Reading Time: 15 Minutes
Note from Derek Rake: This is a compilation of Shogun Method reviews both from our internal team and Shoguns who have used the system. TLDR: Shogun Method is not for everyone. All I am doing here is to present you a clear picture of what you can expect if you take the plunge and be a Shogun. It’s not a decision that you should take lightly. Finally, remember that your success will largely be circumstantial–there are no typical results. I know that sounds like a copout but it’s true. Be wary of anyone trying to sell you guarantees. Shogun Method depends on how well you can pull Mind Control off–and like any skill, it takes time and effort to learn.
With that out of the way, I hope you’re excited.
I’ve spent five years learning how to use Mind Control to have superpowers in my relationship. Now you can learn it in a day.
Let’s start with an unlikely story from an unlikely candidate for a Shogun–a man in his 70s. Ron has been with us for some time now, and it’s heartwarming to know how Shogun Method helped him reach his dreams that have eluded him for all these years.
Ron emailed us his experience with Shogun Method which we are sharing below. I’ve edited his writing for clarity and flow.
Table of Contents
“Shogun Method Subliminal Programming Works.”
By Ron D.
I’m a 75 year old man. I am here voluntarily to give the Shogun Method a 4.9+ for its real and effective scientific basis for allowing a man to establish a mutually beneficial relationship with almost any woman. My reason for doing this at 75 years old has an interesting back story. So here goes:
I’ve always been apparently very lucky, or instinctively skilled, easily attracting and keeping women whenever I have wanted them for more than 60 years of actual experience. The fires are still lit, the machinery still works, and I am not done yet.
I grew up seeing my mother be the victim of very serious domestic violence, and, generally, since I was 16 years old I have had very little respect for the way I saw most men treat women.

At some very early age I made the conscious decision to always do pretty much the opposite of what I saw my father and boys my own age, and older men, do in their dealings with women. And for most of my life, I have seldom gone home alone, unless I wanted to do so.
I believe among all the reasons that women have generally loved me and devoted themselves to me easily is because of my calm self confidence, good easy conversation, a Lone Ranger hero non-predatory attitude, and my easy heavy rapport and empathy.
But I have never had any conscious knowledge or experience using mind control techniques such as the Shogun Method to make purposeful planned manipulative use of the special attributes the Female mind.
Recently, I have been dealing with an extremely bright and flawlessly beautiful 34 year old woman named Miranda. Miranda seems absolutely addicted and almost entirely enslaved to a very low social class, dirt bag manipulative male abuser.
On the conscious level Miranda knows that this relationship is toxic and potentially even deadly to her—but she seems unable to break out of that abusive relationship, acting almost as if she feels that she might die if she was free of her abuser. So I took on the personal project to see what I can do to help her.
On a hunch that there must be some kind of interpersonal addiction or mind control involved with Miranda’s problem, I surfed the Internet on that topic until I found the Derek Rake Shogun Method. Bingo!, I said. So I subscribed and intent to try to use this Derek Rake Shogun Method knowledge to help Miranda to set herself free from her abuser.
I have only had the Shogun Method modules for two days now, and I’m only in my first study of module 6 as of this morning—But I have to say I am BLOWN AWAY by how much of this material agrees with my natural way of very sincerely dealing with women for most of my adult life! Here is perhaps the best true testimonial a three day successful customer of Shogun Method could give:
I have woman next door neighbor, an attractive widow, whom is an ex 18 wheeler long haul truck driver. In five years of us being neighbors, I have asked her in various ways if she is interested in having any man/woman relationships, and she has said many times, in various ways, that she is not at all interested, no matter whom that man might be.
She seems so content and sincere and happy, so I let things be, and we have been casual but distant “friends only” for 5 years now. I called her “Ms. Ice cube” as my personal secret nick-name for her.
Today, when I greeted my female neighbor, the ex trucker, She came over to me to tell me that she was going out of town for a month or two to care for an ailing relative.
Right off the cuff, just for my personal fun, and as an off the cuff experiment to test out the first principles of the Shogun Method, completely unplanned, I took about 5 minutes to refresh our Rapport, and then in response to the news that she was going away for a while I slipped her these four following sentences, containing four hidden commands, which I formulated on the spot under the principles of he Shogun Method Module 6;
“You need to know that like always—I have everything you might need or want, right here, [pointing one hand toward my house, and the other hand toward my own chest] Remember, like always, I am willing to do anything that you need help with”
“I think you might be glad to get back home down here in an month or so— And I think you ought to promise yourself that you and I will do something fun to unwind when You get back.”
And then I put one of my hands up and tapped her lightly on her shoulder as I said the words “anything that you need help with”

