Male Dominance In Relationships
Are you in a relationship with a woman you love, but you made the mistake of putting her needs and happiness first?
And is your relationship now suffering as a result?
Do you want to know how to be a dominant man, so that you can “restore the balance” in your relationship?
If so, then you’re on the right track.
You’ve just learned the HARD way that the more subservient you are to your woman, the less happy she becomes.
And the less happy she becomes, the less happy the relationship becomes:
- She’ll be more critical
- She’ll be more suspicious
- She’ll be more disrespectful
- She’ll be more insecure
- She’ll be more confrontational
In short, she’ll be an absolute bitch.
Here’s some bad news…
Unfortunately, you can’t just “flip the switch” on dominance.
You can’t just try to dominate her out of the blue. Why? Because she’s going to react very, very badly to that.
So, what should you do instead?
The answers are all in this Shogun Method guide on how to be a dominant man.
Be sure to take notes!
Table of Contents
Why Be A Dominant Man?
Let me say it for the record:
Women are hard-wired by Mother Nature to be subservient to men.
For some people, that’s an inconvenient truth.
But it IS the truth. And if you want your relationship to succeed, you’ll need to build it on the truth, and not on a bunch of convenient lies.
Her Need For Domination Is Subconscious
Now, here’s the thing:
Your woman may NOT know CONSCIOUSLY that she wants to submit to you.
She might even SAY she’ll never submit to you or any other man.
But deep inside? It’s her greatest need.
Deep inside, she desperately needs to be led by a strong, dominant, purpose-driven man.
It’s simply how Mother Nature designed women to be. It’s hard-coded into the female psychology.
And that, my friend, is the ultimate key to understanding relationships on a deep level.
Clueless Men Deserve To Fail
Sadly, too few men know about this fact.
And most guys who FIND OUT about this fact… REFUSE to believe it.
I pity those guys. They’ve been brainwashed by society (and the female imperative) to be complete wussies.
Political correctness has turned them into mere shells of the men they could have been.
Now, let me ask you this question. What’s more important to you:
- Making sure you don’t offend a bunch of strangers? Or,
- Having a successful relationship with your woman, even if it means offending her?
Make no mistake, now…
Your success as a man hinges on you dominating your woman.
And you’re going to learn how to do that today.
How To Be A Dominant Man – The Three Top Traits
There are many glaring differences between a dominant man and a subservient one.
Here are three of the biggest differences:
Difference #1: Dominant Men Lead. Subservient Men Follow.
Subservient men put their women’s needs and happiness before their own.
Fucking pussy.
OK, don’t get wrong. It might make her smile and giggle and smother you with kisses for a while…
…but in the long run, she’ll start to wonder:
“Yes, I feel like a queen… but he sure feels like a slave to me.”
Would any woman feel happy being tied to a slave?
Hell, no!
So keep this in mind: It’s YOUR job to lead the relationship.
No exceptions.
Even if it hurts or offends her sometimes.
In the long run, it’ll make her the happiest woman in the world. Believe me.
Difference #2: Dominant Men Would Rather Be Wrong Than Indecisive.
Here’s one of the things a woman hates the most:
It’s when she and her man need to make a decision together, but he says: “I’ll leave it up to you, babe.”
To women, it’s like someone raking their fingernails over a chalkboard.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a big decision (like where to live or how many kids to have)…
…or a small decision (like where to have dinner).
It’s better to be wrong than to be indecisive. So make a decision. ANY decision will do.
If you turn out wrong, adjust and make things right. Easy peasy.
But here’s what to remember: NEVER surrender your authority to your woman.
Difference #3: Dominant Men Are Aggressors In The Bedroom.
That means no asking for permission.
No “being gentle,” either.
You take charge! Give her as much as she can handle.
Manhandle her. Kiss her hard. Fuck her senseless.
Make her the star of her own erotic fantasy.
Think of it this way: She’ll be comparing you to all the other guys she’s fucked in her life.
If you’re NOT the manliest, most dominant one of all… then you’re fucked. (In a bad way.)
The Right Way To Display Dominant Male Behavior
Remember! You can’t just “flip the switch” and be dominant overnight.
If you tried displaying the three “dominant man” traits overnight, she’ll notice it.
And her radar will pick it up. She’ll know you’re up to something.
