Reading Time: 16 minutes
Submissive Wife Training
Do you sometimes wish you could train your wife like she’s a little puppy?
Do you sometimes wish you could teach her to be more obedient and respectful?
Or, maybe you’re secretly wishing for a submissive wife who obeys you without question?
I know, I know… it’s not something you say out loud.
You could already imagine what the feminists would say:
“Who the hell TRAINS his wife?”
“Who are you to tell your wife what to do?”
“Derek Rake, you sexist, misogynist, chauvinist pig!”
Yadda, yadda…
Let’s face it. If your wife has been disobedient or disrespectful…
…and you wish you could train her…
…and you want to teach her the ways of an obedient and submissive wife…
…but you feel guilty or shameful inside…
…then understand this.
It’s not your fault.
In fact, you should blame the feminists, do-gooders and Social Justice Warriors for it. They’re the ones who convinced society with PC bullshit such as “happy wife, happy life.”
Table of Contents
- Submissive Wife Training
- Slave Wife Training: Shock Collar For Your Woman…?
- Free Download: Action Checklist + Bonus Wife Submission Training Plan
- Wife Training: How to Teach Your Wife Respect
- “Happy Wife” ≠ “Happy Life”
- Warning
- Wife Submission Training Tactics
- How to Train a Submissive Wife
- How to Train Your Wife to Do What You Want: Use Fractionation on Her
Slave Wife Training: Shock Collar For Your Woman…?
Yeah, I said it. “Happy wife, happy life” is pretty much hogwash.
I mean, you’ve witnessed it for yourself, right? The better you treat your wife…
- The more she walks all over you
- The more she pushes you around
- The more batshit crazy she gets
- The more she pussywhips you
- The more she wears the pants in the household
- The more psychotic she becomes
And to top it all off… she never seems satisfied!
Instead, she gets more irritable, more demanding, and more bitchy each day.
She’s turning into a female sociopath right in front of your very eyes. You hate to admit it, but she’s becoming an asshole.
So what’s the deal here? Why do women go down this path of nastiness and assholery with their husbands?
And most importantly, how to train your wife without getting shamed or thrown in jail?
Well, that’s what this Shogun Method guide is all about.
It’s not quite the “shock collar for your wife” or a “wife training class” or “slave wife training” or even a “wife obedience training bootcamp” …but it’s close.
I hope you’re ready, because this could well be life-changing knowledge for you.
Free Download: Action Checklist + Bonus Wife Submission Training Plan
Before we dig deep into the trenches, here’s something you must know.
This Wife Training guide you’re going to read is super comprehensive. It’s possibly the longest and most detailed you’ll find anywhere about wife training….
…and for that reason, it’s easy to lose track as you read until the very end.
Because of that, I’ve made a simple Action Checklist that summarizes the entire guide, from A to Z.
So, when you’re ready to use the Wife Training strategies and teach your woman, then all you need to do is to use the Action Checklist. This way, you won’t miss any important steps.
To get the Wife Training Action Checklist, click on this link below. free resource

Click To Download
It’s a simple, beautiful 14-page PDF you can download and read in minutes.
Not only that, you’re getting a bonus from me today.
Apart from the Action Checklist, I’ve snuck in an exclusive Wife Submission Training Plan right at the end of the PDF.
There’s a good reason I am not publishing the Plan outright. Because if I do, it’ll piss a lot of women off, and worse, the feminists will come swarming at me with their pitchforks. And I’m tired of dealing with their bullshit.
So, go download it and get the Training Plan at the back of the PDF. Get it before I am forced to remove the Plan completely one day. Trust me, that will happen.
Wife Training: How to Teach Your Wife Respect
Most husbands make the mistake of thinking that after the wedding, the game is over. They’ve won...
…but how wrong they are! They realize too late that the game is only starting, not ending.
It’s something Dan, one of my Shogun Method coaching clients, realized a little too late. (Yes, I have a coaching service, but it’s full most of the time.)
So, Dan told me his story when he came to the Shogun Method HQ last summer.
“When Liz was just my girlfriend, our relationship was awesome,” Dan told me.
“Everything was so smooth and effortless. Like we were destined to get married. But everything went downhill after the wedding!”
