon is devastating. I’ve been on the end of it from … guys who should probably be in jail right now.
That being said, I appreciate this guide being out as well as the comments, BECAUSE it made it that much easier to identify these tactics. It gives me a sense that I can control whether to engage or not, and it helps me realize if I’m being a cunt / need to pump the breaks.
Seriously. Thanks for posting this.
Derek Rake says
You’re welcome. I hope you have released your emotional baggage and overcome your daddy issues.
Caprice Novelli says
It is not true that girls are naturally submissive due to biology. I know women who want to be in control and men who want to be submissive. Also, what makes you think it’s okay for a guy to authoritative and dominant in the relationship but not a girl? Even so, there should be equal authority in the relationship.
If a girl has daddy issues then maybe you should try helping her instead of manipulating her into submitting to you. Her daddy issues will just get worse and you both won’t be happy, ultimately resulting in a very toxic relationship. And to top it all off, getting a girl to submit to you just because you believe women to naturally be biologically submissive to men is fucked up.
Derek Rake says
No such thing as “equal authority” because that’s against the order of nature.
You do sound like a girl with daddy issues yourself.
Roxic Damien Bach says
I have a question? Is there such thing as a women with mommy issues? I know a few women out there that do. And if there is should we apply the same techniques taught within the same guide that you should up here??? Thanks!
Derek Rake says
Well, there are women with mommy issues. There are more men who have them, though.
Michael Finn says
I think men need to keep in mind that women with daddy issues often don’t like being submissive and depending on men. They are more likely to be independent and manipulating their psychology would not do good for them. More often than not, if you say that men will love her and leave her, she’ll leave you and not have any second thoughts. That statement would really hurt them and many women with daddy issues have been hurt enough and know better than staying with someone who hurt them. My wife was abandoned by her birth father twice, and abused by her other father figures after that, so it’s safe to say that she has daddy issues. She would not put up with ANYTHING that was offered as advice in this article. If she had found out I had “engineered a disaster” for her to grow to be more emotionally invested in me, she would leave. I believe that you forgot to mention that many women who have daddy issues don’t like physical affection and aren’t clingy because they don’t know how to be. It took my wife months of dating before she felt comfortable holding my hand. She, and many other women, do not seek to depend on a man and I would recommend that if you feel the need to manipulate them into being with you, and cannot work with them otherwise, that you shouldn’t be with them at all and that you’ll just end up wasting your time and hers. Also, fellas, if you really do like this girl, and don’t want to leave, show her that. Chances are, no other guy has and if you show her that you won’t ever leave her or abuse her, then she’ll work on herself for you on her own terms. Don’t hurt her by manipulating her.
Faith Hope Love says
Dear Mr Finn,
So true and well said. Thank you.
peepeepoopooman says
*farts cutely*
Fredrock Lu says
Honestly, am not yet versed in “Greek-god-level” hypnotic nukes like the Black Rose Sequence. So I turn to the simpler, yet fool-proof Freeze-Out tactic. It had worked wonderfully well for me a lot. Can I ask…
Q1. about a woman making herself available a places she knows I’ll be (IOI) – how would this work out if I have initiate the Freeze-Out, but she still sorta “stalks.” Wouldn’t the maneuver’s effectiveness be reduced somewhat?
Q2. Are a female ‘s moodiness tuned / connected to her menstrual cycle days – do they rise and/or fall like her hormonal body map functionalities which in turn influence her neurology – given the two (mind & body) are but two parts of the same entity. Should we expect value tests like for masculinity at days 10-14 and for beta-ness at days 1-7 / 20-32(more or less)? ?
Derek Rake says
1. It still works, as long as you ignore her completely. Never even steal a glance.
2. The “menstrual cycle” theory is shaky, and I wouldn’t think too much of it.