Reading Time: 23 minutes
How to Seduce a Girl Who Already Has a Boyfriend
If you read the title of this Shogun Method guide and are still here, then I have a message for you–
We get it.
We totally understand. We will never judge you. We know where you’re coming from.
Sometimes, the girl of your dreams–the proverbial “one”–already taken. And it’s beyond frustrating to think that she might be off-limits to you.
So it’s easy to wonder if it’s possible to get her to cheat on her boyfriend, and go with you instead.
Again, we Shoguns understand. And I got two pieces of good news for you.
- Wanting to get a girl to cheat on her boyfriend is natural.
- Getting a girl to cheat on her boyfriend is possible–but only if you follow what I say closely. (It has to do with two words: Plausible Deniability).
If you want your best shot at making her choose you, read on. Pay attention. Take notes. It will be worth it, trust me.
Table of Contents
- How to Seduce a Girl Who Already Has a Boyfriend
- The Shogun’s Code
- Free Download: Action Checklist + Free Advanced Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern
- Why Cheating is the First Step of the Grand Strategy
- Your Secret Weapon to Get Her to Cheat and Make Her Your Woman
- Warning!
- “I Have A Boyfriend”
- How to Pass the “I Have a Boyfriend” Test
- How to Get Her to Cheat? Put Her on Emotional Rollercoasters
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Is It Ever Okay to Steal Another Man’s Woman?
- How to Convince a Woman to Cheat with You?
- What Type of Women Will Cheat? What Can Make a Woman Cheat on Her Boyfriend?
- Can a Relationship Work if You Cheat?
- Can You Coach Me to Steal Someone’s Girlfriend?
- Does Cheating Make You a Bad Person?
- How Common is Cheating?
- Can a Cheating Woman Change and Be Faithful?
- What is a Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern?
The Shogun’s Code
First things first. You should absolutely not mess with another man’s woman under these three circumstances.
- If she’s happy with her guy, don’t even think about it.
- If her boyfriend is your buddy, hands off.
- If her boyfriend’s a Shogun, well, that’s a whole different level of off-limits.

You can call it the Shogun’s Code, but let’s not forget. There’s something more important to a Shogun than fooling around, and that’s honor.
Shogun Method doesn’t take sides on ethics, but these are some clear red lines you shouldn’t cross. Never wreck a happy relationship, and never mess around with your brother’s woman.
Now, out of these three rules, let’s chat about the first one. You should never use Shogun Method on a girl who’s perfectly happy with another guy.
But here’s the twist. Most women seems happy with their men on the surface. It’s a mask they wear to show the world… when in reality they are stuck in shitty relationships they can’t escape.
Most women stay with their lousy boyfriends for two reasons.
First, they don’t see any better options out there…
…and, second, even if there are other guys interested, there’s no guarantee they will treat her right.
Can you picture being stuck in a bad relationship you can’t get out of? The truth is, most women are trapped in situations like that.
They often feel like they have no choice…
…unless, of course, there’s a hero out there who can rescue them and give them the love and care they truly deserve.
With this guide you’re going to read here today, you’re that hero.
Get ready.
Free Download: Action Checklist + Free Advanced Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, here’s the scoop.
The guide you’re going to read next is seriously detailed. It might just be the longest and most detailed one out there on the topic of boyfriend destroying, ever.
Now, because it’s a real epic, it’s easy to get lost as you go through it all. So, to make things easier, I wrote an Action Checklist that sums up everything, start to finish. free resource
When you’re all set to put your grand strategy into action, you only have to do one thing. All you gotta do is to follow the Action Checklist, item by item. Easy peasy.
So, click this link below and grab the Action Checklist now–

Click Here
It’s a simple, 11-page PDF you can breeze through in minutes.
And as a bonus, I’ve added an insanely effective Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern right at the end of the PDF.
I did that because if I spilled the beans here, it’ll stir up the hornet’s nest of anger and controversy towards us. Read it and you’ll understand.
