Sexual Tension: How To Identify And Deal With It
As a man, dealing with sexual tension is completely unavoidable.
As you go through life you’ll meet women:
They could be your co-workers, friends or neighbors.
Or the girls in your class if you’re at college.
Or even the barista at your local coffee shop.
No matter, who it is…
There’s some type of energy between you and her.
It’s something I’m often asked about:
“There’s this girl in my life…”
“I feel this incredible sexual tension between us…”
“I want to make a move…”
“But I don’t know if it’s real…”
“What are the sexual tension signs to look out for?”
“What should I do?”
To understand this…
You first must understand what sexual tension IS.
Table of Contents
Sexual Tension: A Definition
Sexual tension is a remarkably simple thing, actually.
It means you’re an “Option.”
She likes you…
She’s attracted to you…
And guess what? If you play your cards right, she could well be yours.
Here’s why:
Sexual tension kick-starts courting process.
In the four stages of love, sexual tension is stage zero.
Women need it.
In fact, they love it.
Sexual tension is a feeling they CRAVE.
This all goes back to foreplay.
(I’m sure you understand how important foreplay is, right?)
Women need it to get warmed up and, “in the mood.”
Well, sexual tension is almost like a type of “Relationship Foreplay.”
Why Sexual Tension Is Important
Here’s the thing…
All successful relationships build on a foundation of great sexual tension.
She HAS to feel it before she can fall in love with you (or make love to you.)
Not only that…
Every woman wants a guy who’s good in bed.
They want a guy who’s going to be sexually compatible with them.
You know, a guy they’ll have INCREDIBLE sexual experiences with.
And guess what? Sexual tension is a sign you’re that guy.
(It’s basically her reptile brain giving you the “OK”.)
On the other hand, know this…
The ABSENCE of sexual tension is a BAD sign.
It means you could be a dud in bed.
(Or worse, impotent.)
And here’s yet another reason why sexual tension is vital.
Women see sexual tension as a gut feeling that you’re the right guy…
…that this is going to “work.”
(And women base EVERYTHING on their feelings. EVERYTHING.)
How To Know If There’s Sexual Tension Between You
So, how do you know if there’s sexual tension between you and her?
What are the sexual tension signs to look out for?
How do you know if she actually likes you?
First, understand this…
You need to be careful.
There’s a HUGE mistake most guys make.
(And if you make this huge mistake the sexual tension will evaporate in a heartbeat.)
Here’s that mistake:
They think sexual tension means she’s ready to jump into bed.
And all they have to do is drag her back to the cave.
And because of this they’re WAY too forward…
…and wind up coming off as desperate and needy.
Sexual Tension Doesn’t Have To Be “Sexual”
This is where you need to pay attention because it’s important!
Just because it’s called “Sexual Tension” doesn’t mean it has to be, “Sexual.”
(It’s not like a porno movie where her blouse bursts open “accidentally.”)
It’s NEVER like that.
And if you think like this you’re reading way too many “Pickup Artist” or “Dating Guru” blogs.
Nope, sexual tension is more like a type of subtle energy.
And because of this the signs are subtle.
In fact, most men are often completely unaware of them…
…and yet this is why every guy needs to learn about this.
Because believe me:
Women ARE checking you out.
And it’s more than likely that at least one’s interested.
The list of twelve sexual tension signs below will help you know this for sure.
(And save you from the embarrassment of being wrong.)
Twelve Sexual Tension Signs
How To Tell If Sexual Tension Is Mutual (For These 12 Signs)
- When you come into the room does she seem to perk up?
- Does she get into your personal space (and allow you into hers)?
- Do you feel as if she’s attracted to you?
- Are YOU attracted to her (on more than just a superficial or physical level)?
- Could you see yourself in a relationship with her?
- Does she frequently touch your arms or back?
- Does she make excuses to spend time with you?
- And when you see her does she “make an effort” to look good?
- Does she LISTEN when you talk?
- And seem interested in what you have to say?
- Does she seem nervous, intimidated (or, even a little scared around you)?
- Or, is she mean to you? (Women are sometimes meanest to the guys they like most.)
How many do you score in the list above?
Sexual Tension Body Language
Here’s something else you should know about…
I’m a big believer in body language.
And while Shogun Method is pretty much 90% verbal, there’s no denying that body language is important.
And you know what? There’s a big sexual tension body language signal.
Which is…
Does she hold eye contact with you?
Here’s why eye contact important:
It is a type of emotional and hypnotic connection.
And holding it is a HUGE sign that you’re in with her.
Let her know that you’re dominant.
That you’re the one in charge.
And one more thing you need to know about “sexual tension body language”:
Being clumsy or dropping things is a strong sign of sexual tension.
Anyway, all these means she likes you…
…and that sexual tension exists.
So far, so good!
How To Deal With Sexual Tension
OK, so there’s sexual tension between you and her. Now what?
How do you capitalize on this?
Remember: just because there’s sexual tension it doesn’t mean it’s a “Done Deal.”
Or, that she’s going to go to bed with you.
How Women Deal With Sexual Tension
Now, if you haven’t realized it already…
Women are strange.
They can feel sexual tension and at the same time not act on it.
There may be lots of reasons for this…
Maybe she has a boyfriend. (Or worse, she’s married.)
Or, she’s mending a broken heart from a bad relationship.
Or, she has got some heavy emotional damage that stops her from pursuing her heart’s desires.
Or, she’s an insecure woman who has deep self confidence issues.
