There are so many reasons to go downtown to the bar.
One reason, of course, is to get a beer. Or maybe something harder.
Another reason is that, once you’re sitting there with your drink, you never know who you’ll end up talking to.
Take, for instance, that slightly grizzled good old boy drinking a Schlitz. I sat down next to that guy once. I didn’t even give him a second thought. Not at first, anyway.
That changed, of course, when we got to talking. His name was Jerome—he went by Jerry—and he hailed from Louisiana. Jerry was a retired National Guard officer. And he had been deployed to New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina back in 2005.
That was one hell of a conversation.
I’m sure you’ve seen news coverage and disaster movies. But trust me, you don’t know half the story. Not until you talk to someone who actually lived it.
Of course, most people don’t go to the bar for profound historical insight.
Yeah, sure, single people go to bars to meet other single people. And there are plenty of other folks like Jerry who might not even get a second glance.
But, sometimes, those chance encounters are the most rewarding.
You see, Jerry wasn’t at the bar looking for someone.
No, he was there to get away.
Table of Contents
On The Brink Of Divorce: Even Green Collars Get the Blues
Jerry wasn’t larger than life, not the way you might imagine people like him. He was just a guy committed to helping others.
That’s really why I liked Jerry—because he was so human. But like any other human, he had his problems.
And one of those was his marriage.
Jerry was married to Sylvie. She was the love of his life. (And, no disrespect to Jer, she was a total MILF.)
They’d been happy together for many, many years. But recently, all that had changed.
“She keeps telling me that it’s over,” Jerry confided in me one evening. It was probably our third or fourth chance meeting. “Says she just isn’t happy anymore. That this isn’t the kind of life she wants anymore.”
I decided that I needed to dig a little deeper.
“I don’t know you all that well, Jerry,” I told him. “But I know you well enough to be certain that you’re not a quitter.”
“Of course not!” He took an indignant gulp of beer. “But nothing I try is working!”
“Well, what have you tried?”
“… can you be a little more specific?”
“I’ve tried talking to her and being honest with her. I’ve told her how much I love her. How I’m willing to do anything to make it work. I’ve tried to put her happiness first… seeing how narcissistic she has become. I’ve done everything she’s wanted and asked me for.” He waved his hand over his shoulder, made a pfft sound between his teeth and lip.
I took a moment to look at the melancholy man sitting next to me, contemplating the foam on his brew.
Jerry is one of the few people I’ve ever met who is a legitimate hero.
As a guardsman, Jerry had spent—not to mention risked—his life helping people in dire need. Now Jerry himself was in need of help.
And he had nowhere to turn. This trained warrior, this defender of the helpless, was himself reduced to utter helplessness.
I’m not Superman. I’m not even a soldier. And I barely know the first thing about disaster relief.
But I definitely knew all about what was ailing Jerry.
And I knew that I could definitely help him.
Mission: Saving Major Jerry
Jerry didn’t know this, but in the course of developing the Shogun Method, I’ve actually done a heck lot of research into female psychology. In particular, I’ve learned much about how it develops and changes over the course of a woman’s life.
Like I said, Jerry’s a retired officer. He gets a handsome military pension. He also made lots of very smart investments in the past. He and Sylvie are extremely financially secure for the rest of their lives.
And that’s exactly why Sylvie suddenly found herself so unhappy.
For the past decades, she had played doting wife to a respected and decorated military officer. She had wanted for nothing and enjoyed a very comfortable life.
And so Sylvie was bored. She’d had safety and security and dignity. Now she had the itch for something different.
But that was only half of Jerry’s problem.
The point of my research was figuring out how to deal with situations just like this one. There are very important tactics that must be used.
And, although an exemplary citizen and loyal husband, that is where Jerry had ultimately stumbled.
A Wrong Turn Down Marriage Alley
In trying to save his marriage, Jerry had made three cardinal mistakes:
- He tried to have open, heart-to-heart talks with Sylvie.
- He tried to put her happiness ahead of his own.
- He tried to learn what she wanted from him and then put it into action.
As you may have guessed, none of this really worked for Jerry. And, of course, there’s a reason for that.