Look for this advanced tactic at the end of the Action Checklist–it’s called the Yin Yang strategy.
The Yin Yang creates a false impression in her mind so she compares her boyfriend with a picture of the ideal man. In contrast, he will look weak and un-masculine, destroying his image inside her mind.
It’s the Boyfriend Destroyer Sequence par excellence, and for good reason. It’s also why I have to hide it because of how insidious it is.
So, go on and download the Action Checklist now. Learn the Yin Yang and you’ll increase your chances of winning by 10X immediately.
Why Cheating is the First Step of the Grand Strategy
Let’s be clear on your intentions. You’re not here just to bang some poor guy’s woman.
You’re here to strategize on helping her to escape the clutches of a bad relationship. And getting her to sleep with you is merely the first step of this grand strategy.
Because to women, sex is not just a physical thing… it’s all wrapped up in emotions. Indeed, some women can’t have sex with a man without getting emotionally attached to him.
So, for a decent girl to sleep with you even when she already has a boyfriend, you’ve got to meet one big requirement. She’s got to be emotionally invested enough in you to take the risk of cheating.
Cheating, in this case, will pave the way for her to dump her boyfriend for you. And that’s the ultimate goal here. (If you’re doing this just for a fling, then you should probably stop reading. Shogun Method is an overkill for short-term relationships.)
As a Shogun, you already know about how love unfolds in stages, especially for women.
Think of cheating as the first stage in this love game. Once you get her to have a little fling with you, you’ve built up enough emotional equity to take things to the next level. That’s what I mean by the Grand Strategy.
Now, to make things crystal clear, here’s how you should look at the whole deal in three steps.
- She’s unhappy with her boyfriend, and you want her to leave him for you.
- You’re getting her to sleep with you to get her emotionally invested in you.
- Once she’s ties up with you emotionally, you’ll use Shogun Method on her to make her yours for good.
Here lies the ultimate key to make everything work: emotional investment.
Your Secret Weapon to Get Her to Cheat and Make Her Your Woman

The key idea is to get her to cheat so as you get her emotionally invested in you.
That’s where your focus must be. Emotional investment.
Now, here’s the deal about how women look at love and men. A woman won’t leave a guy unless she’s got a better option lined up for her.
In certain circles of psychologists, they call this Branch Swinging.
Picture a monkey going through the trees, hopping from one branch to the next. It will only take the leap when it spots a higher, sturdier trunk for it to grab.
Well, the same principle applies to women. They’ll only make the move when they’ve got something better waiting for them.
So, to get a woman to cheat, here’s the bottom line.
- You must be the better option that she gets to choose.
- You must be worthy enough for her to build substantial emotional investment in you. And,
- You must give her the concrete reason to dump her boyfriend and pick you instead.
In this guide, you’ll get the best ways to do all three. And we’ll do everything the unconventional way–with covert subconscious messaging via Mind Control.
Yes, Mind Control.
Here’s the kicker, though. Mind Control doesn’t work (equally) on all women.
But, here’s the thing. Nothing works on all women, everywhere. (Beware of anyone telling you that, because it’s simply false.)
Will Mind Control work on the woman you want to attract?
It all depends. In fact, whether she will react to Mind Control depends on five things.
- Is she already familiar with you?
- How smart is she? (Or, specifically, does she know about Boyfriend Destroyers?)
- Does she have emotional baggage?
- Does she face a lot of social pressure?
- How driven are you to be with her?
In Shogun Method, we profile a woman with her Vulnerability Score. The higher the score is (above 30), the easier it will be to use Mind Control on her.
To calculate her Vulnerability Score (and get her Shogun Method profile), take this quiz. free resource
You will understand her better and your chances of using Boyfriend Destroyers on her successfully will skyrocket. Do that before you continue.
“I Have A Boyfriend”
What Does “I Have A Boyfriend” Really Mean?
