“My Girlfriend Is Ignoring Me For No Reason. Help!”
Here’s one of the most frequently asked question in the Shogun Method client portal:
“My girlfriend is ignoring me all of a sudden, and for no reason. Why? What should I do to handle this?”
So what does it mean when your girlfriend ignores you?
What if she’s giving you the silent treatment?
What if she doesn’t want to see you, and is ignoring your texts?
What’s the right thing to do when your girlfriend starts acting up like this?
Table of Contents
Why Is She Ignoring You? (We Have The Answers)
These were some of the many questions Jon, one of my private Shogun Method clients, asked me recently.
His girlfriend of a little over a year, Samantha, had been unusually cold towards him lately.
“Derek, I don’t know why she does this to me,” Jon told me.
“I already told her I hate being disrespected and being treated like a fool. And yet she goes ahead and does it anyway. She knows I love her, so why is she like this?”
“What to do if your girlfriend ignores you?”
If you’re going through a similar problem in your own relationship right now, then I have some good news for you.
We have got the answers.
Fair warning, though:
The answers can be quite controversial.
They’re not politically correct, to say the least.
But, if you care more about being HAPPY than being politically-correct – like Jon did…
…then this might be the most important guide you’ll ever read in your life. Believe me.
Shit Tests
If your girlfriend suddenly starts doing the following:
- She ignores you
- She criticizes you
- She gives you the silent treatment
- She treats you like a beta male
- She challenges you to prove things to her
- She’s disrespecting you
- She starts acting insecure about everything
- She’s undermining your authority
- She plays mind games on you
- She’s being unreasonable
…then she’s very likely giving you shit tests.
What’s a shit test?
Simple – it’s when someone “gives you shit” just to see how you react.
Shit Tests Are Everywhere
Here’s the thing… shit tests are not just a boyfriend-girlfriend thing.
In fact, it happens in EVERY kind of human relationship.
For example, if you’ve ever started a new job, only to be treated unfairly by your co-workers… that was a shit test.
Or, if you’ve ever joined a group of other men, only to be teased relentlessly by the older members… that was a shit test.
And guess what? Whenever you react emotionally, you “fail” the shit test… and you move lower down the pecking order.
But when you outwit your tormentors, you “pass” the shit test… and you move higher up the pecking order.
How To Handle Shit Tests From Your Girlfriend
When it comes to girlfriends, the shit-testing dynamic is pretty much the same. Except that there is no “pecking order” – there’s just you and her.
And unless you pass your girlfriend’s shit tests, she won’t see you as the strong, dominant “king” she needs you to be.
Instead, she’ll see you as a slave. And nothing good will come out of THAT.
So how DO you pass your girlfriend’s shit tests?
Let’s start with…
What NOT To Do
When you react to a shit test emotionally, you fail, period.
If you get angry or dramatic… or if you surrender to your girlfriend… you lose.
You’re sending the message that SHE’S the dominant partner in the relationship, not you.
Bottom line: you should avoid getting emotional AT ALL COSTS. No exceptions.
What To Think TWICE About Doing
Now, some boyfriends out there are aware of shit tests and how they work.
And so, to avoid losing shit tests, they do the exact opposite of surrendering.
They CONFRONT their girlfriends about the shit tests.
They act tough, they call her out on her bullshit, they warn her against trying it again, etc.
On the surface, it might look like a good way to pass shit tests. But you’ll actually want to think twice about confronting your girlfriend.
Why? Because it might already be too late.
If she had already shit-tested you several times before, and you FAILED most of those tests…
…then she’s already made the conclusion that you’re NOT a strong, manly, take-charge kind of boyfriend.
Then suddenly, here you are, confronting her and acting all tough on her.
She’ll see right through you. She will NOT feel intimidated.
In fact, she might find your little act “cute” or “funny.”
Imagine being “attacked” by a puppy. That’s how she’ll feel. You will NOT be putting her in her place. (Makes sense, right?)
And so when you confront her AFTER she’s concluded you’re a weak man, she’ll do one of three things:
- She’ll either leave you…
- …or she’ll ignore you (which is just a continuation of her shit tests)…
- …or she’ll PRETEND to apologize just to shut you up, and then amp up her shit tests later.
So unless it’s her very first shit test on you… don’t confront her.
What To Do Instead
When you’ve already failed your girlfriend’s shit tests in the past, then you really only have three options.
Your first option is to focus less on her, and focus more on yourself.
Continue being a good boyfriend to her. But when she starts shit-testing you again, don’t react – ignore her.
Instead, spend the rest of your time focusing on yourself:
- Hit the gym and get shredded
- Get ahead at work, make a lot of money
- Meet new people, make new friends, have lots of fun
- Pursue exciting hobbies and pastimes
- Be all-round awesome… and develop traits which are attractive to women naturally
In short – create a kickass life that she’ll want to be a part of. But you’ll only let her be a part of it IF she’s being a good girlfriend to you again. Otherwise, she has no say.
That’s the first option. What’s the second one?
The second option is to simply leave her.
Now, it might HURT to leave, especially if you’ve already invested too much into your relationship.
But remember this. Having no girlfriend is always, ALWAYS better than having a disrespectful girlfriend.
