Reading Time: 31 Minutes
Want a Submissive Girlfriend? How to Make a Woman Submissive in Two Easy Steps
Let me tell you a story about Tommy, a client of mine, a brother Shogun.
Tommy’s a pretty decent guy, piling his trade as a sales supervisor at a small roofing company here in sunny San Diego.
At 5″8, in his 30’s and sporting a slight beer belly, he’s as average as your Average Joe.
The apple of his eye is a Colombian hottie in her 20’s named Luz. She’s, well, as Colombian as she gets, if you know what I mean. Imagine a slightly chubbier Shakira and you’re 95% there.
Some say Luz is too good for Tommy, and in some ways, it’s probably true.
I mean, Luz could’ve settled with this Silicon Valley startup hotshot she dated for a couple of years. Fate has it that she met Tommy at his roofing shop and they fell in love instantly.
After a couple of dates, Luz left Mr. Startup Millionaire to be with Mr. Average Roofer. Indeed, it was the coup of a lifetime for Tommy.
And then, shit hit the fan…
Table of Contents
- Want a Submissive Girlfriend? How to Make a Woman Submissive in Two Easy Steps
- The Submissive Boyfriend: The Story of Tommy
- Free Download: Action Checklist + Passive Dread Tactic
- Submissiveness in a Relationship (Why it Matters)
- Why Women Shouldn’t Lead and Dominate a Relationship
- Warning: Mind Control is Not for Everyone
- Two Promises You Must Make
- Submissive Girlfriend: How to Turn Her Into One (in Two Simple Steps)
- How to Tame a Submissive Woman (with Mind Manipulation)
- How to Make a Woman Submissive (Two Options)
- How to Make a Woman Submit to You
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How to Find and Date Sexually Submissive Women?
- What Does it Mean When a Girl is Submissive?
- What are the Characteristics of a Submissive Girlfriend?
- What are the Rules for a Submissive Girlfriend?
- How to Make My Girlfriend Submissive? She Seems Unwilling
- How Do I Act Dominant with My Girlfriend?
- What is the Psychology of Female Submission?
- What is the Difference Between Submission and Love?
- What is the IRAE Model, and What Does it Have to Do with Submissive Girlfriends?
- How to Make a Woman Submit Sexually to Me?
- How to Make My Girlfriend Submissive in Bed?
- How to Dominate A Girl in Bed?
The Submissive Boyfriend: The Story of Tommy
Tommy called me last week, sounding almost suicidal…
“You know, Derek,” Tommy sighed between sobs. “I love Luz.”
Of course you do, I thought.
“But she’s really getting out of hand, and it’s fucking me up.” His sobs turned into a slight indignation in his voice.
“How do you mean?”
“That woman decides on everything. And I mean everything!” he ranted.
“What we eat, what we buy, where we go. Shit, I can’t even choose to have coffee or tea in the morning!”
“I can relate,” I reassured him. “This happens all the time. But, guess what? You can end her nonsense immediately… but if you do the right things.”
I’ll tell you what happened to Tommy later, but for now I want you to know this.
There is nothing worse in the world than the sight of a submissive, pussy-whipped man. Trust me.
Fact is, it’s easy to tell if you are one of those, ahem, Nice Guy, Submissive Boyfriends, especially if any of these are true–
- You ask your girl for permission to see your friends, buy things, go for a round of golf, etc
- You let her make all the decisions–from what to see at the movies to where to spend Christmas or what car to buy
- She always tells you her opinion–even though you never asked for it
- She’s a borderline psychopath–and you’re fine with it
- She’s one controlling bitch–and you can’t help but to be fine with it
Sound familiar?
Yes? Then I’ve got both bad news and some good news for you.
The bad news is that this is the World’s Number One Relationship Killer.
Bar none. Nothing else comes close.
The good news is that you can get out of this situation–rather quickly and easily–but only if you know what to do exactly.
I’m going to share the exact steps you must take with you in this guide. So, buckle up.
Free Download: Action Checklist + Passive Dread Tactic
Now, before we continue, I gotta warn you first.
This guide is super comprehensive… more than 5,500+ words of all-killer-no-filler strategies and tactics.
