How To Use Body Language To Seduce Women
Body language is often said to be a key aspect in dating and seduction.
Guess what – that’s VERY true. Mastering body language skills is truly essential in any guy’s ‘game’ (apart from, say, confidence and rapport building). But while body language is important, people have got misconceptions on how to use it.
The common thinking is that a guy should look out for the girl’s body language, and then react accordingly. That, my friend, is a totally wrong way to do it.
You see, if you only ‘react‘ to whatever signals that a woman send you, then you will always be one step behind.
The key here is to LEAD, and not to follow. If you are a mere follower, you will look doubtful and hesitant to the woman. There’s no need for me to convince you that these are sure attraction killers.
When she feels that you’re not very confident, then it’s effectively game over for you. You see – the only way to win in this game is to be congruent and authoritative… not not mention dominant.
An attractive, confident man does not “read” a woman’s body language and then figure out if she fancies him or not. No!
But wait…
I do NOT mean that body language is useless. It can be very useful – as long as you don’t use it ‘reactively’. You must ‘monitor’ her body language, but just to ensure that you are doing alright.
(This is especially important when you are using the “Pulling Her Into Your World” seduction technique – which I covered on page 34 of How To Seduce Out Of Your League)
For example, if she faces you totally, looks deep into your eyes and touches you, then you know that you’re fine. On the other hand, if she looks over your shoulder when talking, it might mean that you’re not doing that well.
In short, you have got to use body language as a ‘signpost’ to know that you’re doing things right. You should NOT use it as a basis for your behavior, or for your ‘next move’. In fact, if you combine the power of body language with “Chase Reversal” techniques (tactics to get her to chase you instead – pages 45 to 50 of the How To Seduce Out Of Your League manual) then you will be virtually unstoppable… no matter if you’re seducing a younger woman or an experienced cougar.
What Is Seductive Body Language?
“I received your issue of Rake Letter where you asked us for questions. Well, I have one. I have read about the mistakes of body language while sitting, like crossing the arms or legs, leaning back with our head in our hands, etc. However, I have never read about desirable postures to take depending on each image I want to convey (sexual, friendly, dominant, etc.).” – Tad P. from Agawam, MA
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
The general rule is to stay relaxed. Find places to lean, stand or sit that make you feel more relaxed. Everything else will depend on the situation, but if you concentrate on relaxing all the time, you will never convey stiff, creepy or weird body language. As a matter of fact, you will attract a lot more women this way compared to having a forced and perfect posture. Try it.
To go off a tangent a little bit, body language (or non-verbal communication) is also important when you want to hypnotize someone into falling in love with you.
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