From the quiz, we’ll tell you what Shogun Method archetype she is (Persephone, Athena, Gaia or Thalia.) Each of these archetypes have their own Vulnerability Scores.
The higher her Vulnerability Score is, the likelier she is to respond to you, but at the same time, her tendency to shit-test you will also go up.
Let’s say you’re on a date with her, and it’s going well. When you flirt with her, she flirts right back.
Then, when you try to take things to the next level, you move in for a hug or kiss, or invite her to your place…
…she then hits you with a verbal sledgehammer:
“I have a boyfriend.”
What do you do?
When most guys hear that line, they quit, thinking they’ve just gotten rejected…
…or they back off, afraid of her angry boyfriend (LOL) or social stigma or something imaginary like that.

Don’t do what those chumps do.
Instead, see the statement “I have a boyfriend” for what it really is–not as a rejection, but as a test. And it’s a test she hopes you pass.
How do we know it’s a test and not a rejection?
Simple. For three reasons.
- If she were really loyal to her boyfriend, she wouldn’t need to bring him up. In fact, she wouldn’t flirt with you in the first place. If she’s truly happy and secure with him, she’d keep things on the “friends only” level with you, and go no further. Yet here you are.
- If she told you she “had a boyfriend” right at the beginning of your interaction, then it’s a rejection. It’s a sign she doesn’t want to even talk to you. The fact that she played along means it’s not a rejection.
- You talked… you both flirted… and then she dropped the “boyfriend” challenge on you. It’s a sequence, right? It’s obviously a test–not a rejection.
Make sense?
Why She’s Testing You (and How to Respond)
Here’s the question, though… why would she test you?
Two reasons.
- Because she wants to see if you’re manlier than her current boyfriend. It takes balls of steel to steal some guy’s girl, and she wants to know if you have them.
- Because she’s looking for Plausible Deniability. In layman’s terms, she wants you to shoulder all responsibility for the tryst.
The second reason–Plausible Deniability–is the bigger reason of the two.
She wants to make sure that if she did have an affair with you, and people found out, she could then get to say,
“Well, I told him I had a boyfriend, but he pressed on anyway, and things just happened. It’s not my fault”
In other words, she’s creating an excuse to cheat on her boyfriend without having to be responsible for it!
Sneaky, I know. But that’s how the game is played…
…and you can win that game if you follow the rules.
How Most Guys Fail the “I Have a Boyfriend” Test
Most guys fail the test when they…
- …apologize for “going too far”
- …creepily try to convince her to keep going
- …take it as a rejection and quit
Don’t do that.
And instead, do the following…
How to Pass the “I Have a Boyfriend” Test
Just Say One Word–“Right.”
The only way to pass the “I have a boyfriend” test is to do something she does not expect.
When you do, you’ll snap her out of her testing mindset, and pay close attention to what you’ve got to offer her (that her boyfriend can’t).
She’ll stop playing her little game, and instead, she gets sucked into yours.
When she tells you she has a boyfriend, she’s expecting you to either get flustered or chicken out…
… but guess what? You’re going to do neither.
Instead, you’ll be using a Mind Control technique to respond. (Some call it manipulation, but who cares?) You’ll be putting her on an emotional rollercoaster.
We’ll get into the nitty gritty of the art of emotionally rollercoastering a woman, but for now, here’s your go-to strategy to deal with “I have a boyfriend” bullshittery.
When she chats and flirts with you, then tells you she has a boyfriend, just say “Right.”
Just one word. “Right.” Then you do something else. Turn your back on her, or get another drink. Then, simply continue talking as if she didn’t mention her boyfriend.
What you’re doing is faking disinterest. You don’t give her statement any weight or attention. You simply ignored it. He’s less important to you than she thinks.
How will she react?
Your perceived disinterest will send wild thoughts running through her mind…
- “Wait, what did he mean by ‘Right’?”
- “Did he mean he doesn’t care I have a boyfriend?”
