Reading Time: 19 Minutes
How to Train Her to be Obedient and Subservient To You
Listen here. Is your girlfriend giving you shit?
Is she walking all over you, pushing you around, barking orders at you?
Is she downright disrespecting you by being a cunty little bitch at times?
Wishing she’ll STFU and be more subservient and obedient for a change?
I feel you. And I’m sure millions of other guys around the world feel you, too. It’s happening far too common now to men, and so you’re in good company.
And guess what?
This Shogun Method guide is written for guys just like you.
I’ll teach you how to train your girlfriend and turn her into a submissive chihuahua in no time at all.
Dig in!
Table of Contents
- How to Train Her to be Obedient and Subservient To You
- Signs Your Girlfriend Needs Obedience Training
- Free Download: Action Checklist + Master Identity Theory Bonus
- How to Train Your Girlfriend (and Why)
- Obedient Girlfriend Training
- How to Train Your Girlfriend to Do What You Want
- How to Make a Woman Obey You (Enslave Her!)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Why Do I Need to Train My Girlfriend?
- What is the Most Powerful Method on Training Girlfriends?
- Can You Coach Me Personally on Training My Girlfriend?
- How Do You Teach Your Girlfriend to Love You?
- Which Stage of the IRAE Model is Girlfriend Obedience Training?
- Girlfriend Obedience Commands: What Are Those?
- What is Girlfriend Behavior Modification?
- What is the Most Effective Method to Train My Girlfriend?
Signs Your Girlfriend Needs Obedience Training
First things first. How would you know if you need to train your girlfriend?
Here are some signs you must train her, and fast…
- She makes you feel somewhat less of a man
- She’s the one who is the alpha personality in the relationship, not you
- She undermines your authority
- She disrespects you openly
- She nitpicks on everything you say or do
- She embarrasses you in front of other people
- She criticizes you without reservations
- She emotionally blackmails you to get what she wants
- She takes you for granted and it’s obvious
- She acts like an asshole just for the heck of it
If your girlfriend is showing any of the signs above, even only one–then yes, you must train her.
Otherwise, your relationship will come to its inevitable end… by her hand or your own.
Besides–and most men get shocked when they hear this for the first time–it’s your responsibility as a boyfriend to train your girlfriend and tame her.
And if you don’t, as we will show you, she’s going to be one miserable, lost woman…
…or worse, she’ll go seek a man who can give her the direction and leadership she desperately craves. Surely, you don’t want that to happen, right?
Free Download: Action Checklist + Master Identity Theory Bonus
Before we get into the nitty gritty, here’s something I must tell you up front.
This blog is out in the open. Which means, anyone can read it…
…which is great, because I want this knowledge to reach the masses. Guys need this, and I want to help as many people as I can.
Here’s the problem, though.
This stuff works, but it’s hardly the most politically correct thing out there.
Let’s face it. Most people will probably disagree with what I teach.
OK, “disagree” is an understatement. In fact, some even wish for this knowledge (and me) to disappear from the Internet and never be found again.
Insane as it sounds, I used to get about 10-20 hate emails every single day for writing this guide.
They didn’t faze me at first, but soon, it started to wear me out. I mean, there’s only so many death threats you can take before you freak out, right?
So, what I did was to remove the most controversial bit (read: the juiciest) and put it under lock and key.
This way, I hope those crazy bitches get off my tail and go bark somewhere else. Because frankly, I’m tired of dealing with their shit.
Still, I want you, my dear reader, to access that piece of forbidden knowledge that I want to hide from our enemies. So, here’s the solution I’m proposing to you.
The best Girlfriend Training tactic is the Master Identity Theory. The tactic involves erasing a woman’s identity and installing a fresh one that you desire.
With a new identity, she’ll never misbehave or be disrespectful to you ever again. Why? Because it’s an identity crafted and controlled by you.
There is a caveat, though.
Installing a Master Identity onto a woman’s personality is not easy at all.
If you want to give it a shot, I want you to do it with your eyes wide open. The downside to the method is this:
You can’t undo it once it’s done.
So, if you screw up, you will damage her psyche forever. There’s no turning back the clock.
