How To Control A Woman (Using Zen Seduction Tactics)
Presenting the first in the Seduction Mindbombs series of short reports…
How To “Control” A Woman Using Zen Seduction Tactics
(Right click to download)
There will be more to come in the next few weeks – and yes, they will all be free until further notice. If you like this report, you might want to consider investing in probably the widest followed system in the seduction world today – Shogun Method.
How To Control A Woman’s Mind
In this guide, we are going to talk about something rather controversial – how to control a woman’s mind. There are plenty of thoughts around this rather “hush hush” topic, but as far as the Shogun Method is concerned, there’s only one way a man can control a woman – with the use of the Compel Repel technique.
In a nutshell, the technique is about the process of repelling the girl away and thus create the ‘space’ to compel her back. The full details of this powerful technique are inside the Shogun Method, but if you’d like the skinny, try this Zen Seduction analogy.
Think of compelling and repelling in the terms of the Zen principle of balance, or “Yin and Yang“. The two perfectly complements each other, and the mere existence of one would essentially define the other.
Repelling is associating an action with pain, while Compelling is about pleasure.
Every time you ‘push’ a girl away, you create space to ‘pull’ her back to you. A few rounds of pushing and pulling would create an emotional roller coaster would create an amazing psychological effect on women. It will make them feel compelled to chase you due to the ‘illusion’ of suspense that you create and through the mixed signals (itself a Mind Control tactic) that you send.
Powerful stuff indeed… especially if you’re dealing with a female player. (If you don’t know yet, chances are that you’re being played – read this guide to find out for sure.)
Compelling-Repelling via “Deliberate Undermining”
Now let’s take a look at some stuff which you can use almost immediately. One of the techniques which works on the principle of Compel-Repel is called “Deliberate Undermining“.
Deliberate Undermining is the act of doing or saying one thing and then doing another thing to completely undermine the first thing.
One example of this technique is what he called the “undermining praise”. For example, when a girl kisses your neck, say “I really like it when you kiss my neck. It feels great. You are really good at this.” This is the “compel” part of Compel-Repel.
Now here comes the “undermining” part where you repel the girl. Say, “Well…actually there are three other girls who are equally good too. You’re really one of the best.”
Can you see where this is going yet?
Compel-Repel is all about bringing her emotions up and down and then up again. For those who are familiar with hypnosis, this is similar to the “fractionation” process where the subject is hypnotized into a trance and then brought back out again in order to ‘deepen’ the experience in subsequent trances.
Addendum: since we have gotten queries about online dating: yes, this technique also works over the Internet.
“Shogun Method Made Two Girls Fight Over Me!”
I was talking to a young woman, using fractionation, and it went quite well. She responded nicely and we started dating. One little problem, her friend Nelly, who is very young and absolutely stunning, was there while I used the technique on her friend. Well, it worked liked a charm on Nelly and now she follows me around with big puppy eyes whenever I see her. I’m not complaining, but it is awkward as she was not my intended target. Her friend Lisa is starting to get upset and I think I may have unintentionally broken up a pair of close friends. I feel a bit upset about this as I never set out to hurt anyone. I have to admit, the more time I spend with Nelly, the more time I want to spend with her. She is amazing. I don’t want to hurt Lisa,or cause a rift, but my heart belongs to Nelly. Any advice on how to get the friends back to being friends again? – David Lucht, via email
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
David – I must confess that I found your question to be rather left-field. I’ve no idea how to get two women (feuding over a man) to be friends again! Gotta be honest with ya. 🙂
Derek, Can I Blame You For My Failures?
“Hey Derek, I want to share my extreme frustration here. I don’t know which advice to trust and which not to anymore. A lot of the things you say makes so much sense to me, but I sometimes feel like you’re just another online marketer trying to sell his product.
From what I have read from you so far, I think you teach the truth, but I also think you’re guilty of following some questionable practices of marketing and because of this, I’m getting reluctant at buying your products now. I have already bought some of them and succeeded with them, too. But I still haven’t reached the success level that I want. In fact, I’m not even near it. I still work very hard to leave my psychological prison and still have to find abundance and happiness somewhere.” – Wiley R. from Franklin, MA
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
Well, well, I guess you caught me. I earn my living this way. I sell seminars and products that show men how they can succeed with women and I give advice out like this particular email free of charge. I also provide refunds to those who think they are incapable of reaching the success levels that they truly want to with women.
I spend a lot of time – most of which I would otherwise spend on a regular 9-5 job – working on brand new ways on how to meet women successfully. And a lot of the time, I wake up at 3 in the morning to improve them. Use them. Test them. Try them.
So yes, you caught me. What I do is teach men how to seduce women and get better around them. Don’t trust me yet? Still want to trust other guys instead? Why don’t you actually use the stuff that I teach in these emails? Once they start working for you, you can start trusting me the way you want to.
But if they don’t work out for you, then, hey, perhaps my stuff just doesn’t work out for you. Still, try it anyway.
This leads me to the actual meat in your question: why aren’t you succeeding with women more? Easy: because you have trapped yourself inside a mental prison, just like you said. This has nothing to do with the tactics that you learned and whether they work or not. It simply means you refuse to try them.
So, to be honest, I pity you because I want things to get better for you. Heck, I bust my own ass by the day to help you out. Please take my stuff and use it. Get out of that prison of yours with the tactics that I teach in my programs. I’m not claiming that they’re miracle pills or anything, but if you have no will to approach women, nobody will be able to help you out. That’s all.
Don’t take my word for it though; read this (third party) review about me, and then decide for yourself.
Derek, How Can I Beat You When It Comes To Women?