And when she knows you’re up to something, she’ll resist you.
And so all that dominant behavior will just backfire on you.
Best case, she’ll leave you. Worst case, she’ll leave you AND call the police on you.
So don’t ruin it by doing everything all at once.
Here’s what you need to do…
Be Dominant By Controlling Her Mind (Covertly)
You’ll need a different approach. And the approach I strongly suggest you take is this:
Use Mind Control.
Or more specifically:
Use the Mind Control technique called “Fractionation.”
What’s Fractionation?
Fractionation is a technique that puts your woman on an emotional rollercoaster.
It’s like an emotional thrill ride she can’t control but can’t help but feel addicted to.
It’s the same thrill ride she gets from reading her erotic novels and watching her TV dramas.
Here’s the best thing about emotional rollercoasters: they fly under her radar.
She WON’T think you’re up to something. And as a result, she won’t resist you.
She’ll just feel the emotional thrill, enjoy it, and let it snap her out of her bad behavior.
Try Fractionation out, and you’ll notice the results very soon:
- She’ll stop dominating you
- She’ll stop disrespecting you
- She’ll stop usurping your authority
- She’ll see you as the strongest, most dominant guy she’s ever met
- She’ll feel ADDICTED to you
- She’ll happily accept you as the leader of your relationship
Fractionation Examples
Here are a few examples of Fractionation in action:
When you’re just starting out…
- Learn to say “Yes” when you mean yes, and “No” when you mean no. No compromises.
- If you live together, start fixing broken things around the house.
- When she argues with you, stand your ground and don’t give in.
When she’s starting to warm up to you again…
- Start teasing her, then putting your arm around her shoulders in public.
- Start treating her like a woman, even if it means being sexist or offensive.
- When she’s wrong about something, correct her and educate her.
When you’re sure she’s in love with you again and you want to seal the deal…
- Hold her hand, twirl her, or compliment her anytime you want – even when it’s in public and even if it embarrasses her.
- Set big goals, share them with her, and make her hold your beer as she watches you achieve them.
- Intentionally take her on emotional rollercoasters to make sure she stays in line.
The idea is this:
To be loved, respected, and feared all at the same time.
Fractionation will do that for you.
And here’s the best part: You can master Fractionation TODAY.
Learn Fractionation now – sign up for my Online Masterclass on Mind Control below:
YES, DEREK – I want to become a dominant man (CLICK HERE)
(Once you clicked on the link, the registration page for the Masterclass comes up. There, enter your best email address. Once we have qualified you, we’ll email you your Invite to the Masterclass.)
So, remember:
The biggest mistake you could ever make as a man is to surrender your authority to your woman.
Believe me!
She’ll be unhappy, you’ll be unhappy, and the relationship falls apart.
But if you’re ALREADY in that bad situation, then don’t panic.
You can STILL establish your dominance over your woman and your relationship.
You can STILL save your relationship and make it even better than before.
But you MUST learn Fractionation. It’s the key. Nothing else will work.
Bulletproof your relationship by exerting your dominance on her! Master Fractionation here.
See you in the Masterclass,
P.S: Got any questions, comments, or need help? Post your comment below and I will answer you personally.
Michael says
Dude. I know its business to you. I need your help man. Can you send me a personal guide to black rose sequence in my email. Man I really need to change my girlfriend for good :(.
Derek Rake says
The Black Rose Sequence is here:
Ricky says
Hi Derek,
By now I know that Confident and Dominant men are the one women go crazy over… but my problems are :
1. I feel a little self-conscious when being around with other men who are blessed with good looks, have cool bikes to show off and a charming personality. I don’t know how to behave in that situations because m not a good looking guy by any mean i’ve lots of acne on my face. what you suggest what should I do to behave like a true Shogun?
2. Although I know that I’ve to practice what I’ve learned. But when the time comes I’m not able to take any action. Don’t know why! Can you help to solve this problem ?
Derek Rake says
1. Your looks don’t matter. Follow the three Preconditions inside Shogun Method and that will put you in good stead.
2. Grow a pair and just do it!
Ruby says
Derek, my late husband was just on the path to understanding some of this. How can I learn subservience to honor his memory? I am really lost now & need guidance. Thank you for sharing what every woman needs to hear & be taught before it’s too late for them so they do not end up in my situation.