Ways To Spice Up A Boring Relationship
Do you have a girlfriend or wife you love, but your relationship has gone somewhat stale?
Is your relationship lacking the thrill and excitement it used to have?
Want to learn how to spice up your relationship and make her hot for you again?
If so, then I have some good news and bad news for you…
The good news:
You’re on the right track. When your relationship is going stale, it’s your DUTY to spice it up again.
The bad news?
You got to do it SOON… or you’ll end up losing your woman, SOON.
Table of Contents
Stale Relationships Don’t Last Long
Think of it this way:
When she decided to stop seeing other men and start seeing YOU exclusively…
…it was because, at that time, you were the manliest guy in her life. No one was more “alpha male” than you. No one gave her the tingles more than you.
Or, to be more specific – you were the guy who met her deepest need best.
What’s her deepest need?
It’s her need for emotional rollercoasters.
And now, she’s not getting those thrill rides anymore. At least, not with you.
So if your relationship is going stale, your woman might be feeling one or more of the following emotions…
Five Signs Your Relationship Is Getting Stale
- She’s disappointed at your lack of manliness (and your demotion to beta male status in her eyes)
- She’s angry because she feels you “tricked” her into becoming exclusive with you
- She’s frustrated because you don’t seem to have any clue how she feels
- She’s becoming emotionally unavailable to you
- She’s curious about the possibility of leaving you and seeing other men
That last one is particularly dangerous…
Imagine if she went to town one day.
Imagine if she bumped into a man who made her feel the emotional thrill rides you used to give her, but no longer do.
What would she do?
You can bet she’ll be thinking about leaving you for him.
Yes, it’s that serious.
Ever felt the temptation to cheat on the woman you were with, especially after she made you feel bad?
Guess what – women feel that, too. Only about TEN TIMES as strongly.
(This is a fact backed by science. It’s a female psychology characteristic known as “hypergamy“.)
More importantly, what should you do?
You’re about to find out… so take lots of notes!
How To Spice Up (A Boring) Relationship
Let’s revisit your woman’s deepest need:
Emphasis on the word “rollercoaster.” We’re not just talking about good emotions like:
- Joy
- Security and certainty
- Contentment
- Companionship
- Excitement
- Fun
- Desire
Instead, we’re ALSO talking about NEGATIVE emotions, like:
- Sadness
- Insecurity
- Dissatisfaction
- Anger
- Loneliness
- Fear
- Pain
- Despair
In fact, women are wired psychologically to CRAVE bad emotions over the good ones. It’s true!
This is the reason why nice guys don’t get the girls. They’re all about giving women good feelings, but no bad ones.
It’s ALSO the reason why bad boys don’t get the girls (at least for long). They’re all about giving women BAD feelings… coupled with the GOOD (sometimes).
Now let’s talk about your situation…
If you’re her boyfriend or husband and the relationship is going stale, then you’ve probably lost your “edge.”
You’ve lost your manliness, dominance, and unpredictability. You’ve settled into a predictable routine. And you’ve stopped giving her mixed signals that would excite her…
…and guess what? It’s boring her to death.
Because she’s bored, she turns into a drama queen in a bid to inject more excitement in her life.
And when that fails… there’s always the last resort: dumping you.
So, how do you solve the problem before she leaves you?
Answer: use this technique you’re about to learn next. It’s the fastest, easiest way to give a woman an emotional thrill ride she desperately needs from you.
And it’s precisely what’s going to spice up your relationship like nothing else.
Keep reading!
The Push-Pull Technique
What’s “push-pull”?
- “Push” means to “push away” a woman by giving her negative emotions.
- “Pull” means to “pull her toward you” by giving her positive emotions.
Nice guys are “all pull.” Bad boys are “all push.”
But REAL MEN push-pull.
Why Relationships Fail
What you’re going to read next is important, so pay attention:
EVERY problematic relationship has an IMBALANCE of push vs pull in it.
This is even more CRITICAL for long-term relationships like yours.
Because just because you’ve “won” your woman doesn’t mean other guys don’t have their eyes on her.
Some still do!
And here’s the thing…
They even see your woman as an “easy target” now, because now that she’s taken, there’s much less competition for her.
They no longer need to outwit, outplay, and outlast all her other admirers…
…they just need to outwit, outplay, and outlast YOU!
(There are those who specialize in Boyfriend Destroyer techniques just to go after attached women – it’s true.)
Don’t let those jerks steal your woman!
If your girlfriend or wife is getting bored… then you’re probably “pulling” too much, and “pushing” too little.
Let’s fix IMBALANCE now…
Conversational Push-Pull
Right now, let’s focus on a quick fix.
How do you give your woman an emotional thrill ride with just your words?
