From Marcus Wright (via email) –
I’m having a lot of trouble I screwed up really bad and I need to speak to someone about it.
I have been going back and forth with my ex for a year and a half now and this weekend I really messed up. I got drunk and went to her house to tell her I wanted to be with her and she wasn’t there and I got paranoid and thought she was out with another guy or something but I kept it to myself and drove home. The next morning I told her I wanted to be with her and later in the day I told her I was at her house the night before and she wasn’t there and I was worried she was hiding something from me and it turned into a huge fight I let her lay all of feelings and frustrations on me and I found out that even though I did everything I could to make her happy and have a good relationship with her it turns out I was also doing things that were pushing her away that I didn’t know I was doing and she really laid into me and we aren’t even on speaking terms because at the end of the conversation I told her we shouldn’t talk because I didn’t want her to feel trapped and angry towards me every time we talk and I needed time to clear my head after having made so many bad decisions this past weekend
I screwed up so bad. I just can’t believe how I screwed this up and I don’t know what to do and she won’t speak to me.
What do I do now?
I went through all the techniques and it doesn’t address what to do when the relationship gets this far and crumbles.
Derek Rake:
Marcus – at this stage you’ll have nothing to lose but to use Mind Control and hypnosis on her. I must preface this with a disclaimer, though: not a lot of people are comfortable doing this. But it’s hands-down the most effective method to get a woman under your control, bar none.
If you’re fine with using hypnosis on women to get what you want, then use this. Of course, before that, make sure that’s she’s purposely making you jump through hoops because she’s a player: see this guide.
Thank you and I plan on using that but at the moment she won’t even speak to me. How do I get her to speak to me again after all of that?
Derek Rake:
Marcus, use Fractionation on her. Alternatively, the October Man Sequence if you’re up for it.
It doesn’t matter anymore.. turns out my inhibitions about her hanging out with her ex were right. She hung out with him several times and even attempted to have sex with him.. while she was talking to me.
He couldn’t get it up though and the very next time they hung out he asked her for money and she bailed. When I first met her she was sick with hepatitis B because this same guy infected her and stole her money. He is a heroin junkie and a year later she tried to go back to that… it’s disgusting.
So I was right to totally break it off and on top of that she was also talking to a guy from her gym and is dating him now and apparently she’s having the time of her life.
She also told her best friend that she did all that because couldn’t get attracted to me and she saw me as more of a best friend… which is bullshit because the reason her and I began talking was because she kept comparing the guy she was dating at that time to me so much so that she hated that guy eventually and even had a dream about me and blew my phone up begging for me to come back so she CHOSE me over him. Not to be friends.
I’m so stuck. I’m frustrated. I’m hurt. She manipulated me and lives like a scumbag and she gets to be happy now?
It doesn’t make any sense.
Derek Rake:
Marcus, the only option you have now is to turn the tables on her and manipulate her back. Knowing some psychological manipulation techniques will give you the edge to do this.
Good luck!
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