It took me less than 60 seconds to recite to her those four sentences. We both smiled, and said “see ya later” and we both walked back to our separate houses.
Less than 30 minutes later she walked over again, this time with her 30 year old adult son in tow, to where I was still standing in my front yard, She very comfortably said to her son: This is my boyfriend neighbor—-he has everything that I need, whenever I want it”
That is thirty minutes later, She verbalized back to me all of my 60 seconds of 4 hidden commands—as if they were her own conscious decisions!!!!!
Remember —this is the woman that I have called “Ms. Ice Cube” for five years.
That is all the proof that I need that the Shogun Method subliminal programming works—almost flawlessly! I only wish that only men with the very highest of Ethics could be allowed to obtain this knowledge!
Shogun Method and Sex
Next, for something risqué… long time Shogun Marcus Bash put Shogun Method to good use… in the bedroom. Read his story. Again, I’ve edited it slightly for clarity.
The Ambush Orgasm
By Marcus Bash
Everybody loves the hypnotic orgasm. I was accomplishing covert hypnotic orgasms with my partners almost 30 years ago, but really got into it after I retired, brushing up on hypnosis of a dozen flavors and taking every class that appeared to be real. I have always been contrary, so I have also been experimenting with several dozen new methods, all surrounding this phenomenon.
In fact, I wrote a book about covert hypnotic orgasm’s and during the writing of that book, I ran into “Shogun Method” by Derek Rake. As many have been, I was very offended by his “Enslavement” stage. So, I decided to take him apart in my book and bought his program with that intent. Hey, I was going to find every unethical and nasty little trick and then lambaste him for it! And the best way to do that was to study his program. Right?
Then I quickly discovered the true nature of his work. Based solidly in hypnosis and it is VERY functional and effective, believe me. When I got to his “Enslavement” stage, obviously I first ran into his admonishment about NOT using it. I came to understand that “Enslavement” was an advertising hook and he was merely putting out information. Information is never harmful it is the misuse of information that causes harm. I got some good tools from “Shogun Method” and use the first three stages quite regularly today because, well, It works!

But, Shogun Method is not what I am writing about today, instead, I write from it’s origin, which is firmly planted on a solid foundation of hypnosis.
So, let us talk about pattern break and shock, instant inductions for a moment.
The hypnotist initiates a pattern, then breaks it and viola, the subject is in trance, right? Or, the hypnotist applies some sort of shock and viola, trance. What just happened?
Well, when you break a pattern or apply a shock, the fight, flight or freeze mechanism activates and for a brief moment, the mind is seriously craving direction or instruction. During that moment the hypnotist provides the instruction, “Sleep!” and trance is formed, and we go into deepeners and such.
Since I play with erotic hypnosis all the time today, I asked myself a few pointed questions and went into experimentation. I had to develop a screening and calibration system for this, in order to bring my success rate above the initial 8 to 10%, but here is the deal:
If you use a pattern break or shock instant induction with a well screened and calibrated woman and replace the command “Sleep” with the command “Cum” it can in fact cause a full blown orgasm. This is how I recently broke my record of 3 minutes to orgasm, from start of the Elman induction, to full on orgasm, with a new benchmark of under 10 seconds, using shock and pattern break instant inductions. I never mention orgasm before the ambush, I set it up as “street hypnosis” which is why I call it an “Ambush” here.
Talk about fun!
As I dialed in my screening and calibration methods, my numbers started to climb significantly.
You need to apply every safety protocol you know, because I have gotten a wide range of reactions, which can include total physical collapse, so be VERY aware of this possibility! I hand you this with the admonishment that if you allow someone to be hurt, you are the cause and solely responsible for it.
This goes hand in hand with the other erotic protocols I am working on and I may take it into my stage shows on a trial basis. First I have to perfect my screening methods for this. I have started writing a book on these things. Crazy me, I am into everything having to do with the female orgasm.

Yes, I know this could be worth a lot of money, but I thought perhaps I could share it and get input from others who would like to play with it, in order to dial it in for broader effectiveness. And of course, when I compile all of my research and experimentation into female orgasms, the book should be quite popular. I know one thing, women sure love to play the part of my lab rats!
Well, there you have it, the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Be aware, it is bigger than the iceberg that sank the infamous Titanic.
Shogun Method Pros and Cons
Like every program, there are compromises and tradeoffs. There’s no one thing that works for everyone, everywhere and under every situation. The same goes for Shogun Method.
So, here’s what good AND bad about Shogun Method to help you decide. I’ll give you three of each.

