How To Win Her Back After A Breakup
“How to win her back, Derek?”
As a dating coach, I get lots of phone calls from my clients. They come from all walks of life, facing all sorts of problems in their relationships…
But the toughest ones I had to deal with was the “how to get my ex-girlfriend or wife back” variety.
In fact, close to 75% of my private Shogun Method clients look for my help to rekindle a broken relationship…
… and one of them was Josh.
Table of Contents
Josh’s Story
I had known Josh quite well.
In fact, I coached him three years ago when he decided he had enough of being alone.
At that time, Josh had devoured Shogun Method with utmost seriousness and enthusiasm. He did everything I taught him, and with gusto.
Not surprisingly, soon enough he met a pretty girl called Lisa. They fell in love with each other. They got married. Then they had a kid together.
Stories like that make my job worthwhile.
But this phone call from Josh shocked me out of proud-parent mode and back to the hard-assed Shogun Method coach that I was perhaps famous for.
He told me:
“Derek, I’m fucked. Lisa is divorcing me.”
I kept my composure and told him, “I can help you, Josh. But first, tell me what happened.”
“Well, for the first few months after our son Jason was born, everything was good. But then I started to notice a slide…
Every morning, I left the house at 6.30am and got back at 8pm. I had to make my dinner when I got home. I had to iron my shirt for work the next day, too.
She didn’t have a job, and all she had to do was to look after Jason all day. She didn’t even have to clean the house… that was on me.”
Josh paused. His voice started to shake.
“Derek, I knew we were falling apart. I tried my best to save our marriage. I really did.
My wife just doesn’t love me anymore. She wants a divorce.”
I took a deep breath. “What did you do to save your marriage, Josh?” I asked.
“I asked her what I could do to change.”
Oh, boy.
When I heard that, I knew we had our work cut out for us.
I’ll tell you what happened to Josh later, but for now, know this…
Understanding Female Psychology Will Help You Get Your Ex Back
Look, I’ve saved many relationships from the brink. I’ve helped my clients start their troubled relationships over. It’s what I do.
Am I a magician? No. Though I did receive some accolades for the wizardryof Shogun Method…
My only secret is a deep understanding of the true nature of one thing:
Female psychology.
So, here’s the deal…
If (like Josh) you want your ex back, then you’ve got to understand female psychology yourself.
I’ll show you how to do that in this article, so continue reading and remember to take lots of notes.
Here’s the first thing you must know about how a woman behaves:
She merely REACTS to her boyfriend’s or husband’s behavior.
- If you do the right thing, she will respond favorably to you.
- If you do the wrong thing, she will respond negatively to you.
Makes sense?
Now if your relationship is failing then it only points to one conclusion:
You’re doing the wrong thing(s).
It’s true!
How To Win Her Back: What NOT To Do
So, if your relationship is not doing well because you’ve been doing the wrong things, the answer is obvious:
Stop doing the wrong things!
Now here’s the real kicker…
Most of the time, guys don’t even know what those wrong things are. (Who can blame us, right?)
The good news is that once you KNOW whose wrong things are and you COMMIT to NOT do them again, then guess what? Half of the battle is already won.
We’ll get to the list of “things NOT to do” shortly, but for now, understand this:
The truth about the nature of female psychology is too harsh and ugly in today’s society ruled by political correctness.
We’ve all been conditioned to believe things about women that simply untrue.
The consequences?
Your friends and family dishing out well-meaning advice that doesn’t work…
The media promoting ideas like “gender equality” and “feminism”which can be downright dangerous…
Now here’s the problem with conventional thinking about love and relationships: it sounds logical. And you should already know that the problem with relationships is that they are hardly logical. Right?
And guess what? When it comes to getting an ex-girlfriend or wife back, conventional advice is just plain horrible.
Below are some examples… look at them and see if you make these mistakes:
Mistake #1: “Having a ‘heart-to-heart’ talk with your ex”
I know, I know…
You want to sit down with her and gush about your feelings.That you can’t stop thinking about her. And that you can’t imagine living without her…
You want to find out what is going on inside her head. You want to know WHY she wants to break up with you… so that you can make amends and fix the broken relationship…
And you want to tell her how much she means to you. How much you don’t want to lose her.
Your heart is telling you to do all these things.
I’m telling you NOT to.
Instead of surrendering and letting her how vulnerable you are, you need to HIDE your feelings. Appearing WEAK to her is a huge mistake.
Instead, you need to keep her guessing. Why?
Well, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “familiarity breeds contempt” before, right?
You know what? She wants to leave you because you revealed too much of yourself. It’s true. So, do yourself a favor and stop digging that hole.
Now what if she’s the one who wants to talk?
Well, in that case, use this magic phrase:
“Not right now. I need time to think.”
