Reading Time: 15 Minutes
Is She Crazy?
Signs Of An Unstable Woman (What To Look For)
Hey sweetie!” she sang, bursting into the office like a candy-scented typhoon of sunshine.“Cherith?” Wade asked, looking up from his desk. He was surprised, confused, and more than a little bit terrified. “What are you doing here, um, babe?”
“It’s cold out, so I brought you a hot lunch!” She beamed. “It’s almost your lunchtime, right?”
Wade started to ask how she knew what time he ate lunch, but thought better of it. “Gee, Cheri, that’s really sweet of you, but…”
Cherith’s smile turned into a scowl. Storm clouds gathered.
“…I’ve got this lunch meeting today with my boss. I just can’t miss it.”
Cherith stared at him.
“I’m sorry, babe. How about later we can…”
Cherith exploded like a furious geyser. But, instead of superheated water, she was full of superheated rage.
“So that’s it, then?” she demanded.
“Cherith,” Wade tried again, “Please.”
“After everything I’ve done for you, how can you say that your stupid lunch meeting is more important than me?” Cherith’s voice rose to a window-shattering shriek.
People were starting to peek out of office doors and over the tops of cubicles now. Wade sunk down into his chair.
“It’s that slut at the front desk, isn’t it?” Cherith positively screamed. “Are you fucking her?”

“You are, aren’t you? How could you? And after I made you lunch and everything!”
Cherith threw the basket she was carrying.
Containers of scalding soup flew out and exploded all over the desk, the computer, and Wade’s clean white shirt.
A strip of condoms that had been in the basket landed in the puddling minestrone.
“You fucking asshole!” she yelled, turning on her heel and storming back out.
Literally everyone in the office stared at her, then at Wade, then back at her.
“And fuck you, too, slut!” Cherith screamed and shot her middle finger at Suze, the receptionist, as she passed.
For a minute, nothing moved. Nothing except soup dripping off the desk.
“Wade,” said Kent, his boss, “I need to see you in my office.”
Table of Contents
All Aboard The Crazy Girlfriend Train
“The makeup sex was even hotter than the soup. Once I managed to get her to stop screaming, that is. Well, she kept screaming, but for different reasons.”
“I get the impression,” I said to Wade, “that she screams a lot.”
“On the dining room table. On the couch. On the stairs. On the hood of my car—1972 Mustang, by the way. Black with a white racing stripe.” He shot a finger gun at me. “She’s a screamer.”
“So, how much of that is actually the good kind of screaming?”
Wade didn’t have an answer to that. Not one that he shared with me, anyway.
“And how long have you and Cherith been together?”
“About a month now,” he told me.
“About a month, huh?” I repeated. I paused, thinking. Then I said, “Wade, I have something that can definitely help you.”
Wade sighed heavily, relieved.
“It’s a Shogun Method technique called Fractionation,” I went on. “It works almost in every case, and certainly for you. And I’m going to teach you all about it.
“But first, I want you to do something, Wade.”
“Yeah?” He looked at me expectantly.
“Take a minute. Think about this whole situation. Then tell me something.”
“What’s wrong with this picture?”
READ ALSO: How To Be Dominant With Women
How To Deal With A Crazy Girlfriend
If you said “That bitch is freakin’ crazy!” then guess what? You are correct, sir.
Here’s the truth–
All women have sociopathic traits.
Yes, every single one of them. There are no exceptions at all.
Women are self-centered. Scheming. Manipulative. Batshit insane. And they’re abso-fucking-lutely delusional.
But some women really go above and beyond their sex’s call of duty.

Whatever the situation, they’re willing to take things that extra mile.
And that was Cherith’s problem.
And it was also Wade’s problem.
Because he was dating a crazy woman.
Now maybe you, like Wade, said: “There’s nothing wrong here. This seems pretty normal.”
Your poor bastard. I have some bad news for you.
Your girlfriend is also crazy.
Now, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Crazy girls will go to great lengths to make themselves desirable.
And once they’ve snared a guy, they’ll do damn near anything to keep him.
Believe me, they’re usually pretty good at convincing people that they aren’t crazy. For a little while, at least.
Take a deep breath.
You, too, may be one of those guys whose “little while” isn’t quite up yet.
But you’re in luck. Because I’ve put together this handy guide. It will help you decide if your girlfriend has a more than a few screws loose. Or, maybe she’s just a girl with daddy issues. In any case, female psychology is screwed up anyway.
