Came this request from the producer of an Australian radio station last Friday:
“Nikolina here the Producer of Mike E and Emma, breakfast on The Edge 96ONE, Sydney Australia.
Today we had a chat on air about your tactic when it comes to getting caught cheating. Not apologising, not explaining yourself though just telling the girl you are leaving her in effect making her want you more. Our co-host Mike E thinks that tip is brilliant!
Would love to have you on the show to share more of your tips and tricks. Just let me know when you are available and we can organise a time for a pre-recorded phone interview.”
Sadly, like all the others I received lately, I had to politely decline this invite. I’ll tell you why in a short while.
You see, I used to do media appearances all the time. TV shows, radio interviews, top-end seminars… you name ’em. I would get a real kick out of these events, too.
But the fun ground to a sudden halt one day when a plain envelope containing a 9mm bullet appeared in my mailbox. That was after I was on primetime TV the night before where I was interviewed about the Shogun Method.
Inside the envelope was this ghastly note:
“You’re turning men into savages. If you dare to continue doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll soon find a 9mm bullet lodged in your skull.”
There is a disturbing pattern that I noticed…
Whenever I appear on TV or radio, there’s a resulting backlash of crazies out baying for my blood. Every. Single. Time.
I understand why the Shogun Method can be a “shock to the system” to those who have heard or seen it for the first time…
…because after all, unlike feelgood, lightweight “Pickup Artist” (PUA) ebooks, the Shogun Method is vicious, aggressive and downright brutal.
Reading it, you can imagine very evil people using the knowledge to do very evil things in a very evil world.
You’ll take a trip into the mind of a psychopath seducer and understand clearly how he controls and manipulates women to fulfill his sick desires.
The truth is that not many people can stomach this.
So it shouldn’t surprise you that the Shogun Method is either loved or hated by people who read it.
In fact, it’s so polarizing that it’s known to split friends and families apart.
Now don’t get me wrong here: the Shogun Method is not just psychopathy and psychological savagery for no reason.
I’m opening your eyes to the real-life brutality of how humans treat each other – emotionally, if not physically.
And if you think that the woman of your dreams is not using the same techniques on you then you’re sorely mistaken.
With the Shogun Method, the dark clouds will part and you’ll finally see why things are not going the way you want them to…
…and more importantly, it will arm you to the teeth with a loaded arsenal of industrial-strength Mind Control cannon balls to fight back and win –
Cutesy little 9mm bullets are for sissies.
-Derek “Big Gun” Rakea
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