And the eye-opening Shogun Method knowledge braindump you’re about to get might overwhelm you a little.
So, to make things easier for you, I’ve compiled a handy Submissive Girlfriend Action Checklist for you to download. free resource
Download Action Checklist
It’s a download that lists all the important points you’re about to read in this guide. (It’s 100% free–a gift from me to you today.)
Inside this PDF, you’ll get helpful checklists you can tick off as you make your girlfriend as submissive (and as happy) as she can be.
Plus, I’ve also included a little-known bonus tactic in the document–the Passive Dread . It’s something I teach only to my brother Shoguns in my Elite Coaching service, and I am going to teach you today.
Passive Dread is a patented Shogun Method technique that will passively make your girlfriend more and more submissive over time. The keyword here is passive–she won’t know what’s happening until it’s too late… when she’s as subservient as a chihuahua.
If dating a submissive woman it’s your goal, then you should learn Passive Dread, and learn it quick.
I won’t divulge too much about it because I know that will raise a few snowflake-y eyebrows. That’s why I tucked it at the back pages of the Submissive Girlfriend Action Checklist.
You’ll get to learn the Passive Dread technique only if you download a copy. Dumb feminists usually don’t have enough patience or intelligence to find it there, so we’re good.
So, go get yours now before we continue. Click the download link above. Enter your email so I know where to send it.
When you’ve done that, we’ll begin.
To start, you’ll need to know the deadly dangers of being a submissive boyfriend (or, in harsher words, a wimp).
And I hope it’s still early enough to save you, my brother Shogun.
Submissiveness in a Relationship (Why it Matters)
I’ll be frank with you.
Whatever you believe about dating and love may well be wrong.
And guess what?
It’s not your fault.
You see, almost every other guy believes the same wrong things about women as you do.
After all, they get fed junk dating advice by clueless gurus and the mass media on a daily basis.
You know, crap like…
- Giving your woman power is the key to a great relationship! (LOL)
- Let her take the lead if she wants! (yeah, right)
- Ask her opinion to make her feel empowered! (WTF?)
- Even if you disagree, you must let her win! (huh?)
- Be always nice to her–even if she is not! (fuck off)
Doesn’t this sound like a massive conspiracy to emasculate men?
Piece-of-shit Mr Dating Guru goes on Oprah and spews crap like:
“Let her be in control and you will both live happily ever after.”
Sorry to break it to you, but that’s a giant lie.
Being a submissive man in a relationship plainly sucks.
Why, you ask? Because–
- You’ll feel powerless, gutless, useless…
- Your self-esteem will plummet…
- You will start resenting your girl… or even downright hate her
You might not feel any of that now…
…but you know what? It’s a matter of time before things become worse.
And then, as sure as the sunrise, you will be unhappy with your life–mentally, emotionally and sexually.
But here’s the catch.
She won’t be happy either!
You’d think that she’ll be glad that you let her lead and dominate the relationship… but nope.
Why Women Shouldn’t Lead and Dominate a Relationship
Having control in a relationship is a complete disaster for a woman. And here’s why…
She will…
- Find you hardly sexually attractive…
- Become neurotic, annoying, bitchy…
- Lose respect for you and start loving you less over time…
Pretty fucking bad.
The reason why this happens is simple.
The essence of every woman is SUBMISSION.
And in case you’re wondering, I don’t give a rat’s ass if that’s not politically correct. Nothing inside Shogun Method (or, the IRAE Model for that matter) is acceptable in the present woke climate.
Let me say it again, louder.
Mother nature has designed every woman to submit to the control of her man.
She must surrender to him:
- To feel feminine, beautiful and loved
- To unleash and fulfill her sexual desires in full
- To unconditionally love him for leading her, guiding her, taking care of her
And the key to making her into a submissive woman is to manipulate, control and finally, enslave her mind.
Sounds hardcore, right? Well, this is some serious shit, make no mistake about it.
Here’s what you need to know about how women think and behave…
Her subconscious mind guides all the actions in her life. This happens even without her even knowing it.
And if you have the tools to hijack her subconscious mind, you will get her to submit to you–emotionally, mentally and sexually.
Makes total sense if you think about it.