Now, do you see how controversial (and dangerous) this material is and why people want to cancel me?
I have no choice. To save this knowledge and protect it, I’ve extracted the Master Identity Theory from this article and saved it as a PDF document.
To access this download, all you need to do is go here and enter your email address.
Click Here
Once done, I’ll email you the PDF and the key to unlock it. Quick and easy.
Do that right now before you continue.
How to Train Your Girlfriend (and Why)
Okay, with that done, let’s start with the first and most obvious question–
Why should you train your girlfriend?
I’ll say it again. Because it’s your duty.
You’re the man.
You’re the leader. The head of the pack.
If anyone in your party acts out of line, it’s your job to correct them and put them in their place…
…and that includes your woman.
Now, some might object to this.
Feminists, social justice warriors, and soy latte-sipping woke pussies might scream…
“Screw you Derek Rake. That’s sexist!”
Well, I don’t give a flying fuck.
And you shouldn’t give a fuck either.
Why should you?
Your relationship is failing… and you’re worried about what some strangers think?
Fuck that. Because right now, you’ve got more important things to give a shit about.
You have two choices.
- You either train your woman and save your relationship, or,
- You let her keep walking all over you, and just hope for the best.
It’s a no-brainer. If you want to fix your relationship, you must train her. Trust me on this.
Think of it this way. Training her is for her own good. It’s for her own happiness.
Being tied to a strong, dominant man she can’t push around will be the best thing to ever happen to her. She wants this. Believe me.
Every woman does.
Obedient Girlfriend Training
There are two ways to train your girlfriend to be obedient to you.
The short-term way and the long-term way.
Let’s start with the short-term way on training your woman and turn her into an obedient girlfriend–Operant Conditioning.
Operant Conditioning
The short-term way is by using a Mind Control technique we call Operant Conditioning.
Operant Conditioning is simple. It uses positive and negative reinforcement to:
- Encourage good behavior, and
- Discourage bad behavior.
It’s like training a child or a dog.
- If she does something that pleases you, reward her.
- If she does something that displeases you, discipline her.
Easy, right?
Now, the same feminists and beta males would be the first to scream,
“Hey, asshole, women are not dogs!”
Well, no shit.
Who said they were?
It doesn’t change anything.
Operant Conditioning works equally well on girlfriends (and wives, too. If you want a submissive wife, this is how you do it also).
Try this–
- (Negative): If she does something that displeases you, scold her or walk out on her.
- (Negative): If she persists with her bad behavior, you give her the cold shoulder for several days.
- (Positive): If she apologizes for making a mistake, you reward her by giving her attention again.
- (Positive): If she does something that pleases you, you reward her with affection.
This girlfriend behavior modification technique flat-out works. It’s a staple Mind Control technique that every Shogun Method practitioner knows.
Warning: Read This Before You Proceed
You’re now deep in the trenches with me, and you should be realizing one thing by now.
What I teach is nothing like conventional guru dating advice, or, God forbid, Pickup Artists. Unlike those shysters, I teach the real deal.
I teach Mind Control.
But, here’s the important thing to understand. Mind Control doesn’t work for everyone.
Specifically, Mind Control doesn’t work on every woman.
I know that’s somewhat weird for me to say, but it’s the truth. Women respond to Mind Control differently as individuals.
Here’s the important question, though. Does Mind Control work on your woman?
I don’t know. I don’t know her.
What we can do for you, however, is to help you find out for yourself. And to do that, all you need to do is to take this quiz.
In five minutes, we’ll tell you her Vulnerability Score. If she scores above 30, she’s highly vulnerable to Mind Control, and will respond to every tactic you’re going to learn from me.
Some women score a big fat zero. No matter what you do, she’s as dead as a dead duck, so don’t bother.
How do you think your woman will score?
Only one way to find out–take the quiz now. Click this link. Continue right after you find out her Vulnerability Score. free resource
Emotional Rollercoasters
Apart from your woman’s Vulnerability Score, you should also get information on her Shogun Method Archetype from the quiz.
Once you’re done, let’s continue with the second Mind Control tactic you’re going to learn from me today.
And it’s a tactic that’s different from Operant Conditioning in one important way.