Or, if you want to go nuclear, try this one:
“There’s nothing to talk about… because, you know.”
Cryptic comments like these (“because, you know”) will make her head spin. I guarantee it!
Remember this:
Concealing your true feelings is absolutely ESSENTIAL if you want your ex back.
Of course, conventional Dating Gurus will tell you that “total openness” is the way to go and “honesty is the best policy”.
Fuck that.
Mistake #2: “Make her happy and she’ll come back to you”
On the surface, this piece of advice makes perfect sense.
I mean, if you make her happy, then naturally she’ll want to come back to you. Completely logical, right?
Breaking news: women are illogical. Trying to appeal to her “logic” is useless (and stupid.) To fix a toxic relationship by appealing to her reason is absurd.
If anything, your happiness is more important than hers.
I can hear alarm bells ringing in your head now…
“Derek, that’s a really selfish thing to say.”
Perfectly understandable. But hear me out here…
When you put your happiness first, she’ll end up happier!
How so?
Well, consider this: we are naturally wired to be attracted to happy people (and avoid those who are not.)
In a way, we tend to “punish” people who put the happiness of others ahead of their own.
Think about it. It’s 100% true!
And this leads us to the third mistake…
Mistake #3: “Do everything she says and give her everything she wants.”
“Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it!”
You’ve probably said this to her.
(Many of our clients did this before I knocked some sense into them.)
Remember the Shogun Method cardinal rule of love and relationships:
Women want to be led.
They crave for dominant men to follow.
They want to do shit for the men they admire.
And they will never be in love with beta males who can’t lead.
This means that if you can’t lead her, she can’t love you.
So, guess what?
Asking her what you should do FOR her isn’t exactly “leading”.
If you’re doing shit for her, stop already.
I’m sure she had bitched about some things about yourself that she didn’t like. And you want to “fix” those things so that she loves you again.
Tell her to fuck right off. Don’t try to change anything about yourself for her. Seriously.
Got all that? Well, to summarize, here’s your “Not-To-Do” list:
- Don’t have a “heart-to-heart talk” with her.
- Stop thinking that if you make her “happy”, she’ll want to be with you.
- Quit doing shit for her.
Keep these close to your heart. Very important.
Next: let’s talk about the things you must DO instead to get her come crawling back to your arms.
You’ll learn about the three steps you need to take to win her back… keep reading!
How To Win Her Back – What To Do
Here are three steps in our patented Shogun Method “how to win your ex back” strategy. Let’s look at the first step…
Step #1: Disarm her.
Here are the magic words to tell her:
“You’re right. Let’s take a breather.”
(You can tell her face-to-face, or over text.)
What’s the point of this?
Well, this: To break her pattern.
She expects you to put up a fight to get her back. So, by agreeing to the breakup you’re doing something out of her expectation.
Remember: the reason she broke up with you was that she lost attraction for you. You’ve been predictable and boring.
And so by making this move, you’re “breaking” her pattern. And at the same time, you’re disarming her.
Net effect? You’ll spike her interest again. And this time, you’ll be keeping her interested in you.
And when you’ve done this, then you can move on to the next step…
Step #2: Hypnotize Her.
In the first step, you stopped her from moving away from you. You did something unexpected… by agreeing to her plans to be apart from each other.
By doing so, you’ve intrigued her. You drew her in closer to you.
You opened her mind. Now, it’s time to covertly implant some thoughts into her brain.
How do you do this? Answer: by hypnotizing her.
Yes: you’ll use hypnosis on her. But instead of making her dance like a chicken on stage, you’re using hypnosis to win back her love.
In particular, you’ll use hypnosis to slip thoughts into her brain without her rejecting them.
How do you do that? By making her think that reconciling with you is her idea all along.
Think of it this way: how do you get a 3-year-old to eat broccoli?
Well, you could try to give him the broccoli directly. But he’ll cry and push that green mush away…
…and yet if you hide it inside a burger, he’ll devour that superfood without even realizing it.
You’ll have the kid eating what’s good for him without any begging, pleading, fighting, or crying.
Makes sense, right?
Women are like children. The more you can treat her like a temperamental toddler, the easier your relationship will be. It’s true.
So, what can you hypnotize her to make her think that she wants to come back to you?
Easy – by using a Shogun Method technique called Implanted Commands.
The complete list of 44 Implanted Commands inside Module 6 of Shogun Method. Here’s an example Implanted Command which you can use on her:
“Sooner or later, you’ll get over what you’re feeling right now and start thinking positive thoughts about me.”
Here are the reasons why the line works:
- She’ll agree with the first part (“Sooner or later, you’ll get over your feeling”) – after all, she can’t expect to feel like this forever, right?