Here’s how:
The concept is to treat your conversations with her like tennis matches.
First you go easy on each other, warming up…
…and then you get more active and forceful, really getting into things….
…then you reach her breaking point, and she wants to stop playing.
Your goal is to NOT reach that breaking point.
Instead, you want to keep your conversations with her JUST BELOW her breaking point. That’s where she gets her maximum thrill, and she can talk for hours if you could keep up.
Here are a few tips to help you spark your love life with Conversational Push-Pull:
- Stop agreeing with her all the time. Once in a while, after agreeing with her two or three times, interrupt her: “Wait a minute,” or “Really? I thought it was different,” or just disagree with her. Then agree with her two or three times more before your next interruption.
- Don’t challenge her at every turn. Remember, the goal is to play just under her breaking point.
- Signs she’s enjoying the conversation: She’s excited, she’s animated, and she’s flirty.
Oh, and speaking of flirting…
Sexual Push-Pull
Sex is the highest form of intimacy you could share with your woman.
And you’ll want that to be an emotional thrill ride for her, too.
Here’s what “spiced-up sex” should look like:
- You don’t ask for permission. If you can’t be spontaneous, make her wet by telling her: “Prepare yourself for tonight,” and by fondling her.
- You spend as much time as you can just under her breaking point.
- Never stop teasing your woman, flirting with her, kissing her, and fondling her at odd hours of the day. Never stop turning her on!
A good rule of thumb to follow is the “1:3 Rule” –
Give her 1/3 of what she gives you.
She touches you three times, you touch her once.
She tells you you’re cute, you tell her she’s cute once.
She writes you three lines of text, you write her one.
And guess what?
The perfect BALANCE of push-pull obeys this rule. In fact, you’ll need to PUSH more than you PULL.
And that’s why the proverbial “bad boy” is more attractive than a “nice guy”.
How To Spark Your Love Life: The “Nuclear” Option
Let’s do a quick recap…
You’ve just learned a few quick ways to spice up your relationship with your woman.
You’ve learned the two types of “push-pull” – (1) Conversational Push Pull, and (2) Sexual Push Pull.
Do them quickly and frequently enough, and you should notice some changes in her:
- She’s a bit more respectful
- She’s a bit more preppy
- The relationship’s a bit more fun
Here’s the thing though…
These are just “Band-Aid solutions.”
Sure, they do the job. They’ll give you temporary relief. But you’ll be mistaken if you think they will fix your problem for long…
Why not?
Two reasons:
- You’ll need to do them over and over for them to work
- But even then, your woman will get used to it and goes back to being bored. The relationship goes stale all over again
That’s why you’ll also need to master the LONG-TERM solution.
The Long-Term, “Nuclear” Option
What’s the long-term solution?
It’s a technique that’s basically NUCLEAR-GRADE push-pull.
It’s a technique that makes the effects of push-pull PERMANENT.
What’s the technique?
It’s called Fractionation.
You know the kind of addiction your woman has for TV dramas, erotic novels, gossip, and shopping?
Fractionation gives her that kind of addiction – only she’ll get addicted to YOU.
That way, even if you don’t use push-pull so much, you’ll STILL spice up your relationship in a way she’ll absolutely LOVE:
- She’ll see you as the manliest, most dominant man in her life
- She’ll do more than her share of the work in the relationship
- She’ll respect your authority without question, even if she used to boss you around
- She’ll never, ever leave you… even when you make mistakes sometimes
- She’ll never lose interest in you… and will even “spice” things up in her own little ways
- She’ll be the obedient girlfriend you’ve always wanted… and she’s happy to be one!
Sadly, I can’t teach you everything you need to know about Fractionation in a single guide…
…but that’s why I have something better for you. I’m inviting you to join my Online Masterclass on Mind Control today.
In it, you’ll learn:
- The scientific foundations of Fractionation Seduction
- HOW Fractionation works
- WHY Fractionation works
- Real-world examples of how to use Fractionation on your woman
- And more!
Do this next: click on the link below –
Request Invite For Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass (Click Here)
After you click on this link, the Masterclass registration page will come up. There, enter your email address so that I can qualify you. Once you’re qualified, I’ll email you your private Invite ticket.
Don’t forget:
A stale relationship is BAD NEWS.
And if you don’t move fast, your woman might leave you for another guy. You don’t want that to happen, right?
You must act NOW.
For the short-term, some push-pull might keep her interested…
…but if you want her to stay with you FOREVER, you’ll need something much more powerful.
You’ll need Fractionation.
Do the smart thing and master Fractionation right NOW. Click here.
Onward and upward,
P.S: Questions? Need help? Got a story to share? Leave me a comment below.
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