Warning: Mind Control is Not for Everyone
Before we proceed further, however, let me be upfront with you. Mind Control doesn’t suit everyone.
Each woman responds differently to Mind Control–some more intensely than the others.
For some, a tiny dose of Shogun Method will send them into nucking-futs frenzy, like a horny chihuahua in scorching heat…
…while others remain as cold as a cucumber, unmoved no matter how hard you try.
So, how do you know if this stuff works on your woman?
It’s simple–by calculating her Vulnerability Score.
- If it’s above 30, you’re in the clear.
- If she scores between 15 and 30, there’s still a chance to make it work (I’ll explain how).
- Below 15 is the danger zone. Red flags should flash.
Some women score a big fat zero, and those are sociopaths you must avoid (unless you’re prepared for a world of pain).
How do you calculate her Vulnerability Score?
Start by taking this short quiz.
(Do the quiz first, and continue with the rest of this guide. It’ll make more sense that way, trust me.)
Two Promises You Must Make
You are probably asking right now,
“OK Derek, I’m up for it. Her Vulnerability Score is high, and so Mind Control will work on her. But how do I make her submit? How can I hijack her subconscious mind?”
Well, pay attention because that’s what you’re gonna learn next. This is exciting stuff, so get ready.
Before that, I gotta warn you:
Because what I’m going to show you can pretty much mess any woman up, promise me these two things.
- You will only use this on the ONE woman you want to be with (because you can’t undo this… once done, the effect lasts for a long time).
- You will never use it to harm anyone. (The same goes for every technique inside Shogun Method that you learn from me.)
Go ahead, make that promise now.
I’m serious. Only proceed below once you’ve promised.
Submissive Girlfriend: How to Turn Her Into One (in Two Simple Steps)
Congratulations, my friend.
You are about to become the envy of millions (or billions?) of unhappy submissive men around the planet.
The truth is that this knowledge will probably stay hidden for a long time. And since you’re here: make full use of it, alright? OK.
Before we start, know this. Much of what you’re going to learn is from Shogun Method’s legendary IRAE Model.
The Model describes how women fall in love in four steps (I, R, A and E). Every woman falls in love with a man this way–with no exceptions. If this idea is new to you, I recommend you download this short book for a quick primer. It’s an awesome read, and it’s free.
With this background knowledge, what I’m going to describe to you will make a lot more sense. So, here’s what I recommend:
First, read the IRAE Model book (link above), and then use this two-step technique and make her submit to you… unconditionally and possibly forever. It will give you a tremendous edge in the power dynamics game.
Step #1 – Isolate Her from Everyone Else
Take a second to picture these real-life situations–
- A teenager abandons his loving family to join a cult
- A wife leaves her 20-year marriage for a man she met last week
- Friends stop talking to each other over a small disagreement
These are not rare instances. If anything, they happen all the time.
How’s this relevant to you?
Because all these examples involve isolation .
(Here’s the Wikipedia article on Isolation. Read it, but be aware that you can use it for good, not necessarily for bad.)
Here’s the prerequisite about making your woman submit to you–
You must isolate her emotionally from the outside world.
Here’s another way to put it–
You have to build an emotional barrier between her and the people or things that draw her away from you.
How, you ask?
You use a Shogun Method technique called Shared Experiences .
Simply put, the more experiences you share with her, good and bad, the stronger she will feel about you.
It’s scientifically proven that shared experiences make humans bond.
These can take the form of many different things:
Watching a scary movie together…
Taking a romantic walk in the park…
Riding on a roller coaster together…
Those are lightweight experiences. Don’t get me wrong, they are OK… but not that great.
You know what? The experiences that seem bad are especially powerful and effective.
- A picnic date in the park suddenly ruined by a heavy downpour, drenching you and your date while you run for cover under a tree
- A road trip to the country side… spoiled by a flat tire
- A fine dining experience where the food was so bad that both of you went for a greasy burger right after
Guess what? These are the moments that couples cherish more than a perfect dinner-and-movie date.
Here’s the bottom line–
Create bad shared experiences.
This is the key to emotional involvement (and ultimately, addiction.)