Dan then described what his relationship with his wife Liz was like then and now:
- Before, she respected his authority …but now, she is the authority
- Before, she was happy and satisfied …but now, she is thirsty and unfulfilled
- Before, the relationship was effortless …but now, Dan feels like he’s walking on eggshells
- Before, she was docile …but now, she’s like a ticking time-bomb of a female sociopath
He asked me rather bluntly: “What to do when your wife hates you?”
Are you in a similar rut as Dan was?
Do you feel like you could do with a more submissive and subservient wife?
If so, then I’ll tell you what I told Dan …read on.
“Happy Wife” ≠ “Happy Life”
Let me say this once and for all.
“Happy wife, happy life” should never be any man’s motto, ever.
The reason is simple.
Letting your wife push you around will not please in any way. And here’s why.
A woman will only be truly happy when she follows the lead of a dominant man.
Believe me because It’s true. And yes, this is proven by scientific research.
This sounds politically incorrect, but fuck it. Being submissive is something Mother Nature has programmed into normal, healthy, well-adjusted females.
It should be obvious, right?
Imagine this. Let’s say you and your wife are faced with a money problem. It’s a no-win situation. No matter what you do, you’ll both blow a huge hole in your bank accounts.
Naturally, she expects you to do something before the problem gets worse. So, answer this question for me. Which statement from you would make your wife happy?
- Statement #1: “I don’t know, darling. I’m scared.”
- Statement #2: “I’ll just go with whatever you say, honey.”
- Statement #3: “I’ll take care of it.”
Statement #1 will cause her respect for you to sink into a hole.
And guess what? Statement #2 is even worse. No woman wants to be in the driver’s seat especially when shit hits the fan.
Out of the three statements, #3 will make her love and respect you. Even if she knows you can’t do jack about anything, and yet you’re reassuring her you do.
And here’s why–
Because you’re showing her you’re a strong, dominant guy who’s in control, even in bad situations.
When I told this to Dan, he agreed. And yet he also said,
“But Derek, wouldn’t my wife throw a fit if I suddenly act bossy and stuff?”
Great question!
Here’s the answer. You don’t have to transform to the Dominant Alpha Male right off the bat. You don’t need to do anything drastic. All you need to do is to follow my advice in this guide today.
And my advice centers around one key idea–
Train your wife using Mind Control.
Yes, Mind Control.
At this point, I’ve got to warn you.
Mind Control isn’t suitable for everyone.
Some women respond well to it, while a small minority are completely unaffected by it.
A few pathological ones will go absolutely insane once they touch Mind Control. These are female sociopaths that you should never even attempt to use Mind Control on, ever. I’m dead serious here… don’t do it (unless you want a stalker on your tail.)
In my Elite Coaching practice (yes, I coach sometimes, but slots are usually full), the first thing I do is to check how vulnerable the target is to Mind Control. With this data, I can then formulate a customized Shogun Method strategy for the client based on her archetype.
So, how do you know if you should use Mind Control on your wife?
I’ve created a simple tool to help you with this. All you need to do is to take this quiz and it’ll calculate your wife’s Vulnerability Score–
- Anything above 30 indicates high vulnerability
- Scores between 15 and 29 indicates moderate vulnerability
- 14 and below indicates low vulnerability
Not only that, you’ll get to map her to her archetype. The four Shogun Method archetypes–Persephone, Athena, Gaia and Thalia–vary in their vulnerabilities to Mind Control.
At the end of the quiz, you’ll get both your wife’s Vulnerability Score and her archetype (plus a customized strategy PDF based on her archetype). Take the quiz before you continue. free resource
Wife Submission Training Tactics
Why Pickup Artists Have Zero Clue
Mind Control is a vast subject. But it has nothing to do with Pickup Artist tricks.
In fact, if you had used Pickup Artist or conventional relationship guru tactics to win your wife’s heart…
…then it’s probably the reason why she’s walking all over you right now.
Here’s why. Pickup Artist tricks may work only for the short-term, if they work at all.
The goal of every Pickup Artist is to bang as many women as he can. That’s the endgame. And that’s exactly why it’s problematic.
(Shogun Method’s endgame is a lifetime of devotion and subservience. It’s the final step in the four stages of love–the IRAE Model (Read this PDF). It has nothing to do with pickup at all.)
And just in case you haven’t realized it yet… Pickup Artists have this much to offer about leading a strong, happy, lifelong marriage–
A big, fat zero.
