Here is an easy trick to make a girl like you quickly. I call it the Absolution of Blame. And all you need is to say this magic line of 12 words.
Here’s how it works…
If you ever get close to a girl, you can be sure of one thing–she’ll use you to unload her emotional issues. That’s guaranteed to happen, so expect it!
In fact, many girls carry emotional baggage, it’s true. And they’re simply waiting for the right guy to unload them.
Let’s say you met a girl, and you like her. Obviously, you’re not going up to her and say, “I want to sleep with you.” You want to appear somewhat interested and that you somehow care about her feelings.
And when you do that, her female instincts kick in and she’ll see you as someone to unload her problems on.
Last time, when a girl started bitching to me about how her life sucks, I asked her back,
“Hey girl, why are you sharing all this information with me?”
She got annoyed and I didn’t get laid that night, surprise, surprise.
Now, I realize this fundamental truth about female psychology–
To get a woman in the sack, first, appeal to her feelings. It’s her ultimate weak point. A man can have sex without emotions. A woman can’t.
So, here’s the easy trick to get a girl to like you fast. When she complains to you about something, do these two things.
One. Listen.
Or, at least, pretend to listen. Act interested. Nod as if you’re agreeing with her. And smile as if you understand and care her nonsensical female talk.
Two. Absolve her from blame.
Say these 12 words…
“It’s not your fault. If I were you, I’d feel the same.”
That, my friend, is the money shot right there. These 12 words are all you need.
Because remember this–
Every girl wants a guy who understands her and takes her side… no matter how wrong or stupid or irrational she is.
If she runs over a puppy, it’s not her fault. It’s the dog owner’s fault of letting it out.
If she gets fired from her job, it’s not her fault. It’s that backstabbing co-worker bitch’s fault.
If she cheats on her boyfriend and bangs the bartender, it’s not her fault. The bastard got her drunk.
You get the idea.
So, remember this magic line. Whatever she complains about, say–
“It’s not your fault. If I were you, I’d feel the same.”
And with that, you now hold the key to her emotions. You’re on her side against the world. If you know Shogun Method (read this review), this is the classic “Us Against The World” mind control tactic. And it works.
Got that? Good.
Now, I’ve got to warn you, though. Getting a girl to like you is not the endgame.
You have to remember–attraction is a fleeting emotion. It doesn’t last. A girl may swoon all over you one day and be totally cold and indifferent the next.
This is especially true if you use pickup lines and tricks on her. Because once the novelty wears off, she gets bored, and her infatuation with you ends.
In Shogun Method, we have this rule–
Enslavement, not seduction.
It’s not enough to seduce a girl and make her “like” you. The name of the game is emotional addiction. Not seduction.
Getting a girl to like you is only the first step. You want her to get emotionally addicted to you in the end.
And to do that, you need the IRAE Model.
Think of it as a blueprint for emotional addiction. It’s a blueprint that maps the four steps a girl takes to fall in love–I, R, A and E.
And how you can use the IRAE Model is crazy simple. All you need is to trigger a girl’s emotions in this sequence and she’s yours. It’s as easy as that.
What’s more, all you need to know about the IRAE Model is inside this beautiful, 34-page digital book. It’s free, and you can get it at
Here’s the catch, though… not everyone qualifies to access the book. And there’s a good reason for it, too.
Recall the four steps in the sequence–I, R, A and E? The last step is, or the Enslavement step, somewhat controversial and provocative.
In fact, it completely pisses some people (read: ugly feminists) off. I receive death threats over it, no joke. But I don’t care.
Anyway, for the sake of us all, I’m keeping the E-step hidden within the community. I mean, after all, we want to preserve this precious knowledge so we can keep passing it to guys like you who deserve it. We must protect the IRAE Model no matter what it takes.
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