Here’s the thing. Operant Conditioning works only for the short-term.
The rewards and discipline may stick with a child or a dog… but not with women. Not for long, anyway.
Why not?
Because of an inherent flaw in female psychology:
A woman has an innate need for emotional rollercoasters.
Women are desperate for emotional rollercoasters in their lives.
They feel unstable and unbalanced without it.
If they don’t have it they go looking for it. If they can’t find it, they’ll create it.
The most common way is by creating drama in a relationship.
She’ll nag you, argue with you, criticize you, disrespect you… just to get a reaction from you…
…so that she gets the emotional rollercoaster she desperately craves.
The Female Subconscious
Now, here’s what you need to understand about the female mind.
Most women don’t know consciously they need emotional rollercoasters.
Most women dismiss it as “needing excitement,” or “just one of my moods,” or “it’s his fault.”
So, here’s what that really means.
Most of the drama your girlfriend creates is subconscious. It’s a knee-jerk response to the lack of emotional rollercoasters in your relationship.
Sure, Operant Conditioning might do the trick. But you’ll need to keep using it over and over… because the effect wears off over time.
You already know that Operant Conditioning is short-term solution.
So, what’s the long-term way to train your girlfriend?
The answer is in the next section… and it’s going to blow your mind.
Buckle up!
How to Train Your Girlfriend to Do What You Want
Emotional Enslavement Holds the Key
So, how do you train your girlfriend to obey you and do what you want?
OK, let me be clear.
By Enslavement, I don’t mean physical Enslavement.
That’s just plain dumb. (Not to mention illegal.)
Instead, I’m talking about emotional Enslavement.
It’s the same kind of emotional addiction women feel for their…
- Netflix dramas
- Hollywood chick flicks
- Gossipy girlfriends
- Erotic novels
- Handbag and lipstick brands
- Pop idols and celebrities
These things create the same emotional pattern inside a woman.
Pain followed by pleasure. Familiarity followed by surprise. Boredom followed by excitement.
Anger followed by joy.
In short, a rollercoaster.
While she’s on the rollercoaster, she’s helpless. She’s powerless against her girlfriends, her erotic novels, her TV soap operas.
And here’s the thing.
In spite of the powerlessness, she is completely happy and satisfied.
You’ll want her to feel the same powerlessness, happiness, and satisfaction with you.
What you’ll do is this.
You’ll give her the same kind of emotional rollercoaster she gets from those things.
And you do it the smart way.
Unlike Operant Conditioning, you don’t wait for good or bad behavior to happen–you just do it.
Example Enslavement Tactic
If you have downloaded the Action Checklist PDF, you’ll already have access to the Master Identity Theory.
The Master Identity is the example of an Enslavement tactic. With it, you’ll overwrite her identity with one you control–and so you will put her under emotional Enslavement.
If you have missed it, download the PDF now. Keep it safe. It’s unlikely I will share it out in the open. Once you learned it, you will understand why.
Apart from the Master Identity, there are plenty of Enslavement tactics inside the Shogun Method knowledge universe to pick and choose from. Here’s a simpler one you can try today–
Out of the blue, without warning, disappear for 24 hours.
Don’t answer her texts, don’t pick up her calls.
Then just show up again.
Naturally, she’s going to ask where the hell you’ve been.
That’s when you tell her:
“I needed time away from you”
Even better, issue the ultimate girlfriend obedient command of all time:
“Don’t text me”
That’s it. No explanations. Just say your piece, and let her take it or leave it.
And then, as the knockout punch, disappear for another 24 hours.
Inside Shogun Method, we call this the Fake Breakup. Or, Dread Game.
Done correctly, it will make your woman beg you for a compromise.
And when she does, that’s when you can lay out your terms.
- You’ll tolerate no disrespect any longer
- She can expect no more Mr. Nice Guy from you
- From now on, she does what you say or fuck off
- She can respect your authority or leave
- Whatever else you want (yes, anything… your imagination is the limit)
And here’s why that works so well.
Since she’s powerless against the emotional rollercoaster you just put her on…
…she can’t help but say yes to you.
And she’ll be glad she did. Because nothing makes a woman happier than knowing she’s with a strong, dominant man.