That’s why most Pickup Artists get caught with their pants down in marriage. All of a sudden, their old tricks stop working. And so, in their clueless state, they foolishly let their wives take the lead.
Because, here’s the kicker. Pickup tricks might work for, well, picking up women. But it fails miserably in long-term relationships. Like, you know, marriages!?
Emotional Enslavement
So, here’s what I’m driving at. Never, ever rely on lightweight Pickup Artist or Dating Guru tricks to learn how to train your wife.
Instead, you’ll need something even more powerful–emotional Enslavement.
Note the emotional part. I don’t, and never will, advocate physical enslavement (which is pretty much slavery).
Besides, emotional Enslavement is more common than you think.
- It’s when you feel compelled to follow a show on Netflix
- It’s when you feel compelled to buy a certain brand
- It’s when you feel compelled to check on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram so very often
- It’s when you feel compelled to pursue your hobbies… sometimes at a high cost
You don’t “need” to follow the TV show. You don’t “need” to buy the brand. You don’t “need” to invest so much in your hobbies…
…but you do anyway, because you’re addicted to them. In certain cases, you can’t do without them.
That’s the kind of Mind Control emotional Enslavement you’ll put your wife under. That’s how you get almost instant obedience from your woman, almost like subservience on tap. Flip a switch, and she’s as tame and harmless as a chihuahua.
It’s like positive reinforcement when your wife behaves… and negative consequences when she does’t.

Now if emotional Enslavement makes you somewhat uncomfortable, know that it’s a perfectly natural phenomenon. Training your wife requires a degree of respectfulness, obedience and submissiveness.
I want you to understand this, however. At this stage, there are only two options left for you.
- Option #1: You can hope and pray that she teaches herself to be more respectful and obedient, or
- Option #2: You can put her on wife behavior training yourself using Mind Control
Option #1, well, is not an option at all. Leaving things up to her is what got you into this mess in the first place!
No-brainer, right?
How to Train a Submissive Wife
Next, let me share with you the three wife behavior training (through Mind Control emotional Enslavement) tactics that I taught Dan.
His wife’s Shogun Method archetype was Persephone with a Vulnerability Score of 31, indicating high responsiveness to Mind Control. And so, I recommended to him the following techniques to bring his wife to heel. Emotional blackmail, gaslighting and Fractionation.
Let’s start with the first in the list–
Emotional Blackmail
If your wife ever said, “If you loved me, you would ___”, then you’ve been emotionally blackmailed.
And guess what? Two can play that game!
The formula is simple. It goes like this–
“If you don’t (something you want), then I’ll (something that you’re sure will hurt her emotionally).”
The closer to and more reliant she is on you, the more effective this tactic becomes.
You’ll notice that women do this naturally. It’s something they are born with inside their psyche.
Gaslighting is a powerful tool to undermine your wife’s perception of reality. It creates doubts in her own ability to perceive accurately.
The most common way to gaslight is to ask, “Really?” or “Why do you think that?” or “You sure?” Repeat until she doubts herself.
Now, people think gaslighting is a bad thing. In most cases, I agree. It’s manipulative tool of the sociopath…
…but then again, remember. A tool is only a tool. You can use it for good if you want to.
For example, you can gaslight her to take control of her anxiety and put a stop to it. Let’s say she imagines that her friends hated her chocolate cake. You can gaslight her until those thoughts disappear by asking:
“Are you really sure about that?”
“Did anyone really say anything about the cake?”
“You sure you’re not just imagining this?”
“Are you remembering correctly?”
Take things up a notch by getting an ally… like a family member. If you both gaslight her together, she’ll yield far quicker than you think.
Now, like it or not, all wife training plans will involve some gaslighting. It’s like verbal commands for wife training.
Not only that, you can shape any woman’s behavior with pleasure and pain. Gaslighting is about inflicting pain.
Here’s the kicker, though.
Some guys push it too far and overdo the pain factor. They forget that they need to give both pain AND pleasure for the wife training plan to work.
Because remember…when a woman marries a man, he is her main source of emotional fulfillment. If she can’t get emotional fulfillment from him, believe me–she’ll find it from someone else. You must supply your wife with pleasure and pain to satisfy the entire spectrum of her emotional needs.
To do that, you must understand another key Shogun Method principle–
A small amount of emotional grief is essential for your wife’s happiness and future joy.
