How Can I Bag A MILF?
“I want to get it on with several women that are much older than me (this one women, in particular). It’s not that I fancy her a lot or anything. I just love the idea of easy lays and think she may enjoy it (she’s 17 years older and divorced). I’m done with dating younger women… I want to bag a MILF!
I have a problem, though. How can I bring this idea to her head or at least bring it to that particular level while skipping the regular dating bit? Do older women have sex with younger men with nothing but sex in mind?? Should I just ask for it straight up?” – Jesse R. from Plattsburgh, NY
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
This might ruffle you up somewhat, but the truth is: women, most of all the older ones, do not usually want relationships purely for sex. Because of this, you have to approach her the way you would any other.
Start learning more about her. Get her number and follow the tactics found in Shogun Method. The older (and married) a woman gets, the more emotional attention she usually craves as opposed to sex. Mostly because she knows she can sleep with practically anyone.
So, stand out by being someone who gives her emotional orgasms – the kind of emotional contentment that she can’t get from others. Once you bag this role, getting sex from her will be much easier, more fun and definitely more fulfilling.
On the other hand, relationships based purely on sex usually blossom from dating and friendships, so choose one of those routes, if you’d prefer. 🙂
How Can I Date Older Women?
“I have approached women older than me before and they have said several things to me like ‘You’re young enough to be my son’; ‘I have a little brother your age’; or ‘You’re, like, 12’. I have heard that you have a trainer my age, so I was hoping you could offer up some advice on the subject. I know it may be strange that I want to do this but I happen to find girls younger than me too immature. If this isn’t complicated enough… she’s married!” – James B. from Maitland, FL
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
In short, the way to succeed at dating older women would be by treating them the same way you do younger women.
For a longer answer, an older women will be far more interested in how dominant you are than younger women ever will be. Since older women feel like they have more experience in life compared to you and because they think you’re not that great of a catch, you need to counteract them by being extremely dominant.
Let her know you don’t care about age, but if she simply cannot deal with it – or she thinks you’ll be too much to handle – then understand her point of view and be alright with it.
Simply do not react or get phased by how old she is. You should know that she will bring it up, though, so don’t be surprised. There is no way you can get older by a few years in a day, so know that there is nothing else you can do. Provided you refuse to react through your emotions, you should be alright.
For advice on how to seduce a married woman, read this guide.
How Can I Get Benefits Without A Relationship?
“I just want some advice on some things. I met this great lady whom I have a strictly sexual relationship with – friends with benefits, if you will. However, being friends is the worst wrench through it all.
She is hot but has huge problems because of how past lovers have treated her – one of them, in particular. My question is: how can I let her know that I don’t really want to be ‘friends’ – I’d much rather reap the benefits – without her seeing me as a prick?
Another thing is: she has no trouble with me sleeping with her colleagues. She even said she doesn’t mind and would tell all of them that I give great sex. Is this a trap or can I try it out?” – Robert T. from Dunnville, ON
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
Why do you not want to be friends with her? Just because you’re friends doesn’t mean she can walk on you while you act like a wuss. Besides, how can you expect the “benefits” to be great if you’re not even friends? Know what I mean?
I think you at least have to be friends with someone you have sex with. Really. If all you want is sex and that’s it, that’s your problem, but you really should talk to her about it or things could go bad and problems might come up in the future because of it. There’s no “friend zone” problems to deal with.
Now to your final question: yes, women don’t mind talking about how great men are in bed. (I mention this in far more detail in the brand new program I am concocting. Will mention this more within the next few months.) So just enjoy your gold mine. 🙂
Where Can I Meet Women If I’m Still Too Young For Bars?
“I’m 18, so can you tell me where I can meet women my age? I want to find 18 or 20-year-olds who don’t hang out in clubs during the weekend.” – Stephen S. from La Mesa, CA
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
Here is an entire list of awesome places to meet girls of the same age as you: 18+ clubs, grocery stores, bookstores (Barnes and Nobles, in particular), coffee shops, any store (surprisingly, Apple stores always have a lot of cute and single girls roaming around), malls, and house and college parties. To be honest, anywhere you can see a lot of people gathering together is a good place.
I suggest for you to become friends with a group of males that go out tons, so you can find out which place is ‘hot’ to visit every week, or get on the list of a club promoter, so you can find out where good parties are held every week. This will pay off as more time goes by.
Overall, take a look around every day. If you live in a tiny town, you are sure to bump into a handful of women each time you leave your house. Take full advantage of this and talk to every single one of them. 🙂
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