Why do men screw up with women?
To answer this question, let me tell you a story.
Women love lions.
They are strong, masculine, powerful, prideful, majestic… and they emit a dangerously sexy, don’t-fuck-with-me vibe that women can’t resist.
And of course, lions make great status symbols. After all, they are the King of the Jungle. What does “owning” a King say about you?
Now, here’s the thing. To own a lion, you’ve got to train him. You must put him inside a cage and put on a leash. You must teach him never to pounce on any lamb or goat that crosses his path.
And that’s not all. To tame a lion, you’ll need to domesticate him. You can do this by castrating him. Once you’ve removed his balls, it’s easier for you to teach him tricks like fetching or standing on his hind legs.
Here’s the problem, though.
Lions don’t like being caged or tied to a leash or forced to do stupid party tricks.
Why? Well, it’s because it’s against their nature.
In fact, it makes little sense for a woman to own a lion. Because it makes him lose everything she finds attractive in the first place.
And that’s not all. When the excitement of owning a lion vanishes, reality sinks in…
…because instead of a lion, she realizes she’s now owning a neutered little pussy.
Guess what happens next?
She starts eyeing another lion.
So what’s the lesson here?
Well, there are three.
- Lesson one. Know that you’re the lion.
- Lesson two. Understand that your woman will try to neuter you. And,
- Lesson three. If she succeeds, she’ll look for another lion.
So here’s the bottom line.
Fight back. Stay a lion. Don’t turn into a pussy.
Remember, you’re the King of the Jungle. And Shogun Method will keep you on the throne.
By the way… yes, a woman shouldn’t train his man, but a man must train his woman. Important part of you being a Shogun is to know how to train your wife and girlfriend… so you get the submissive woman you desire and deserve.
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