Do you want to learn how to be more interesting to women? If you’re here reading this article, chances are you’ve been told that you’re boring by a girl… or you think they find you dull. Well, the truth is you’re not alone.
Most guys struggle with this issue, and it’s not entirely their fault. Men today seem to be raised to be boring. And if you don’t do something about it, you’ll be boring to women for the rest of your life. It’s true.
But don’t worry, we’re going to fix that right now. I’m going to share with you the one big mistake that guys make when trying to be interesting with women. Yes, you heard that right… it all comes down to just ONE mistake.
Table of Contents
The One Mistake Guys Make With Women
What’s this mistake?
Well, it’s this-trying too hard to be interesting.
Guys spend all their energy on impressing the girl… making her laugh, or showing off their skills. But here’s the thing. Women can sense when a guy is trying too hard, and it’s a turnoff to them. What’s more, it can even come across as manipulative and creepy.
So, instead of trying so hard, understand how the female mind works. Trust me, how women think can be pretty weird. For instance, here’s something most guys don’t know… that confusing a woman can actually lead to attraction and even emotional addiction. It’s strange, but true.
So, let me ask you this. Are you ready to stop being boring and start being more interesting to women?
The One Question A Woman Asks Herself
Have you ever wondered what goes on in a woman’s mind when she meets a guy? What happens when a guy makes his move and tries to seduce her?
Well, apparently, she subconsciously asks herself this question:
“Will I sleep with this guy?”
And here’s what happens next. With most of the men she meets, the answer is usually a big fat NO.
The reasons can be many. For example, he’s too young, too old, too poor, too immature, or simply not her type. You know the drill, right?
And that’s not all. What happens when you try to impress a girl or make her laugh? Well, here’s what. If you manage to impress her, she might think you’re “too good” for her. Also, if you make her laugh, she might just see you only as a friend. So trying to be interesting with a girl can actually backfire on you.
But don’t worry, there’s a solution. The trick is to confuse her. Yes, you heard that right. Confusing her is the fastest way to make her see you as a potential lover. It might sound counterintuitive, but trust me, it works.
How To Confuse A Woman
How do you confuse her? Well, by using the Sneaky Switcheroo technique I’m going to share with you next.
It’s really simple. Imagine you’re chatting with a woman you secretly like. In the middle of your conversation, you slip something in that totally confuses her.
Let’s say her name is Sarah, and you say to her: “Hey, Sarah, how’s it going?” And she says: “Good, how are you?” And then you use the Sneaky Switcheroo technique here. You say something like,
“You know, I never learned how to drive until I was 25.”
“I always put my socks on before my shirt.”
Or maybe:
“I have a secret passion for sewing.”
Something like that is going to make her pause and say: “Wait, what?” or “Huh? What do you mean?” And then you go ahead and explain yourself.
If you said you never learned how to ride a drive, you can then say: “I grew up in a really small town and never had a chance to learn.” Or, if you said you have a secret passion for sewing, you can then say: “My grand auntie taught me when I was a kid and it’s been a stress-reliever for me ever since.” That’s the Sneaky Switcheroo technique. Easy, right?
(Incidentally, if you want an obedient girlfriend, confusion is also a valid strategy.)
The Flaw in a Woman’s Mind
Now, why does this technique work so well? It has got to do with how the female mind works, but here’s a simple explanation.
By confusing her, you make her give you a moment of her complete attention. She won’t have her usual “defences” up. Instead, she lets them down as she tries to figure them out. And that’s the moment where you make the biggest emotional impact on her.

OK, here’s the thing. She’s not necessarily impressed, and she maybe didn’t laugh. And yet she’s totally, completely interested and mystified. That’s the key. You’ll notice her growing interest in your next conversation… and the next one, and the one after that.
And you know what? This stuff just keeps getting better and better! So, after you’ve used the Sneaky Switcheroo technique to confuse her and get her attention, your next challenge is to keep her interested.
You can’t just go all in at once, like throwing too much firewood on a campfire and burning the whole thing down. You need to be gentle and stoke it slowly, adding a little at a time.
Where To Go From Here
To do that, we have another technique called Fractionation. It’s a verbal technique that goes even deeper than the Sneaky Switcheroo.
With Fractionation, instead of just making her interested in you, it makes her feel completely addicted to you. Yeah, you heard that right. With Fractionation, she’ll be so hooked on you she’ll do anything to have you all to herself. And that’s what we want, right? It’ll make the relationship so much easier to handle, yes? Imagine if she’s the one who is doing all the chasing… wouldn’t that be awesome?
Now, the thing is, Fractionation is a bit more complex than the Sneaky Switcheroo. It’s a fairly advanced technique (hint: Fractionation is all about emotional rollercoasters). I can’t really explain it properly in this short guide. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. I’m going to introduce you to our free Fractionation Online Masterclass. There, I’ll explain it much better than I ever could hear.
Here’s the link that will take you directly to the Masterclass. You’ll learn how Fractionation works and how to use it today. So, are you ready to take your dating game to the next level? Click the link and join the masterclass now.
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