How To Control Your Wife (And Make Her Submissive To You)
Ever wanted to know how to handle your wife?
Barry, a 47-year husband from Nevada, sure did.
He became a Shogun Method client when he asked – or rather, BEGGED – for help with his wife.
“Anita has been giving me problems lately,” Barry told me. “She gets agitated easily, and she’s very disrespectful to me… even in public!”
Barry then told me the horror stories:
- Anita ridiculed him in front of their friends
- Anita embarrassed him in front of his own parents
- Anita would get into angry fits randomly
- Anita berated him in public
- Anita would get triggered easily and start acting like a female psychopath
Table of Contents
…And Then She Started Lying
Worst of all, Barry told me, was when Anita started to lie to him.
“She tells me she’s going out to meet some of her girlfriends,” he told me. “But I recently realized she was actually meeting her GUY friends… mostly to complain about me.”
Barry sighed. “I love her and I want her to be happy with me,” he said.
“Tell me how to rekindle my marriage.”
“And I hate to say this, Derek… but I want to learn how to control my wife.”
Barry was ashamed at having to say the word “control.”
But he was surprised when he saw I was smiling at him.
“Good,” I told him. “You want control. Now we’re talking.”
That day, I taught Barry how to control his wife.
And you should, too, if your own wife has been making your life a living hell.
Signs You’re Having Problems With Your Wife
First, let’s define what counts as an “attitude problem.”
Check if your wife is showing any of the following bad signs…
Top Seven “Attitude Problem” Wife Indicators
- She disrespects you in public
- She lies to you
- She’s no longer interested in having sex with you
- She acts crazy just to get your attention
- She’s making these side-comments and hints that you’re not doing your job
- When you try to help her with her problems, she says you “just don’t get it”
- She uses condescending language, like “Are you listening?” or “Didn’t you even stop to think that ___?”
If she shows any of the signs above (or similar), then yes – she has an attitude problem.
And if you don’t fix her fast, you WILL lose her.
Yup, you read that right:
- It’s YOUR job to “fix” her; and
- If you DON’T do it, you’ll lose her.
But hey, relax. This Shogun Method guide will explain WHY it’s your job (and no one else’s), and how to do it RIGHT.
How To Handle Your Wife
First of all, let me say this:
If your wife has an attitude problem, it’s NOT your fault.
Yup, it’s your job to fix it. But it’s not your fault.
Why not?
Because you – and most other husbands today – have been brainwashed.
We’ve been led to think that to be a “good husband,” we need to:
- Be honest and open and upfront with our wives
- Never offend or hurt them
- Be 100% loyal to one woman
- Go with her preferences in the little things
- Make her happy, because “happy wife means happy life” (yeah, right)
- Buy her gifts, do her favors, hold doors, pull out chairs, etc.
- (Other examples of “good husband” duties)
But here’s the thing…
Even if a guy acted like the perfect husband – like Barry did – his marriage will STILL get worse and worse.
Because society’s definition of a “good husband” is total bullshit.
I’ll tell you why next…
You’ve Changed, That’s Why
Think about this for a moment. When your woman first fell in love with you, what were you like?
No doubt you were an exciting, dominant, sexy bachelor she couldn’t control.
Now, you’re being the “perfect husband.” You’re completely different from the man she fell in love with.
Before, you were exciting. Now you’re predictable.
Before, you were dominant. Now you’re submissive.
Before, you were sexy. Now you’re boring.
Before, you were strong. Now you’re weak.
How do you think a woman feels when she realizes, too late, that she married a weak man?
MAD AS HELL, that’s for sure!
And she’ll make her frustration known through the “bad attitude” you’re now familiar with.
It’s Not Her Fault, Either
Here’s the thing most husbands don’t realize…
Your wife’s bad attitude? It’s not intentional.
It’s instinctual.
It’s something Mother Nature hard-wired into women’s psyche over 200,000 years of evolution.
Her bad behavior – arguing with you, criticizing you, challenging you, etc. – they’re all TESTS.
On instinct, she’s testing you to see if you’re as strong, manly, and dominant as she needs you to be.
If you overcome her bad attitude like a man, then you pass the test. She then reverts to her happy, contented, respectful self… because she knows she’s in good hands.
But if you shrink under her bad attitude… or give in to her demands… or get angry or emotional…
…then you FAIL the test. And she’ll feel even more frustrated and angry than before.
Warning! Your Marriage May Be On The Way To Ruin
Here’s the key to understanding relationships and women:
If your wife has been getting a bad attitude, and it’s been getting worse and worse…
…then it simply means you’ve been failing her tests over and over.
In fact, that’s the #1 reason why marriages fail. It’s true.
The story line typically goes like this:
- The guy loses his manliness after marriage.
- His wife starts testing him.
- He keeps failing the tests.
- He wonders what he can do to “handle” his wife.
- She keeps testing him, desperately hoping to see the man she fell in love with.
- He STILL keeps failing.