Besides, it could be worse. You’re not married yet, so the breakup will cost much less time, money, and energy. And there are LOTS of women out there who won’t give you nearly the same amount of bullshit.
Those are the first two options.
What’s the third?
How To Avoid Getting Ignored In The First Place
They say only two things are certain in life: death and taxes.
I’d say there are three. Death, taxes, and shit tests.
Shit tests are everywhere, and you’ll be getting them ‘til you die. It’s true!
But the happiest boyfriends out there know one important thing…
They know how to keep their girlfriends’ shit tests to a bare minimum.
How? With the third option:
By making their girlfriends emotionally addicted to them.
With some skillful Mind Control and basic applied psychology…
…they make their ladies see them as the strongest, most dominant, most exciting men they’ve ever met.
Yup, it’s not politically-correct. But guess what? It works, and that’s the only thing that matters.
Dominate Her Mind And Control Her Emotions
Answer this question for me. What’s more important to you?
Being happy? Or being politically-correct?
The happiest boyfriends out there choose to be happy. And they do it by making their girlfriends totally, completely addicted to them.
The key? Mind Control. ANYONE can learn how it’s done if they want.
And here’s the best part about Mind Control:
It works even if you’ve failed your girlfriend’s shit tests before.
In fact, Mind Control is powerful enough to flip the power standing in your relationship – just like it did in Jon’s.
In Jon’s case, it WAS too late. He had been failing Samantha’s shit tests for months, so confronting her was out of the question…
He loved her, so leaving her wasn’t an option.
That left Mind Control… and that’s what he tried. And the results shocked him.
Almost overnight, she stopped ignoring him and giving him the silent treatment.
The shit test almost totally disappeared. She was happier, more satisfied, and more respectful than ever before.
It Worked For Jon… And So It Will Work For You
What exactly did Jon do?
It’s a bit complicated… and it would be tricky to try to WRITE it all down in a guide.
That’s why I’m doing something better. I’m inviting you to join my Online Masterclass on Mind Control. Hands-down, it’s the fastest, easiest way to master the art of using Mind Control on women.
After you attend the Masterclass, you will be able to:
- Overcome ANY shit test in the future
- Elicit the kind of behavior you want from her
- Establish yourself as the relationship’s leader and pillar of strength
- Have a happy relationship with the woman you love that will last a lifetime
Click below to sign up:
Request Invite Ticket to Mind Control Online Masterclass
(IMPORTANT: Please use your best e-mail address when signing up. That’s where I’ll send your Invite Ticket if you qualify.)
So, remember this –
Shit tests are here to stay.
And when they come from your girlfriend, Mind Control is your best counter-weapon.
Not the most politically-correct, for sure.
But one last time: What’s more important to you?
Being politically-correct?
Or being HAPPY?
If it’s the latter, then you know the next step to take. Attend my Online Masterclass. Here’s the link to my Masterclass again – click this.
See you in the Masterclass,
P.S: What were the craziest shit tests you’ve ever received from women? How did you respond to them? Sound off in the comments section below.
Dear Shotgun Community
Conechwa! To everyone! In the past I have been shit tested from left to right. Right to left. Ive lost tract and count of how many shit tests Ive gone through. Make no mistake shit tests are real! Ive been shit tested since the day I was born. From being at Motley Crue concert, to a megadeth concert, to job interviews, band mates, college campuses, from working at the office, at the bar, night clubs, from professors, to any store, or location I go to. Its become second nature to me. It doesnt matter who you are, whether your tall, short, fat, skinny, poor, rich, etc! You will get shit tested all the time. You cant escape shit tests.
One of my favorite shit tests happened when I was outside of a pharmacy store. I go up to this pharmacy store window from outside to see if I can spot this hot skinny blond brunette with green eyes that works there. Here I am going for a second round of shogun on this target. Fuck it! Before you know it! I have no fucking idea who this old 60 – 70 year old lady is, but stared at me with a fuck you look on her face. Yuck!!! Here I am preparing to launch my attack and when she looked at me. I knew she was going to attack me or shit test me because of my Japanese shogun rock star looks. What happen??? I pretend I was on the phone talking to someone. She comes outside and starts bashing me, and fucking with me. Saying you outta be disguised by the way your dress up!!! Your all dress up in black with a black spike dust mask!!! What the hells the matter with you???? People are dying!!! She said. Here I am standing while this old lady is attacking me and complaining about my stupid outfit and how it creeps her out, The next thing she starts telling me that I ‘m going go to hell and that I’m to die…Ooo please!!! I started laughing and joking around. I said to myself dont let your emotions run your rational mind for fucking sakes! This old lady started asking me personal questions. I on the other hand flipped those questions back to her. She got mad, but the only mistake that I did was to answer her question on why I dress the way I do, so quickly I changed the conversation. I suddenly told her a sad, tragic story about my life, so she could shut her pie whole for once! It was the only way for me to defend myself from this old lady. I wanted to attack her with a shogun technique or with fractionation, but she was to old for me. In the end she walked away and puff she was gone for good! Thats why im glad I’m to be able to learn how to use mind control tactics so I can be ready to fight with my main target when it comes to her filthy shit tests and mind games! I’ll be ready until that day comes! D S out!