And the more emotionally addicted she gets, the more she will fall under your control… as she gets isolated further from everything else.
She will start to dominate less and less, as she relinquishes her control of the relationship to you.
Once isolated, she will be completely at your mercy…
…and you can now start to enslave her emotionally and embark into a dominant/submissive relationship by putting her on an emotional rollercoaster.
Step #2 – Put Her on an Emotional Rollercoaster
Here’s another Shogun Method factoid for you–
The female mind has certain flaws or weaknesses built into it by Mother Nature.
These flaws mean that our behavior can be conditioned or triggered by external factors.
For instance, for us guys:
- If we see a young, hot, naked woman, we get turned on.
- If we see an old, wrinkly, naked woman, we get turned off.
We can’t help it. It’s automatic because it’s hard-wired into our psychology and masculine libido. We are born this way…
…and guess what? The same goes for women.
Importantly, the female mind has one major flaw.
They use their emotions to make their decisions, and not their rational mind.
Even if a woman says she’s “logical” or “knows what she wants…” she’ll still use her gut feelings to make decisions. It’s true!
Those include her decisions about which men she respects and gets into relationships with.
After all, how many times have you seen or experienced the following?
- Your best female friend tells you she wants a nice guy… but hooks up with a jerk who treats her like shit
- The female contestant on a dating show says she wants an “accomplished guy,” but picks the skater boy
- The woman who says she likes you, but when you ask her out, she says no
So, yes–women can’t really consciously and rationally choose who to like, respect, and fall in love with. They simply follow their feelings.
And here’s the Shogun Method keys to the kingdom–
Nothing triggers a woman’s emotions and sexual sensations more than emotional rollercoasters.
That’s why women like bad boys more than nice guys. With nice guys, it’s all nice feelings 24/7…
…but with bad boys, it’s thrill, then pain, then thrill again, then pain again.
In short, an emotional rollercoaster. Women are addicted to them. They can’t get enough of it!
That’s where mind manipulation comes in. Because when you want to put a woman through an emotional roller coaster, you can do it in one of two ways:
- By accident, or
- On purpose.
If you trigger an emotional roller coaster by accident, there’s (maybe) a 5% chance she’ll like you for it.
And yet if you trigger it on purpose, particularly by using the Shogun Method mind manipulation technique you’re about to learn…
… there’s a 95% chance she’ll love you for it.
So, let’s see how it’s done. Continue reading.
How to Tame a Submissive Woman (with Mind Manipulation)
The mind manipulation technique I’m talking about is Fractionation.
It’s a storytelling technique that puts women into a hypnotic trance, then snaps them out of it, then puts them into it again.
It’s an emotional roller coaster that women can’t help but fall into.
Pretty powerful!
And you know what? The best thing about Fractionation is that it completely turns the dynamic between you and mean women upside down.
When you use Fractionation, it’s no longer about who you are…
…but instead, it becomes about what you say and do.
So, even if you’re nerdy, or unattractive, or awkward… it doesn’t matter.
The emotional roller coaster takes care of everything.
Once you get her to Fractionate a few times, she’ll stop being mean to you. It’s as if she’s cured from her shitty and disrespectful behavior gradually.
And guess what? That’s not the end.
If you keep the emotional roller coaster going…
…and you take your interactions down a more romantic road…
…she’s going to fall madly in love with you.
Even better… as long as you keep going, the endgame is certain. In the end, she’ll be emotionally enslaved to you.
How does that sound to you?
How to Make a Woman Submissive (Two Options)
At this point, the ball is in your court.
You now have two options.
- Option #1: Stop here and apply what you’ve learned in this guide. If you’re lucky, it could be enough to get a submissive GF… or,
- Option #2: Become a Mind Control Master by learning how to get women to Fractionate.
You were clever enough to get this far. I mean, what you’ve learned from me isn’t any lightweight pickup or “seduction” trick you’ll find on some bullshit Pickup Artist blog. So my feeling is you will go for Option #2. Am I right?
If that’s indeed the case, what you need to do is clear as day. You need to learn Fractionation and how to use it to put women on emotional rollercoasters.