And to decide if you, like Wade, need to use a military-grade Mind Control technique (like Fractionation) to put her on a proverbial leash.
FREE DIGITAL BOOK: Four Steps to a Woman’s Slavish Love and Devotion
35 Signs She Is Crazy
First things first…
Before you knuckle down, it’s important to know exactly what you’re dealing with.
So, without further ado, here’s the definitive list of 35 warning signs she is crazy.
Crazy Girlfriend Checklist
- She’s great in bed. That’s totally how crazy chicks get you. They bait with honey, then spring the crazy trap.
- She’s got the crazy eyes. Lack of sleep, a tough day at work, and many other things can give us the crazy eyes from time to time. But when she’s got them all the time, it’s a sign of a problem.
- Her mood swings are epic. She goes from heart-of-the-sun inferno to absolute zero in less time than it takes a Maserati to hit sixty. And even that’s an understatement.
- Your stuff is her stuff. And I mean all your stuff. She goes through your clothes, books, music, and everything else. This includes email and social media accounts. Sometimes, text messages and tweets mysteriously disappear. Now how’d that happen?
- She makes drastic changes in her appearance. She cuts and dyes her hair without warning. She impulsively gets very noticeable tattoos or piercings. She begins dressing in a radically different fashion. This is her way of “reinventing” herself and trying to leave her past behind. Because her past is full of freakin’ crazy.
- She hates other women. This is especially true of other, saner women. She knows, in her heart of hearts, she can’t measure up to them. That earns them her undying contempt.
- She stalks. She stalks people she’s fixated on, like her exes. She stalks people she hates, like your exes. She pretty much stalks anyone. Just cuz. Cuz why? Cuz crazy.
- She’s convinced everyone’s out to get her. She’s so spectacularly awesome, like an ecstasy-fueled rainbow laser-light show. That’s why everyone else is jealous of her and/or hates her. She cannot possibly be wrong.
- She questions your intentions. Your exes, your cute coworker, the waitress whose hair bow you complimented—she pretty much accuses you, at every possible opportunity, of having less-than-pure thoughts about other women. (And, even if you do have those thoughts and intentions, it’s still her own insecurity getting the best of her.)
- She is delusional. She clings to false beliefs and opinions like they’re absolute truth. That’s because, in her mind, they are absolute truth. After all, she can’t possibly be wrong about anything, ever.
- She goes to hygiene extremes. She is either meticulously clean or utterly messy and filthy. Either way, tread carefully.
- She’s a complete narcissist. She’s convinced her exes still want her. She’s convinced that everyone in the world is jealous of how smart/pretty/popular she is. She insists on these things. But you know none of it is true.
- Her ex pities you. You accidentally bump into someone she used to date. The exchange is pleasant enough, but you can tell that he’s glad he escaped her clutches. You can also tell that he feels sorry for you. He may not say it, but you’ll see it in his eyes.
- She “surprises” you. I don’t mean by bringing you a hot lunch at work, or even surprising you with tickets to see your favorite band. I mean she shows up at the bar when you’re out with your friends for some guy time. Or she just shows up your apartment unannounced to do some scrapbooking. Scrapbooking, for fuck’s sake.
- She goes too far in arguments. She attacks people you care about, she plays on your weaknesses or insecurities, and she threatens to harm herself or others or even you. She says she does these things because she loves you. Really, she does these things because she’s freakin’ crazy.
- Her life centers around you. This sounds great, right? A woman totally devoted to you? Well, it’s not like that. It’s more like she has no other friends and no hobbies. The task of keeping her entertained falls on you. And it’s a full-time job.
- She demands constant contact. If you go out with your friends, she’s there. If you’re at work, she’s texting you. If you’re playing an MMORPG, her first-level character is there fucking up your twentieth-level dungeon raid. You literally can’t get rid of her.
- She gets violent. She hits you when she’s mad. She also hits you when she’s happy. Those playful punches don’t feel all that playful, you know?
- She criticizes your loved ones. She feels threatened by your affection for others. With your pesky friends and family around, how is she supposed to monopolize your attention?
- She manipulates your social relationships. She passes rumors, and sends fake messages through your social media accounts. She generally stirs up shit with your friends and family. She’s trying to isolate you. Don’t let her.
