Some time ago I had published an article about the woman’s subconscious mind and how to hack it.
In that article, I had talked about a Shogun Method technique known as Intuition Violation.
Now, if you’re a Shogun, you’re probably going to give me a hard time…
After all, the third precondition of Shogun Method is to protect the sanctity of this knowledge, right?
The truth is that I am rather torn about this.
On one hand, I’d want to be a good Shogun and keep this knowledge between ourselves. On the other hand, I’d want to reach out to other guys so they know that they can solve their relationship problems easily… if only they know Shogun Method like us.
Table of Contents
The Back Story
So last week, I talked to my brother Shoguns about this, and to my surprise, most felt the same thing. Fellow Shogun Cronos told the group.
“There are certain things that must remain inside the Shogun Method community. They must remain private and only be known to Shoguns.
“Shogun Sequences like the Red Tulip, the Illness Pattern and the Black Rose Sequence should be kept away from the public. Why? Because the fewer know these Sequences, the more powerful they are. And so these must remain inside
“Also, anything that’s inside the Enslavement stage of the IRAE Model is forbidden outside the community.”
So, as I promised the other Shoguns, I won’t be sharing the details of any Shogun Sequence. And I won’t.
Of course, discussions on the Enslavement stage are still going on inside, and if you’re a Shogun, go there. Here, we won’t be talking about any technique that belongs to the Enslavement stage, sorry.
Why A Woman’s Intuition Is Her Greatest Weakness
Now with that out of the way, let’s get back on track.
In Shogun Method, a recurring theme is about how women have stronger intuition than men. This means that it’s almost impossible to hide things from a woman.
Why? Because their intuition is so strong that they can tell if you’re lying.
Here’s the thing, though…
A woman’s intuition is also her greatest weakness… because you can exploit it if you know how…
… but how? With Shogun Method’s Intuition Violation principle, which goes…
“By violating a woman’s intuition, you can capture a woman’s attention and control it.”
By “controlling” a woman’s attention, it means that you can either retain or divert it. And as any Shogun would know, controlling a woman’s attention is everything.
As I wrote inside Shogun Method–
Capture a woman’s attention long enough, and she will seduce herself to you… it’s just a matter of time.
There are reasons why Shogun Method works so well compared to other programs. You’re smart, and so you’ve realized this. Other programs will teach you superficial tricks like pickup lines or other kinds of stupid shit. Shogun Method lets you dig into a woman’s subconscious and gives you the key to control it. With this power, you can access your woman’s mind and plant ideas inside it without her knowing.
Sounds crazy and yet it’s true. But, imagine for a second what you can do with this power. Seriously, how will your life change?
Identity Casting
Now that you understand the female subconscious, let’s move on to a technique on how you can control it. And you’ll do this with a Shogun Method tactic we call Identity Casting.
So, what’s Identity Casting?
It’s quite simple, really. In a nutshell, it’s about “casting” someone into an identity or character that you choose… so that she behaves consistently with that identity.
For example, if you want a friend to help you, you can say to her:
“Doris, you’re a kind and loyal friend. I know you’ll help me.”
So, wanting to be seen as kind and loyal, this traps Doris into doing the favor for you.
Easy, right?
You’re smart and you see this everywhere… especially in advertising.
For example, every man wants to be seen as strong and macho. So, you get ads about men doing manly things like wrestling a ferocious tiger, choking a fearsome chicken and saving a raunchy temptress from an evil midget… before calling it a day with his beer of choice.
The subtext for those ads are always the same:
“You’re a strong man. Use this product!”
Sneaky, right? But there’s a reason why these ads are everywhere… they work.
Why is Identity Casting is so darn effective?
Well, here’s why.
Because it bypasses our conscious minds, sending the message directly into the subconscious. I mean, people know that those ads are ridiculous, and yet they end up buying the products anyway.
So, how can you use Identity Casting with your woman? Easy. Just tell her she is “good” and therefore she should behave accordingly. (This is also how you can gain yourself a submissive girlfriend if you make the right moves.)
ALSO READ: How To Get Attention From The Woman You Like
With Identity Casting in mind, use these starters and fill in the rest yourself:
“Mandy, you’re a loyal girlfriend. You should…”
“Steph, you’re smart. You will…”
“Jessica, you’re a kind-hearted woman. I know you’ll…”
Got that?
Now here’s a pro-tip: always say her name. This will make the link to her inner self with the “new” identity even stronger.
Easy, right?
And that’s not all…
It takes only a few words to make imagine being a “loyal girlfriend” or “kind-hearted woman” in her mind. I mean, no woman wants to think she’s disloyal or has a rotten heart, yes?
And that’s how Shogun Method works… few words that create a huge effect in the female mind.
Even better–
You can use Identity Casting to make her stop doing things you don’t want her to do.
I gotta warn you though… Here, you’ll need to be more subtle and not to sound like you’re accusing her of anything.
For example, let’s say she’s spending too much time on Instagram. How would you use Identity Casting to make her stop?