“First of all, thanks for the great start, Derek. I have been taking in your Shogun Method product; I usually only read it once, though, since I’m busy with college. Still, I can actually approach female strangers now, no matter how scary it is sometimes. I want to learn all of this because your book helped me turn my entire life around, but I do want to be better than you. (No offense, but it is possible, right?)” – James C. from West Palm Beach, FL
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
The truth is, I am great with women because of my personal cold hard experiences. When I was still learning all of this, I quit working and spent my time meeting women eight hours a day – if not more.
So now, I have the job of helping you do the same thing. I literally speak, write and talk about dating and sex for twelve hours every day.
If you want to know the real secret on how to get better with the ladies, here it is: regardless of how much or how little you have learned about women since the day you were born, you can keep getting better and better if you devote your time to meeting more and more women.
Well, Shogun Method along with my other programs can speed up that particular process and turn you into a real master with women in no time. Here’s all my stuff on one page:
Derek Rake’s Complete Resources Catalog
I hope to hear more success stories from you.
How Can I Isolate A Woman And Put Her In A Sexual Mood?
“My problem has two parts to it. I find it easy to be sexual with women when not in isolation and I know that it should be easier in isolation. However, seduction is more difficult to click during the necessary state in order to isolate her and seduce her after every bit of attraction is needed. My motive with women is always sexual and I have great drive. However, my overall sex life is in pain because I have difficulties overcoming the difficulties I have with isolation in a seductive mindset. I hope you can offer up some advice on this.” – George M. from Coinjock, NC
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
You should know that isolation – in itself – is attractive for women because they search for men with dominance and social status. Proper isolation shows her how great you are with women and attracts her to you.
Having sexual intentions with women during isolation is really all that you would need to arouse them, most of all if you touch them and escalate things physically at the same time. So, stop trying to attract her to you and concentrate on getting her comfortable and relaxed around you instead.
The main difference between the guys that she is comfortable with in a friendly way and the guys she is comfortable with in a sexual way would be the amount of physical escalation that you use. So always touch her and keep things smooth while making sure she stays comfortable.
Attraction should be your last problem, right after “how can I stop her from ripping off my clothes then and there?” 😉
How To Build Rapport With Women
Question from a reader of The Rake Letter –
Hey Derek,
When I tell women that I am still single, most of them would express surprise as I am considerably attractive and also relatively successful (Ivy League degree, promising investment banker). However, women usually stop returning my calls after a couple of dates. Also, when I step into the bar or club, I would get almost no notice at all.
Why? This is driving me nutters.
Phillip C.J. – Minneapolis, Minnesota
Hey Phillip,
Here’s the deal. It looks like you are not able to generate attraction in the first place, or unable to make the attraction last once you get the ladies out for dates.
The problem is that you may just come across as every other guy who they have dated. There could be nothing particularly special about you which makes you stand out from the rest.
So what can you start doing? You must develop rapport with the women who have agreed to go out with you. Even as early as the first date itself.
One effective way to develop rapport is through banter. It’s the most effective way to get a woman attracted to you, bar none. And the good news is that once you developed your bantering skills, you can use it on ALL women – they all react positively to confident bantering. ALL of them.
Here is an excerpt from the Shogun Method on the easiest way to create quick, deep rapport with a woman –
How are most friendships formed? It starts when you find out that the other person has something in common with you. That the two of you are alike in some way, when you share a common interest.
That relationship becomes even stronger when you begin to realize that the other person understands you, that’s he’s going through the same challenges that you are. Nothing creates a bond faster between two people than sharing something in common, especially a common pain or frustration. And this bond will keep her interested in you even when the initial “spark” is long gone.
Before you can get a person to do what you want them to do, you have to first meet them where they are “mentally”, and see things from their point of view. Only from there can you lead them towards the destination you have chosen.
This is a powerful strategy that master marketers and motivators use to lead people.
The easiest way to begin to create that bond is to ‘ask’ her (open-ended) questions about ‘herself.’ The most favorite subject for most people are “themselves.”
Show her that you’re genuinely interested in getting to know her better. And don’t fake it.
Actually be interested. (Be different from most other guys, remember? You have to keep that theme going the entire time. You have to establish your uniqueness from the beginning and then continue to build on that.)
Remember what I said earlier… you’re not just “pretending” to be a better man. You’re actually “becoming” a better man.
Finally, if you don’t get noticed in clubs, it has to do with your body language more than anything else – either you come across as lacking in confidence or just plain uncomfortable. Fix your body language, and you’ll get attention from the ladies in no time.
Of course, you can also try Mind Control if you’re extra motivated.
Gordon Fiddler says
You’re stuff works like a charm. I field tested it on women I actually had no intention of sleeping with. Where did I mess up. In the Contextual Rapport stage. I deliberately sabatoged a good thing but I wasn’t interested in this lady I knew for years. I am having my eyes on some lady at the office who is single. The other lady put me in the friend zone just as predicted it would. That’s okay. I got her intrigued and I was wondering how far I could take her. She knew my family so when she began to feel like she wanted me, I pulled the honest truth on her by professing I like her. Of course I didn’t want her that way. She said she only wants to be friends. I said Thanks. Me too. I walked away saying Holy shit this stuff works. I had her under my spell for some time but I also had Intel from her brother about her being a player of men. Using them. My intention was not to harm. When I told her I liked her she pulled away exposing the female flaw. I had to test the theory because I thought I was the fuck up. Then after study of the IRAE model and going through the preconditions and flaws in the female mind, I knew then your stuff is the real deal. So I encourage other men to stop being Beta Males.
Derek Rake says
Thank you, Gordon, and well done.