The Shogun Method tactic that we use for this is Fractionation. It’s the technique of putting a woman on emotional rollercoasters–through a gamut of emotions from grief to joy. And you do this through hypnotic storytelling.
Fractionation is the cornerstone technique of Shogun Method.
It’s what all the other techniques, including emotional blackmail and gaslighting, are based on. Think of it as a set of commands for wife training–something you use to get your wife to obey you.
In fact, if you could only learn and use one Mind Control tactic to train your wife, I suggest you pick Fractionation.
In a nutshell, Fractionation is a storytelling technique that exploits one of the female mind’s biggest flaws–
Her weakness for (and addiction to) emotional rollercoasters.
When you put your wife on an emotional rollercoaster, all her logical reasons for resisting you simply melt away.
As a result, she’ll be more vulnerable to your suggestion and instruction.
And that’s how you would train your wife and transform her into a submissive partner in your marriage.
How to Train Your Wife to Do What You Want: Use Fractionation on Her
Let’s revisit Dan’s story.
After he learned the three Mind Control tactics from me, he went off to use them on Liz, her narcissistic wife.
And guess what? Once she has undergone his wife obedience training, the results were tremendous–
- She stopped nagging and being bitchy over little things
- She stopped criticizing him and looking for faults
- She stopped contradicting everything Dan said or did
- She started looking to Dan to tell her what to do
- She started needing Dan’s validation and love
- She started respecting him more
- She started actively making the marriage a happier place for both of them
- She becomes Persephone, the prototype of a submissive wife true to her Shogun Method archetype
Amazing, right?
Guess what? It’s now your turn.
I’ll say it again. You must train your wife. It’s not optional.
You need to be in control, and she needs to be happy. Your marriage’s survival is at stake, it’s not a joke.
Being in control and having authority over her is how you can make a relationship last.
Let’s recap.
The endgame is emotional Enslavement. The IRAE Model proves that.
Also, you’ve seen an overview of three Mind Control wife training techniques that will help restore the power balance in your favor. Emotional blackmail, gaslighting and Fractionation.
Those tactics will give you a tremendous kickstart in your Shogun Method journey towards the Enslavement stage. (For detailed strategies, comprehensive tips and word-for-word routines for all three tactics, see Module 7 of Shogun Method.)
Out of the three techniques, Fractionation is the most important. It’s the keystone to everything you need to train your wife.
You can learn the Fractionation technique in the Fast Start Module inside the Shogun Method program. It is widely touted as the most authoritative resource on Fractionation, and deservedly so.
Remember. There are only two ways your marriage will survive.
You can either hope and pray your wife trains herself to be obedient to you (next to impossible)…
…or, you can train her yourself starting from now.
The answer is obvious, so act immediately and strike while the iron is hot!
Take the next step and be a Shogun.
I’ll see you inside the Shogun Method community. Remember to say hi.

PS: Got questions or comments about training your wife? Leave them below and I will answer them.
I think men do need to be in charge and dominant as women are weak and emotional and can be very childlike. I believe women love a dominant man but won’t admit it. Unless they are trained from birth (as in some countries) they definitely need training in later life. Fathers should take responsibility for their training at an early age and when they give their daughters away in marriage so should be ready for husbands authority, with minimum training required. A woman submitting to her husbands god given authority is natural and women’s nature is to be commanded and led by men, who are obviously superior in every way
You’re a pretty rare breed, Patricia. 🙂
As a women, Patricia, I totally agree with you.
It took me a long time before I admitted to myself, or just understood, that the real big problem in my relationships, was the lack of authority coming from my male partner. They were so “crushed” by their agressive, dominant. unsatisfied by the new ways of life, babyboomer mothers, that its almost impossible to find a man who is not afraid of what a woman will do or think of them. Even worst; they don’t take charge or initiate things. They don’t always take the first step; when the door bell rings, when someone approach your couple to talk or anything else, they let their female partner take the lead! I mean… And its not their fault because their mother crushed them and took all the space. Never realizing that this boy you are treating like a second class citizen will turn into a man. And he will never be confortable as man in his manly skin because he was only tauhgt to step aside and give space to the ”goddess”.
At the same time, they did not learn how to help around the house. You basically end up living with a teenager. It feels like your a single mother in charge. Hard to admire and feel happy as a women in these conditions.
