Getting Mixed Signals From A Woman? Here’s What To Do
Are you getting mixed signals from a woman?
Are you interested in her, and she SEEMS interested in you too… but you’re not 100% sure?
Are you confused, and want to know what she REALLY thinks (and feels) about you?
Have you been wondering why women don’t often mean what they say?
Is she playing hard to get with you?
This Shogun Method guide is all about decoding mixed signals. It’s going to reveal to you:
- Why women give mixed signals…
- How to figure out what women really mean…
- The only kind of man women give CLEAR SIGNALS to…
- …and how to become that kind of man.
Ready? Let’s jump right in.
Table of Contents
Mixed Signals From Women: Some Examples
Here are a few examples of mixed signals from a woman:
- She’s hot about you one moment… then cold the next
- She says one thing… but does something completely different
- She’s flirty with you one moment… then she treats you like a girlfriend the next
- She gives you the silent treatment… waiting for you to figure out what she wants
- She drops hints… but she never directly tells you what she wants or feels
- She uses vague statements that can be interpreted in two or more ways
- She’s passionate with you one day… then becomes emotionally unavailable the next
- She schedules dates with you… then postpones or cancels them
- She has rigid “rules” for your relationship (e.g. three months’ dating before sex, etc.)
If any of that sounds familiar to you… then yes, your woman is sending you mixed signals.
Welcome to the club. Too many men today feel exasperated at how vague and mysterious women can be.
These guys whine…
- “Why can’t she just say what she wants out loud? I’m not a mind reader!”
- “Women are crazy! It’s like they don’t KNOW what they want!”
- “I give up! You just can’t understand relationships. Women… they’re evil and manipulative!”
If you’ve ever felt that way… then prepare to be educated HARD and FAST.
Getting Mixed Signals From A Woman? Here’s How To Decode Them
Let me give you five scientifically-proven facts about women and how they communicate:
Fact #1: Women Communicate Differently From Men
Men are all about information, processes, and force.
Women are all about emotions, stories, and relationships.
Men speak in statements.
Women speak in mixed signals.
Simple – the male and female minds are simply wired differently. And as you’ll discover below, there’s a very good reason for this.
This difference between how men and women communicate is the result of 200,000 years of evolution.
And that evolution continues even today, as Fact #2 will show you.
Fact #2: Women Use Mixed Signals Because It’s Their Best Weapon
Feminists hate me, but if there’s something I can agree with them, it’s this:
The world is a tough place for women. It’s true.
For the average female, it’s almost impossible to outdo men in society.
So, to protect themselves and give themselves an edge over the guys they use their best weapon:
Their sexuality.
Their emotions, their sexuality, their mixed signals… it’s all MEANT to knock men off-guard.
And if you’re seeing a woman whose mixed signals confuse you…
…then it means she has successfully used her best weapon against you.
She has successfully won control over your relationship. She’s now holding the cards. She’s dominant over you.
But why would she do that in the first place?
That leads us to the third fact:
Fact #3: Women Only Communicate Directly With ONE Kind Of Man
Is there a kind of man who a woman would NOT give mixed signals to?
Yes. It’s the strongest, manliest, most dominant alpha personality in her life.
When she wants him, she won’t waste time with mixed signals and such.
She goes straight to the point – she shows her interest and hopes he feels the same way.
She won’t play mind games with him. And she has no reason to.
If a woman is genuinely interested in a man, she will not do anything that will compromise her status with her. Makes perfect sense, right?
But for the rest of the male population…
Fact #4: Women Will Send Mixed Signals To Every Other Guy.
If she sends you mixed signals, it simply means this:
You’re NOT the manliest guy in her life.
Or at least, she’s not sure yet. She’s 50-50 about you.
And so, she sends you these mixed signals to bring out the “real you.”
In a way, she’s “testing” you.
She’s trying to see if you’re “man enough” to overcome her “tests.”
If you “figure her out”… then you pass the test, and she knows FOR SURE you’re a strong, manly, dominant guy.
But – if you DON’T figure her out… or if you react with confusion or frustration… then you FAIL the test.
And that leads us to the fifth and final fact…
Fact #5: Continued Mixed Signals Mean She’s Losing Interest
If you’ve been seeing her for a while, and she’s STILL sending you mixed signals…
…or if the mixed signals are getting more frequent and/or frustrating…
…then it simply means she’s losing interest in you.
You’ve been failing her tests over and over.
You’ve been showing her that you’re NOT the strong, manly, dominant guy she wants to be with.
And if you don’t do something FAST, she’ll find a way to end things with you.
So where does this leave you?
You have two choices.
Choice #1 is this:
You can give up and dismiss women as “crazy” or “evil” or “manipulative” or whatever.
Obviously, I suggest you DON’T make that choice.
