Reading Time: 8 Minutes
How To Make Your Girlfriend Want You More Than Ever
John was panicking.
He was in a relationship with a wonderful woman named Jeannie. But after years of being with her, John saw disturbing signs the relationship was about to end…
- She was having less and less interest in sex with him
- She was more stressed out and irritable around him
- She was more cynical and critical of him
- She was getting angry even at small things
- She might have been seeing other guys
- She became so manipulative which made him wonder: “is she using me?“
“I really think she’s about to leave me,” John told me when he came to see me in San Diego.
“She smiles and laughs more when she’s with other men…
“But when she’s with me, she’s always in a bad mood. And we rarely ever have sex anymore – and when we do, she never seems satisfied.”
Table of Contents
Has Your Girlfriend Stopped Wanting You?
Now, picture your girlfriend in front of you.
And then, answer these questions for me:
Do YOU have the same problem with your girlfriend?
Do you want her to want you more sexually?
Do you want to keep her from leaving you for another man?
If so, then you’re in luck.
This Shogun Method guide will show you the fastest, easiest way to do all of that, and more. Believe me.
You’ll learn everything you need to know on how to make your girlfriend want you – just like the early days in your relationship. It’s true.
But first, however, let’s take a good look at WHY she’s falling out of love for you.
Why Women Fall Out Of Love
If you’re worried that it’s your fault she’s losing interest in sex and the relationship… don’t be.
Here’s what you need to know for now –
It’s NOT your fault.
After all, EVERY relationship goes stale after a while. It’s natural.
In fact, EVERY nice thing in life gets stale after a while.
Yes, even “nice” things like sports cars, steak dinners, island vacations…
They all get boring when (1) they’re easily accessible and/or (2) they’re too familiar to you.
But that’s the bad news: You’ve become BOTH to your girlfriend.
You’re easily accessible AND too familiar.
That’s a recipe for being boring.
And it’s enough to make your girlfriend feel annoyed and look elsewhere for excitement.
You’ve Turned Weak And Submissive
That’s not all. Here’s what’s even worse:
You have surrendered your power in the relationship to her.
It’s what you basically do when you:
- Focus more on her happiness than your own
- Go with her preferences instead of imposing your own
- When you treat her more nicely than you did when she first fell in love with you
- Let her be a “high maintenance woman” as your needs become secondary to hers
- When you avoid doing anything that might hurt her feelings
- When “stability” in your relationship has become more important than “excitement”
- Feel that sexual tension has dropped to zero
- And a few other common changes committed couples go through
Here’s the kicker…
All these “normal” changes actually make you less and less attractive to your woman.
It’s enough to make her want out of the relationship. And if you don’t act fast, she will.
That’s the problem in a nutshell.
Now that you know the root cause of the problem, let’s look at how to fix your relationship.
How To Make Your Girlfriend Want You Sexually Again
Most guys, when their relationships are in trouble, turn to Pickup Artist (PUA) advice for help.
They go online and search for terms like “how to get my girlfriend to want me sexually again”, “how to make her sexually attracted to you”, etc.
And the result? They get regurgitated Pickup Artist advice like:
- You gotta look good, bro!
- You gotta dress well, bro!
- You gotta have sexy body language, bro!
- You gotta use this sex technique, bro!
- Yadda yadda, bro!
Fucking bullshit. Bro!
So here’s the deal about Childish Pickup Artist tricks…
It’s all short-term advice that will get you short-term results.
I mean, try it out. You’ll soon painfully learn why Pickup Artist techniques suck at long-term relationships.
Sure, your girlfriend might love you again… for a short while.
But later, she’ll realize you just pulled a trick on her.
And then what happens? She’ll hate you even MORE.
Worst, she’ll then have a reason to leave you. Oops.
Don’t YOU make that mistake!
Use What Works, And Don’t Follow Trends
Remember this, because it’s important:
Pickup Artist tricks are not science. It’s a trend.
And trends go away when enough of its followers realize they’ve been fooled.
Instead, lean on REAL science.
And here’s what science would have you know:
Men and women get turned on sexually in different ways.
Men are VISUAL. We get turned on by what we see.
Women are different. They are EMOTIONAL.
They get turned on by what they feel.