The boyfriend I am with now, and we met a long time ago, and we are truly soulmates…well…he suffers from that too.
His parents take a lot of place. They are very dominant, they talk a lot. If we would come from a trip and try to talk about it, they would interrupt us and talk about their own old stories we heard a zillion times. I often told my boyfriend not to be scared to say what he thinks and tell them politaly; excuse me dad or mom, I ways saying something, or I was talking about my trip and I am not finished. You know what I mean? Put them back in their place. Or say what he thinks, clear and loud. And say NO when its NO. We had many arguments over the past two years because he nerver says no to hi parents or sisters, without even considering plans we already had or my opinion, or my availability. Why? Because saying NO was not an option for him. So I slowly but steadily push him to be his own self towards his family.
Its a big point I think because once he will take his place and assume it, inside his family dynamic, he will do it everywhere.
Witch brings us to me; I also encourage him a lot to not view me as a praying mantis. I keep telling him how anxious and unhappy it makes me when he is not taking charge and taking decisions like a man should. I am often relieved that we don’t have kids(I can’t have kids) because he lets me be the authority figure with our animals (a cat and 2 dogs) I mean…. For real??
Even with sex, it took a while but now its an area where I’m mostly satisfied, where I encouraged him to feel like its ok to be MY predator…Its okay to let the raw, masculine and agressive sexual pulses come up and seek to get a relief of them…WITH ME. I am not made of porcelaine, did I say many times. Undress me, when you want, where you want, show me what you want right there and then, and I will do anything you want. Don’t you know I would do anything you want if you just ask? ASK! I repeated many times to him. You know…told him many times; Its ok to be a man and act like one. Its ok to make me your doll, your pleasure object, I Do get pleasure out of it, I was WIRED that way, it makes me HAPPY. (please note I am not talking about shitty fifty shade of shit here) Just normal hormonal male and female vibe thing. Anyways, it seemed to have worked well because he is gaining confidence and he is not the same man in bed. He is enjoying himself more and more and so am I.
Some days I just wish I could go to the end of a field and scream at the top of my lungs because I need my BF to dominate me, gently, in a kind way, like we share such a sweet love, But still be in charge. Be the man. I feel so anxious and so frustrated because of his teenage behavior. We talk about it. I don’t know where its going. But I can’t directly use the words I just used in the previous sentence.
I wish I could. But its too much. Too much in this period of time we are living in. He would think I am nuts or something. But I dream about it all the time. I want him to be THAT MAN sososososososo much. So I can finally just be my little dolly cute feminine and relaxed self.
Please note, that my BF has a good career and his someone I fully trust and respect. He his not doing nothing with his life etc. Just lacking confidence as a man. 🙁
Thanks for “listening”
I don’t know what to do.
Enjoyed reading this article a lot.
Another woman who gets it! Thank you, Mary.
How about you patricia? Have you ever try this?was ok?
Good read. These new age women are out of control……. there still are some good ones but a very few, not like it was 30yrs ago.. no wonder new age men don’t marry as much and only use them for sex….
Teach me how to prove who’s in charge without the use of manipulation. I used to know a few female doms that had taught me a thing or two. They’re out there.
What happens when a very insecure man tries these methods on a strong woman raised by her Dad and knows mind games and abnormal psychology? Are there woman who cant be broken?
Nope. Shogun Method works on all women because they are all wired the same way.
‘Enslavement is the key to a woman’s emotional well-being and happiness. ‘ I would like to meet the happy slave women who are emotionally fulfilled by your presence.
Well Sam I’ll try to be brief. So I married my submissive. We are in a D/s relationship / marriage. She’s 110% my submissive, wife, slave. She’s in a week long work training seminar this week. Yes she has a job she loves, to meet her / us you would have no idea we are in a committed long time D/s marriage. She’s already texted me 4 times today telling me how much she loves me and how much she loves being owned by me. She tells me constantly how safe and secure she feels being my submissive wife.
I could probably write my own book on how we got from the first meet for coffee to her being my owned submissive wife, slave.
Suffice to say swift hard punishment followed by lots of reward and praise. Consistency, honesty respect. I have her complete trust and loyalty. She has my complete respect appreciation and love for her submission. SJM
SJM gets it. The notion of dominant husband/submissive wife goes beyond BDSM and into authentic love and devotion. Nature loves balance, and submission of a woman to the dominance of a man is a demonstration of this natural principle.