Well, unless you’ve consigned yourself to live the life of a beta male.
And let me warn you. Beta males tend to tie themselves to a love life that’s full of pain and frustration:
- You might end up single for life
- You might end up with a woman who’s well below your standards
- You might end up in one miserable relationship after another
My advice?
Don’t trap yourself in a horror story like that.
Instead, choose the smarter Choice #2.
And that choice is…
Become The Most Masculine Guy In Her Life
Remember the only kind of guy she DOESN’T send mixed signals to?
It’s the strongest, manliest, most dominant, most alpha guy in her life.
Once you BECOME that guy, what happens?
- She’ll stop with all the bullshit and start communicating directly with you.
- She’ll quit playing mind games with you, fearing that you’ll get turned off and end up picking another woman over her.
- She’ll start APPEASING you, in hopes of winning your heart.
THAT’S where you want to be.
But how DO you become the most masculine guy in her life?
That’s quite a challenge. Becoming the manliest guy in her life is a long-term process – it might take you years. To most guys, in fact, it’s a lifetime thing…
…and yet, guess what? There’s a shortcut.
The Shortcut To Masculinity
Here’s the deal…
You can make her SEE YOU as the manliest guy in her life… even if you’re not quite there yet.
That way, it won’t really matter if you’re NOT the manliest guy in her life just yet.
If she SEES YOU as the manliest guy… that’s all that matters to her!
Remember… perception is everything – especially when it comes women.
So how do you do that?
It all boils down to what makes men “manly” in the mind of a woman…
…and if you can match this image of a masculine man in her mind, then you can make her want you.
How Women Measure A Guy’s Masculinity
Why do you think women date, fuck, and marry “bad boys”…
…while they dump “nice guys” into their friend zones?
It’s all about how these different guys make them FEEL.
Or more specifically – it’s the RANGE of emotions that these guys make them feel.
It’s All About The RANGE Of Emotions
Bad boys make women feel alternating emotions.
They give the ladies frequent, intense cycles of positive and negative feelings.
In the Shogun Method world, we call this the “emotional rollercoaster.”
Women LOVE the emotional rollercoaster.
They NEED it…
They SEARCH long and hard for it…
And if they can’t find it, they CREATE it.
If you’ve ever wondered why women love drama… now you know why!
Why Nice Guys Lose Out
Meanwhile, nice guys are all about ONE kind of emotion: the “happy” kind.
What goes inside the nice guy’s head?
“I must make her happy.”
“It’s important that she’s comfortable with me.”
“Is she having fun?”
With a nice guy, you’ll never get a thrill ride. And that’s why nice guys often get relegated to the friend zone.
Here’s the bottom line –
Nice guys lose out because of the limited range of emotions that they elicit in a woman.
As a result, they’re not seen as “masculine”. And that’s why they fail with women.
So, take it from me…
Emotional rollercoasters are the key. You’ll need to start giving it to her… so that she sees you as the masculine male she wants to be with.
And you’re about to learn the fastest, easiest, most subtle way to do that…
…a technique known as “Fractionation“.
Fractionation – The Shortcut To Masculinity
What is Fractionation?
It’s a mind manipulation technique which puts a woman on an emotional rollercoaster.
With it, you’ll tell her a story that takes her on a “magic carpet ride” of emotions…
…and she can’t help but feel SWEPT AWAY by you.
Try it out a few times, and the results will shock you:
- She’ll stop any “hard to get” behavior, and focus completely on you
- She’ll stop sending you mixed signals, and speak directly and clearly to you
- She’ll feel an emotional attachment – almost addiction – to you
- She’ll soon see you as the manliest guy in her life
- She’ll start doing anything to “win” you
Sounds great, right?
Here’s the catch, though…
I can’t cram everything you need to know about Fractionation in a single guide like this.
So I’ll give you something better: a slot in my next Online Masterclass on Mind Control.
You can check the Masterclass out and sign up by clicking on the link below:
REQUEST INVITE for Derek Rake’s Online Masterclass On Mind Control
(Important: use your best e-mail address when signing up. It’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket as soon as you pass our screening process.)
Remember this:
When she’s sending you mixed signals, it doesn’t mean she’s messing with you.
Instead, she’s TESTING you. She’s trying to see if you’re “man enough” to outwit her.
If you react with anger, frustration, or confusion… you fail the test.
If you give up and conclude that women are “crazy” or “manipulative”… you fail the test.
But if you outwit her by putting her on an emotional rollercoaster… you PASS the test.
Want to win her?
Then you MUST pass the test.
And with Fractionation, you will. Join my Masterclass and learn Fractionation NOW.
I’ll see you in the Masterclass next,
P.S: Questions? Comments? Story to share? Post your message to you and I’ll respond personally.
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