- She reads Sylvia Plath. Enough said.
- She screams and cries to get her way. Most of us outgrow this behavior along with diapers. But she’s been practicing her whole life. She is a master of the craft. She loves to show off her talent in public.
- She has little contact with her family or people from her past. Because she’s crazy. They all realize it and avoid her like the plague. The plague of crazy, that is.
- She twists everything you say and do. She’s got a real knack for using your words and actions against you—especially when she put those words in your mouth to begin with.
- She gives abundant praise and abuse. When things are good between you, she treats you like her handsome prince. When things are bad, though, you are the absolute shit of the earth. She makes sure you know it.
- She insinuates herself in your life. She makes friends with all your friends, talks to your parents on Facebook, and moves a bunch of her stuff into your place. She’s like a weed. Once she takes root, she’s almost impossible to get rid of. And she knows it.
- She demands but never gives. Gifts, dinners, affection—you name it. She is entitled to everything she wants, and then some. But she’s never, ever obligated to give anything in return. Anything except, of course, her abundant craziness. Her cup runneth over, after all.
- She’s always the victim. Nothing is ever her fault. The entire world is against her. Everyone hates her. Nothing ever goes her way. I could go on, but you’ve heard it all before.
- She measures you against her exes. Tim made more money. Jerry got her more expensive gifts. Fred was better at giving head. How dare you not live up to their standard?
- She demands total disclosure about your exes. How long were you a couple? Did you live together? Did you get a cat together? Does she still live within a 50-mile radius? You’re still in love with her, aren’t you, you asshole?
- She’s surrounded by drama. She may claim to hate drama. But that’s because she can’t escape it. Why? Because she’s crazy. Wherever she goes, conflict surely follows.
- She’s surrounded by cats. Cats, like crazy women, manipulate people for their own benefit. Both recognize this shared trait and so develop a mutual respect for each other. In short, cats are the only things she can get along with for any length of time. There’s a reason crazy bitches are labeled “catty.”
- She makes mountains out of molehills. Missing the green light for a left turn. Not having shoes that match her hair clips. Only getting five McNuggets instead of the full set of six. No matter how small the problem, it’s always the end of the world. Always.
- She holds silent grudges. They’re often over trivial things, like the time you forgot to clean the coffee filter. These feelings fester and grow until they finally explode at the worst possible time.
- Everyone tells you she’s crazy. Everyone knows it. Your friends. Her exes. Her family. Even her friends—if she has any, that is. She probably doesn’t. Because, you know, she’s freakin’ crazy.
Don’t kid yourself. Over time, many of these traits will get under your skin.
And you know what? It doesn’t matter how much you love your woman. Craziness is a wedge that drives you apart.
But only if you let it.
Cherith possessed most of the traits on this Crazy Girlfriend Checklist. She shown practically every crazy girl warning sign there is. She was as psychotic as a woman could get. And she’s sure as controlling as fuck.
Let’s take a look at how things turned out between her and Wade, shall we?
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The Taming of a Crazy Shrew
“Oh, hey, Wade,” I said, maneuvering to keep from spilling my bourbon. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Hey, Derek,” Wade responded. “What’s up, man?”
“Just out celebrating the end of the week,” I said. “T-G-I-F, you know?”
“Oh yeah.” Wade nodded. “I know.” He leaned close, grinning. “Thank God I used Fractionation, am I right?”
“I don’t know,” I said, also grinning now. “You tell me.”
“Hey sweetie, I’m back,” Cherith said, sidling up beside us. “Sorry I was gone so long, they were out of paper towels in the ladies room. Oh, hi.” She smiled at me. “I’m Cherith.”
“Hi, Cherith,” I said, shaking her hand. “I’m Derek.”
“Nice to meet you, Derek.”
“Likewise. Glad to finally meet this girlfriend Wade’s told me so much about.”
“Hey, Cheri,” Wade said, “Derek and I need to talk about some boring-ass work stuff for a second. Would you please go and get me another beer?”
“You bet, babe.” She smooched him on the cheek and sauntered off toward the bar.
I whistled as she went. “Well, holy shit. You’re sure that’s the same girl we talked about last week?”
“Unless the aliens replaced her with some kind of pod person. Which I kind of doubt.”
I nodded my approval. “Looks like you tamed that wild mustang, alright.”
“Not totally,” he said. “She’s still a screamer.”
