Reading Time: 12 Minutes
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques for Seduction
Let me paint the scene for you.
I was sitting in my office here one day with a new Shogun Method client of mine.
(To protect the innocent, let’s call him John.)
You see, John wasn’t exactly the best looking guy in the world. He didn’t have much experience with women, either. So, he’d come to me to learn some new skills to be better with the ladies.
I said to John, “I need some basic information from you before we start. How long have you been single?”
John leaned back in his chair and his eyes darted towards the ceiling. He took a deep breath.
“I don’t know. About three months?”
I looked John in the eye. “That’s not true, is it?” I asked him.
He dropped his head to the floor. “Okay, no. You got me. It’s more like three years,” he said.
“What gave it away?”
“Your eyes,” I told him. “You looked up and to the right, which means you were creating information rather than truly recalling it.”
Needless to say, John was quite shocked.
“Is that even possible?” he asked. “I had no idea!”
As surprising as it might sound–yes. Reading someone in this way is entirely possible.
The secret?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or better known as NLP.
Table of Contents
An NLP routine is a script that a hypnotist follows to put someone under mild trance. Once hypnotized, she is more open to his words and suggestions. That’s how NLP (and hypnosis) works.
I’ve stacked the Shogun Method from back to front with these high-powered NLP routines or patterns. They will give you the superpowers to put women under trance and make them suggestible to our commands.
There is a difference, however. Shoguns use NLP routines that are engineered to exploit specific female psychology flaws to our advantage. Think of these as an arrow but with a poison tip. We call these special hypnotic routines Shogun Sequences.
Take, for instance, the Shared Universe Sequence inside Shogun Method. (If you’re a Shogun, you can find it inside Module 5.) It is crafted to target a specific weakness in the female psyche–
A woman’s conflict between her desire to express her individuality and her need to be socially accepted.
With this Shogun Sequence, you’ll put her under mild trance in three parts. And once she’s hypnotized, you’ll get her to think and feel anything you want. The best thing is she’ll be compliant to you out of her free will.
Good news–
I’ve culled this Shogun Sequence out of Shogun Method for you today so you can sample it first-hand and see its power.

Click here to download
Once you’ve seen how powerful it is, imagine the possibilities that will be open to you. What are you doing to do with these Shogun Sequences in your hand?
Go on and download the PDF. Then, continue below.
NLP Seduction (How to Use NLP to Seduce Women)
Decoding someone’s non-verbal cues is just one of the many uses of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Obviously, John’s next question was whether NLP had any use in seduction, too.
Luckily for John, and for you, the answer is yes.
NLP can be used in countless different ways to make a woman desire you. From just making her want you, to making her fall head over heels in love with you – it’s all possible with this knowledge.

So, let’s delve a little further into some of the uses NLP has when used to seduce women.
What’s Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a little-known branch of science loosely related to hypnosis. Unlike hypnotism, however, NLP is much more “social” in its approach.
During a hypnosis session, the hypnotist delivers scripted dialogue to the target until she falls into a trance.
Similarly, NLP is about delivering a script (also known as routines or sequences in the seduction world). You can use it to implant thoughts and ideas into your target’s head in the same way hypnosis does, but there’s a difference.
Here’s how NLP is different from traditional hypnosis.
NLP plants thoughts into your target’s mind without the need to put her in an unconscious trance. As the name suggests, you are quite literally inserting thoughts into her head in brute force.
Sounds crazy, right? Because it is!
RELATED: Dark Triad Seduction
NLP for Seduction
Let me ask you something.
Do you know what women looking for in a guy?

It’s a question which men have pondered for centuries, but the answer is not that obvious. And here it is.
No one knows what women want in a man–not even the women themselves.
Strange, right? But why is this so?
Well, the truth lies in this little tidbit of information regarding women psychology.
You see, unlike guys, women make their love-life decisions based on emotional responses. (Guys are more rational in their love lives; this is pretty much driven by how our brains are wired.)
This means that if you want a woman to fall in love with you, you need to make her feel it. You can’t reason a woman into loving you. You must make her emotions overrule her conscious mind.
And this is where NLP has its greatest use.
You see, with NLP techniques, you’ll be able to build rapid rapport between you and your target on a subconscious level.
In other words, you can use NLP to create an emotional connection with her. You can then use this emotional connection to attract her to you.
The Four Stages of Love
In Shogun Method, I wrote about how a woman falls in love with a man–in four, discrete stages.
Amazingly, how women develop emotional and sexual attraction to men is in a straight line. You go from first intriguing her (Intrigue stage) to building rapport (Rapport stage) and then to attracting her sexually (Attract stage). The endgame is the fourth stage–emotional Enslavement.
We call this the IRAE Model. I wrote a book on it (PDF), but here’s the gist of the idea–you must take a woman up the IRAE ladder, one step at a time. Virtually all problems with women come from disobeying this one rule.

