Reading Time: 6 Minutes
Is there a woman in your life you like, but who had hurt you badly? Perhaps she rejected you, insulted you, or otherwise made you look bad?
Maybe she broke a promise. Maybe you were together, but she cheated on you and broke your heart.
She did you wrong, and you’re hurt. You can’t take your mind off what she did. And you keep thinking of how to make her feel sorry for doing that to you.
Table of Contents
And now, you’re asking yourself–
Should you even try? Is it even possible to make her feel sorry for what she did?
These are good questions, and you’ll get the answers in this guide today.
Also, you’ll learn this nifty little technique I call the Regret Roulette.
If you decide to make her feel sorry hurting you, this is the tactic you’re going to use. And as its namesake suggests, it’s all about making her feel regretful for all the shit she did to you.
Ready? OK, then let’s get started.
Revenge and Retribution
So, first question. Should you even do it? Is there a place for revenge and retribution in love and relationships?
Well, there are two ways you can look at this.
First, you can simply take the loss and move on with your life.
This might be an easy way out, but it’s certainly unpleasant…
…because it’ll take a long time to get over what she did to you. It’ll sting for a while.
And so there’s the second way… and that’s giving yourself a second chance at getting her.
You’ll make her feel so sorry for hurting you she’ll come crawling back to you.
I won’t kid you. This method takes a bit of work, patience and determination. And yet the rewards are better–you can get her to apologize, make it up to you, and even fall in love with you once again.
Sounds farfetched? Not with the Regret Roulette technique.
It’s something I teach inside Shogun Method, and so you’ll know it’s totally top-shelf stuff.
How To Make Her Feel Sorry
Now before we get into the nitty-gritty details of the Regret Roulette, here’s what you MUST know…
The best way to make her feel sorry is this–
Show her you’re living well.
She needs to see you’re doing even better now after she rejected, insulted, or ridiculed you.
Why is this true? It’s all because of how the human mind works. No one likes to feel they’ve made a wrong judgment, right?
Men feel this too, of course, but women feel this ten times more. Especially so if you’re doing well without them.
As I explain to my brother Shoguns–
“Your life is crap when you’re with someone. You leave her, and your life immediately improves. What does that say about that woman?”
When she sees that you’re doing even better after she hurt you, guess what? She’ll feel like she’s the villain in the story.
And that’ll be enough to make her reach out to you, if only for one reason–
To feel better as a woman.
That’s the secret sauce of the Regret Roulette. We Shoguns call it solipsism. A woman can never think that she’s a bad girlfriend or wife. It’s completely against her sense of being a female. (And that is also a weakness… a flaw you can exploit to control and manipulate her.)
The Regret Roulette
So how do you put the Regret Roulette to work? There are two easy steps to take, and I will show you what these two steps are.
The Reverse Friend Zone
The first step is this–
You friend-zone yourself.
This way, you’ll make yourself look harmless to her. You must appear like you’ve moved on and you’re no longer attracted to her.
Take note: You must be her friend here, and nothing more.
That means you should show no hard feelings, no bitterness, and no pettiness when you’re with her.
For instance, if she rejected you, you should be like:
“It’s cool, you were worth the shot. No biggie. I learned a lot.”
You get it, right?

Or, if she cheated on you, you should act like:
“It’s fine, we probably needed some time away from each other anyway. No hard feelings.”
I hope you get the idea by now.
Here’s the thing. Communication lines should still be open. You should not show any negativity over what happened.
You should be on good terms with her and remain friends on social media. You get the idea.
So, that’s the first step: To be her friend.
If nothing else, it’ll confuse the heck out of her—which sets up what’s coming up next.
The Revenge Fling
What’s next?
Well, here’s the second step:
Get into a fling with another woman.
Start seeing someone else—a girl who’s interested in you, but you’re not that into her.
If you’re a Shogun (that’s what we call Shogun Method devotees by the way), this step should be easy.
From the start, you tell her you don’t want a serious relationship. Instead, you just want some company as you do stuff.
Once you go out and have fun, take photos and post them on social media. Make sure your target—the woman who hurt you—can see them.
Keep posting photos with your fling, and you’ll soon see your target reacting to them. I can guarantee you this. First, she’ll Like your photos, then send you messages, then hint about meeting up.
That’s how Regret Roulette works. You show her you’ve moved on, and you’re having the fun you never had with her.
And as you’ll learn in Shogun Method, you can predict a woman’s reactions down to a tee. If you do the two steps in the Regret Routine right, she WILL react to you. Again, I can guarantee you this.
When she sees your pictures, she WILL ask to meet up. You can be sure of that.
The Final Step
When you see her, here’s what you do–
You seal the deal by making her feel emotionally addicted to you.
I’ll tell you how to do this in a while. Before that, here’s what you must watch out for:
You must say nothing about how she hurt you. You make no mention of your past. Instead, you focus on having a good time with your life right now. It’s as if you’re a completely different person.
Why is this important?
That’s because you’re now a puzzle to her. You’ve moved on so quickly, and in her mind, that’s not right. Did you even mean anything to her? And what does the other woman have that she doesn’t?
She’s confused, and that’s a good thing for you. And as any Shogun will tell you, confusion and intrigue lead on to emotional addiction.
And when she feels addicted to you, it’s more powerful than attraction or love or lust. She’s hooked on you, and that means she’ll do nothing to hurt you again.
Sounds good, right?
How To Make Her Feel Sorry: In Two Words
So, to summarize everything, the key thing about getting back at your ex is this–
Emotional addiction.
In Shogun Method, we learn the most important thing about women, and it’s this:
Love is not enough. You want emotional addiction.
And how exactly do you get a woman to be emotionally addicted to you?
With the cornerstone Shogun Method technique:
What’s Fractionation?
Well, it’s an NLP pattern or method of interacting with women that pulls the addiction triggers in their minds. It’s not simply about making a woman fall in love with you. With Fractionation, she’ll need you like water to drink and air to breathe.
Now, that brings us to the obvious next question. How do you use Fractionation?
Attend the legendary Shogun Method’s Online Masterclass on Fractionation.
In the Masterclass, you’ll learn how to make a woman feel emotionally addicted to you—even if she hurt you before.
Remember, you have two options.
You can either just let her go and get over it… or make her feel sorry and get her back.
If it’s the second option is the one you want, then click the link above. Fractionation will be the last technique you’ll ever need for your love life, and you’ll understand why when you learn it.
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