Not for the faint-hearted, I know. Just like Shogun Method.
How to Make a Woman Obey You (Enslave Her!)
Now, the feminists, social justice warriors and beta male soyboys might get one last shot in and yell…
“But Derek Rake… that’s manipulative!”
To that, I say this.
Fair is fair.
Your girlfriend has been creating drama in your relationship for the heck of it…
…but you are creating drama to save the relationship and make her happy.
Which of the two situations is the noble one?
I rest my case.
This Shogun Method guide has just given you one example of how to emotionally Enslave your woman and make her happy.
That one example, the Fake Breakup has helped thousands of Shoguns so far…
…and guess what? It can help you, too. If they can do it, so can you. Trust me on this.
Here’s the catch, though.
To become a true master of emotional enslavement, one technique on its own won’t be enough.
That’s why I invite you to learn the foundational strategy behind all my tactics.
That foundational strategy is Shogun Method. Applied psychology that’s laser-focused to your woman and relationship.
And the best part? You can kickstart your journey to Shogun Method mastery right now.
Yes, right now.
Click here for details on the Shogun Method course.
Remember. You must train your woman. It’s not optional.
Fail to train her, and she’ll make your relationship a living hell, and you’ll end up as a pussywhipped beta male…
…and yet if you train her right, and she’ll be the happiest, most respectful woman in the world.
Take control of her and make her surrender to your dominance and authority.
Shogun Method shows you the way.
Remember: I am on your team.
P.S: Questions? Comments? Need help to train your girlfriend and turn her into a submissive pet? Post a message below and I’ll answer you personally.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do I Need to Train My Girlfriend?
The way a man loves a woman differs from how a woman loves a man.
A man loves a woman for who she is.
A woman loves a man when she respects him.
As I teach my brother Shoguns in Shogun Method, a woman can only love a man she respects. In fact, she can’t love a man she has little or no respect for. In the female mind, love is rooted in respect and reverence.
What leads to respect and reverence?
Training is key.
Of course, it sounds somewhat offensive to “train” a woman to love a man. After all, falling in love should come naturally, right?
But, here’s the thing. If you think you can train a child or a puppy into obedience, why do you think you can’t do the same for your partner?
The answer is that you can indeed train your girlfriend to be both loving and obedient. And you should.
Keep this in mind. You are only training your girlfriend to show you’re a man worthy of respect.
If you want a loving, enduring relationship, girlfriend training is 100% essential.
What is the Most Powerful Method on Training Girlfriends?
There are two–Master Identity Theory and the Black Rose Sequence.
I can’t teach both out in the open for obvious reasons. I’ve snuck the Master Identity Theory in the back of the Action Checklist PDF (find the download link above). You can get it freely (for now.)
The Black Rose Sequence is available only to verified Shoguns. This knowledge must always be protected and kept inside our community. If you are already a Shogun, it’s here.
Can You Coach Me Personally on Training My Girlfriend?
I have an Elite Coaching service, but I am usually booked well in advance. And it’s necessarily expensive because of one practical reason:
As there are now 18,000+ Shoguns around the world in our community, I can’t help everyone personally.
If you want to apply, click here. Application does not guarantee acceptance.
How Do You Teach Your Girlfriend to Love You?
Love originates from respect. And respect is born when she senses your masculine worthiness.
What’s masculine worthiness?
Simply put, it’s your value as a man. And it’s measured relative to her value as a woman, in eight ways.
- You must be smarter than her.
- You must know more than her.
- You must understand life better than her.
- You must solve all her problems.
- You must be able to take care of her. (And her children.)
- You must lead her and provide her with guidance.
- You must be the rock that she relies on to calm her emotional turmoil.
- You must give her the opportunity to support your own mission.
Everything in girlfriend training revolves around these eight traits. Your words and actions must consistently showcase your masculine worthiness. That’s how you secure the respect and love of a woman for a lifetime.
Which Stage of the IRAE Model is Girlfriend Obedience Training?
The IRAE Model maps the four stages of love. It’s how women go from initial interest to lifelong devotion to a man. This forms the core strategy of how Shogun Method operates.
So, where does girlfriend training fit into the IRAE Model?
