Are Women Assholes? Or, How To Deal With Women Who Are Mean To You
Do you think women are assholes?
If you do, then I’m willing to bet they’ve caused you a lot of pain in the past…
- You got rejected
- They were mean to you
- You got dumped
- You thought she was interested… until she told you she wasn’t
- You got tricked into doing something you didn’t want
- They used you
- They talked about you behind your back
- They damaged your reputation
…so on and so forth.
Hey, I feel you. I do, really! Heck, even I was bullied by girls in school. And college. And at work.
So, for a long time, I never had it easy with women. (Read my back story here.)
And truth be told… I despised women. I thought they were mean-spirited assholes who were bent to give guys like us hell.
Of course, time and experience had made me wiser. And in this guide, I’m telling you what I learned the hard way, so you won’t have to.
Continue reading!
Table of Contents
Why Thinking “Women Are Assholes” Will Hurt You
Here’s the cold, hard fact about dating and women…
If you think women are assholes, you WILL be unsuccessful with them.
As a result…
- You’ll keep getting rejected and dumped
- You’ll only get a girlfriend if you get lucky
- And even then, your relationship will be stressful, miserable and toxic
Not good, right?
And guess what? If you keep hating women, you’ll never be successful with women for life.
Sorry, but that’s the truth.
Look here… I know how it is. Believe me. Women CAN be a fucking pain in the ass sometimes. (Especially if you’ve got a female psychopath in your hands.)
No worries, though… because I’ve got your back! This special Shogun Method guide will answer all your questions about mean women:
- WHY they’re mean to you, and more importantly,
- HOW to make them respect you.
Let’s start with the biggest question of all:
Are Women REALLY Assholes?
The quick answer is “no,” they’re not.
At least, not by default.
Here’s what I mean:
Women are only assholes to guys they don’t respect.
It’s true!
So, if a woman is mean to you, it means she doesn’t respect you as a man. You might be:
- A pushover
- A nice guy
- Unattractive
- Awkward
- A people pleaser
- A “yes man”
- Or some other quality she can’t respect
So, how do you turn things around and make her respect you?
That’s up next…
How To Deal With Mean Women
When most guys want mean women to start respecting them as men, they usually do things like…
- Upgrade their wardrobe
- Practice confident body language
- Get a makeover
- Make lots of money or get a prestigious job
- Develop their social skills
… or other surface-level fixes like that.
These things might earn you some respect in the beginning, sure…
…but guess what? When it comes to earning long-term respect and admiration… they don’t work.
Why not?
Because they’re superficial. And eventually, the mean women will realize it’s the same YOU, only wrapped in shinier packaging.
And so they’ll start being mean to you again. Probably even worse this time around!
So if you think you just need to “look the part” to gain women’s respect… you’re not doing yourself any favors.
Here’s the deal…
You’ll need something more POWERFUL. Something that’s REALLY going to change their opinion of you.
You’ll need something that’s going to make them respect you and admire you. Even, be submissive to your dominance.
What is it?
The answer:
You’ll need to MANIPULATE how they see you.
(Yes, I said manipulate.)
And you’ll do that with a Mind Manipulation technique that I’m about to show you in this guide.
But before that, let me get a few misconceptions out of the way first…
When one hears the phrase “Mind” or “Psychological Manipulation,” he naturally thinks about…
- Hypnosis
- Dangling a pendant clock in front of her eyes and telling her, “you are getting sleepy”
- Making her do things against her will
That’s the “Hollywood” kind of mind manipulation. And it’s NOT the kind of manipulation I’m talking about.
Instead, I’m talking about SCIENCE. I’m talking about hardcore female psychology. I’m talking about how the mind works.
Seriously. In fact, that’s the primary goal of Fractionation – to make a woman feel emotionally ADDICTED to you.
“Respecting” you? It’s a rung on the ladder. It’s along the way, but it’s not the only thing Fractionation can make a woman do for you.
Yep – you can make women do ANYTHING you want. That’s the power of mind manipulation.
However, here’s the kicker…
You MUST learn Fractionation. It’s the key. Without it, you’ll be relying on triggering emotional roller coasters by accident.
You want to know how to trigger emotional roller coasters on demand.
And you can learn how to do that at my Online Mind Control Masterclass by clicking this link –
Derek Rake’s Online Mind Control Masterclass (click here)
Remember this:
Women aren’t REALLY assholes.
They’re just assholes to men they can’t respect.
Now you can try to turn yourself into a man they can respect…
…spending tons of money and devoting months (or even years) of work…
…or you can do the smart thing and use Fractionation and make them respect you almost INSTANTLY.
I’ll see you at the Masterclass,
PS: Questions? Comments? Leave them below.
I don’t think all women are assholes, but if I treat you with respect, I expect the same in return, or I become very violent! There is something inside that will not allow me to be disrespected by anyone. Men, or women. If I’m being nice and friendly towards a female, the least they can do is reciprocate the same way. Sometimes I can see women scouling at me. They don’t even know me, so what’s with the snooty, smug look like you’re better than me. If a woman is disrespectful in any way to me, I would shut her down so fast. Both articulately, and physically. I let that stuck up bitch know right away, that I’m not the fucking one to approach in stupid manner. They say you shouldn’t ever hit a woman. Bullshit! I strongly disagree. If a woman comes up to me in that fashion, I would probably slap the living shit out of her. I don’t take shit from anyone, especially a rude bitch. I say slap, but I know me. I am going to beat the fuck out of that bitch. So that way the next time she comes up to me, or anyone, she’ll think twice before opening her mouth, or rolling her eyes at me. I personally don’t care if a woman likes me, or hates me. I prefer women like this to fear me instead. Fear lasts longer than respect, or love. I, like most men simply will not tolerate disrespect. Maybe it’s the French, and Italian blood that runs through my veins, but I have a very low tolerance for woman’s bullshit.
A woman “scowling’ at you. Who? Her face might just look that way. I’m any case, if you have to resort to physical violence, then you lack self respect anyway. If you had it, then you wouldn’t attract the kind of behaviour you see as “disrespectful”.