And the most intense way to turn a woman on is by putting her on an emotional rollercoaster.
Let’s find out about that next…
Why Women Are Addicted To Emotional Rollercoasters
I mean, you’ve seen it in action before, right? All the things she’s addicted to in life all put her in emotional rollercoasters:
- Her favorite movies (think 50 Shades Of Grey)
- Her favorite TV shows (think Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and Grey’s Anatomy)
- Her favorite friends (the ones she gets into arguments with occasionally)
- Her favorite commercial brands (from wanting a product to getting it)
- Her favorite food (from craving it to getting it)
The key to making her want you sexually more, then, is the same thing.
You’ll need to make her addicted to you. And to do that…
…you’ll need to put her on emotional rollercoasters.
Here’s how John did it. (And how you can learn to do the same thing.)
How John Made Jeannie Want Him Sexually Again
The day I met John and heard his problem, I knew the solution:
He had to make Jeannie feel emotionally addicted to him again.
If he did, then she’ll naturally feel sexually attracted to him again. It’s a natural side-effect.
So I went ahead and taught him a Shogun Method technique:
What’s Fractionation?
Fractionation (known in certain circles as fractionation seduction) is a Mind Control or Neuro-linguistic Programming pattern used in advertising and hypnotherapy.
It involves putting the listener (i.e. your girlfriend) on an emotional rollercoaster. All it takes is a few adjustments in what you say to her.
The result? She gets completely, emotionally addicted to you.
And then expect this to happen:
The sex will come back with a vengeance!
In John’s case, he remembered that when he and Jeannie were still dating, she loved rough sex.
So John guessed that it was his dominance that Jeannie missed. And so I designed for him an emotional rollercoaster with these components:
- First, he would exert his dominance over Jeannie…
- And then, he would show affection for her.
- Rinse and repeat.
How John Got Jeannie To Fractionate
Here are some examples of what he did next:
- He’d throw his weight around in the relationship… and then show Jeannie affection.
- He’d say “no” to Jeannie… and then show affection.
- He’d put his foot down on big decisions for the relationship… and then show affection.
As it turned out, he was right – Jeannie had been missing his strong, dominant side. And she absolutely LOVED how he started taking charge again.
And guess what? The rough sex made a comeback, too!
Today, John and Jeannie are still going strong. All because John started dominating the relationship… like nature intended him to.
You Can Make Your Girlfriend Want You Again
Ask yourself right now:
What made your woman fall in love with you the first time around?
It may be your clue as to what’s “missing” in your relationship right now.
But remember:
You need to bring it back in an “emotional rollercoaster” way.
Just don’t bring it back carelessly. Otherwise, she’ll think you’re up to something – like a childish Pickup Artist trick that’s doomed to fail.
So, my advice?
Learn how to put her on emotional rollercoasters.
Learn how to hypnotize her and make her love you even more.
Learn Fractionation.
The sooner you learn it, the better it will be for you. Believe me.
And guess what? You can learn Fractionation RIGHT NOW.
Here’s the smart thing to do:
Sign up for my Online Masterclass on Mind Control. In the Masterclass, I’ll share with you the Fractionation tactic in its full, uncensored glory.
Click this link:

YES, DEREK – I Want To Learn Fractionation
(Make sure you use your best e-mail address when signing up. I’ll be emailing your Invite Ticket as soon as you qualify for the Masterclass.)
Look, do you want to make your girlfriend want you more sexually?
You basically have two choices:
Follow what’s popular, or follow what works.
Pickup Artist advice is what’s popular. But it doesn’t work.
Fractionation may not be popular. But it DOES work.
17,000 other men in the Shogun Method community will attest to that.
My advice? Follow what works.
Mind Control can be tough to learn – no doubt about that. Not only that, classes which teach legitimate Mind Control can get pretty expensive. (Think $1,000 and above.)
Yet you can learn Fractionation now for free by clicking this link below. Do it – it’s the best thing you can do for yourself, all year.
I’ll see you in the Masterclass,

P.S: Questions? Comments? A story to share? I’d love to hear from you – just sound off in the comments section below.
my girlfriend has less and less been talking to me and not as sexual as she was when we started 3 months ago what should I do?