- Probably still the only place you can get to learn about how to use specific applied hypnosis techniques for a specific purpose–to control and dominate women.
- Based on human psychology, and human psychology has never changed since our caveman days.
- Spillover effect. Once you nailed it, you’ll see positive results spill over to the other areas of your life–career, health, relationships. Because, look. If you can control a woman, you can control anything.
- It’s hard. Like any real skill, it requires effort to learn and master. Some Shoguns tell me it’s like getting a PhD in persuasion and hypnosis. It’s an entirely masculine endeavor to master Shogun Method.
- Did I tell you it’s hard?
- You probably won’t want to tell anyone you’re a Shogun unless you want to get canceled by the Woke Mob.
Also, a few other points to consider before you decide to be a Shogun.
- Despite what Ron D. wrote above, Shogun Method is not for men in their 70s (even though we have a good number of them in the community… lovely folks). But, you need a certain maturity for Shogun Method to make sense. A lot of Shogun-style storytelling draws on life experiences–the more you have, the better.
- Despite what Marcus Bash wrote above, Shogun Method has got nothing on sex or sexual techniques like how to make women squirt. But there’s nothing stopping you from using it in creative ways like what Marcus did.
- We like to keep our knowledge private. If you’re the flex-y type who posts about your exploits on Instagram, then you’re probably better off reading some Pickup Artist ebook.
Next, let’s look at some misconceptions that people have about us Shoguns.
Common Misconceptions About Shogun Method
OK, let’s face it–people who have just found out about Shogun Method usually have huge misconceptions about it. Well, I don’t blame them. People are usually scared of new things, and understandably so. I’ve written the following to dispel some misconceptions that people usually have about Shogun Method.
The biggest misconception about Shogun Method is this one hideous accusation–
“Shogun Method forces women to do things they don’t want to do!”
Apart from being absolutely false, it’s pretty funny, too. I guess people believe that they can be hypnotized to do things that they don’t want to do. They can’t. Hypnotists will tell you that in order to be hypnotized, you must be willing to be hypnotized.
“How about those TV shows where people get hypnotized on stage and they fall asleep, Derek?”
That’s just a TV show, my friend. It’s scripted, it’s made for entertainment, it’s fake. You simply cannot be hypnotized against your will. It’s impossible.
Shogun Method is based on hypnosis. You can’t use Shogun Method to hypnotize a woman to fall in love with you–unless she already genuinely likes you. If you’re a despicable human being with bad breath and hairy armpits, no amount of “Shogun Method” will make a woman fall in love with you. No “mind control technique” or “psychological trigger” or “subliminal influence tactics” will do that for you. Believe me.
And no, the Black Rose Sequence is not a magic routine you can use to get a woman emotionally addicted to you quickly. If you’re a Shogun, you already know that there’s quite a few steps that you must take before you use the Black Rose Sequence on a woman. And even if you’ve done your homework and followed all the steps inside the IRAE Model, pulling off the Black Rose Sequence can be tricky, unless you’re Grand Sensei Derek Rake, I guess.

The Black Rose Sequence is not a magic bullet. And so this brings me to the second biggest misconception about Shogun Method, and it’s this–
“Shogun Method is a magic bullet”
It’s not. I mean, it’s darn powerful, but it is powerful only if you put in the effort to make it work for you. Mastering Shogun Method is hard work. But we can understand that, right? Some guys are complete naturals with women, but for the rest of us, it’s hard. Even with Shogun Method, it’s hard.
I am not trying to sell you Shogun Method. In fact, I’d rather people don’t learn it… because most have misconceptions about it even before they start. I’m not here to convince you about how great Shogun Method is. To find out more about Shogun Method, go Google it. Read the reviews. You’ll find that there are lots of guys who love it because it gave them the power and control over their relationships. There are also lots of people who hate Shogun Method… because they think that it gives guys unfair advantage over women.
But no matter how much people love or hate Shogun Method, they seem to never disagree on one thing–that Shogun Method works. And that should tell you a lot.
Shogun Method Review TLDR
In this review, I have given you both reasons to and not to be a Shogun.
It’s now up to you to decide. All I can do is to present an opportunity to you. It’s up to you to take it.
Make no mistake–there’s a war against us men. The truth is they don’t want you to have this knowledge. And we all know why. Shogun Method will help us win, and they don’t like it.
I want you to be strong. I want you to have the power. I want you to win.
But it’s not what I want that’s important.
What do you want?
Remember–with Shogun Method, you’re not just getting an ebook or an online course. You’re joining a brotherhood. You’re becoming a Shogun.
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