The best knowledge source on Fractionation is, without doubt, this resource inside Shogun Method. In it, you’ll find a truckload of scripts and routines you can use to strap your woman onto an emotional rollercoaster. You’ll never see anything like this anywhere else, I guarantee you.
To access this resource, all you need to do is to join us in the Shogun Method community. With this knowledge, you’re one step closer to having the submissive woman you’ve always desired: one who looks up to you like a needy, cutesy poodle to her master.
Your success is important to me. When you’re already in the community, send me a message and we’ll work something out if you need help.
Your brother Shogun,
P.S: Before you go, remember Tommy? He used the Fractionation techniques on Luz, and the Black Rose Sequence right after.
Guess what?
The difference was night and day. She started to wake him up with a coffee and a smile–every morning.
And now asks him what he wants to do first… every single time. Gone was her sociopathic tendencies… and now she defers to Tommy on nearly everything. They are now happier than ever.
Remember: you’re doing this not only for yourself, but also for her own happiness. She wants you, as her man, to lead and dominate her. Do her that favor. She’ll thank you for it. Trust me on this.
How to Make a Woman Submit to You
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Submissive Woman?
In any sexual relationship, there’s a submissive partner and a dominant partner.
The dominant partner is the one who calls the shots–the one who makes the most important decisions, who provides for most of their partner’s needs, and who sets the general direction of the relationship.
Think of the dominant partner as being like a kind, benevolent Master.
Meanwhile, the submissive partner is like the loyal, supportive Slave. Their job is to support the dominant partner, follow their direction, and help make the relationship run more smoothly.
A submissive woman is one who happily and willingly assumes the Slave role in the relationship. As a result, she’s happier and freer to be herself, and the relationship thrives as a result.
And guess what? Shogun Method will make her want to be your loyal, supportive Slave willingly and lovingly. It’s not for the sake of roleplaying. She will be a submissive girlfriend for real, not just for play.
Will Mind Control Make My Woman Submissive?
It depends.
The truth is nothing works 100%–not even Mind Control.
- How much your woman reacts to Mind Control depends on five things:
- How well she knows and trusts you
- How smart she is
- How much emotional baggage she has to deal with
- How sensitive she is to social pressure
- How motivated you are in bringing her to heel
In Shogun Method, we refer to these as the factors of Familiarity, Intelligence, Emotional Baggage, Sensitivity and Motivation. Together, they make up a woman’s Vulnerability Score.
With this score, you will know how susceptible your woman is, and how much Mind Control you should use on her.
To calculate your woman’s Vulnerability Score, take this short quiz.
Can You Coach Me on How to Make My Girlfriend Submissive to Me?
You may not need coaching at all. Chances are that everything you need to make your woman submissive is inside this guide and the Action Checklist download.
For most men, Shogun Method knowledge is sufficient to force even the most hard-nosed woman to submission. Ask the 17,000+ Shoguns–99% did it themselves without personal advice from me.
However, if you’re the 1%, then you may want to consider Elite Coaching.
Should a Woman Submit to Her Man?
This question is controversial for a valid reason. Can submissiveness in a relationship ever be a good thing?
The answer is: it depends.
If all you want is a casual fling, guess what? Don’t waste time trying to change her behavior and make her submit to you. I mean, why bother, right?
But… if you truly love her and want to be with her for a long time, then here’s the most important thing to know. You should only continue with her if she’s willing to submit to you. It’s one condition you should never, ever compromise on.
Because the truth is this–men must lead. A relationship where the man surrenders his leadership to the woman will never last. For this reason, a woman must submit to her man. There are no exceptions to this rule. Ever.
And not only that… as any contented woman will tell you, submission is also the key to her happiness and fulfillment as a girlfriend or wife.
But, here’s the thing. If this is true, then why do some women refuse to accept this basic truth about their own nature?
It may surprise you, but here’s the answer–
Some women simply don’t want to be happy. Crazy, right? But what else can explain their insane behavior in their war against men and masculinity?
Anyway, back to the question–should a woman submit to her man?
Ask a Shogun and he’ll say yes.
Ask the feminist and she’ll say no.
You’re smart. Who do you think is right?
How to Find and Date Sexually Submissive Women?
Single and looking for a submissive woman to date?