You see, Jerry was taken in by the usual crappy relationship advice. It’s the kind of shit that you read on dating websites, in “health” magazines, and rags like those.
Trust me, the stuff they peddle is darn near worthless.
The reason is simple. Imagine that those sources gave you advice that worked. Then you wouldn’t have any reason to keep reading them for relationship advice—would you?
Instead, they give you advice that is guaranteed to fail.
You end up alone again. You wonder what you did wrong. And you go back to them to get more advice.
In short, your relationship problems are their profit margins. If it’s lucratively broken, why fix it?
Pretty sleazy, right? They’re almost as bad as those lame-o “Pickup Artists” (also known as “PUA”s).
As we all know, Pickup Artists and their tricks specialize in instant gratification. They’re not interested in long-term relationship endurance.
And pop dating advice amounts to basically the same thing.
Shogun Method is different, though. It’s not about scoring a quick fix. It’s all about cementing a relationship, permanently.
And that sort of romantic superglue is exactly what Jerry needed.
Can My Marriage Be Saved? (Yes, If You Do This)
So, let’s take a look at some more effective tactics that Jerry should have used when marriage trouble first reared its ugly head:
- He should have kept his intentions a secret. This is one of the pillars of the Shogun Method. Telling Sylvie what he wanted just gave her something to rebel against.
- He should have subtly manipulated her. The only sure-fire way of getting what you want from a woman is to make her think it was her idea to begin with.
- He should have brought his background of discipline and leadership into his own household. That sort of staunch, commanding figure is what women respond to.
Jerry was a masterful leader of men. Of women, he didn’t know quite so much.
But, like I said before, I know a lot about female psychology.
And I knew that Jerry’s situation wasn’t unsalvageable. Moreover, I was determined to help teach him how to save a relationship at the brink of no return.
Call it a sense of civic duty.
How To Save A Marriage: By Manipulating Her Emotions
“I gotta thank you again, man,” Jerry said to me as we clinked glasses and drank.
“If I hadn’t ever met you, I’d probably be sitting in a divorce lawyer’s office right now.”
“Or, at the very least, a relationship counselor’s,” I said, wiping suds from my wry smile. “Come on, walk me through how you did it.”
“Well,” he began, “I went home that night, sat her down, and said, ‘Maybe you’re right, Sylv. Maybe it would do us both some good to take some time off from each other.’”
“And I bet that got her attention.”
“Did it ever! Her ears sure perked up when she heard that.”
“Because you were so opposed to the idea when you left the house a couple hours before.”
“I figured that if I ever said that to her, it would be the beginning of the end. I never expected it to bring her around.”
“It’s because you intrigued her,” I reminded him. “What you said caught her attention. You had been so dead set on keeping the marriage together. Pulling a one-eighty like that was impossible for her to ignore.”
“Not to mention it got rid of her go-to topic for arguing,” he added, lifting his glass.
“Which was the whole point of using those Implanted Commands I told you about.”
(Implanted Commands are a cornerstone of Shogun Method, as are Barnum Statements and similarly-themed Dark Triad seduction tactics.)
“Yeah, man—that stuff worked like a charm. Well, a charm that actually works, I guess.” He laughed.
“It’s all about misdirection,” I said. “Women don’t analyze things in the moment. They rationalize them later. If you can control her imagination, then she’ll do the rest of the work for you.”
“I can’t argue with that. Not anymore, at least.”
“Do you remember, offhand, what kind of things you said to her?”
“Exactly what you told me. ‘Try to imagine living alone without me,’ I said. ‘I don’t really know for sure that you’re going to be lonely and miserable. But I can imagine you’ll regret the decision, someday, if not right away.’”
I nodded. “Yup, that’s it, alright. It sounds like you did a good job, Jer.”
He grinned. “Yeah, but it was that last tip you gave me that sealed the deal.”
I grinned back. “Well, of course. That’s where the magic happens, after all.” I lifted my beer. “Here’s to many more decades with Sylvie.”
We toasted and drained our glasses.
Fractionation: The Manhattan Project of Romance
All that happened inside a week, by the way.
The Shogun Method may emphasize long-term stability, but when used properly, it also delivers fast results.
So what did Jerry do to seal the deal and keep Sylvie in his life?