- She will subconsciously agree with the second part as the follow up to the first part (“Think positive thoughts about me”)
Clever, huh?
Step #3: Enslave Her!
ENSLAVEMENT is the final step in getting her back.
And when this step is completed, she will be back in your arms forever. Believe me.
What do I mean by “Enslavement“, really?
Well, let’s use a common example…
Have you ever seen a woman stay with a piece-of-shit boyfriend or husband despite the physical and emotional abuse?
Why would she devote herself to somebody who beats the crap out of her?
Answer: emotional enslavement.
She’s emotionally addicted to him, and no matter how hard she tries, she can’t “quit” him. It’s true.
Look, I’m not saying it’s right. It’s merely human nature… whether you like it or not.
Here’s how we are different, though:
Enslavement is a tool we use – for good. After all, you KNOW that she will be HAPPIER with you, right?
So, you’re doing it for her long-term happiness. Surely, nobody will fault you for that, right?
How To Enslave A Woman (Emotionally)
How do you enslave a woman?
Well, two ways:
- The long way is through years and years of emotional manipulation on a daily basis…
- The quick way is by using a technique called Fractionation.
And because timing is crucial now, let’s look at the quick way (Fractionation), OK?
Fractionation is a hypnosis / mind manipulation technique where you pull her out of the trance, and then put her back under.
Then, you rinse and repeat:
Hypnotize her, then bring her back to reality… and then hypnotize her again.
Every time you repeat this process, the hypnotic state getsdeeper.And when she is deeply hypnotized, you’ll be able to make her emotionally enslaved to you.
Sounds good?
Josh’s Happy Ending
In a moment I’ll tell you how you can learn Fractionation and make it work for you, so keep reading…
But for now, let’s continue the story of Josh and Lisa (and you’re going to learn how it ends.)
Josh was just about to have a “heart to heart talk” with his wife. And I managed to stop Josh just in time before he could do stupid shit like that.
Instead, I sent him a video showing how he could use Fractionation to make a woman emotionally enslaved to him. (You’ll find out where to watch this video later, so read on.)
And that was where everything changed in his marriage. Lisa saw Josh in a different light altogether… because she was hypnotized to see the GOOD in Josh.
In Lisa’s eyes, he’s a new man. And Lisa loves it.
How To Get Your Ex Back: Use Fractionation On Her
So, what about you? What are you going to do now?
Consider this: the best time to take action is when something is fresh in your mind. When inspiration grabs you, grab it back.
Let me ask you this:
How badly do you want your ex-girlfriend or wife back?
Do you still love her? Is she always in your mind? Could you bear the thought of not being with her (or worse, her being with another guy)?
Will you do whatever it takes to get her back into your arms?
Fractionation holds the key to the salvation to your relationship. Master it and you’ll get her back. It’s that simple. Believe me.
And even better:
You can learn Fractionation right now. All you have to do is show up at my Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
It’s the same Online Masterclass that Josh had joined to learn about Fractionation. And remember: if Josh could do it, so can you.
All you need to do is to click on this link below:
Request Access To Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass
After you click, the registration page to the Online Masterclass will come up. There, enter your best email address because I’ll email you your own Access Keys to get in.
See you in the Masterclass,
PS: Got questions on the three-step “how to get your ex back” strategy above? Post me a comment and I will answer you personally.
Lee says
How to use Fractionation when she isn’t interested in me and got another guy in her life already?
Derek Rake says
Fractionation works the same: it doesn’t matter if she’s already with another guy. You can use Shogun Method to win her back.
Pranjal says
Hello Derek,
I am a Shogun Method client. My girlfriend recently left me. Please tell me which are the techniques inside the Shogun method that I can apply to win her back?
Derek Rake says
Submit a request inside the client portal.
Cso says
Hi Derek,
My ex dumped me second time after our 8 years relationship because her feelings disappeared. She is not interested anymore and sent me a message that this is really over.
We are not talking at all.
Does your method can help me to get her back second time?
Derek Rake says
Depends how long it has lapsed since the last time you talked to her.
Jesse says
I messed up by violating a rigid boundary of hers out of frustration. She’s has intense avoidant tendencies were coming up on our first year anniversary and the last several months have been pain staking. I’m working on my need for reassurance but it seems that any slip up compounds the problem and she recently expressed “I don’t know if i can move on from this”. I know it’s this time of year puts added pressure but I’ve never been triggered or felt this helpless (not to sound like a total simp). I gave her couple days of space to wich she reached out to me and when we met up she was clearly hesitant to want to reconnect i got anxious and chased ever so slightly to wich she responded with the last comment I mentioned. Sorry for the novel but is this salvageable.
Derek Rake says
It depends. If you’ve lost frame, then it’s an uphill battle. Freeze her out, and put her back on the IRAE Model immediately.