One obvious idea is to join places and organizations where submissiveness and traditional values are celebrated.
Start in your local church, volunteer groups, and other conservative organizations. Women there tend to eschew hyper-feministic views in favor of time-honored traditional norms.
That being said, you’ll find that you can meet submissive women anywhere you look. The key is to maintain an active life where you meet lots of new women all the time. The submissive ones will turn up eventually.
What Does it Mean When a Girl is Submissive?
A girl is submissive to you when she follows your lead as her boyfriend or husband out of free will.
That’s not all, though. Dig a little deeper and you’ll find the root of her submissiveness–her respect for her man. Submission is all about her authentic respect for you and your leadership.
Now, here’s something about women that most men don’t know–
Women can only love out of respect.
This means that a woman can’t love a man she has zero respect for. In the female psyche, respect is first and foremost. And love grows from that respect.
And guess what? It’s the opposite of how men behave. I mean, it’s 100% possible for us to love our women and not respect them like how we’d respect a war hero.
Our girlfriends or wives can do and say stupid shit and we still love them…
…but if you act like a fool and you lose her respect, it’s simply a matter of time before she dumps you.
And it’s not her fault at all. Because a woman can never love a man she doesn’t respect. It’s in her nature, and a woman can never change her nature no matter how hard she tries.
What are the Characteristics of a Submissive Girlfriend?
Your woman is submissive to you when she respects you and follows your lead. A girl’s behavior is set by the respect she has for her boyfriend.
What are some examples of submissive behavior? Well, here are the examples of the characteristics of a submissive girlfriend–
- She agrees to let her boyfriend decide on important matters
- She admires her boyfriend’s unique abilities and talents
- She understands her boyfriend’s life mission, and supports him in pursuing his goals
- She only has eyes for her boyfriend, never for another man
- If she disagrees with her boyfriend, she never shows it in front of other people
- She never talks behind her boyfriend’s back
- She defends her boyfriend’s honor in his absence
- She takes interest in the things that her boyfriend likes
- She protects her modesty and never dresses too revealingly
- She’s willing to try anything that will make her boyfriend happy
- She’s always polite and never raises her voice in her boyfriend’s presence
- She enjoys the submissive lifestyle as it fits her feminine side of her personality perfectly
The bottom line is this–you can’t fake respect.
If your girlfriend is submissive to you, you’ll know right off the bat.
If you need to ask, she’s not.
What are the Rules for a Submissive Girlfriend?
If you need to set the rules for a submissive girlfriend, then your girlfriend is not submissive!
Remember… submissiveness in a relationship comes from deep-seated respect she has for you. You can’t simply set some silly rules and expect her to turn submissive. It doesn’t work that way.
Earn her respect and you wouldn’t need to set rules. Shogun Method shows you how.
How to Make My Girlfriend Submissive? She Seems Unwilling
The best way is to make her submissive without making direct demands.
That is, you don’t tell her to be submissive–instead you start saying and doing the things that make her want to submit to you, even if you don’t outright tell her to.
The techniques you’ve learned in this guide plus Passive Dread (the hidden tactic I’ve snuck in my Submissive Girlfriend Action Checklist) are the best ways to do just that. These strategies will dilute her will and desire to lead the relationship, making her rely on your strength, guidance, and direction more and more.
If you have missed the Action Checklist PDF, click here. free resource
How Do I Act Dominant with My Girlfriend?
It’s not about acting dominant. It’s about being who you truly are as a man.
No man should feel the need to act dominant. By nature, we are already the dominant gender; we men are wired that way.
Some men are convinced by feminists to forsake their natural dominance. That’s sad. What they must do is to return to their authentic selves and stamp their masculine authority.
How does a dominant man behave? Well, it’s the mirror of the submissive woman, of course. Here are some characteristics of a dominant man–
- You decide on important matters, not her
- You have unique abilities and talents that women admire you for
- You have your own life mission, and your woman supports you in pursuing your goals
- Your woman only has eyes for you, never for another man
- If your woman disagrees with you, she never shows it in front of other people
- Your woman knows you have options and that you can easily dump her for other women
- Your woman knows you attract other women, and she agrees to share you if she can’t satisfy you completely
- Your woman never talks behind your back
- Your woman defends your honor in your absence
- Your woman takes an interest in the things you like
- Your woman is willing to try anything that will make you happy
- Beneath the respect she has for you, there is a tinge of fear. She is anxious she might do something wrong that you’ll stop loving her
Remember. Your dominance is not an act.
