It’s only women.
Why are guys are willing to put up with so much crap for them, and in some instances, lie or maim or kill for them?
You’ll probably need a shrink to tell you that.
I’m a dating coach.
I help guys get women. I don’t care why (as long as it doesn’t violate the laws of the land, and nobody gets hurt in the process).
You may ask me: “Derek, what’s the easiest way to attract a woman?”
It’s hardcore Science!
Did you know that there are a handful of my ex-Shogun Method clients who have been abusing the knowledge that I gave them to go on a “seduction rampage”, leaving behind a long trail of broken heart?
If you’re like me, you ain’t gonna do that with the knowledge that you’re gonna get from me.
You’re not into getting as many women as possible to sleep with you (even though you’ll have that ability).
You’re not seducing a woman just to “get back” at her, and to dump her later when you feel like it.
You’re not putting a woman under your thumb just because it makes you feel powerful and it strokes your ego to have her at your complete mercy.
Nope. You’re above all that.
I can help you get the woman of your dreams so that both of you can then live happily ever after. I’ve coached more than 12,000+ guys do the same for the past ten years. This is the important work that I am most proud of.
So, can you really rely on “science” to help you attract women?
Of course.
10,000 years ago, how a man “seduces” a woman is to quietly slip into the woman’s cave deep into the night, clobber her with a stick, and drag her back to his place.
Since the dawn of civilization, there has only been one way for a man to attract a woman: to develop a strong emotional bond with her.
(And having Dark Triad personality traits works wonders, too.)
The good news is that you can pretty much build an emotional bond with any woman of your choosing… as long as you know the “science” on how female psychology works.
The IRAE (Intrigue-Rapport-Attraction-Enslavement) Model inside the Shogun Method maps this scientific process out in four simple steps:
- Capture her attention with an Intrigue story (the Intrigue stage)
- Develop rock-hard Rapport with the Rollercoaster technique (the Rapport stage)
- Generate Attraction using the Entice/Repel cycle (the Attraction stage)
- Enslave her for a lifetime with the Black Rose Sequence (the Enslavement stage)
So here’s the deal:
If you’re looking for a couple of cheesy “pickup lines” to use on a couple of bar sluts then you’re at the wrong place…
… but if you want only the serious stuff backed by the hardcore science of female psychology and extreme persuasion then this is the only place to find it –
Derek “Mad Scientist” Rake
“Why are guys are willing to put up with so much crap for them, and in some instances, lie or maim or kill for them?”
Most guys were raised in single parent homes, that is single mothers with no father to teach him the ways of becoming a real man that women love. So the only lessons these guys get from single mothers is “be a nice guy and fight to win her heart” weapons grade nonsense, becoming super-simps for women (Firefox tried to auto-correct simps for swim, lmao). Wait… that reminds me of a name… Elliot Rodgers. Absolutely disgusting.
If you new and are reading this page, you are lucky to have found it in the first place. The only way to get rid of the desperation is to become a Shogun.