When we talk about Natural Attraction, a few things come to mind.
First, we know that the interaction between you and the girl wasn’t forced, and you didn’t go out of your way to place yourself in that position. It just happened. Not all men know how to react when placed in a dating situation that forces him to act naturally.
These men freeze because they relied too much on canned material in the past. What does it take for a man to just ‘wing it’ in this type of situation? How to be attractive to women naturally? Read on to discover the 4 traits that sit in the core of a naturally attractive man.
The 4 Traits of Naturally Attractive Men
Trait # 1. “Zen Confidence”
There are many aspects involved in developing real confidence. The most relevant one is being in control of how you react to the many stimuli that come when in conversation with women or with men who will try to provoke you.
Reacting to provocation is something that we deal with daily, and more than once, the way we lose our cool is telling of the level of confidence we have.
One other thing involved in reaching the level of confidence of naturally attractive men is your potential to automatically validate yourself internally every time you deal with problems or decisions.
Confidence and self-assurance will increase your appeal because women will naturally gravitate towards you when they’re lacking in self confidence.
Men do this too, and you instantly become the alpha in a sea of subordinate betas.
Should this put pressure on you to be more confident? It shouldn’t.
If you have a self-validation system, other people’s regard and the pressure that comes with it should not bother you much.
That is the main difference between faking confidence and real confidence. The former wears off when pressure comes, while the latter one stays.
Sidenote: For an easy way to gain ‘confidence on tap‘, check out pages 21-27 of How to Seduce Out Of Your League ebook).
Trait 2. Charismatic Fascination
Being fascinating or at the very least, interesting, is an important aspect of Natural Game.
Some say that this isn’t something you learn from a manual, and you’re either born with it or not, but I disagree. Attraction does not start when fascination is lacking.
She will not give you the time of day if you don’t have that level of intensity that keeps women fascinated. A woman’s attraction will increase ten-fold when you compel her to listen to you.
How can you develop this trait? You have to really engage women in conversation to always pick up gorgeous women.
You can also teach her something she probably doesn’t know about her personality. If you’ve heard of cold reading and warm reading, this is what it’s all about.
Girls are compelled to listen when you tell them something they’ve heard somewhere but never really explored.
Of course, you can also use a covert seduction technique like fractionation, but that’s not a “natural tactic” so it doesn’t count.
Trait # 3. Fun Tomfoolery
You’ve probably heard that being funny is the most effective aphrodisiac, but at the core of being funny is the trait called “fun”.
This to women spells the difference between being cheesy and being playful during the rapport building phase. Anyone can dish out lines of jokes and teasing, but it takes someone who can naturally stir a sense of fun in a woman to really attract women.
Women need positivism, and nothing spells that out better than laughter. If you’re fun-loving, you are inviting women to be playful with you.
They drop their guards because you are obviously welcome to their own teasing and jokes. If you can be fun around women, you can be sure that more than a few of the women you interact with regularly are dreaming of hooking up with you.
You can take classes in improvisation, or you can develop your own brand of self-deprecating humor. If you don’t take yourself too seriously and you can relax at will, you will have better chances of attracting women.
The funny guys are always popular; and surprisingly, they are also the most magnetic when it comes to romancing girls.
One reason for this is that you can use your humor to contrast your seriousness when it comes to dating. For instance, a woman has always thought of you as someone she can joke around with, and for a time she might have been keeping a secret crush on you.
If you suddenly stop the humor, and then turn really serious when telling her about your feelings, the effect can be astounding.
Trait # 4. Manliness – The Zen Way
One obvious aspect of Natural Attraction is being able to make a girl feel more feminine just by being around her.
No matter how many times she tells herself that she is a modern woman, and she can hold her own in any situation, she will always have that one man she feels submissive to. You don’t have to try too hard to make her sense your masculinity.
The Yin and Yang of Attraction becomes more obvious if you can elicit that extreme feeling of femininity in a woman. The more manly you are, the more obvious the differences between you and the woman.
Some masculine traits include dominance, and being able to lead your relationship. You must also be mature enough to handle decisions. All of these qualities will tell her that you are dependable, and may take on the role as provider someday.
That’s very attractive to women, regardless of your relationship with them. Having the aura of manliness around you will alert them of your eligibility as a boyfriend.
One of the significant realizations you will have is the real meaning of becoming a man in society. A lot of men get it wrong, and it follows that they can never really access a particularly important area of their psychology.
Notice how other men equate real manliness with bluster and machismo? This grey area related with masculinity will make a huge difference in natural attraction.
Some men are “manly” but they don’t attract women, while some others who are more low-key, don’t have big biceps and don’t have a booming voice do.
Most women see a manly man as a protector of a family or a group of people (including her). A woman’s perception of masculinity is at the core of her predisposition to hero worship.
And, because we are talking about natural attraction here, you can definitely use this kind of attention to your advantage. This is the most effective way to keep a woman interested in you even when the initial excitement has subsided.
Using this “attention grabber” technique, you will be able to make that very essential first step in seducing her (the Shift Your Focus technique on page 38 of How To Seduce Out Of Your League). This is often the make or break of a man’s seduction abilities – so it is important that you nailed this part of your game.
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