The answer is the A and E stages. You only start at these stages when she is already committed to you as her girlfriend or wife.
To learn about all four stages, I, R, A and E, go to There, you’ll get to download a beautiful digital book for free.
Girlfriend Obedience Commands: What Are Those?
Girlfriend obedience commands are alterations of Implanted Commands to work in girlfriend training.
Implanted Commands are hypnotic phrases that penetrate into a woman’s subconscious, bypassing her rational mind.
Here’s something that may surprise you… your girlfriend doesn’t get to consciously decide to respect you or not. To her, it’s an automatic, emotional and instinctive response.
With Implanted Commands, you influence her emotions and instincts to convey a message to her subconscious–
“Respect me.“
There are 44 Implanted Commands in total. You can find them all inside Module 5 of Shogun Method.
What is Girlfriend Behavior Modification?
Ivan Pavlov, along with Jung and Freud, played a significant role in shaping Shogun Method. Girlfriend behavior modification draws inspiration from Pavlov’s work.
In the Pavlovian school of conditioning, there are two parts to behavior modification.
- Positive reinforcement.
- Negative reinforcement.
Positive reinforcement is about providing pleasure as feedback to desired behavior. If the target behaves according to what you wish, reward her with praises and approval.
Negative reinforcement is about providing pain as feedback to undesired behavior. If the target behaves against what you wish, punish her with a snub or other kinds of negative feedback.
Behavior modification requires both positive and negative reinforcement. Out of the two, negative reinforcement may be more effective, but you need a good mix of both.
What is the Most Effective Method to Train My Girlfriend?
In this guide, I’ve given you an overview of how to train your girlfriend.
You’ve learned three new Mind Control ideas:
- Masculine worthiness, or the eight traits
- Implanted Commands
- Positive and negative reinforcements
The beauty of Shogun Method is that it combines all three elements into one easy strategy. You only need to apply Fractionation on her to achieve this. By Fractionating her, you will:
- Demonstrate the eight masculine traits.
- Use Implanted Commands to appeal to her subconscious mind.
- Reinforce her positive behaviors and repel her negative ones.
All you need to learn Fractionation is to enroll into the Shogun Method online course.
Now that you have the background knowledge, get ready to start obedience training on her. Click here to start.
Patrick Duncan says
I agree. Women need training these days as they no longer obey men, carry out their proper jobs of cleaning, cooking and childbearing. They have lost their way and need to be brought back to their destiny as God commanded. Training from birth should be mandatory to obey and serve, starting with fathers and brothers. Conditioning with rewards and punishment, the same way dogs are trained, would ensure total odedience. Once fully trained I’m sure women would be much happier and secure and many marriages would last with women in their place, where they should be at the feet of their master, ready to carry out his every wish and desire.
Derek Rake says
Well said, Patrick!
BOB says
I used this to train my girlfriend and it works like a charm!
Derek Rake says
Good to hear that, Bob!
U.N.Owen says
Sounds phantastic.
hope enough man follow your steps
Kirsten says
Yes so true, I am a woman and I believe each and every word you said. Women should be the obedient like a dog wagging its tail.
Joanne says
I am a woman and need training like this
Derek Rake says
Of course you do.
Annette Hagan says
Thanks Derek. You turned my boyfriend into an abusive PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY asshole. I guess he thinks threatening to set me on fire is punishment. You really need to rethink your strategy here. Some guys are really going to the extreme and you’re responsible for the bullshit you feed into them
Annette Hagan says
Oh BTW He gets breakfast in bed always has. I was taught at an early age how to take care of my man. He gets what he wants for the most part. I take care of him.
Derek Rake says
Are you happy with him?
Ash Rodrigues says
I am a woman, non biased towards either sex. It’s fair to say you’re entitled to your opinion. You man is a grown ass individual, he makes his own choices and if you don’t like it you can leave. Simple. Someones gotta lead the pack.
Gen Robbi says
I’m dead literally this was the best laugh I had in a long time. I feel bad for the women you all have come in contact with, and for you for having such a pathetic view of women. ♀️ I’m a devout Christian, but I think it’s sad that you justify this in the name of God. Shame on you honestly
Al says
God made Eve as a helpmate and NOT the equal of Adam. Men ruled all through the bible, so to use God is a great example.