Cherith returned, craning her neck over her shoulder.
“Did you guys see the ass on that waitress?” she asked, giving Wade his drink. “Damn. I ain’t no carpet muncher, but even I want to bite off a piece of that.”
Over her shoulder, Wade bobbed his eyebrows at me. I winked back at him.
Works every time.
How To Un-Crazy A Crazy Girlfriend
Loisten up because this is important.Your girlfriend may be crazy, but never fear. You don’t have to kick her to the curb.
Instead, you can transform her into the woman you want her to be.
And the woman she wants to be.
She just needs a little help. (Say it with me: because she’s crazy. Really, it’s not her fault.)
It’s what Wade did—and look at what happened.
Cherith is completely normal.
No, she’s better than normal.
She’s actually cool.
Can you believe it?
I almost couldn’t. But facts are facts.
It’s all because Wade took my advice seriously. He learned how to control his woman. And he used Fractionation.
So, what is this Fractionation thing I’ve been talking about?
In essence, it’s a way to perform hypnosis on a woman. Especially on someone batshit insane.
If you’re familiar with the hypnotic model inside Shogun Method (we call it the IRAE Model–see this PDF that opens in a new window), Fractionation is how you escalate a woman up the model.
If there’s a way to un-crazy a crazy woman, this is the correct one.
Now, here’s the thing. When it comes to crazy chicks, lots of guys do it wrong. They try to be, ahem, understanding, and meet their girlfriends halfway.
Let me tell you, that’s a recipe for disaster.
I mean, we appeased Hitler, and look where that got us.
Seriously. Today there are Nazis running free in America.
Do you want that to happen with your relationship? For it to be trampled by crazed fascists?
Of course you don’t.
And that’s why you must learn about Fractionation, right here, and right now.
Make no mistake, Fractionation isn’t seduction.
Leave that to lame-ass Dating Gurus and (shudder) Pickup Artists.
If Fractionation is not seduction, then what is it?
It’s flat-out psychological enslavement.
Yes, enslavement.
READ ALSO: Is She Playing Hard To Get?
How To Control A Crazy Girlfriend (Enslave Her With Fractionation)
So, how does Fractionation work?
Here’s how: it takes a woman on an intense emotional ride.
Using Fractionation, here’s what happens–
You’ll put her into alternating states of happiness and sadness… repeatedly and rapidly.
As we have already seen, crazy women know (and love) drama, inside and out.
So, why not go ahead and give her drama? (The difference is that the one who is in control is YOU.)
Go on. Put her through all those ups and downs, twists and turns. And then bring her back around again for another go.
She’ll be like a fish in water.
And guess what? She’ll even thank you for it. Well, she would, anyway. If she knew you were doing it. And that, my friend, is the secret sauce to dating a sociopath. You just out-sociopath her!
Best of all, you can use Fractionation covertly– anywhere, anytime. No one will be the wiser.
You can use it in normal, everyday conversations.
And when you do, everyone wins.
How To Tame An Unstable Woman: With Emotional Addiction!
The goal of Fractionation is emotional addiction.
When done properly, it provides her with an intense rush that stimulates her body chemistry.
She’ll get to the point where she needs that Fractionation high… like a druggie needs her fix.
And then you’ll have her right where you want her.
Because you’ll be the only one who can give it to her.
Believe me, she’ll do anything to get that next hit.
Be forewarned, though…
The effects of Fractionation are permanent. Once it kicks in, it’s forever.
It’s eternal. There is no undo button here.
Unlike traditional hypnosis, you can’t snap your finger and get her out of trance.
As such, it’s my responsibility to tell you this.
Use Fractionation only for good, never for bad.
Example of good, ethical use of Fractionation: Properly taming a crazy woman like Cherith.
Example of bad, unethical use of Fractionation: Deliberately harming a woman’s psyche because she has hurt you, and you want revenge.
So, do this for me. Promise you’ll use what you’re going to learn Fractionation (and Shogun Method) only for good.
Thank you. Next, all you need to do next is to click the link below and get started now.

Request Invitation To Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
Follow the steps on that page and you’ll get to where you want. I’ll be there waiting to help you whenever you need me, just as I’ve help Wade and scores of other Shoguns.
You got this.

PS: Do you have a crazy woman as your girlfriend? Is she showing any of the 35 crazy girl warning signs? How are you taming her?
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