Or, isn’t interested for whatever reason.
In this case, if you hit on her it could backfire.
And I DON’T want this to happen to you.
(Plus, it can also be a problem if you have to see her again. Like, if she’s a co-worker.)
How To Make Your Next Move
Here’s what you need to do next:
Imagine she’s a like wild animal you’re trying to capture.
You can’t walk up to her.
If you do this she’ll startle and run off.
What you need to do is slowly creep up…
And THEN strike!
The way to do this is with something called FRACTIONATION.
How To Use Fractionation To Increase Sexual Tension
You see, creating sexual tension can be surprisingly easy.
People do it all the time without even knowing.
And here’s what’s interesting…
You can make a woman feel sexual tension on purpose… if you know what to do.
It all breaks down into a few mechanical steps that are easy to replicate.
And these steps are what FRACTIONATION is all about.
Create Sexual Tension By Storytelling
Despite its rather “technical” name, Fractionation is surprisingly simple.
It’s just a special way of telling stories. And it can be as easy as describing a movie you watched.
Despite its simplicity, the effects can be incredible:
- Fractionation allows you to amplify any emotion she feels…
- Get it flowing in your direction and in your favor…
- Build rock solid rapport and an unbreakable connection…
- Get her emotionally hooked on you…
…to the point where she begs you to be with her.
(That’s when she’s emotionally addicted to you… she’ll need you like water to drink and air to breathe.)
No doubt about it: Fractionation works beautifully when done right.
Actually it works so well, she might even take the first step.
(Or, drag you into a broom closet.)
Look, She Wants You To Do This
Here’s something else you need to understand:
Women WANT this.
They want a guy who can take control and act on his desires.
They want that sexual tension relieved and resolved.
But here’s the kicker… you must approach this the RIGHT way.
Remember, she’s like a deer in the woods.
You don’t want to startle her.
(Or worse, come off as desperate.)
And with Fractionation you can avoid both of these problems.
It’s the perfect way to fly in completely under the radar.
Want to know how to use Fractionation on women?
Easy: join my Online Masterclass by clicking here.
There, I’ll teach you a suite of Mind Control techniques which you can use on women to get them under your dominance and authority.
(And yes, that includes Fractionation.)
Do it. Click on that link now.
P.S.: Questions? Comments? Leave them below, and I’ll reply personally.
Robert says
Not all women are the same tbh
Some use their brains too not just their feelings…..
Derek Rake says
Little-known fact: all women are triggered by the same emotional stimuli. Shogun Method works on any woman.
Gregory says
The One Sentence Fractionation does not work for me. Why? How can I make it work for me?
Derek Rake says
If you’re looking to create sexual tension, then pile them up.
John Kaye says
Truth. Sexual tension is unavoidable.
Here’s the thing, though. You can’t trust anything they say or do, and yes, some women are out to get you. You must be aware of the things that you do, and some say that no women are worth any amount of risk.
Knowledge like Shogun Method can be dangerous for the newbie.
Booja says
I felt giggly and excited when I read this! I have been dating a lot and feeling frustrated with how many men don’t know how to lead and show they are in charge and will go after what they want. They talk my ear off like they are my girlfriend, dont touch me, dont show any sexual dominance. When I do my part that us “Sirens” in the tension/attraction process are supposed to do on our end, most men can’t seem to handle the tension that is created. I feel so turned off as they whine at me and complain and give excuses…it makes me feel sad as they don’t seem to realize that they just shut down something primal that could have been great…so many guys I was initially attracted and waiting for his lion prowness to activate as he snuck up and pounced on this cute little red-headed Doe eating grass…..and he doesn’t….and things dry up
So far these have all been men in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s and I thought they would have this tension stuff down…so it has been a huge surprise to me when I met this 19 year old.
Before i knew He was a very take charge type of man and really knows how to lead. I experienced the eye contact. When I am attracted to a man I always look in his eyes..then look down and away and blush .often they beat me too it in the looking away. But with him I looked and he never looked away. And i felt like he was holding me captive with his eyes and i just couldnt look away. This resulted in very long eye locks between us and the way it turns me on is something so powerful. I never used to feel nervous around him but now i get so nervous when he looks at me and my knees shake and i get super wet. I even try not to look at him but he always is looking at me when we are in the same vicinity. I walk in a room and his eyes are on he is eating me up. I love it at the same time it terrifies me. Never have i experienced something like that! So I have been trying to figure it all out why I feel helpless to look away and why it turns me on so much and how i went from just thinking he was some kid who had no effect on me to feeling so nervous when he crosses an entire crowded room to come stand so close to me I can feel the heat of his body next to mine.
So when I read in your post about holding eye contact and dominance i now feel like i understand what is going on here. I loved how you wrote that a man that doesn’t look away and holds the eye contact is asserting his dominance! That makes so much sense to me! And helps me make some sense as to how this has created attraction in me that wasn’t there before from just one look.
I remember the first time; I was standing next to a girlfriend and he was talking to her. I was attentively listening and looking at him to show I was respectfully listening. He glanced my way to include me in what he was saying…and he never looked away, even though technically he was still talking to her. I am not used to a man who doesnt look away first .And I was paralyzed so much I couldn’t look away. He then took my hand and squeezed it as he introduced himself….I am just in awe that these were just indications of his dominance…and it is this continuing display of dominance that has me all attracted and craving him whereas before he was just some kid from across the fascinating!!
Thank you so much for explaining this