It’s who you are as a man, part of your masculinity.
What is the Psychology of Female Submission?
Again, we are wading into controversy here, but the truth is healthy relationships are never equal.
For balance, one party must be dominant and the other must be submissive. And by definition, the masculine is dominant while the feminine is submissive.
Problem starts when we violate this rule of nature.
When we flip the roles of the masculine and the feminine, we are going against nature…
…and guess what? When humans fight nature, nature wins.
So it shouldn’t surprise us that to be happy, we need to follow our natural instincts. Reality is that submission is simply the natural state of female psychology.
Understand. this doesn’t make women inferior to men, just different. Again, by the same token, men are not superior to women simply because we are dominant.
This difference between male and female psychology is what makes relationship work. I call it the Rule of Sexual Polarity , and like everything in Shogun Method, it rings true.
What is the Difference Between Submission and Love?
Submission is not love.
They are not the same, but in the female psyche, submission and love go hand in hand. A woman can’t love a man without submitting to him.
The reality is that humans need hierarchy. Feminists can argue about this all they want, but no amount of debate will override how our minds are wired.
Submission is not love, but an act of love.
What is the IRAE Model, and What Does it Have to Do with Submissive Girlfriends?
The IRAE Model maps how women fall in love–they do it in four steps (I, R, A and E).
You can also look at it as a roadmap to make a woman submissive (after all, the final step is E–the Enslavement stage).
Learn about the IRAE Model inside this free book.
How to Make a Woman Submit Sexually to Me?
You must make her submit to you emotionally first.
Remember–a woman can only love a man she respects. It’s virtually impossible for any woman to submit sexually to a man who she sees as inferior to her. What you want is to make her see you as the Master in the relationship, not the Slave.
Once she’s happily in her “loyal, supportive Slave” role, that’s when she’s free to unleash her sexual desires on you.
Once you understand this crucial point, you will agree that the name of the game is enslavement, not seduction . This is essentially the bedrock philosophy that Shogun Method stands on.
How to Make My Girlfriend Submissive in Bed?
As you will learn in Shogun Method, the body follows the mind. If your woman is submissive to you in mind, she will be submissive to you in bed. It’s that simple.
So no, you won’t need any special tricks to make your girlfriend submissive during sex. If you have exerted your dominance over her during the day, it will carry through into the bedroom.
This means you won’t need to do anything different or special. And no, you don’t even need to venture into BDSM relationship ideas if that’s not your cup of tea.
I’ve got to warn you, though.
If you’re not dominant over your girlfriend now, you shouldn’t do anything drastic.
Be discreet to avoid triggering her alarm bells. Dominance is not a switch flip. With Shogun Method, you can play the long game.
How to Dominate A Girl in Bed?
When your girlfriend emotionally submits to you, it’s one of the most liberating, calming, satisfying feelings she’ll ever have in her life.
It’s only right to make her feel that satisfaction at a much deeper level by dominating her in bed, too.
While sexual technique varies from one guy to the next, you’ll want to make sure that yours will make her feel that same “happy submission” in bed, as well.
You can do this by dominating her (putting her in the most compromising, helpless positions), or by giving her orders during sex. It’s all in the name of experimentation and fun.
Some of the more creative and adventurous Shoguns use Fractionation to dominate a girl in bed. Using a combination of words and actions, they take their women on gradually intensifying, Shogun Method-style emotional rollercoaster during sex.
Just as normal Fractionation makes women emotionally submissive, sexual Fractionation makes her willingly submit to you sexually. It’s pretty amazing.
Look here.
Fractionation is the real deal. If you could only learn one Mind Control technique in your entire life, it would have to be Fractionation, no question.
Want a submissive girlfriend? Fractionation is your secret weapon. And you can learn this amazing tactic today–all you need to do is to join us in the Shogun Method brotherhood.
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