Reading Time: 7 Minutes
What is a Sigma Male? You might have heard the term since it made its rounds about a decade ago. What’s a Sigma, exactly? Or, more importantly, are you one? And if you’re not, should you strive to be one?
Let’s answer all those questions and more, once and for all, in this guide today.
It all started with the rise of the terms Alpha Male and Beta Male. Different psychologists, coaches, and pickup artists all have conflicting definitions.
If that wasn’t confusing enough, now there’s the term Sigma Male in the mix. It’s gaining popularity as a middle ground alternative between alpha and beta. Yet is it really? And more importantly: Are you a Sigma Male?
This guide will sort the term Sigma in the most important context of all: Your love life. After all, in the end, it’s the only thing that really matters, right?
Table of Contents
What Is A Sigma Male?
So what is a Sigma Male?
The answer lies in the differences between Alpha, Beta, and Sigma.
But what are they, really? Well, it’s true–Alpha and Beta are not classifications of men. Instead, they’re traits that can be developed by anyone. In fact, that’s what I teach inside Shogun Method.
Here’s how we Shoguns break down the difference between Alpha and Beta traits.
- Alpha traits include strength, persuasiveness, and sexiness. In society, high-alpha men are the attractive leader-types. In romance, they’re the guys women have secret affairs with.
- Beta traits include gentleness, attentiveness, and affection. In society, high-beta men are follower-types. In romance, they’re the men women lock down in marriage.
Got that? Great.
Now, here’s the important thing to know:
Every man in the world has both Alpha and Beta traits in varying proportions. In Shogun Method, all men fall into one of four archetypes:
- First, there’s the Loser, who has low alpha and beta scores.
- Next, we have the Equal, with low alpha, but high beta, scores.
- Third, there’s the Abuser, who has high alpha, but low beta, scores.
- And last, there’s the Patriarch, who has high alpha and beta scores.
We call these LEAP archetypes where L-E-A-P stand for Loser, Equal, Abuser and Patriarch. And naturally, every man can, and should, aim be to become the Patriarch.
Now, before we talk about how Sigma fits into the equation, here’s a question for you. Which of the four types are you at this moment?
I won’t judge, so let’s get real. Which archetype are you-Loser, Equal, Abuser, or Patriarch?
So where does Sigma come in?
Here’s the answer: Both Alpha and Beta males suffer one big weakness that Sigma Males don’t have.
And that is: Alphas and betas are subject to the rules and judgment of the society.

Even Patriarch-type men are accountable to society and women. They can be judged good or bad by their lovers, colleagues, and even strangers.
And as such, Alphas and Betas will always feel the pressure to conform to these outsiders. They have very limited control over the environment they’re in.
Not the Sigma Male, though. In relation to the society, they’re off-the-grid. They’re self-sufficient and do just fine outside social hierarchies. Like lone wolves, they are. And yet they’re in 100% control of what’s in their lives (their women included).
As a result, very few people, if any, have any power over a Sigma Male. No one can impose any rules on him and hold him to specific expectations.
In the dating game, Sigma Males tend to be those mysterious, attractive loners that women love.
So far, Sigma sounds like a sweet deal, right?
Here’s the good news: As with Alpha and Beta, Sigma traits can be developed. You can continue your pursuit of Patriarch status and add those sexy Sigma traits at the same time.
How exactly do you do that?
With what we Shoguns call the Lone Wolf Persona, that’s how. And I’ll show you how to develop the Lone Wolf Persona in just a second.
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The Lone Wolf Persona
So here’s how the Lone Wolf Persona works.
I suggest doing two things to raise your Sigma score.
- First, focus on a life mission that’s bigger than women. And,
- Second, escape any toxic hierarchies you’re currently trapped in.
Let’s start with the first one.
Right now, in your life, is your biggest, most immediate goal to become successful with women? Is your overarching purpose to get dates, get laid, or get married?
If so, then that’s a bad sign. It means you’re still “plugged into the Matrix.” You’re trying to live up to someone else’s ideal. And that means your Sigma score is low, and your life is more stressful than it needs to be.
Here’s what to do: change your life mission. It might be some other big goal, or constant self-improvement, or to make the world a better place in some way.
And the women you meet? They should help you pursue that mission. They shouldn’t be your mission.
Do you get it now? Yes?
Here’s the ironic thing… having a greater purpose makes women feel more drawn to you. They love a man with a plan. So it’s a win-win. You get what you want in life, and they get a man they love.
Now for the second step. Are you stuck in hierarchies like work, friends, family, or community, that are toxic? Chances are you’re miserable simply because you’re part of these systems.
Escaping The Hierarchies
So try this: Escape the hierarchies. Is your work environment toxic? Consider going independent or entrepreneurial. Are your family or friends circle toxic? Consider moving away or cutting them off. You get the idea.
Likewise, these hierarchies will start treating you better once you’re an outsider. Again, it’s ironic and yet it’s true.
Now do you see why it’s called the “Lone Wolf” Persona?
You strengthen your alpha and beta traits, pursue a big mission, and escape toxic systems. Continually and relentlessly.
By doing so, you’ll experience less B.S., more freedom, and more success in love and life than ever before.
Sounds pretty good, right? You might be thinking: “There’s got to be a catch somewhere.”
Well, yes, there is. Even when you achieve the Lone Wolf Persona, that doesn’t mean women will start lining up at your doorstep.
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You’ll still need to interact with them to build the love life you want.
And so, in the interests of achieving the maximum by doing the minimum, master one more technique.
I like to think of it as the weapon of choice for the Sigma Male. If you’ve developed the Lone Wolf Persona, Fractionating a woman will be second nature to you.
With Fractionation, you’ll cast a mesmerizing, hypnotic trance on every woman you talk to. You grab their attention, trigger excitement, and spark attraction. All while not giving a fuck what she thinks or how she reacts.
Over time, she’ll get obsessed with you. The more you interact, the more addicted she gets to you.
That’s Fractionation in a nutshell. And if you’re planning on walking the Lone Wolf route, it may be the only other technique you’ll need to master.
Ready to take full control of your life? Yes?
Then the answer is simple. Be a Shogun.
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