For example, if you attempt to build rapport first before you intrigue a woman, you might not hold her attention for long.
Or, if you try to ask a woman to be your girlfriend (i.e. attract her) before you have any rapport with her, she’ll hesitate even if she really likes you. Rapport must come before attraction.
Or, if you have only attracted a woman but not emotionally enslaved her, she might just leave you for another guy who managed to do so (God forbid, another Shogun). In fact, this is the most common reason for breakups and divorces.
NLP Techniques and the IRAE Model
With this mind, let’s talk about how NLP seduction techniques fit into the IRAE Model.
Inside Shogun Method, it all starts with the IRAE Model. Everything you do as a Shogun is to move your target from one IRAE stage to the next.
And as such, the NLP seduction technique you choose must fulfill this condition. The most common mistake guys make (Pickup Artists, especially) is to use an NLP technique without knowing which IRAE stage it belongs.
In Shogun Method world, we learn about the difference between strategy and tactics. The IRAE Model is the strategy. NLP seduction techniques are the tactics. This difference is crucial.

To illustrate, here is a list of common NLP tactics and where they belong in the IRAE Model.
- Mirroring: Intrigue (I) stage, Rapport (R) stage
- Implanted Commands: Attract (A) stage
- Shared Universe Sequence (download here): Rapport (R) stage
- Black Rose / October Man: Enslavement (E) stage
- Fractionation / Rollercoastering: R, A and E
- Anchoring: R, A and E
- Pacing / Leading: R and A
- Classical Conditioning: A and E
- Visualization: E
The next time you stumble upon an NLP tactic, you need to ask this crucial question before using it on a woman–
What IRAE stage does it belong to?
🔴 FREE RESOURCE: The IRAE Model Digital Book
NLP Seduction Texts
A common question from new Shoguns–
“Derek, what are the NLP seduction routines I can use for texting?”
Sorry to disappoint you, but I do not recommend texting a woman an NLP routine or pattern.
The reason? Again, it goes back to the strategy–the IRAE Model.
All four stages–I, R, A and E–requires face-to-face interaction with your target. You cannot emotionally enslave a woman simply by texting her.
In fact, a newbie posted inside the Shogun Method community once,
“OK, so I texted the entire Black Rose Sequence to a girl I met on Instagram. So, she’s enslaved to me now, right? Right? Right??”
The poor kid got laughed off the court, and it was super embarrassing for him. He never came back.

You can’t text a girl into liking you. Period. Whoever who promises you magical results simply by copying and pasting some secret texts is bullshitting you.
But still, you can use texting as a complementary tactic to your usual Shogun Method fare. Remember the difference between strategy and tactics. The IRAE Model must always be your strategy. Everything else must fall under its umbrella.
Now, with that understanding, let’s look at how you can use NLP techniques to escalate a woman up the IRAE Model. We’ll examine three NLP seduction techniques–Mirroring, Implanted Commands and Fractionation.
Remember… you must use these techniques face-to-face for maximum effect. Use it for minor things, like, telling her you’re late as you’d be banging another chick before seeing her.
RELATED: How To Manipulate Women
NLP Seduction Techniques
Has anyone ever told you that to be attractive to a girl, you need to “be like” her?
Sure, this is common advice given out by Dating Gurus or Pickup Artists.
However, I’m here to tell you that this cookie cutter advice is pretty much bullshit.
You see, you don’t want to “be like” a girl at all. And here’s the reason…
Women can sense if a guy is trying to mimic them just to build rapport. And guess what? You’ll come across as needy or desperate when they catch you. (And they almost always do.)

Leave that to amateurish Pickup Artists and their clueless followers.
Instead, what you want to do is imply familiarity on a subconscious level. And this is where Shogun Method-style Mirroring comes in.
So what’s Mirroring then?
Mirroring is exactly as it sounds like. You want to copy (mirror) her actions, but we Shoguns do it with a slight twist:
You’ll do it three seconds after she’s carried them out.
So, let’s say you’re talking to a girl in a coffee shop. She runs her hand through her hair. You wait three seconds, then copy her by fiddling your hair a little.
By this point, she might have sat back in her chair. Therefore, you wait a further three seconds, then sit back in your chair.
Easy, right?
But that’s not all.
Mirroring incorporates everything about her, from her breathing pattern to the volume of her voice. Match everything about her (obey the three second rule), and she’ll subconsciously see you as being like her. Instant rapport builder!
Implanted Commands
Everyone and his chihuahua has heard of hypnosis before, but few know how it really works.
Most know hypnosis from the whole “3,2,1, sleep!” shtick, but it goes deeper than that.
Hypnosis does one thing, and one thing only– it alters a person’s thought patterns. And it achieves that via bypassing the resistance from the conscious brain.
NLP, on the other hand, is merely an extension of hypnosis. So, it works just like hypnosis–by sidestepping people’s consciousness.
And as Shoguns, we already know this–a woman’s conscious mind is the enemy.
Well, here’s the reason.
A woman’s conscious mind is the part of her brain that deals with cold logic, rationale and decision-making.
For some reason, the conscious mind doesn’t like new ideas being thrown at it. Whenever something new comes up, it treats the thought suspiciously and with scrutiny.
What hypnosis and NLP do is remove this resistance (or rather, by bypassing it). The NLP approach to this is through a technique known as Implanted Commands.
Before you learn that, here’s something weird about how women think.
While a woman may or may not believe what you say, she will never doubt her own conclusions.
This means that to seduce a woman, you’ll need to covertly guide her thoughts to come to the conclusions that you want…
…and this is how you’ll do that–
You’ll need to speak to a female the same way she talks to herself.
When you do this, her subconscious will believe it to be her own thoughts.
With Implanted Commands, you’ll package up a piece of information and feed it to her. When done correctly, she will think as if the information you’re feeding her are her own thoughts.
Do you see how powerful this can be? Quite awesome, right?
The entire list of Implanted Commands (44 of them) are inside Shogun Method, but here’s a sample line–
“Sure, I can tell you that if you agree to meet me for dinner it will change your life for the better, but I’d rather you experience it for yourself.”
The meet me for dinner part is the Implanted Command. The phrases around that phrase are designed to hide the command so that it goes undetected by her conscious mind.

