Dark Triad Traits Of Female Attraction
Have you ever heard of the “Dark Triad of Personality Traits?”
As you’ll discover as you read this article, the more important question is this:
Do YOU have a Dark Triad Personality?
If you’re wondering what the “Dark Triad” is, then here’s a quick overview…
The “Dark Triad” is a subject in psychology that focuses on three traits:
- Narcissism, or extreme self-love;
- Machiavellianism, or the tendency to use other people for selfish ends; and
- Psychopathy, or the absence of empathy for others
These three traits are called “dark” because of one reason:
They’re supposed to be malevolent and destructive.
And yet, guess what? As you’ll find out soon, they’re really not.
Table of Contents
How Dark Side Personality Traits Make You A Killer Seducer
In the years I’ve been teaching Shogun Method, I’ve reached an interesting conclusion:
Shogun Method clients who had at least one Dark Triad trait became the most successful with women and life.
In fact – the more Dark Triad traits a student had, the more successful with women he tended to be.
But here’s the interesting thing: Were these students “bad” or “evil?”
That’s just the thing. They weren’t.
They were strong, dominant, and driven…
…but they were NOT evil, abusive, or dishonest. Far from it!
Hmm. Seems like there’s more to Dark Triad personality traits than meets the eye, right?
Since we’re focused on making you successful with women, the most pressing questions are:
- Why do women love men with Dark Triad personality traits?
- Do you have Dark Triad personality traits?
- Can you DEVELOP Dark Triad personality traits?
- Will they help YOU become more successful with women?
This article will answer all those questions… and a whole more.
And you’ll also find that having Dark Triad personality traits will help you win if you’re in toxic relationships (or, worse, if you’re dating a sociopath).
Be sure to read ‘til the end – this article might very well kick your dating game up a full notch. Continue reading!
The Brutal Truth About Women You Must Know
If you’ve been dating for a while, then you’ve probably noticed this:
Women hate nice guys, but they love bad boys.
It’s just a fact of life. The nicer you are to a woman, the less likely she’ll date you or sleep with you.
In fact, the nicer you are, the more likely you’ll end up in the friend zone. (You’ve noticed this, right?)
So why do women hate nice guys, but love bad boys?
It’s not because they’re “crazy,” or because they’re a “mystery who can’t be solved.”
Those are lazy excuses.
Let me lay it out for you loud and clear:
Women love bad boys because they have Dark Triad traits.
In stark contrast, nice guys DON’T have Dark Triad traits:
- They’re not narcissistic – instead, they’re very self-deprecating
- They’re not Machiavellian – instead, they’d NEVER use other people to get what they want
- They’re not psychopathic – instead, other people’s feelings are more important than their own
Women are attracted to men with STRENGTH… and nice guys simply just don’t have it.
Meanwhile, the “jerks” – the men who have one or more Dark Triad traits – get all the women!
And it’s the men who have ALL THREE Dark Triad traits who are the ones knocking out of the park when it comes to women.
The “Spillover Effect” Of The Dark Triad
That’s not all…
My Shogun Method clients who have Dark Triad traits aren’t just successful with women…
…they’re also successful in the other areas of their lives, too.
- They’re financially successful
- They have many friends and colleagues
- They have strong, happy relationships
- They continuously grow and expand their skill sets
- And believe it or not – they lead healthy spiritual lives, as well
Here are a few examples of actual Shogun Method clients with Dark Triad traits:
- John from LA is a celebrity musician. He’s primarily narcissistic, but it’s what makes him successful – both as a musician and as a lover.
- Walter from San Francisco is an entrepreneur. He’s primarily Machiavellian, but it’s what makes him start profitable new startups in the Silicon Valley year after year.
- McIntyre from NYC is a heart surgeon. He’s primarily psychopathic, but it’s what helps him detach himself from his patients’ emotions. As a result, he’s the best at what he does.
Crazy, huh?
These “dark” personality traits are supposed to make them more likely to hurt people.
But the exact opposite is happening. These guys are enjoying WAY more success than any “nice guy” can ever hope to.
But why?
The reasons are simple:
- “Dark Triad” guys follow their hearts, but use their heads
- “Dark Triad” guys care more about results than about intentions
- “Dark Triad” guys just follow what WORKS
- “Dark Triad” guys are not affected by what other people think, say, or do
And when it comes to dating, “Dark Triad” guys tend to be strong, dominant, pragmatic, and controlling…
…which is precisely the type of guy every woman DREAMS of having!
In the next section, you’ll learn whether or not you have any Dark Triad traits, and which ones.
What’s more, you’ll also learn how to CULTIVATE these traits into your own personality.
All in the interests of becoming more successful with women. Sounds good?
Dark Triad Personality Traits List
Fair warning, though…
You got to promise to use these traits for GOOD, and never for evil.
Meaning: You should NEVER use your Dark Triad traits to abuse or hurt women.
Okay, good.
Let’s move on.
Trait #1: Narcissism.
To develop narcissism, do the following:
- Stop doubting or ridiculing yourself. Instead, believe in yourself and everything you do.
- Put your priorities over the priorities of others. Especially the ones of the woman you are dating.
- Work on your appearance. Look good and feel good.
Trait #2: Machiavellianism.
To develop Machiavellianism, do the following:
- Stop expecting your woman to be honest and open all the time. Likewise, don’t be an open book. The less you reveal, the less she can use against you.