- On and on and on until she gives up, leaves him, and finds a more dominant man.
Does that sound familiar to you?
She Can’t Tell You What She Wants
Now, you might be wondering:
“Then why doesn’t she just TELL ME what she wants? Why go through all these stupid tests and mind games?”
Well… not quite.
You see, if your wife had to TELL YOU what she wanted, then you’d STILL fail the test. You couldn’t figure it out. She had to spell it out for you.
You basically showed her that you’re not only weak and submissive… but you’re also clueless. Oops.
And besides – remember that it’s not intentional on her part.
It’s instinctual.
So, really, it’s not your wife who’s testing you. It’s Mother Nature’s 200,000 years of wisdom hard-wired into her.
And you can’t beat Mother Nature. No one can.
What you CAN do is this:
Start PASSING the tests.
By flipping the script.
Put simply, you stop being the weak, submissive “yes-man” you’ve become…
…and actually add some emotional TURMOIL into your relationship.
No, I don’t mean you have to hurt her. I never advocate getting abusive with women.
Instead, you’ll need to know how to train your wife. To do that, you’ll use some good, old-fashioned Mind Control.
Here’s how Barry did it…
A Masterclass In “Wife Control”
The Mind Control technique I taught Barry is called Fractionation.
It works so well because of one thing:
Fractionation preys on the female mind’s vulnerability to emotional rollercoasters.
Different kinds of emotional rollercoasters include:
- Pain, relief, pain, relief, etc.
- Pressure, pleasure, pressure, pleasure, etc.
- Sadness, happiness, sadness, happiness, etc.
Why Women Are Addicted To Emotional Rollercoasters
Emotional rollercoasters tend to have these effects on a woman:
- It snaps her out of bad behavior
- It makes her focus her complete attention on her man
- It gives her the emotional fulfillment that she craves from her man
- It makes her listen and obey her man with minimal (or zero) resistance
- It makes her feel a growing emotional attachment to her man
In a sense, Fractionation “restores the balance” in a marriage.
How? By re-establishing your position as the dominant male. Remember: it’s the ONE THING your wife desperately wants. Believe me.
Six Steps To Control Your Wife
So here’s how Barry used Fractionation to control Anita and save their marriage:
- STEP #1: PAIN. The next time Anita disrespected him in public, he didn’t get emotional. Instead, he just turned around and left her where she stood. He “disappeared” for 24 hours, not replying to any of Anita’s texts or calls.
- STEP #2: RELIEF. He came home the following day, and he acted like nothing happened. He didn’t talk about his walk-out, and when a now-subdued Anita tried to bring it up, he brushed it off.
- STEP #3: MORE PAIN. Anita displayed good behavior for several days after that. But one day, she slipped up and disrespected Barry in public again. Once more, Barry turned around and disappeared – this time for three days. Anita went berserk trying to contact him, to no avail.
- STEP #4: MORE RELIEF. After three days, Barry came home again. Once more, a subdued Anita asked him what was going on.
- STEP #5: MORE PAIN. This time, Barry put his foot down. “You disrespect me one more time,” he warned her, “and we’re through.” Anita went BERSERK. She claimed she wasn’t disrespecting him. But Barry calmly refuted her claims with evidence.
- STEP #6: MORE RELIEF. Finally, Anita admitted she was being disrespectful, and apologized. At that, Barry lavished her with affection, telling her it’s okay and that they’d start over.
You’d think that after Barry pulled a stunt like that, Anita would hate his guts, right?
Wrong. Anita LOVED it. She LOVED the new Barry.
Or more accurately – it was the OLD Barry. The Barry she fell in love with so many years ago.
She loved the strong, manly, dominant husband she was now following. She couldn’t be happier.
Needless to say, all her bad attitude disappeared almost instantly. She became the loving, supportive, respectful wife Barry needed.
How To Handle Your Wife (Use Mind Control On Her!)
Now, it’s YOUR turn.
Look here. It doesn’t matter what caused your wife’s bad attitude.
You can dominate her, make her happy again, and save your marriage. It’s never too late. Trust me on this.
Guys like Barry has proven that my method works. Forget about cookie-cutter “dating guru” and “marriage therapist” crap you see elsewhere.
This is the real deal. Believe me.
Here’s the catch, though…
You MUST learn Mind Control. You must learn how to hypnotize a woman. It’s the key to getting everything you want.
Luckily for you, you can learn Shogun Method today.
Remember this:
If you can’t handle your wife, you’ll lose her.
Don’t wait until she leaves you for a stronger, more dominant man.
I’ll see you inside the brotherhood,

P.S: Questions? Comments? A story to share? Sound off in the comments section below!
Can I ask about the practicalities of disappearing – 24 hours would be fine, but I suspect that if I disappeared for 3 days my wife would contact all of our friends and family to see if they knew where I was. This would obviously then worry them, risk missing person reports, etc! Not to mention the embarrassment of them asking me about it at a later date. Do you have any advice about how to deal with these potential problems? Thanks