Here’s what NOT to say:
“Candy, you attention whore. You should stop posting shit on Instagram.”
That would be stupid, right? Can you think of a better way to say this?
Or, worse, let’s say your woman has been hanging out with other guys, and you want to stop this.
A better way is to “cast” that identity on someone else and not on her directly. Here’s an example –
“You know John’s girlfriend, Alexis? I heard she hangs out with Chad when he goes away for this work. Kinda fucked-up, right? I mean, she’s such a disloyal girlfriend to John. Candy, I’m glad you’re not anything like her.”
Here, you’re not accusing her of anything. And yet, you’re Identity-casting her indirectly through Alexis in three ways:
- Alexis hangs out with other guys. This is the behavior of a disloyal girlfriend.
- You are not a disloyal girlfriend.
- You should, therefore, stop hanging out with other guys.
Make sense?
How To Make Her Identity Change Permanent
Now here’s something even more interesting about Identity Casting:
You can use it to make the identity change permanent.
With the right strategy, you hack her subconscious and can change her behavior for good.
And remember: this change in behavior is permanent. Why? Because it comes from replacing her existing identity with the one you design.
Sounds sinister? Well, I guess so. But, I am sharing this with you because you’re a good person, and you won’t use it to do bad things.
Imagine you have the power to erase a woman’s identity and “install” inside her the behaviors that you want. How will your life change?
Now, you’re smart and you already know how dangerous this knowledge can be if it falls into the wrong hands. After all, make no mistake–this is psychological manipulation at its finest. Having said that, you must only use Shogun Method for good, not evil.
It’s true that I have banned Shoguns from talking about Enslavement stage techniques. Well, guess what? One of those techniques is the Black Rose Sequence.
So, as I have promised my brother Shoguns, I can’t tell you what the Black Rose Sequence is about exactly. What I can share with you, however, are these three things:
- The Black Rose Sequence is about changing the identity of a woman.
- The Black Rose Sequence bypasses a woman’s conscious mind and directly works on her subconscious. And that’s why it works so well… because she can’t block it.
- The Black Rose Sequence is a hypnosis routine that puts woman on an emotional journey. Shoguns do this with a technique known as Fractionation.
What’s Fractionation?
Well, it’s a Shogun Method tactic that makes a woman experience emotional ups and downs with you. It’s something like an emotional roller coaster… except it’s one where your woman will never want to get off.
Now here’s the tricky thing about the Black Rose Sequence…
I’ll give it to you straight–it’ll be the hardest thing that you’ll ever learned to do. I’m dead serious here. It makes all those pickup gurus look like children pissing their water guns.
With the Black Rose, I have created a device with untold possibilities. And, here’s the thing. I’m totally aware of how people can go rogue and do bad things with it. So, I have protected it inside the client’s area.
Come to think of it, I won’t recommend the Black Rose Sequence to everyone. Why? Well, let’s face it, it can be too extreme for some relationships. You may not need something that powerful, and indeed, it can be overkill.
The truth is that some women may not have the strength to take it, and using the Black Rose will only hurt them. And you don’t want to hurt the woman you love, right?
Still, if you’re confident that you can handle the Black Rose Sequence properly, then do this:
Be a Shogun.
There, you’ll learn the how to gain power and control in your relationship. And you’ll first do that with Fractionation and dark mind control. From there, you may get to proceed to the Enslavement stage tactics where you can find the Black Rose Sequence.
There’s one catch though: not everyone qualifies. (I wrote about why in this Shogun Method review.) So, if you don’t get approved, maybe you should stop thinking about Shogun Method.
P/S: I’ve received questions whether this method works when you’re married. The answer is this. If you want to know how to train your wife and make her submit to your dominance and authority, then Shogun Method is how you do it. Imagine the identity of your ideal wife, and cast it onto her.
Le photographe says
Bonjours si dans identité casting
On dit la a la femme genre
Flora tu est folle amoureuse de moi et tu est prêt à tout pour te mettre en couple avec moi ca marcherait ? et si on met une fille dans un comportement amoureux obsessions elle va ressentir les émotions ?
Si on dit à un mec que c est un tueur en série ça risquerait de faire des ravage
Derek Rake says
Le casting d’identité est une technique que vous utilisez uniquement lorsque vous atteignez le stade d’esclavage dans le IRAE Model. En tant que tel, il fonctionnera tant qu’il respectera les priorités.
Carl says
I long have enjoyed your wise advice about the nature of women. But I have a question. Suppose I meet a hot-looking woman who happens to be super-religious? The kind of woman whose only intimate male companions, minus a wedding ring, are God and Jesus. What then? There is a woman I know for whom I have great sexual desire. But her biblical scruples seem an impassable detour. How can I hack into her mind without trying to convert her away from her religion?
Derek Rake says
Carl: you don’t. Religions fill a very specific need, and unless you fulfill that need better than religion would, you’d never convert her away.