- Be a master manipulator. Learn what motivates women, and use them to get what you want.
- Use, develop, and befriend the people around you. But don’t do it to be liked, which is pointless. Do it to further your own goals.
- Only lie as the last resort – but be ready to lie when you need to.
Trait #3: Psychopathy.
To develop psychopathy, do the following:
- Stop worrying about your woman’s feelings. Not because you don’t care, but because you can’t control how she feels anyway.
- Stop worrying about other people’s opinions. If you’re not committing a crime, everything’s fair game.
- Stop worrying about offending other people in pursuit of your goals. Your goals are much more important. If they don’t want to get hurt, they shouldn’t get in the way.
The Dark Triad and Success With Women
So, how many Dark Triad traits do YOU have?
Before you go off developing your Dark Triad traits, I think it’s only fair to warn you…
Simply having the Dark Triad traits does NOT guarantee success with women.
It’s just one of the two parts of being truly successful with women.
What’s the other part?
It’s how you use it.
Let me explain by telling you something about my students…
Shogun Method clients can be cleanly divided into two groups:
- “Nice guys” – those who don’t have Dark Triad traits, and who don’t want to develop them
- “Bad boys” – those who DO have Dark Triad traits, or at least want to develop them
But both groups go through the same, rigorous Shogun Method training.
Both groups learn about the core principles of attraction…
Both groups learn about Fractionation and other Mind Control techniques…
Both groups go out and practice what they’ve learned with women in the real world.
And yes, men in both groups get laid, get girlfriends, get into relationships, and more.
But here’s the thing. In terms of…
- The ease with which they date/seduce new women
- The number of women they seduce in a period of time
- The quality of the women they seduce
- The happiness of the women they date
- The general improvement in quality of life
…the “bad boys” do so much better than the “nice guys.” Several times over, in fact.
What am I telling you?
I’m basically saying that the lessons you’d learn in Shogun Method WILL get you the success with women you want…
…and yet if you have a Dark Triad personality, you’ll MULTIPLY your results. By at least 10X. It’s true.
In other words, you’ll have MORE success with MORE women… with LESS time and LESS effort.
So if you think you’re a “bad boy,” or at least want to be…
Then I’m inviting you to join a free Shogun Method Online Masterclass today.
In the class, I’ll teach you how to make a woman… ANY woman… become emotionally addicted to you.
Check it out below:
Request Invite For The Online Masterclass
Just remember: This is powerful, controversial stuff.
You MUST promise to NEVER use what you’re about to learn for evil.
If you’re man enough to make that promise, then take the class. The women you meet will be THRILLED you did.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dark Triad Woman – what happens when you meet one?
You don’t have to do anything “special”. Shogun Method works on every woman, no matter if she displays Dark Triad personality traits at all.
Whether she’s a psychopath or just batshit crazy – it doesn’t matter at all.
Even better: she may recognize your Dark Triad traits and become automatically attracted to you. Not a bad thing when that happens!
Dark Triad Personality Test – can you recommend one?
We do not typically recommend Dark Triad personality tests because the ones found online are dubious at best.
What we do recommend is that you first grade yourself in terms of the three Dark Triad characteristics. Then, as you improve, continually grade yourself to chart your progress.
Vulnerable Dark Triad – what is it?
The Vulnerable Dark Triad (“VDT”) consists of the following:
- Secondary psychopathy
- Vulnerable narcissism
- Borderline personality disorder
As far as Shogun Method is concerned, VDT traits are neither useful nor harmful when it comes to dating and relationships.
Dark Tetrad – what is it?
Dark Tetrad is simply Dark Triad plus sadism (or, enjoyable of cruelty).
Unlike Vulnerable Dark Triad, Dark Tetrad is harmful to the progress of your Shogun Method journey.
Find out why, and how you can use Shogun Method to dominate women in my Online Masterclass.
Got questions or comments? Leave them below.
Amos says
When you arrive at the ultimate end of the shogun method(black rose sequence) and enslave a woman, can she ever leave you if she finds out you are dating/sleeping with other women?
Derek Rake says
See my reply to your other comment
Amos says
When you reach the ultimate end of shogun method(black rose sequence)and enslave a woman, can she ever leave you if she finds out that you are sleeping/dating other women?
Derek Rake says
No – if you do it correctly.
Donny says
Does your general tactics work if I have high functioning Aspergers? Can I develop dark triad traits as well?
Fredrock Lu says
Let there be darkness… or maybe is just a wrong take on relationships after all. Well, the brief facts of the matter are she left me. I’d been keeping the relationship’s ‘heart beating’ since it inception and damn it’s been work. Not that I have the wrong idea about attraction (no sir), given I’ve read most guides on this blog. It’d be really absurd to not internalize the ideology: that attraction is fleeting – an all important component to ‘normal’ functioning relationships, but just that – a component. To cut to the chase, uhm… the October Man 2.0 I understand has more efficacy primarily because it goes levels deeper in mono-ideaism given it uses a combination of major hypnotic routines. I have doubts about making it situational plus am pessimistic. So would this -ultimate endgame- technology be used in small doses and over time (like the Fractionation) and if so would it have the same effect (result)?
Derek Rake says
It does, but most Shoguns use the entire thing and get it done and over with.