Well, between you and me (and, of course, Jer), it comes down to a technique called Fractionation.
Fractionation involves using alternating states of joy and sadness. This puts a woman into a hypnotic trance.
What the technique does is pretty ingenious –
It associates the good with yourself and the bad with the rest of the world.
Pretty simple, and yet, devastatingly effective.
With it, you can, quite frankly, make a woman addicted to the natural high she gets from talking to you.
You, of course, are totally in charge of that sensation. This isn’t some cheap gimmick. It’s Mind Control that enslaves a woman, making her unable to live without you.
Needless to say, this is an extremely powerful tool.
I entrusted Jerry with its secrets because I knew that he was a man of honor and integrity.
A word of caution:
If “honor” and “integrity” don’t describe you, then Fractionation is not something that you should mess around with.
Yet, if you are that sort of upright and virtuous fellow, though, Fractionation can work wonders for your relationships.
And that same insight that I gave Jerry? You can have it too.
Because of how powerful Fractionation is, I’ve put together an Online Masterclass on the topic.
You, like Jerry, can learn how to use this technique to save your marriage if you’re in trouble.
If you’re ready to take that step, all you need to do is click this link below:
Watch Mind Control Online Masterclass
Follow the instructions on that page, and I’ll see you at the Masterclass.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce?
Regardless of whatever you’ve heard anywhere else, here’s what to know:
As long as she hasn’t signed the papers, there is hope.
The same advice I gave to Jerry above applies:
- Step 1: Intrigue her with an Intrigue Ping.
- Step 2: Use Implanted Commands to plant the idea of staying, not leaving.
- Step 3: Get her to Fractionate.
Scroll up and read the article again for more on each of these three steps.
How To Save Your Marriage Alone?
Does your wife not care anymore? Do you feel that you’re the only one who is trying hard to save your marriage?
I won’t kid you… saving a marriage is impossible if your wife is apathetic to you. The ONLY way your marriage can be saved is to get her to CARE AGAIN.
How do you do this? Pretty simple, actually. You’ll make her REVISIT all the good times AND the bad times that you’ve experienced with her TOGETHER. And this, my friend, is how to make your ex want you back.
Remember: women are emotional creatures. And if you can incite her emotions about you again, then you’ll be able to save your marriage.
By revisiting past memories together, you’ll be able to make her FEEL again… and from there, you can then convince her to save the marriage together.
How To Save A Marriage That Is Falling Apart?
First, some good news. If you see the signs that your marriage is falling apart early, then there’s a good chance that you’ll save it.
Make no mistake… the three steps that I’ve recommended to Jerry (Intrigue, Implant Commands, Fractionate) does take up time. And the fastest you take those steps, the quicker your marriage will recover.
Start right now by watching the Online Masterclass on Mind Control. Remember to take lots of notes!
How To Save Your Marriage After Infidelity?
So she has cheated on you, and because of that, your marriage is going to the dogs.
The question that you need to ask is this –
Is she emotionally involved with the other guy?
The thing is this… for many women, they get emotionally attached to the guys they sleep with.
If it was a no-strings-attached fling then there shouldn’t be a problem… but if she somewhat cares for the guy, then it can be a little complicated.
And if that’s the case, then you’ll need to use Boyfriend Destroyers (together with the three steps I shared above). Alternatively, use this guide – How To Get Her Back From Another Guy
How To Save Your Marriage When You Feel Hopeless?
Don’t feel hopeless. The fact that you’re here on this page means that all hope is not gone.
In fact, all you need to save your marriage is here, right in front of you. Trust me.
As long as she hasn’t signed the papers, you still have a shot of getting her back.
And the first step you need to take now is to watch the Online Masterclass. Then, use what you’ve learned there AND save your marriage.
Mr derek,my wife has threatened to leave me if i dont give her a divorce. I really need your advice pliz to save my marriage.
Tell us more so that we can help you.
papers are signed. she fucked more than 16 guys and at times two or three at once.
she was beaten by her mother as a child, abandoned by her father and abused her own child.
now there’s someone you want to take home to mom. if you meet a 43 year old woman with brown curly hair and she tells you her name is Jennifer, watch yourself.
Sorry to hear that. All the best to you, Michael.