- “Is he mocking me?”
- “Did I show my hands early?”
- “Did I just jump the gun?”
- “Is he ignoring me?”
- “Why does he not care that I’m already taken?”
- “Fuck, what is he up to? I MUST find out!”
That’s what will happen when all you said is one word.
Reverse Friend Zone
In the quiz you’ve taken, you scored her vulnerability to Mind Control. This maps her to her Shogun Method archetype (Persephone, Athena, Gaia or Thalia.)
If you’ve not taken the quiz yet, do it here. Knowing her Vulnerability Score and archetype is the key to making everything work.
If her archetype is Persephone or Athena, her chances of responding to Mind Control are high. In that case, she is especially vulnerable to emotional rollercoasters.
The question is how do we put a woman on an emotional rollercoaster?
In my Shogun Method elite coaching service, I teach my clients the R.F.Z–the Reverse Friend Zone .
Here’s how the R.F.Z works.
With it, you put her in the friend-zone before she has a chance to do it you.
For instance, when you’ve built enough rapport with her and she’s flirting back with you, tell her,
“We’re having such a great time. But, here’s the thing…”
She’ll ask, “What?”

Then you say,
“I guess I’m tired of all this silly dating stuff. I’m not looking for anything right now. But I’m glad I’ve found a friend in you.”
The key to making this work is the delivery. Emphasize on the word friend so it registers in her mind.
And here’s what happens–
It’s like getting on a rollercoaster that is plunging downwards. She’ll take it as a veiled rejection, and she’ll be desperate to change your mind. From now on, she’ll want you as a lover, not just a friend.
She wants the emotional rollercoaster to go back up again. Instantly, your attraction factor to her gets bumped by 10X. Her boyfriend will seem boring and mundane compared to you.
Not only that, she gets the Plausible Deniability that she wants in case anything happens later. When she bangs you, she will get to say,
“We agreed only to be friends. But then, things changed…”
Get it?
Boyfriend Destroying = Emotional Rollercoasters + Plausible Deniability
That’s the equation that needs to sear into your mind.
How to Get Her to Cheat? Put Her on Emotional Rollercoasters
The longer and more intense the emotional rollercoaster is, the more attracted she’ll be to you…
…and the more willing she’ll do whatever you want, even if she’s already taken.
The emotional rollercoaster is the OG of all Mind Control. It endows you the ability to attract any woman you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want. Whether she has got a boyfriend or not is irrelevant.
The Reverse Friend Zone is just one of the many emotional rollercoaster tactics you’ll learn from me. The entire Shogun Method program is about rollercoastering a woman’s emotions, getting her emotionally addicted to you.
The name of the game is emotional addiction. A woman only has space for one man in her life. He is the one she can’t do without emotionally.
In the Shogun Method world, we call this Emotional Enslavement. And you can make any woman emotionally enslaved to you–more than to her boyfriend.
Here’s a recap of what you’ve learned today in this guide.
- When she flirts with you, and then tells you she has a boyfriend, don’t panic. She’s not rejecting or blocking you–she’s testing you.
- Don’t fail the test by reacting negatively, creepily trying to keep flirting, or giving up. Ignore it, or brush it off with one word-“Right.”
- Snap her out of her game–and thrust her into yours–with an emotional rollercoaster, like the Reverse Friend Zone.
Understand–everything a woman does is controlled by her emotions.
Control her emotions, and you control her.
And when you control her, it’s no longer a choice between you and her boyfriend. She’ll simply follow what her heart tells her–that she wants you.
If she has a stronger emotional attachment with you, you win. And the key to emotional attachment are emotional rollercoasters.
Shogun Method is probably the only place to learn how to do this. The skill to rollercoastering women is almost exclusive to us Shoguns.
Want a way to get a woman dump her boyfriend for you?
Your brother in Shogunhood,

P.S: Has a taken woman ever flirted with you? Did you manage to steal her from her boyfriend, or did you back off? How did you make a girl cheat with you? Tell us your story below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is It Ever Okay to Steal Another Man’s Woman?