Ash Rodrigues says
Finding empowerment in obedience is a skill. You don’t realize it but you’re most in control when you let go and humble yourself.
I believe your laughter is a sign of strength, you’ve just a little stubborn and there’s nothing wrong with that.
olivia says
This works like a charm on my girlfriend oh my gosh. She kept trying to push me but if you hold your ground they beg for you 😉
Anne says
I’m a woman and I like seeing real MEN like you still exist and not caring what others may say. Thank you for helping other men as well
Derek Rake says
Thank you, Anne.
Maxie says
I’m a woman and I agree. I was taught to be obedient through a mixture of this type of punishment and reward. I very much resented it at first, but a few tough lessons with the belt changed my tune. I actually am more secure knowing my role in life now and am very grateful to the man who trained me. I’ve learned fulfilling his needs is my duty and God expects it of me. Being treated like a dog is never fun, but it’s needed and will be beneficial in the long run.
Derek Rake says
You, m’am, are a rarity.
Kirsten says
Hello Derek. I am a woman and I completely agree with you on this. I don’t believe in these modern feminists. I think women’s main job her purpose in life is to serve his master i.e. his man. My fiancee is a very dominant man and I absolutely cherish him. Earlier I used to think about equality and feminism but when I met my fiancee and he trained me and also punished me whenever necessary. Now I always respect him and I always do as told by my boyfriend. He is my master and I’m his slave. Even when he raises his voice on me, I accept it and begs him for forgiveness which after few punishments he ultimately gives not like these modern women who can’t tolerate their man behaving rudely to them like he’s alpha and you are always going to be his slave.
Thank you for your work. The world needs you!
Derek Rake says
You’re welcome!
Sam says
I got ripped apart by my girlfriend when I returned home after 24 hours saying if I do it again we’re over.. I said I just needed some time and just blew up and moved out. How do I overcome that!?
benjamin ollis says
Don’t contact her, wait for her to contact you..
When she does wear something new, be happy confident and show no sign of missing her, yet be friendly.
Don’t stay too long, make an excuse to leave and leave things open.
Leave it to her to arrange plans or contact you initially
Derek Rake says
Given enough time, every woman will buckle.
Learn Shogun Method and go shag other women.
Bella says
I am a woman that lives to serve my fiancé. That is not an exaggeration. Without him, I am nothing. I cook his meals, I clean our room, I make sure to rub his entire body after he works. I can say with pride that I’m the picture perfect housewife. The perfect pet. We’ve been dating 7 years, engaged for 2. I never miss an opportunity to take on his chores and do everything for him.
Why? Because he has given me a reason to serve him. Women don’t want to be ignored for 24 hours, women don’t want to go on a “subconscious emotional rollercoaster”. I can’t tell you one female friend of mine that watches “chick flicks” for the emotional rollercoaster. We watch them because they’re incredibly stupid. Those movies are made for teenage girls with highschool problems, which REALLY seems like what you’re going after with this tactic. I wouldn’t be surprised if a man like you has predatory intentions considering this entire page is a guide on grooming.
Women want devotion. Women want to be aware of everything, almost all the time. Women want to know what you’re doing every second of your life. We want to know when you brush your teeth, we want to know when you shower, when you eat. EVERYTHING.
Why? Because of the emotional attachment. It’s a lot easier for women to gain that emotional attachment whereas men struggle, however women will keep that emotional attachment for life if you play them right. Women are looking for a life-long partner. They are looking for open communication and affection.
Whenever I’m in the wrong, my fiancé corrects me. Sometimes he’ll give me a decent scolding, sometimes he’ll give me painful, rough sex. (Consensually, of course.)
You have no understanding of boundaries or a real relationship. I wonder if the steroids have anything to do with it..
Which, by the way, really fucks with your chances of being a “perfect mate”. Steroids alter your reproductive system, lower your sperm count, and make your cock small.
No woman wants a man that can’t get buff without performance enhancing drugs.
Derek Rake says
Shogun Method has nothing to do with steroids. What are you smoking?