I am outraged by this fucking white pieces of shit ruining our gender equal economy, but in all honesty this article does have an extremely valid point. I believe that wives should be held on leashes as it is a fantastic way to tame them and make them obey you. Then we can fuck them very nice.
True to a certain extent. But remember: women are not the enemy.
How can I help convince my husband to take control over me? I try to be submissive, but am very strong willed sometimes and forget to stay in my place. And I have told him several times that I fully believe women are under men and I want this and he excitedly agrees to it, but he doesn’t follow through. );
you should empower him to take charge. sign and notarize a discipline contract and ask him to take charge and keep you in line. the contract should clearly state that discipline is what you want and that it will never be called abuse amd used against him.
There is much confusion surrounding this subject, and D/s is often interpreted as a means to control women. Many of the men who are attracted to D/s for that reason, have issues that make them completely unsuited to act as a Dom. Submissive women are not looking for a chauvinist, mysogynist, narcissist, sociopath, or abuser, but unfortunately, many of them do not understand this, so that is what they end up with.
Years ago, a friend who had been a submissive for decades, told me that what had driven her to the lifestyle was a controlling husband. There is a big difference between acting out on your particular personality disorder, and entering into a mutual give and take relationship where each party receives what they desire or need.
I grew up learning that women were 2nd to men openly. My dad ran the house and was the authority and it was always my pleasure to make sure that he was comfortable because it made MY LIFE comfortable. Now with my husband, I fully trust that he knows best, and by doing so I’m nice and round with his first baby! And he gave that to me because I’m clean, organized, supportive, and pretty. So little work for so much happiness! I mean, be honest ladies, doesn’t it give you a little sexy thrill to submit fully? :3
Many women, like Ally (and Patricia and Mary above) get it. Men, don’t despair. Quality women are out there, and this blog is proof.
While female submission is a beautiful thing, the techniques of gaslighting and emotional blackmail will not get long-term results for positive and genuine submission because they are purely beta tactics only used by weak men. A real alpha would never have to resort to those because he has the tools to lead from love, logic, and confident assertiveness rather than of insecure, domineering techniques straight out of the narcissistic playbook. I have been on both sides of this dynamic and guarantee that my bitches are loyal because they benefit from submitting to my guidance.
False premise. Tools are tools–nothing is used only by “weak” men. Sometimes, why use a drill when a screwdriver will do the job?
This is how God and nature intend marriage to be. I’ve been married over 25 years and I slowly hate him more and more every day for his ass kissing, indecisive, passivity. I 100% blame him for the affair I had with an abusive ex con. Women crave this at a soul level. I worshiped the ground he walked on for 18 years. I controlled myself because he wouldn’t but the instant I met a man that looked in my eyes and exuded that masculinity I was gone. It wasn’t even the 3 years of abuse that brought me back it was because the boyfriend got a 9 year sentence for assault in an altercation, that didn’t involve me, and I had no where else to go. When I came back my robe was still hanging on the same hook on the bathroom door and I thought “you pussy!” If he’d had done that to me his shit would have been in a bonfire. We have separate bedrooms now and marriage of convenience now and I resent him more than ever. I’ve had 2 affairs since I came back and I’d leave him again if I found a man that could offer dominance AND stability. All men should learn these techniques. We would all be happier.
All too real.
Your posts are all about teaching men to tame women who are emotionally abusive. Why should men use your tactics on women who do not feel any accountability for their behaviour? Isn’t it better if a man moulds himself into a loving assertive leader, states what he wants, and only dates women who follow what he wants consciously and without mind games, for the sake of their own happiness? Wrestling with women who are not self aware or are malicious using non rational methods is a waste of precious happiness, don’t you think? A man can never be sure that a woman tamed by shogun would never leave him as soon as he loses his form or will not justify her horrible actions in future. Aren’t you condemning men to remain with horrible women?
It’s not up to me to judge a man’s choice of women. There could be valid reasons a man decides to stick with a woman even if she is emotionally abusive. Shogun Method is about choices; after all, a man’s power lies in the optionality that he has.
Yes! 10 million percent. How do I get this sent to my husband…I’ll send it…but he won’t read it. Shocker.