Now, many guys (especially new Shoguns) ask me:
“Okay, Derek, I get that it’s natural and possible to get a girl to cheat on her boyfriend. But is it ever okay? Is it ever acceptable for a man to steal another man’s woman?”
The answer is yes, as long as you obey the Shogun’s Code. (See the start of this guide if you missed that.)
If that’s the case, not only is getting a girl to cheat on her boyfriend acceptable…
…but it’s even advisable.
Here are four reasons.
- Her boyfriend doesn’t own her. No one does. If some guy owned her, that would make her a victim of human trafficking now, wouldn’t it?
- The best women in the dating game–including the woman in your mind right now–are almost always taken.
- If you never pursue taken women, then you’re stuck with leftovers, the rejected goods. (The ugly, eccentric, or generally low-quality ones.)
- Even if the girl of your dreams wanted to break up with her boyfriend, she won’t stay single for long. Either the next guy will swoop in and save her, or she’ll already have another guy lined up.
#4 is the most telling reason. She’ll only leave her boyfriend if she has a better option lined up for her.
The key to getting a girl to cheat is to be the better option that she gets to choose.
You must give her a concrete reason to cheat on her boyfriend and pick you instead. Next, you’ll discover what the ideal reason is.
How to Convince a Woman to Cheat with You?
20% of women will never entertain the idea of cheating no matter how persuasive you are. This biggest reason? Social stigma. After all, to be called an adulteress or slut carries a heavy burden of shame.
For the other 80%, however, everything is fair game. Social stigma still stands, but as long as you can knock this barrier down, she will make the plunge.
Imagine when you have attracted her enough that she’s considering cheating with you. In Shogun Method lexicon, you’re at the A stage in the IRAE Model. She wants to sleep with you, but she’s holding back with these questions lingering at the back of her mind–
“What if I got found out?”
“Will they call me a slut?”
“Why do I feel this way? Do I still love (her boyfriend)?”
“What happens after I sleep with him?”
“What if (her boyfriend) finds out?”
To put these questions to rest, you only need one thing–
Plausible Deniability
If she gets found out, she must get to say,
“It just happened. It’s not my fault.”
You must craft a story that she can tell to the world that absolves her from blame. Here is one example of a Plausible Deniability story arc (in sequence)–
- Her boyfriend mistreats her. He could even be cheating on her.
- She feels lonely and lost.
- You appear in her life. You give her the comfort and company she hungered for.
- You seduce her. During a moment of vulnerability, she gives in.
If you want to convince a woman to cheat with you, that is the story arc you need. It’s one where her boyfriend is the biggest villain and you’re also at fault for tempting her. And so, she is the least guilty by comparison.
So, to get a woman to cheat, it’s all about Plausible Deniability. Give her a story that absolves her from blame and she’s yours.
Remember. She must get to say in the end of the affair–
“It just happened. It’s not my fault.”
What Type of Women Will Cheat? What Can Make a Woman Cheat on Her Boyfriend?
This follows from the answer in the previous question: Plausible Deniability.
A woman is prone to cheat if all three elements Plausible Deniability story arc are present–
- The first and biggest element is a horrible boyfriend. He must have unmanly traits like dishonesty, rudeness, stinginess or bad toilet habits.
- The second element is a sophisticated seducer. The man she is cheating with must worthy enough for her to risk hurting her reputation.
- The third element are the moments of vulnerability. These would be times when she gets tempted by the seducer to cheat.
So, what type of women will cheat?
One, those with horrible boyfriends.
Two, those who chance upon sophisticated seducers… like us Shoguns.
And three, those exposed to moments of vulnerability.
Again, Vulnerability Scores are important. Knowing how to exploit her vulnerability is key.
Can a Relationship Work if You Cheat?
Short answer, no.