Sneaky, I know.
Remember…as we Shoguns like to say: What she cannot detect, she cannot resist. Sequences like the Shared Universe is designed to be covert and undetectable, and that’s why it works so well.
As you’ve probably realized by now, NLP can be incredibly powerful in love and relationships.
It may be strange to you, but NLP is not really that common in love and dating. In fact, it’s more commonly used by salesmen and high-profile marketers in the world of business than anywhere else.

There’s a good reason for this.
I’ve gotten a lot of flak from the people who know this stuff for exposing the use of NLP in seduction to “outsiders”…
“Derek Rake, you’re crazy. The fewer people know about this shit, the better it is for the rest of us!”
I’m not having any of that!
The reality is that guys are getting the end of the short stick these days when it comes to love and relationships…
…and I am on a mission to fix that problem.
Which means that I am spreading this knowledge far and wide.
This brings me to my next point.
The best way to get started on NLP seduction techniques is through Fractionation.
Simply put, Fractionation is the tour-de-force of NLP seduction patterns. It combines positive body language, hypnosis-style scripts, NLP mind-hacks and expert storytelling to create a cocktail of emotions in your target.
Here’s the catch, though.
Because it’s such an extensive technique, I can’t do it justice with a short summary in this guide. What I’ve done is I’ve recorded a Masterclass on Fractionation–one you can attend to learn the entire technique in a classroom setting.
To get started, click this link below.

Apply for Invitation to the Fractionation Masterclass
Not everyone qualifies (you’ll find out why in the link), but if you do, you’ll get the best training on Fractionation because you’re getting trained by me directly.
See you at the Masterclass (if you manage to qualify),

PS: Questions, comments or stories to share? Got a sticking point on how to use NLP tactics on women? Leave your questions and comments below.
What should you do when your wife is on to all this bullshit? She said the Manosphere should be changed to Men-of-fear. Only wimpy insecure ass wipes need to brainwash a woman instead of being authentic.
You all need to start Adulting.
Anchors Away
Relax, Char. Triggered much?
How to order the shogun method??
Go to
What Easiest way to seduce a woman that a teenager can do
Shogun Method is not for teenagers you sick fuck.
NLP seduction is not for everyone. Why are you exposing this so publicly?
Because I believe that more knowledge for everyone is a good thing.
And why is shogun method not necessarily for teenagers?
Learn to read properly. It’s NOT for teenagers, period.
It’s for more mature guys who won’t use it in an abusive way that turns all good things into the worst nightmare a person can think of, plus it will have a permanent effect if done according to the four step model…btw it came from a teenager and that’s me, I’ve seen one the worst things that it can do and also the best things that I ever wanted…trust me, you don’t wanna know what I know
Teenagers can also be “mature”. Maturity has nothing to do with age.
Having said that, “NLP seduction” is not for everyone – especially those who are not mature enough (irrespective of age) to handle the power of Shogun Method.
Hello Mr Derek. My question is simple. During the implanted commands process, do I just text (or speak) the command as it is or do I phrase it in an ordinary “harmless” paragraph? If the ex girlfriend expects you to try to get back together, will the Implanted Command still work?
Thank you.
NLP seduction tactics work best when they appear “harmless”.
To your latter question: yes.
You are all disgusting pieces of shit for doing this to the women you claim to care about. I know this works, but it’s really unfair to women. Men shouldn’t have this power because most of you are irresponsible.
NLP seduction? Women deserve better from men!
Your Mom
Relax, Mom.
All’s fair in love and war. Thus, Shogun is fair.
Derek, would you say that you used NLP modeling to develop Shogun Method, and if so, who,or what kind of people, did you model?
Psychopaths and tyrannical men, mostly.