Longer answer–
No, unless you have your woman firmly entrenched in the Enslavement stage in the IRAE Model.
If you have emotionally enslaved your women, you should give her the full disclosure. It’s no longer cheating if you’re banging other women and you tell your girlfriend upfront (and she accepts it.)
If the IRAE Model is new to you, download this free book.
Can You Coach Me to Steal Someone’s Girlfriend?
It depends.
The Shogun’s Code is my most important consideration. I will only help you if you are honorable in your intentions.
Bottom line–you are not destroying a relationship for short-term satisfaction. No casual flings.
If that’s the case, then apply here. Application doesn’t mean automatic acceptance. Fill the form and we’ll see.
Does Cheating Make You a Bad Person?
I am not here to judge. And to whoever who does, ask them to fuck themselves. Are they sinless that they get to cast a stone?
Let me ask you this, however. How will you view yourself if you cheat? That’s the only question that matters.
We Shoguns will never judge you, ever.
How Common is Cheating?
50% of all marriages in the United States end up in divorce. 90% of divorces are caused by adultery.
Mind you, that is only an underestimation. In fact, many marriages survive infidelity.
In those cases, the husbands are too weak to divorce their unfaithful wives. They stay at home fiddling with their willies while their women fuck other men, and that’s sad.
So, how common is cheating? Your woman has a 50% chance of banging other men.
And guess what? Chances are that she’s already eyeing someone, it’s true. All she needs to cuck you is a Plausible Deniability story.
Can a Cheating Woman Change and Be Faithful?
Short answer, yes.
Longer answer–
Yes, as long as you keep her away from the three elements in the Plausible Deniability story arc.
First, be an impeccable boyfriend. Never display any fault she can use as an excuse to cheat on you.
Second, make sure your mastery of Shogun Method skills are top-notch. You don’t want to meet a Shogun with better emotional enslavement skills than you do.
And third, avoid letting her expose herself to moments of vulnerability. This means no nights out “with the girls”, trips on her own, nothing.
You can achieve all three with Shogun Method.
What is a Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern?
The Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern is a Neuro Linguistic Programming routine that creates a negative impression in the woman’s mind of her boyfriend.
An example of the Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern is the Shogun Method Yin Yang sequence. How it works is it compares the boyfriend with the impossible ideal in the woman’s mind. It’s effective, but if misused, it’s downright insidious and evil.
For obvious reasons, we cannot publish this Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern for all to see. You can still find it inside the free Action Checklist PDF). It’s in the final section of the document.
I have a girl who lives with her kid’s dad. We got to flirting, and then talking about kids, because we both have them. She said she’s “tired of doing everything,” herself wishes she had help, and that “warm body parts don’t count.”
I said “Wow, so you had to get up at night change diapers, and feed eight anybody else to wipe butt, and put her back to bed?”
Ever since that conversation, I’ve been playing the long game. When I go to her house, I bring her daughter a toy. I also bring the hotty presents. I repair things around her house for free.
I told her a “kind of” have a girlfriend. I’m going to turn this into a situation where we’re both cheating, because I like the girl I’m with, and I want this chick, too, but I don’t want her to expect me to be there all the time, and I don’t want to damage this dude’s relationship with his daughter.
Soon I’m going to go to her house when her daughter is at daycare and her baby’s daddy is at work, and put the moves on. I’m going to pound her on the dining room table, and after we’re finished, I’m going to say that neither of us should turn our lives upside down, but we should do this whenever we can.
Best of both worlds. I get to keep my current girlfriend, plus nail this chick on the side, and this guy gets to go on about his happy little life thinking he has a faithful girlfriend and a daughter.
Neither of us will spend the night at the other’s place, and we’ll avoid emotional entanglement!
Horrible to say, but some guys are destined to be cucked. Shoguns sympathize with them, but nature doesn’t.
Until he comes home early and shoots you for “raping” his wife and she screams and plays along. Don’t trust women rule #1. Men are more honorable.